Friday, February 5, 2010

I see London, I see France

Let's get into our fancy pants.   

What about a giveaway within a giveaway? It can be done, right? You already know about the chocolate kiss with the best cupid ever, Jimmy Choo. But you might need something to go with that bag.

Fabulous Cosabella, is a designer of high end women's apparel and lingerie. Designed in Miami and manufactured in Italy, the options are gorgeous. How do I know? Because I have items from the new AIRE collection. And I am especially fond of the hotpants. What is not to love about hotpants? And who knows hot better than Miami and Italy? Exactly. 

And the AIRE collection is made of the thinnest, lightest material. FABULOUS. And no lines because those went out with legwarmers. (Legwarmers are out...right?)  I love them for being gorgeous and comfortable.

So let's have a little pre-Valentines treat. This is where the sexy undergarments come in. I am partnering with Cosabella to give one reader a bra and panty set from their new collection

Simply follow my blog and leave a comment. Contest ends on Monday.  

And men, you are not excluded. If you have a special dame in your life, consider this as leverage should you be inclined to spend all day this Sunday watching pre-game, game, and post-game analysis of the SuperBowl.

In the interim, visit Cosabella's site for a bevy of other lovely items. They are adding a delicious discount to readers as well. Now through February 28, 2010, anyone that purchases $100 on will receive $20 off their purchase.  Enter Code: AIRELAUNCH. 

Good luck and here's to some new fancy pants in your future. 

Dear FCC: Cosabella and I have a relationship of mutual consent and a pre-nup. But yes, they did ask me to share my views in exchange for some Cosabella goodness. Opinions above are volunteered not paid for however.


Anonymous said...

I need some hot pants to go with my saucy attitude that I have at school right now. And by saucy, I mean bitchy.

Marina Saclley @ Iced VoVo's said...

Yes, I am a follower ... and boy do I love Cosabella!
Haven't bought any for a few years ... so I'd love to win.
Great giveaway!!
Thanks xx

Anonymous said...

In time for the big Valentine :)

Unknown said...

OooH I would love somethign like that.. BUT do they carry bigger bras?? MOst sexy places don't..

Carma Sez said...

wooo-hooo! fancy undies. Please sign me up :-)

the walking man said...

How do I get measured for a bra? Or better yet how do I measure the old lady for one?

The Red Headed Mama said...

Oh, I'm a sucker for fancy panties!!!

So in!

The Black Sheep said...

I am a follower and would LOVE to win a fancy set!!

Melissa B. said...

OK, Dollface, you KNOW I'm already following! If I win something over here, I might just become a classy broad, oui?

Pink Sugar Cookies and Snow Angels

Stephanie Hartman said...

♥Oh My this is an awesome givaway! I would LOVE to win this..

♥Love Stephanie♥

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I'd love some new fancy pants. I follow you.

Moxie Fireheart said...

I'm with Jules, fancy pants will make me even snarkier in class! hehe

Also? already folowing your blog in my reader...does that give me two entries?? ;)

SpiritPhoenix said...

Hot pants?!?!? Maybe I'll win both and can lounge around the house in my fancy undergarments and amazing purse. ;)

I'm definitely in!

UberGrumpy said...

I'm entering. But it's for me, obviously; my wife hates all that frilly stuff.

Does it come in extra extra large?

Kat said...

Ooh la la! Well, that's French but I don't know any Italian. Please, pretty please enter me! Kathy

Unknown said...

Please put my hat (or bottom) in the ring, would love some little undies to feel luxurious as rest of my being is covered in builder's dust. (Whose idea was it to refurb the house!!!!??)

Helena xx

Yankee Girl said...

Just popped over to say hi! I am not interested in the giveaway though... I stopped wearing panties a long time ago and I doubt they have a bra in my size!

Have a great weekend!

Shelby said...

I'm so in!

FancyPants said...

Me, Me, Me. I'd love a new bra, for my new "small" boobs! I've never been able to buy PRETTY lingerie before. Just the yucky over the shoulder boulder holder!LOL!

mermaid gallery said...

Who doesn't love new undies? It would definately be a pick up....

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

If they come in "super-duper, cosmic lift & support" as well as "suck-em-in-flat" sizes, count me in!! (Well, I'm not that big, I just feel that way today!) Thanks for the opportunity.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Oh yeah! I follow! Thanks.

Nicole said...

♪Fancy Pants! Fancy Pants! When will you be mine?

Fancy Pant! Fancy Pants! It's not your fault...♪

The Peach Tart said...

I lust for Cosabella. I lust more for Jimmy Choo:)

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I haven't heard the rhyme 'I see London, I see France' in about a decade. Love it!

Brian Miller said...

count me in...i like hot pants...

Jaime said...

i never win any of these things... but sign me up. my luck has to change one of these days!

Unknown said...

Count me in, Jenny Mac. My husband would be eternally grateful. I think he is tired of my cotton panties from Target.

Single in Shaw said...

Haha, love the title...and of course, Cosabella. Great giveaway!

MommaKiss said...

Hellooooo Hotness! Wowza!

Bird Shit said...

Sweet! So cute!

Unknown said...

I follow and need new unders! All of mine are old because I haven't bought anything new in a long time! Babies you know will do that to you.

Taylor-Made Wife said...

yay!! Im an avid follower.

Shorty said...

Pick me! Pick me! I am a dedicated follower already, if you must know.

(insert removal of brown from nose here)

And, leg warmers are back, Baby! I know you secretly covet those, too!

Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Woop I'm in on this. Last month I won some Vaginal Mints at a girl's blog - hopefully I can make it a double whammy. Oh, and the doughnuts - I didn't use nearly use nearly enough caramel but I'm making some more on my day off next week so I'll let you know. Is it wrong that a boy likes your blog so much?
Anyway, check out my latest - I ended up in bed with Rapunzel!

Tami G said...

whoooooo hooooooooo
I'm here!!!!!
Bring on the HOT PANTS :)

Angelia said...

OOoo...New bras and panties always make me feel sooo pretty :)

Travel & Dive Girl said...

I'm in for some fancy pants for sure.

Unknown said...

Do we get extra points for following you on twitter and fb? :) They sound heavenly!

Martha H. said...

I love new fancy pants. I'll have to go check out their website. Thanks for the heads up.

S Club Mama said...

can never have too many bras or panties!

Anonymous said...

Do they have sexy boxers for guys?

koopermom said...

woo-hoo, fancy pants. sign me up.
I am a follower!:)

Jules AF said...

Pick me! But I'd rather have the bag.

Mom in High Heels said...

So what I'm reading is that I'm gong to get pretty new unmentionables AND a Jimmy Choo? WOW! I'm having a great week. :)

Closer to Lucy said...

Pick me!!! I NEED Hot pants!!!

Sunshine In The City said...

Wow another great giveaway! I love pretty little things!!! I'm a follower

AKing said...

fancy pants, fancy pants!

Dual Mom said...

You have the BEST giveaways woman!

Throwing my name in the hat......

Unknown said...

I'll pass on this one....fancy pants don't come in my size...if they did, they'd no longer be called fancy! They'd be fatty pants!

Anonymous said...

Wow you are full of awesome giveaways missy!

I will have to check out this collection, I can't stand thongs OR panty lines and I'm glad there are more product out there so we don't have to choose!

I'm still crossing my fingers for the Jimmy Choo. I tweeted it, I've never owned any kind of designer bag, AND I'm recovering from food poisoning which all around sucks. Does that get me an extra entry? (Eyebrow raise Eyebrow raise)

The Four Week Vegan said...

I follow your blog and here is my comment:

Having recently lost 50 pounds, still have 10 to go, I would look smokin' hot in some new fancy pants. Just sayin'

Intense Guy said...

I see London, I see France, I want to see you in these underpants!

:) They are truly sexy!

MsDarkstar said...

While I am sure that the lovely folks at Cosabella do not fit people of my size, I have a teen daughter who would think the set was awesome. (Just don't tell her I talked about her and "the unmentionables" in public!)

Anonymous said...

Hot diggity! Sign me up. I already follow you. That would look real nice with that Jimmy Choo bag...Naturally UNDER some clothes!

Unknown said...

Nice! Fancy pants :) You're so fun.

Summer said...

OOOH! Cosabella is the bomb-diggity!!! Hotpants, unfortunately, do not look all that "hot" on me right now considering the massive weight I'm carrying around these days...but, it's all good. :) I'll hopefully be fitting back into my sleek little 2's in no time (shheah, let's hope!)

La La La Leah said...

This will be the give away I win... WHY !?!? because I spent $200 at Victoria Secrets yesterday! I did go to Cosabella's website... I was confused about their bra sizes.... 1,2,3,4,5 I was more confused and scared and their bras really won't fit me..... I am BBW.... hahaha I will be waiting for my gift card from this place in the mail!!! xoxox

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I am a follower and I love hotpants! ;)

Kristen said...

I am a follower.

And I NEED those undies (and not just becuase all mine are dirty and I don't want to do laundry...well maybe that has something to do with it..but I still want them!)

Janet said...

I'm a follower, and I need some pretty new underthings!

Children of the 90s said...

Ooh! Sign me up, I love these! I'm a follower :)

Anonymous said...

HOTT! Love it, thanks for the great giveaways!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Panty lines give me the heebie jeebies!!!!
I want some pretties!!

Crystal said...

Sign me up! I'm a dedicated follower and those underoos look lovely!

Slamdunk said...

I'll be glad when I can see the word "bra" and not think of an episode of the cartoon Kids Next Door where they poked fun at a character's misconception that BRA meant "Battle Ready Armor."

In other words, help I am drowning in a sea of children's programming.

mommaruthsays said...

Look at YOU!

You have the best giveaways EVER :)

I'm a follower - vying to win something from you, you gracious lady!!!

Stephanie said...

LOL Cute. Glad I follow, a girl can't have too many fancy pants:)

Kayla said...

just in time for the big Vday!

Lindsey said...

I am a follower! My husband would be shocked if I sported something like this. Plus, I am definitely in need of some new stuff since pregnancy does weird things to your body!

AJ at OFLBlog said...

I am a follower already but unfortunately, my big assets won't fit into dainty Cosabella (bottoms, yes, tops no) - and boy, have I and a couple of past boyfriends the winner - enjoy!

No Longer 25 said...

I want some fancy pants! OK that's a weird comment to leave but you know what I mean - right?!

Have a great weekend JennyMac!

Lauren said...

You know Im a follower! I could use some new underthings!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

and you don't want to see my giant underpants. The site looks very nice, I just don't have a body for that. So send me to Lane Bryants next time! hee hee

foxy said...

Gosh ANOTHER ONE? How awesome are you to give us such wonderful things?? I heart you, JennyMac. :)

Stephanie said...

I would love a chance to hop into some fancy pants...and I'm sure the hubs would thank you! ;)

The Undomestic Mom said...

I would love to win this! Im a follower!

Amanda said...

Such a cute and fun giveaway!!

meredith said...

oooh, oooh!! i NEED to win this giveaway, let me tell ya... count me in!!

Doula said...

I'm feeling indulgent...You mean I have the opportunity of winning 2 things all for myself?? As a mother of 2, that is unheard of!! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Oooh, Cosabella is gorgeous, how lovely....count me in :)

Happy Friday JennyMac :)

Anonymous said...

Would LOVE to win this...and I follow!!

brokenteepee said...

I love your disclosure...heh heh

Please enter me.
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com

I would give them to the publicist. Goats don't wear lingerie....

Tere Kirkland said...

Fun contest! Thanks for hosting!

NSGIRL said...

Oh..they look very nice! Would love to win them! Thanks for sharing!

Myya said...

Of course I am a follower... cuz you Jenny Mac rock!!! I'd love some new pretties :)

Kate said...

Wow you are having a generous month!
(I like it don't stop!)
Kate xx

Existential Waitress said...

You already know that I'm a follower - I do love me some fancy pants! :) Have a great weekend!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Are you encouraging me to start collecting panty sets????

Ashley Stone said...

I'm in!!!

Kelly Berkey said...

Count me in! The sound wonderful!

I'm having a giveaway also for two sterling silver necklaces!! Come by and sign up to win!

The Gman said...

new sexy lingerie to go with my jimmy choo bag? I can't wait to show the guys at our next poker night!


(ps-I fixed that email link on my site)

Anonymous said...

Did you say hotpants? I think you did!

You know I'm a follower so count me in.

MommyLisa said...

I see someone's underpants.
May be blue,
May be pink,
But boy oh boy they sure do
giveaway a lot of great stuff, huh?

I love this giveaway too!

Sally-Sal said...

Kickass giveaway. :)

Unknown said...

For real...I'm in the nineties??? grrr...

Hot pink is such a nice color....

I'll still comment when you aren't giving fab prizes away, ok? k.

Lopez said...

Giveaway Giveaway Giveaway! Count me in!!! ;o)

Pallavi said...

Awesome!!! Just in time too :D

i follow ur blog! u have the best giveaways!!

Unknown said...

this would be perfect for a fun valentine's evening! ooh la la! thanks for the great giveaway (once again!!)

Ed said...

98 fucking comments about underwear?!?!?!?!

Holy crotch, Batman!

Anyway, what if we want some for ourself. For research purposes. Strictly.

Vodka Logic said...

My daughter would love these.. unfortunately they don't come in my size.

who won the purse?

Aricka said...

Yay! Bring on the undies!!!

Andrea McKay said...

Will those make my ass look fat? JUST KIDDING -- sign me up!

Toe said...

Wooohoo! Undies! I may just be a little too excited about this giveaway.

jessalyn said...

i need a new bra more than you could possibly know. weight gain=bigger bra size. boo weight gain. but yay if i win this giveaway! :)

Uptown Girl said...

Yay I'd love some fancy pants! and I"m already a follower...

Jennifer Stai Woodmansee said...

Do they make a pair of hot pants that cover your thighs? Just wondering...

Lindsay said...

Normally I'd be all about winning these, but my heart's already been stolen :)

Mrs. M said...

Ooooooooh, pretty!

Ali said...

So cute/sexy/amazing!

Leah Rubin said...

Man, nothing brings out the comments like a GREAT giveaway! Looking good, and since my hub is likely to give me an electric pencil sharpener for Valentine's Day, I could use this!

jules said...

Hot pants are so much more flattering than thongs!

jenn w/ 2 n's said...

Who doesn't need some fancy pants?!?! I sure do. Count me in!!

Lindsay said...

what a great girly giveaway! Thank you so much!

Stephanie P said...

Ohhh, pick me, pick me - nothing is nicer than new panties!

I'm a follower!

ThatsBaloney said...

I'm a follower - duh.
I'll take an extra small top and an extra large bottom please.
I wish I were kidding. :)

Wanderlust said...

Now how can I resist that? I found you through Matthew (Abode One Three) awhile back and have you in my reader, so I guess that makes me an official lurker. Kristin

Rebecka said...

Pick me! Pick me!

I'm a loyal follower who wants some fancy pants to wear under my trench coat when I go out stalking...

Unknown said...

Count me in! (please :)

Pandorah's Box said...

Woohoo! I can wear these and play the video game I am expecting for Valentine's Day. Hot right? Me hunched over on the floor, sweating and cursing.

But WAIT! I might be wearing these! And then I will be HOT.

Herding Cats said...

Um, yes please! I need cute underware!

Joan said...

What a fantastic giveaway! We enjoy pretty undies in this family!! :)
I'm a follower & would love to win!!

secret agent woman said...

Yep, I'm a follower. But why does fancy pants make me think of James Brown? ("I've got ants in my fancy pants and I wanna dance.")

GunDiva said...

I must have me some sexy undies as I'm feeling decidedly unsexy lately. Those are beautiful. I'm going to go do some virtual shopping now, thanks.

Ms. Salti said...

Saucy... do they make 'em big enough to fit my ass?

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

HOLLA! This is my kinda giveaway! It's been way too long since I went underpinning shopping. And I am of course already a proud follower!

Lilly said...

I am a follower and yeah these come with a promise of making you look hot and I need all the help I can get....

Inge' said...

I am a follower also. I think this is a very cool idea.

Have not bought a matching set of undies in a while would be cool to win some:)

She Wore It Well said...


Andrea said...

Oh how I need me some new undies! Some sweet pretty ones at that!

Candice said...

Thanks Cupid!!

spilledflour inc... said...

love under garments...nice give away...thank you

f8hasit said...

As odd as it may sound, I would love to receive a gift of undies from my BlogBud JennyMac!
"Nancy, why are you smiling so big today? And walking with such confidence and sass?"

"Why, JennyMac gave me these cute undies...that's why!"

Oh, the headlines.

Cathi said...

Count me in! :)

Anonymous said...

I need to win. Underpants low.

Anonymous said...

When I saw your title I thought you were going to Europe! LOL!

alanna said...

follower of course! and totally want the hottie set!

Marcy said...

Momma needs some hot pants...sign me up!! And i am a faithful follower....

Regina said...

I am a needing-hot-pants follower. said...

Oh, great! And I need another bra really badly right about now! That would be awesome!
And, JennyMac, you know I'd follow you right off the end of the earth, so there can be no question there! ;-)

janna said...

I would love to win! Hot pants would be the pick me I am needing

Jill VT said...

Hotpants are, I believe, a close cousin to the boy short, and that style is the ONLY style in which my bum looks good. So please, count me in!

Life Is A Road Trip said...

Haha! You posted donut recipes first. Curses.

Emily said...

Very cute...I'm a follower!

Julia said...

I am, of course, a follower. And I love me some red hotpants!

courtney said...

Who doesn't love fancy underwear? And of course, I am a follower!

Lori said...

Count me in on this one too! I love me a good giveaway! Enjoy the Super Bowl commercials....I mean game! And the food, the food, the food!

Jen said...

Am I too late? I hope not! I love underwear! I used to have a slight shopping addiction to Victoria's Secret...

Mrs. Dawkter said...

Oh wow, another giveaway! Count me in!

Screen Door Prep said...

I follow your blog, & I LOVE Cosabella. I have a couple of their bikinis. =)

laura c said...

I would love some hotpants!

Leaza in Denver said...

Need some new sexy fancy panties to grace my new ski bunny ski pants!