Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jimmy Choo and cocktails too...

Is singing Happy Blog Birthday to yourself as much fun as having a party? Non. So, let's have a soiree as today my blog celebrates its birthday. Cocktails? Certainly. Ass-shaking music? Would you expect anything less? Oh, and the party favor at this bash is delicious.

The past year of blogging has been amazing for me and the hidden surprise of all of the great people I would "meet" through this process has been phenomenal. Thank you seems inadequate for the tremendous interest and support but thank you. Very, very much.

And when I get love, I give love.

So as a way of celebrating, I am hosting a giveaway. I wanted to send wine but given the bevy of state regulations on shipping alcohol, my initial plan was foiled. So I had to brainstorm.

I am a handbag aficionada. Mine stand like gorgeous toy soldiers on all the upper shelves of our closet. A recent "closet policy" was suggested to me  which would include "one in, one out." He whom suggested this knows it will never be fully adopted. But I can, in a narrow beam of light, see his point.

I bought this fabulous chocolate brown Jimmy Choo Ramona bag to add to my collection. Jimmy Choo, I heart you. 

And as a token of appreciation for everyone who has joined me for the past year and my blatant love of couture, this bag is going to find a new home.

Dames, might you be interested in a little Jimmy Choo? And Gentlemen, don't consider yourself excluded, you might have someone in mind that would love this as a gift. Call it a fabulous Valentine. 

Whomever is selected from the magic hat, you can revel in its gorgeousness, you can tote it on your arm or you can sell it and give the money to charity. Your choice. 

Are you game? 
Contest begins today and ends 2.10.2010. 

First entry: You have to be a follower of my blog and leave a comment.

Additional entry love:

1. Post the giveaway with a link back to my blog. Leave me your post link.
2. Become a Facebook Fan.  It is this easy. 
3. Tweetle-dee-dee about the giveaway on Twitter. You can find me at: @dearjennymac.

Good luck to everyone. Thank you for coming to the party and celebrating my blog's first birthday.  And thank you SO MUCH for a great year. Have a fabulous day. I will certainly be celebrating with a cocktail tonight. 

And for the love of all things holy, I only wish Jimmy Choo or Tamara Mellon asked me to do this.


1 – 200 of 450   Newer›   Newest»
the walking man said...

I think I will just be the drunk uncle who sills food and whiskey on your white carpets and falls face first into the cake on this one JennyM.

Even though I know every metrosexual male in the industrialized world is drooling right about now over the possibilities.

And uhh have a wonderful next year at this insane thing we re compelled to do.

Vodka Logic said...

Oh JennyMac but what to give you for your birthday?

I love purses myself.. just ask the husband

As you know I am a follower

Vodka Logic said...

I follow you on twitter LauraBlue58 :)

Vodka Logic said...

I will be back when I get home from work to give you my links to the post and the twitter :)

You rock.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday to you! Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!

And I'm ALREADY a fan on FB....

Off to tweet right now!

That's right, I need a new purse and that one is PERFECT!!!!!

P.S. I'm soooooo happy to have met you this year! I MIGHT even consider coming to Georgia...EVEN after yesterday's post. ;)

Buckeroomama said...

Happy blogoversary... and what an awesome giveaway!

(Already a follower.)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and now I just blogged about it.... :)

Buckeroomama said...

Now a Facebook fan. :)

Anonymous said...

OOps, here's the link:

Kat said...

Now that is my kind of chocolate - no calories and it will last forever! Love, love, love this purse. I'm a purse fiend - work in a vet so shoes really can't be my checkbook poison of choice. Of course I'm a follower. And I will post a link this morning. And then I will waste time on Facebook and become a fan! What an incredible give a way! Kathy

Buckeroomama said...

Just tweeted about this:

Andrea McKay said...

Happy blog birthday, Jenny Mac! May your words continue to flow freely in the years following.

I'm not sure that I have ever been a part of a Jimmy Choo giveaway -- too cool.

Unknown said...

OMG, dancing, cocktails AND JIMMY this just the best party ever??!! ;)

I have repeated myself and told you that I love your blog so many times, that quite honestly it's just embarrassing! It is safe to say though that you are a blogging genius - you have made me cry with laughter and with genuine emotion, your writing is FAB-U-LOUS :)

I have a dream in which you are at the London Borders signing copies of your book and I drag you off for cocktails - and quite possibly dancing. I think Britain would definitely be rich pickings for JennyMac book two.

Congratulations on one whole year of blogging and to having followers who I know love you like I do :) xo

Joshua said...

You know me, I'm a follower.

Tweeted it: @technicalparent

Facebook Followed

Here's the link for re-blogging:

Can I say re-blogging? Is that legal?

Anonymous said...

You had me at the mention of alcohol. Now Jimmy Choo too?

I am a recent quitter of Facebook so I can't follow you there, but I posted about this on my blog!

Happy blogging birthday!!

pam said...

1st - Happy Blog Birthday!

1st entry - I'm cool, so of course I'm a follower!!!

To get all the other entries (oh, and I'm going to get all of the others because my heart skipped a beat looking at that lovely purse), I'll have to do all of those later when I'm at home, because I'm at school right now, working, you know.

Julia said...

happy birthday! today is my my birthday too, but actually mine, not my blogs :) i think that bag is lovely, and i would love to have it. and i follow you!

Cybil said...

Happy Blogoversary JennyMac! Cheers to another year!

Anonymous said...

I thought your blog was always around! Everybody comes here.
That's because it's so much fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm not on FB or Twitter but I wish you an exceptionally happy first bitrhday. A whole year's worth of your blog is certainly a milestone to celebrate.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Hi JennyMac, I put you in my 'underbar' which used to be my sidebar, but has relocated.

Happy Blogoversary. Mine soon approaches and I'm hoping to have some fun with it.

Chez Zizi said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!
I am a follower for sure, I have posted on my lil ole blog
and you can be sure my next step is to see ya on Facebook.

Love it all!

P.S. Thanks for the help with my profile - I fixed it up.

Stacey said...

Happy blog birthday! You mean I have a chance to upgrade from my $14 Target handbag? I'm in!

Vodka Logic said...

I blogged about your giveaway :)

Vodka Logic said...

I have tweeted the giveaway @LauraBlue58

Cyndi said...

I love this beautiful purse with all my heart! :)

Thanks for contest and happy blog birthday!

Cyndi said...

I am a FB fan.

Cyndi said...

I tweeted:

The Four Week Vegan said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday!

I am a follower :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hi JennyMac! I just became a follower and have read several past posts! Love your humor! I am also living in the Atlanta area! So from one Mac to another...Nice to meet you!
LindaMac @ A La Carte

No Longer 25 said...

Wow sounds good - congratulations on your 1 year too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

I am now a follower, am leaving a comment, am a fan on facebook and oh yeah...

tweet tweet.

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Wow JM, how awesome are you?? My giveaways are never even remotely this huge!

Tweeted, facebooked -I'll do up a post for today too.

Happy bloggy birthday to a most fabulous blog!

Wonderful party, I had a great time! ;)

mo.stoneskin said...

So, this is my entry. I tend to be quite lucky so I'm going to screw the odds and just dance about here in the comment, whistling merry tunes and pattering my little feet. OK, to be fair my feet aren't little.

KatiePerk said...

Oh Jenny Mac. I am in love. With that bag!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!

KatiePerk said...

I blogged about your fabulous giveaway on my sidebar!

KatiePerk said...

I follow your blog!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Happy blogoversary. I'm a follower.

KatiePerk said...

I am a fan on Facebook!!

courtney said...

That is awesome!

I am a follower!

Congrats on one year!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I am a Facebook fan too.

Mom in High Heels said...

Are you kidding me? Seriously? You KNOW I'm a follower and will quickly become a FB fan and tweet about this. I thought about blogging about it, but then my chances of winning would go down. BTW, if I win, is there ANY chance you could just slip a bottle of something fabulous in the bag and forget to tell the PO about it? :)
So that's 3 or 4 entries for me? I don't know, but I do know I WANT to win. Okay, off to FB and tweet and then sit back and think how FAB I will look carrying around the bag. And maybe fantasize about the new shoes and outfit I'll have to buy to go with it. I KNOW I have something that will go, but where's the fun in that? One in, one out? Madness!

Anonymous said...

I'm dying over that purse - so, so cute! I am a follower! Happy Blog Birthday! I wish I could have a cocktail with you but I have 8 more days with this baby inside me so I'll have to celebrate next week!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I became a Facebook fan!

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness that purse is gorgeous...I might be tweeting my life away for this one! Wouldn't it be great if Jimmy Choo had asked you? Except then you would have wanted to keep it!

Moxie Fireheart said...

Hello! I am a Facebook fan, I tweeted, and I am leaving a comment and have you in my reader.

So that's 3 entries, right??? *hopes*

BTW, like every other lady here, I wanna win - badly!!

Oh, and Happy Blogiversary!

Mrs. M said...

Congrats on your anniversary! Great giveaway!!

MJW said...

I'm a follower.

MJW said...

And a facebook fan. Happy Blogiversary!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

And I'm a fan on FB :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

And Happy Birthday!!!!!! :)

Mrs. M said...

I tweeted.

Forgot to add in my first comment that I AM a follower. :)

MJW said...

I tweeted:

Ed said...

Happy Birthday!

Karen said...

GASP!!!!!!! My Thursday just got waaaay better. I also may have drooled. Want! Happy Blog Birthday!

Mama-Face said...

Oh, I am all over this contest...did you know purses speak to me. I can be walking through Nordstroms and hear them from across the store. This one is pleading for me to be mine.

Must go now in order to raise my odds of winning...I haven't tweeted in forever; this is worth it.

900 fans in a year? Fanflippingtastic.
Happy Birthday!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Im a pick me!! pick me!!!

Mama-Face said...

Facebook Fan. Check.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have posted about you and the giveaway on my blog

Happy Blog Birthday and I'm off to facebook now!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I also became a follower on Facebook! I don't Tweet however!
Thanks for the entries for your giveaway!

Unknown said...

Happy Blog-Birthday! That purse is fabulous.

Rita Templeton said...

Happy blogiversary JennyMac! Here's to the next awesome year ... and the next ...

And OMG. Sign me up for the giveaway! I haven't had a new purse since 2003! (Yes, seriously.)

Unknown said...

I just became a facebook fan. Now give me that purse!!

Yankee Girl said...

Happy birthday to you! What a great idea for a giveaway!

Already a follower....some may call me a stalker.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! (I'm doing the Skanky Leg as I type!) Count me in for the drawing! I'm a follower!

Doula said...

I cant believe you are giving away one of your precious bags!! What a wonderful gift! I will add you to my Facebook right now!

ellen abbott said...

OK, I do NOT want the purse (I don't carry purses, have to have pockets in my clothes). But I did want to say happy anniversary for your blog. We started the same week. Mine was last Tuesday. We have so much in have 900 followers, I have 90 Well, we have the 9 and one 0 in common.

The Bug said...

I want in! I don't always comment, but I'm a follower & I read every post. And some of them get forwarded to select friends who will appreciate your humor :)

Gwen said...

Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!

I just became of follower of your blog and I added your give away to my side bar!!!

Love the bag also!!!


Lori said...

I am a follower! New to your blog and loving it! You had me at "Let's have a cocktail"...LOL


Lori said...

I found you on Facebook and now am a fan! I love finding things I love on Facebook! Yay!

Lori said...

I tweeted....
You can find me @petersonstlouis

i am the diva said...

i am a follower!!
Happy BlogBirthday!!

i am the diva said...

Oh and i also blogged about your giveaway, here...

Mrs. Plank said...

Oh JennyMac! Happy Birthday! You look great for being one, what creams do you use???? Oh and by the way . . . I WANT THAT PURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm having a Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka's moment "I want it now!"

But sadly I am technologically challenged. So even though I heart you times a billion, this will be my only entry and if fate wills it so, I will sport your sweet bag you sweet woman!

Kristen said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

I am a follower!

i am the diva said...

Also, a facebook fan!

i am the diva said...

and i've tweeted @iamthediva

Kristen said...

I am also a *new* facebook fan!

Jules AF said...

I'm a follower yay

Jules AF said...

Yeah, I tweeted about it too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.

Jules AF said...

And now I'm a fan on fb.

Sunshine In The City said...

I'm a follower, sign me up! This is such a fabulous giveaway! Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday! What a GREAT giveaway.. of course I am a follower and love all of your stories!

carissajaded said...

Happyyyyy Day!!! I love that purse, and you, of course!!

JenJen said...

Where did all these people come from??

Unknown said...

I'd follow you anywhere dear :) And already follow you on twitter. Happy Birthday dear!

Toe said...

You had me at Choo. Being the purse addict, I mean, collector myself I just had to enter this awesomeness.

Slamdunk said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday! I read some of your old historical posts the other day (before we all had discovered your greatness), and they are super as well. You are very talented.

Though I meet the requirements of an entry, please don't include me. Receiving a purse in the mail and me "splaining" to the Mrs. that it is from a great blogger, may sound too sketchy.

Nicole said...

I found you just in time for your Birthday, as I just came across your site yesterday. So Happy Blog Birthday. Eat. Drink. Drink some more. And be Merry!

yixiang said...

Greetings from Singapore!

I stumbled across your blog and it's really nice reading the thoughts of someone from Atlanta 'cause I spent 6 months there (at Georgia Tech)!

Anyway I've done all 4 entries of love! Here you go: :)

p/s: Thanks for the bag!

Angelia said...

I have to admit it's only been a matter of weeks since I've began to appriciate a good handbag. I've always been a discount store girl. :P Having one nice handbag, however has changed my ways.

Mushi said...

What a fabulous bag!
Happy Birthday! :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Happy Blog Birthday to you!!

I follow you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! I really enjoy your posts!

Bossy Betty said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!! I am singing to you right now!

Cathi said...

What an awesome bag - I would love to have that on my arm! :) I am definitely a follower....:) Happy Blog Birthday, JennyMac!

Anonymous said...

You have a facebook page? That's enough of a prezzie*** for me! Have a Happy Blog Birthday! - G

***(But the bag would be nice too!)

foxy said...

First off, Happy Bloggy Birthday, baby!!

Secondly, SHUT UP. I love that bag. And I've never so much as FELT a purse as lovely as that. I want it bad! So, here's entry #1.

foxy said...

And I'm already a FB fan, so there's entry #2!! Come to mama, Jimmy Choo!

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Here's my blog post!

Have a super day!

Intense Guy said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Goodness, did you ever think it lead to where it did when you started?

I hope you have an awesome year to come!

Heck, that's such a nice bag, I might be pursuaded to hold it for someone in a department store while they try on clothes...

Mira said...

Wow, you're this successful in only a year eh? Impressive. You've given yourself a lot of work today. HOpe for many more years for you! (I don't deserve a purse that expensive since snot filled kleenex and spare diapers are what fill my purse these days)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower now, though not a twitter or facebooker, just plain old blogger but I am a purse whore. So I want that purse so I can satisfy my addiction and you can be this huge purse dealer...

VandyJ said...

I follow already and love reading your blog. Would love that fabulous bag. Jimmy Choo I heart you too.

VandyJ said...

I am a fan on Facebook now. Hoping for the bag!

Unknown said...

What an super giveaway! Read it on Twitter. I am following you but dont use FB or have a blog. Please put my name in the hat. Let luck be a lady tonight!

Working Mommy said...


(I'm a follower)


Taylor-Made Wife said...

I love you! this is such a great giveaway. I am a stalkerish follower. I will post and be back with a link.

Working Mommy said...

I am also a FB fan...and left you a comment to prove it ;)


BigLittleWolf said...

Well happy Blog Birthday! And any cocktail with Choo's suits my tiny toes to a T.


Kristina P. said...

What?!?!? Are you kidding? This is awesome. As are you.

Kayla said...

i'm new to the blogging world...and i LOVE your blog!
i linked up to you:
and i'm about to tweet you too! @1of3kgirls

Herding Cats said...

Happy blog birthday! I'm pretty sure I don't have the luck to win this one, and I'm shocked you are giving away this lovely bag, but hey I'll try! You had me at Jimmy Choo?

foxy said...

And for entry #3, I blogged about it here... I didn't want to - because the fewer people that know about it, the better - but I really wanted another entry, so I did. :)

Cheers to you, JM!!

Dreich said...

Oh my god a handbag and it's a Jimmy Choo, wow wow wow I must enter. If only I could win in time for out of tune idol, it'd go so well with my drag outfit. When I grow up I'm going to be Tina Turner.

Jenny said...

I feel like a cheater but I just signed up as a follower AND I would love a chance at this purse. It is gorgeous. And I am not a big fan of accessories as a general rule but this is neat! Thanks for the opportunity!

lg2006 said...

I love Jimmy Choo ( and ALL HANDBAGS!!) Happy Bloggy Birthday!

MommyLisa said...

I blogged, I follow, I fanned, I what else do you need for your blogaversary?

Anonymous said...

JennyMac!!! I'm your biggest fan and I've known you your whole life!!! I can't wait to read your entry every morning and I've never in my life had a fancy bag!!! Please pick me!! I begging?

Have a great day, girlie, and Happy Birthday Blog!

Lexi Mitchell

jayme said...

ah my faves jenny mac! the blog world has been a better place for the last year! of course i follow you! xxoo

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Bday to your blog!

mermaid gallery said...

Happy blogging B'day...You do keep me entertained every morning with my coffee. The Jimmy Choo is just icing but ....I would love a new bag. I'm not a collector of bags....or shoes...but art supplies....amazing collection!

Angelia Sims said...

First of all HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY! What an accomplishment! Cheers to you! BIG TOAST!

I'm here via my Foxy friend, who I really hopes win and if she doesn't and I do then I may have to help her out. :-)

I have followed on Google. :-)

Angelia Sims said...

I am now a facebook fan.

Angelia said...

I tweeted the giveway and followed you.

My blog Living, Loving, Laughing

Good luck winners!

shortmama said...

are you kidding me? I knew I liked you!!!

shortmama said...

FB fan...Amanda Lewis Short

Corrie Howe said...

Not entering for the give-a-way because I'm an-ID/credit card/money-in-the-back-pocket-of-my-jeans kinda gal.

However, I did want to congratulate you on your blog-a-versary. And I'm going to go follow you on Twitter.

Myya said...

Happy Blogoversary! I am SO glad I follow you... you make me smile on a regular basis. Your sense of humor is so fun! Enter me, ohhh how I'd love a Jimmy Choo :)

Jen said...

JennyMac! You are too generous; this is amazing! That bag is divine (and I'm not a designer bag girl). Yes, yes, yes, I'm a follower!

Nat said...

What great encouragement to delurk! Happy Blog Birthday to you!

Jen said...

Um, I was already a FB fan, so mark me down for 2!

Myya said...

I am now a FB Fan... didn't know you had one otherwise I would have fanned up sooner! Myya Saad

Jen said...

I just followed you on Twitter, and Tweeted about your amazing giveaway @niferann4.

Jen said...

I added your giveaway to the sidebar on my blog (! I couldn't help myself!

Jen said...


meredith said...

i can't believe i'm just now finding your blog! i love it!!

i'm your newest follower and i'm loving this giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Hellz Yeh I want the Jimmy Freaking Choo!!

And No, I am not even gonna front like i am giving it a way as a gift. I'ma rock that sonofabitch like I do my LV (teacup yorkie hanging halfway out of it). Puh leez.

1.) you kno I am a follower already. You can't get rid of me. Like herpes.

2.) I am now following on Facebook.

3.) I am now following on Twitter.

4.) I am re posting in my next post. And I am going to twitter to re-tweet this right nah!

Summer said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I really am so happy that you did decide to start blogging/writing. You have a gift and sharing it with us makes all our days a little brighter! :)

What a fun giveaway! Of course, I follow your blog! :)

Existential Waitress said...

What a cool giveaway! As you know, I blindly follow. ;)

Existential Waitress said...

tweeted it! username: existentialwait

Shooting Stars Mag said...

oh how adorable, count me in. and happy blogoversary. :)

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

The Peach Tart said...

Happy One Year Blog Anniversary Jenny Mac. What a great prize you are to the blog world. Great giveaway.

f8hasit said...

Follower? Check.
Commenter? Check.
Facebook fan? Check.
Twitter'ere'er. Will do.
Sidebar link? Check.

Jimmy Choo fan? Check check

I'm in! Thank Mr.Mack for me with the brillant idea of 'one out'.

Amanda said...

I am a follower and I LOVE your taste in handbags, absolutely gorgeous!

Amanda said...

I also re-tweeted this giveaway. You can find me @amandahorvath

brainella said...

Nice bag.... :)

brainella said...

And now I'm a FAN on FB. One of many...

Dual Mom said...

I found you via T!nk's blog. And ummm I'm pretty sure I'd fight any one of y'all for that bag.

So following now and will post about the giveaway ASAP.

Brian Miller said...

happy blogoversary...i have just the shoes to go with

Pseudo said...

You've just been at this for a year? And you have 914 followers and 147 comments. Woman, you must be doing a lot of things right.

And yeah, I've been following you for awhile.

Anonymous said...

I follow and I heart you and your Jimmy Choo too :)

brokenteepee said...

Oh, happy blogoversary! I am glad I found your blog. You make me think and you make me laugh; a great combination in a blog.

I follow and I am a facebook fan.
I follow you on twitter where I am BrokenTeepee and I tweeted

All while canning chicken stock. Go me!

Looking forward to another great year of Cocktails!

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Jenny Mac! Such an exciting day....

I am already your FB fan and I am now following you on twitter. I just tweeted about the giveaway (p.s can we tweet once daily for extra entries, or how does this work?):

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Wow! What a fab giveaway. And happy blog birthday! Ha ha. I am a follower!

Amy DM said...

I follow you now.

Love the bag!

DoThat4U said...

you are gettin soooo much love for this one. enjoy your new bag and you special day!!

DoThat4U said...

i am giving all the love i can. i never follow anyone on facebook b/c it means my info becomes more public than i like. but you will be my first. i think i can trust you. or because i am a freak for thinking a jimmy choo might ever hang from my shoulder.

Southern Belle Fashionista said...

Love your blog! So fresh & fun!! I twittered about the blog, mentioned it on a recent blog update, have been a fan on fb for some time now, along w/ a blog follower! Would love the bag! Already planning outfits around it!! Jimmy Choo is my main concern this week with his new 24/7 collection!!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Wow what a giveaway! Happy blog bday.... I am a follower! :)

SurferWife said...

Happy 100!

I am your newest follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and here's my comment! I lurve you!
laurenisrocknroll at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!
laurenisrocknroll at hotmail dot com

Loukia said...

Wow! I'm a follower... and a happy one, at that! What a giveaway! Puts my Coach and Sephora giveaways to shame! ;)

Loukia said...

Fan on Facebook! Thanks! said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday, JennyMac!
Oh what fun, and how generous of you! I follow you and heart you and all of that happy stuff! ;-)

K.W. said...

Awesome giveaway! I am a follower!

K.W. said...

I'm now a facebook fan as well!

Anonymous said...

I had this burning sensation in my ears a minute ago and I click to your blog and fine out IT WAS MY JIMMY CHOO RADAR GOING OFF!!!!!!!!!

La La La Leah said...

I would LOVE to win that bag!! I do not have any Jimmy Choo in my collection..... I may have to blog about this!! Congratulations on your many success in life!! One of those being awesome taste in hang bags!!!

Jared, Marla, Jayden, Cailey, Rylee and Lexi said...

Wow us great people having birthdays in January, mine is tomorrow...have a great one!!! Way cute purse btw.

Maria @BOREDmommy said...

I subscribe to your blog now by Google Reader

Maria @BOREDmommy

Maria @BOREDmommy said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Liza said...

Happy Birthday, congratulations and whooo wheee! 170 comments...good for you! I look forward each day to reading you (and am proud to say that I'm only a few days "younger")...No nice purses in my closet to give away though...

vintage whisper said...

happy happy birthblogday ...i know i won't win the Fabulous bag but i am still a follower because you have an awesome blog!

Tami G said...

that's awesome!
I have to say - when I saw you were giving away the purse, I peed just a little.
*sayin a little prayer here... I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE purses and oh I have never had a Jimmy choo*

i'll be findin ya on twitter and FB real soon love!!!

and congrats again on your special day!!!!
whoooooo hoooooooo

kilax said...

What a cool giveaway! :) I do not follow through blogger, so I am unable to enter!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Linda sent me over to visit your blog for a good laugh and a wonderful giveaway.
I've signed up because I just know we are going to be good friends.

Wow, what a giveaway!


Stepharoni said...

JennyMac- Happy Blog Birthday. I've enjoyed following your blog and wish I stumpled upon you sooner.

You and a few other talented ladies, inspired me to start a blog of my own.

Best of luck to you in 2010!

A.T. Post said...

Happy birthday to your blog! Many cocktails, ass-shaking musics and Jimmy Choo handbags to you...

Unknown said...

Jeez!!Girl, u rock! and a Happy Birthday to you and your blog.
Stay well.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I am a follower, and should that bag follow me I promise to carry a bottle of the alcohol of your choice in it in honor of you blogirthday (blirthday?). ;-)

Congratulations on a year. So glad to have found you!

Ms. Salti said...

What a great giveaway! I'm just giving away a book on my blog!

Congrats on your blog birthday!

Lauren said...

New follower; love the blog! This might be the best giveaway ever!

savia said...

I'm a purse whore, and I definitely want to tongue kiss that bag! Consider it Tweeted, your blog followed, and me your newest Facebook fan. Check, check, and checkmate.

Happy blogiversary!

lsnellings said...

What a fun giveaway! Any cute shoes in a size 8 up for grabs in the near future? ;)

I follow you!

lsnellings said...

I am a facebook fan!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Hey...who took the lampshade? I was going to wear that to the party... HBD (happy blog day)

Heather Taylor said...

That bag is sinfully gorgeous.

Stephanie said...

Oh, my gah! I would die if I had that purse... I follow you on Twitter (and will be tweeting about that gorgeous bag) and I'm a fan on FB.

I will definitely be blogging about this contest, and you can find that post on:

Thanks for being the most entertaining blog ever, and having such amazing taste!

J.J. in L.A. said...

Not interested in the purse (I like itty bitty bags) but I just wanted to say, "Congratulations!!!"

pook555 said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! I loveeee that purse, it is supercute (crossing fingers to win)...

Matty said...

As a follower, I'll put my two cents in here and say that it would be a nice surprise for my wife since her birthday is in February.

Happy Blog Birthday.

Tracie said...

Congrats to you! What a fabulous giveaway!

Of course, I follow you wherever you go! :)

Tracie said...

I'm a FB fan, too.

Jen said...

Wow, LOVE the bag!!!

Happy Blog Birthday. I for one am so glad that you are here!

Jen said...

I am a twitter follower.

Ela said...

First, Happy Happy Blogiversary! Happy Blog Birthday, Happy 1 year! I seriously cannot wait to see what year 2 is gonna bring. And I'm talking you and your kuh-ray-zy stories that make my day, not what the year 2 giveaway will be.

Having said that, are you kidding me right now??? When they say give a gift that you yourself would want to receive that applies more to refraining from buying the ugly sweater, or cat oven mitts {unless you like cats} or regifting the vanilla scented candle that smells like one big vat of ick. You my dear, are taking this to a whole 'nother level.

Right now I've got a 1 in 195 chance of winning, but hey, I could be lucky. I'll post on my sidebar{even if it'll put all the other giveaways to shame} and comment back with the link. Oh and if by any chance longest comment wins - yes!!!

Happy 1st!!! Don't ever stop. Ever ;)

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