Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The F Bomb: Part of a healthy lifestyle

I would lobby that a logical argument could be made by many a wise scholar to justify my interest in and excellent execution of one of my favorite words that begins with F.

Why do I like this word? I just do. And every time it does a velvety somersault off my tongue, I feel no remorse. I am careful of its placement and venue, believe me. And I don't dish it out multiple times per sentence. But what was once a word not remotely uttered by a lady, has become a word used as a stand alone expletive or placed deep in a saucy phrase that I hear multiple times a day from every walk of life.

Who know the champion of a clear and valid justification for its use would be science?

NeuroReport published an article recently that confirmed findings that the use of profanity actually helps reduce pain. In a study, subject were exposed to painfully cold water. Those that swore like sailors had elevated heart rates, felt less pain, and could withstand pain longer. And this theory is even more prominent in women than men. Women have not yet dulled their senses to the use of such words. It is just so new to us, right?

I watch my words carefully in many circumstances, especially in front of MiniMac. But I will admit one of my favorite phrases is Are you f_____ kidding me? Sometimes it just feels right. Is it classy? Of course not. And I have never once typed it out on the blog.

But now it makes perfect sense. The situations which provoke that phrase are often painful. Either socially painful or jackassery painful. The employment of that phrase only reduces my pain. Reduced pain is the fastest route to health and happiness, is it not? Therefore dropping the F bomb improves your health and your attitude. What further justification do I need to employ the word? Very little.  

So the next time you let one go, remember, it is for your own good.

Thanks science, I owe you one.


Anonymous said...

I f_______ love you!!!!!!!! Even f________ more now!!!! F_______ yeah!

mommakin said...

Hurray for f'in science!

No Longer 25 said...

This is interesting, I wonder how they did this research, can you imagine the lab set up?!

I agree with Jules, F___ yeah indeed! Jade

the walking man said...

JennyM I dare you!

The prosecutor: "Honorable members of the jury I just want to make one thing perfectly fucking clear, that fucker over there is so fucking guilty it's written all over his motherfucking face."

The Defense: "Well ladies and gentlemen of the jury, after that fucked up close by the fucking prosecutor, you may think my client is fucked, but to be honest, as you have seen during the course of the fucking trial the prosecutor is a fucking asshole. Therefore you must vote to acquit because the prosecutor and his fucking case is bullshit!"

What other word is there that is verb, noun, pronoun and adjective, not to mention an article and a definitive?

I love the fucking word!

<a href="http://g-man-mrknowitall.blogspot.com/2010/02/tmi-tuesday.html>You may like this</a>

BigSis said...

Mark Twain once said, "In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer.”

And I agree!

courtney said...

That is awesome! Thanks so much science!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Do I concur? You bet your f&%^ing ass, I do!

Dual Mom said...

Thank you so much for giving me scientific justification for swearing like a truckstop whore...because I do. Not that I'm a truckstop whore...I just swear like one.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

My girls golf group loves the F word. For some reason every time you say it, you hit a better shot.
I suppose it gives you a f.........ing rush and you are instantly more relaxed!!


Anonymous said...

HA! Great! A logical explanation for why I feel so good when I say.."What a F_____'in dumb B____h"
This was so funny!

Jen said...

Sweeet! Now, I am off to let the f bomb fly. ;)

Rita Templeton said...

I read about that study. That must be why "For fuck's sake!" enters my verbal repertoire at least once a day. :)

Mike said...

The reason that the F word is unique is because it can be used as many different parts of speech. Noun, Verb,or whatever you need it to be!

In the NJ area, it is really just everyday talk. for instance, a North Carolina man talking about the Panther game might say...."Well, those Panthers sucked this year, hopefully they will get some good draft picks."

A NJ guy might say..." Those motherf**ckin Giants f**kin' suck. They better pick up some f**kin' guys who can run the f**kin' ball next f**kin, season."

And that is my cultural lesson for today!

The Peach Tart said...

I feel vindicated.

TheOnlineStylist said...

Abso-fucking-lutely agree!

Anonymous said...

Can I get a F*c*in A????

Unknown said...

JennyMac, you are hilarious. And you've given me an idea for a blog; the time I dropped the Fbomb in the faculty room when I was teaching.

Anonymous said...

Such great news. Thank you for explaining why it feels so good to drop the f bomb! I just knew I was healthy!

ellen abbott said...

I guess that explains my high tolerance to pain.

Sole Matters said...

F*%# I love this post! It's my fav swear word. :)

Shorty said...

I like this post on sooooo many levels. Women of America stand up and feel empowered!

leigh hewett said...

I like to yell

"Watch your F__ hole!" when I'm alone on the car and some A-wad cuts me off. It takes me to my happy place.

Libby said...

I saw that article (or one similar) in Newsweek! Coincidentally, while I was reading it, my brother hit me, and I declared a certain expletive in front of my parents. It's ok though, I showed them the article. :-D

Slamdunk said...

Its all fun and games until an impressionable young son or daughter repeats one of my driving words to the Mrs.

Well not the F-bomb yet... yet....

Will Burke said...

Thank you, I can now expand my vocabulary ti include "Jackassery Painful." That phrase is f****** AWSOME!

Anonymous said...

It's one of my favorite words too! Always makes me feel good. It can be used in so many ways!

jayme said...

one of my favorites is "according to my day planner, i don't give a fuck"...it always make me feel better since its humorous AND relieving.

& also, yes, i'm feeling much better after the attack of tequila. :)

Leah Rubin said...

See, I always knew this was therapeutic-- now there's scientific proof! Yay!

The only problem is watching it in front of the little guys-- once it's a habit, it's hard to control it in front of the kids, and you probably would faint if you heard it from MiniMac!

Mama-Face said...

I read about this too. Recently my little boy asked why people swear and I really had no answer other than it feels good. Which you don't tell a nine year old cuz...I think his concern stems from the fact that he can't watch certain movies because of the language.

I love asshat. But my family hates it when I swear so I have to use a lot of stand-ins. Like shiz and eff. This is way more than you wanted to know. :)

Unknown said...

See, this make sense. Because whenever I try to censor myself, it hurts.

Stephanie said...

There is absolutely a time and a place! Powerful!

Jules AF said...

I stopped using the f word. And all other words that would need to be bleeped out on tv. Sigh.

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I've been known to let the F bomb fly here and there and man it felt good.

I do find that the F bomb is being overused by the under 18 crowd for no particular reason and way too often without meaning. They have no appreciation for the fine art of using F bomb at the right time and the right moment. Therefore I think they should not be allowed to use it....till they learn to appreciate it.

Yankee Girl said...

I am so glad to know this because I f@*king love that word! It makes me all kinds of happy.


Nonflammable said...

Fuck is one of my favorite words as evidenced by my cuss bucket, which is half full since Jan/10. Why only last night the husband made me contribute 9 quarters to which I replied WTF.
Apparently, he overheard me talking on the phone in my office.

He also told me to pick up another roll of quarters today. Fug.

LucyCooper said...

As an extrovert who can hardly process a feeling without describing it verbally, i heartily concur with this research. Let it rip, ladies, for the good of your health.
I'm gonna get a doctor's note so I can say fuck at work.

Kristina P. said...

I don't ever say the actual word, but I do say "effing" a lot.

strokeofliving said...

I, too, am digging the word jackassery. It's fantastic enough for me to quote.

I don't actually drop the "F" bomb but I drop plenty of other bombs to avoid ulcers.

Ain't science great?

Nyx said...

fuck is so much better than advil.

Unknown said...

I am all over this one. Fortunately my kids have never heard me utter that word, and I hope they never will. I try to be good. But when they're not around/asleep/etc, boy do I let the F-bomb fly! Feels sooooooo good!

Winchester Manor said...

What a F___ing brilliant post! I once heard that Fuck is short for Fornication Under Consent of the King, isn't that fucking interesting? Lord...I feel so naughty now...I'm off to wash my mouth out with soap!!!

Matty said...

So, let me get this straight. I don't need any pain meds for my post knee surgery. I just need to drop a few f-bombs now and then, and I'm good to go?

Sounds reasonable to me. No, wait a minute. F that.

Ah, I feel better already.

Ams said...

What? Well now that science says that it is good for me... all bets are off! WOOHOO!

Myya said...

I too am an occasional Fbomb dropper... I totally agree that it just makes ya feel better! Of course when I had kids I had to adjust my word a bit.. oops now my kids say Freakin quite a bit. I am now happy to know that when I do use the real thing I can justified in doing so! :)

CountessLaurie said...

yep, there goes your goody two-shoes image right out the f______g window...

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

F_____g science rocks!

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'm making T-shirts with a fork at the top of the left side of a giant U. That's right...fork U. I'm a genius at subtle profanity...

foxy said...

Thanks, JennyMac... I owe YOU one! I do love that word.

Ed said...

Another Fucktastically Awesome post.

shortmama said...

i need to show this to my mom!!!

Jen said...

There is something about dropping an F bomb that makes stubbing your toe or slamming your finger in a drawer that much more tolerable.

Thanks for the science, JennyMac!

Unknown said...

I will have to forward this to my father, who was very disappointed in my choice of expletive one evening. And I felt it was justified! lol

Did I mention I'm a 30+ Mom? And my father disapproves of my truck driver mouth! lol

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

F--- yeah!

SurferWife said...

Yes! Love that phrase, too! Sometimes I mix it up a little and say, "You have got to be effing kidding me, right?"

JenJen said...

Can I just say F*ck right now?

I feel BETTAH!

Emily said...

I slammed my fingers in the door the other day and uttered the 'sh' word numerous times. My fingers still hurt. Maybe if I had dropped the f-bomb instead? :)

Gretchen said...

gotta ask... has minimac ever said it?

I just have to respectfully disagree with you. While I don't have any problem with the F-bomb, per se, I don't want to use it because I'm afraid it will slip out when my kids are around. Also, nothing angers me more than when people use the F-bomb around my kids. They think it's their right through free speech (yes, it is) but still, they should use some discretion (which they obviously don't).

I still remember the first time my kid said to me, "mom, what does F___ mean?" He had no idea it was a bad word. Innocence gone.

Cybil said...

Thank you JennyMac! I love dropping the F bomb, and now I can scienfically justify it!

JennyMac said...

Texan Mama: I completely agree with you which casts me into the deep layers of hypocrisy. I want to say it. I don't say it in front of my son. We don't say any swear words in front of Mini and we even spell things like:crazy, stupid, idiot. And we correct anyone who does swear in front of him. Even damn. I am also very crafty at turning someone's slip of "f'ing hostile" into I LOVE FUDGE POPSICLES.

I have an uncanny trick that makes me clean as a whistle in his presence but the minute he is not in the car, other things might slide. I dread the day he asks me that same question. Until then, hypocrisy lives at our house. LOL.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I have a really really bad habit. I swear I use the F-bomb as a verb. I talk like a truck driver. I'm trying to be very careful lately because of Angry Kid and my nicer friends (friends who probably have better morales than I).

But it doesn't help when you work in law enforcement with 150 boys, 40+ hours a week.

Salt said...

Until I have to clean up my vocab for the benefit of a child, this word shall remain a staple in my everyday conversations. Now even more that I have science on my side.

Grand Pooba said...

Ok so I live in Utah where the F bomb is replaced by

etc. etc.

I'm wondering if they have the same affect.

My favorite use of the word?

cluster fuck.


Kate@And Then I Was a Mom said...

And let us not overlook "jackassery," brilliantly employed in this very post.

Ms. Salti said...

Thank you for that lesson this afternoon, it is quite helpful. As I sit here in severe pain, I'm seriously contemplating starting to yell "Fuck" until either the pain goes away or I pass out.

Richard said...

I totally agree that it helps numb pain! For that reason alone we should all use it frequently: it's cheaper than ibuprofen!

Vinomom said...

I have been a fan from the very beginning and I don't need no fucking science to justify it!

Seriously though the word just has so many meanings. The possibilities are endless.

Luna said...

i agree with what you said. i used to be scared to say words like that when i was a kid. i say them alot more now that i'm an adult and it feels good. thanks for the info.

and i fucking love the fucking f*** word. lol.

Unknown said...

You know I adore you. And you know I've been known to use B-level profanity on my blog. And we've already e-mailed one another on this very subject, so I won't go there again.

I will, however, gently remind you that, while there are people who would be offended by the use of the word "Marshmallow", meaning they're of the ultra touchy persuasion and really should move to a Mime commune, this particular word is considered vulgur and offensive by a much larger segment of the population than the users might imagine. Considering that you work in the professional world, you never know when a slip of the tongue could cost you a client or an account or a promotion or what have you.

And, oh, how I wish I could assure you that little Mini-Mac knows nothing of this side of you. But the day will come when you are caught completely unawares, and in the heat of the moment that word, in all its ugliness, will fly out of your mouth and into his ears.

And in your own way, you will have eroded a little of his innocence.

It doesn't come back, Jenny. Ever.

Toe said...

I've been increasing my gutter vocabulary recently and have to agree that yes I think I'm feeling the effects.

Kate said...

OH God can you imagine the research... not a place I would want to work!

Kate xx

Existential Waitress said...

I'm a fan of the f bomb too. Thank you science for justifying what many consider "unlady-like" behavior. Fuck those people. LOL.

Anonymous said...

swweet!! my favorite is the c word.

i only use it in special circumstances tho lol. like whne referrring to my father's wife.

Little Ms Blogger said...

Otin's comment made me laugh and immediately think of the Housewives of NJ and NY.

I admit, I try not to use the word unless I want to have my point taken. However, that's what I try to do, but it probably flies out of my mouth more than I know.

Herding Cats said...

I always feel better when I drop the F-bomb.

kilax said...

I heard this study a few months ago and I keep citing it to my husband every time he gets on my case for swearing ;)

Pandorah's Box said...

Finally. Some validation as to why I love that word and use it as often as I do.

It just makes me feel better. And now when I say that, it will be true!

Thanks JennyMac!

Mrs. M said...

I usually hate using that word unless I am really worked up, now I know why it helps. Thanks, Jenny Mac. :)

Chez Zizi said...

When my hubby yells at me for using the F-Bomb I will have to send him to your post. I do use it like a trucker sometimes.

F****** Love it!


Anonymous said...

i guess this means i should start cursing...

Lawyer Mom said...

It makes perfect sense. There's a reason women let loose in labor.

Bretthead said...

No wonder I'm so fucking healthy!

Tracie said...

I f*&%ing love science! And I f*&%ing love you too. That is all.

mCat said...

Wow that was awkward just took my comment!

F-----, I mean CRAP

undomestic mama said...

That is my favorite swear word. And to me, an extreme in emotions. Sometimes I say I'm so fcuking happy. Or I'm so fcuking angry....and I frequently say "Are you fcuking kidding me?!

Corrie Howe said...

I'm glad to have science to confirm what I already know. And now I can tell my husband, who doesn't like it when I occasionally use the word. Nothing alleviates pain like a F bomb.

DoThat4U said...

"Are you fucking kidding me?" is the perfect response to anything that unnecessarily exposes me to stress or danger....the car. it is said frequently in the car.

i think i will up my usage in the name of better health. i envy your wise sense of discretion and decorum.

Debbie said...

I heard that about the pain study! Fascinating. So, are you telling us you are feeling no pain?

MommaKiss said...

I'm pretty sure my child may or may not think his name is "Effin WHAT?" And my personal preference is Shut the F*ck up! Love that one. Heh.

lisa and laura said...

We're pretty PG on the blog and in real life. But our dirty little secret is that we drop lots and lots of f-bombs as we're Skyping. We're dirty Skypers. Thank God our kids can't read yet.

Joshua said...

I must be the most painless fuck in the world...
...That's what she said.

Jaime said...

this is great. i now have scientific justification to work the f-bomb into daily conversation! i love it!

Kiki said...

i drop f-bombs. i have to be careful since my 5 y.o. is always in earshot. everything just sounds better when the f-bomb is used. it brings a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to the conversation. it's a part of my daily vocabulary and i'm grateful to you for sharing the scientific study. take care.

I'm Jamie said...

I love this!
I am not a curser, but I dropped the F-bomb when I was in labor. Talk about pain relief! But I felt horrible. Mainly because my OB was very very Catholic and I felt like she would judge me. Perhaps I should email her this study? ;)

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I love the f word too! I love everything about it. I like saying it I like doing it....Oh wait, that's probably TMI! ;)


Unknown said...

This is f****ing fabulous!I would remember that when i have a headache. Science is just f****ing great.
Thanks for the information.

A.T. Post said...

A deeply resonant post. Effing resonant, you might say. I was once a complete teetotaler about profanity. Nowadays I curse up a blue streak, but (like you) I do it assiduously, scientifically. The sparing use of a well-applied f-bomb does indeed alleviate stress, and creates a rather edgy overtone to any statement. I've made it my mission to prove that one can be an eloquent, wordy, well-read, literate, sophisticated sort of person and still apply the occasional swear word.


Anonymous said...

F#$!**! love you!

Cathi said...

I have always used it for emphasis....but come to think of it, it always makes me feel better...there is something to this science thing after all...:)

Liz Aguerre said...

I use the F word regularly but carefully. It is such a good word. Sometimes, it is the only word that will do. It took me months and months to feel comfortable to even use it in my blog (again, carefully). I was so afraid I'd alienate or offend someone, and then I thought: "Eh. Who f*ckin' cares."

Intense Guy said...

I once read somewhere that the "F" word actually had about 300 meanings.

I can see how a short, but powerful shout (using any word, actually) might help someone feel a little better when push-has-come-to-shove.

HalfAsstic.com said...

Now THAT is a bit of wisdom that's worth repeating from a moldering medical journal.
You have done a great service to mankind today, JennyMac.
I give you an A+. ;-)

Rebecca Knight said...

HA! I read that article, too, and loved it :). I knew there was a reason I went on f-tastic tirades upon occasion.

And yes, they always make me feel better! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I hate the F word...but that's just me. I have other ways of expressing my frustrations..I really have never understood the whole f bomb mentality. But to each his/her own. Apparently, I'm in them minority tho...

Herding Cats said...

Sorry about the no email situation! You should be able to email me from my profile now! Thanks for letting me know.

secret agent woman said...

I like the word myself. I mean, people who use it every other word are just boring. But sometimes, there is no other word that fits. (And, since I do feel okay about using it, I don't use expressions like F bomb or f-word. When I'm discussing its usage, I call it the fuck-word.)

Claudya Martinez said...

Good to know I've just been taking care of myself.

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

Thank effing god for science. I feel so much better about myself now.

Anonymous said...

I agree. A well placed f-bomb is cathartic.

Rowe said...

Right on, JMac.

Fragrant Liar said...

I'll tell you what, sister. I am fucking pain free. It's a lifestyle choice, capiche?

Joanna Jenkins said...

I'm stopping over from Rowe's. Congratulations of your post recognition!


Lilly said...

Clever post and it is my favourite word and so f'g versatile too.

Anonymous said...

FAB-U-LOUS!!!! Using the f bomb is almost necessary to prove the proper point of distaste

Kath Lockett said...

G'day Jenny - I'm over from Rowe's site....

...I realised about five years ago that the F-word was a much different one in our house, when our daughter came home after her first week of school and said, "Jacob said the F word today."
"What?" I said, shocked that it had been revealed to her so early.

She nodded, very serious. "Yes Mum, he said that Maya was FAT."

Ah yes. The other, scarier, F word!

Unknown said...

I don't say that word, but I sure do say freaking and flipping. My Mom thinks it is a travesty.

Charlene said...

After my daughter was born, I "tried" to curb my language habits... and started just saying the letter as in "OH F!" As was bound to happen, one day my daughter followed up with "G!" See, so it's educational as well! :-)

Penny (CJsMonnie) said...

Wow! I will have to install a Superhero Mom type trap door to my closet now.

I always marveled at how quickly the intense feelings of pressure, frustration, anger etc. disappeared when I let out a hardy FUUUUUUUU**!!!

Science is so cool. =)

Rhonda said...

I, too, am a fan of the F bomb! It is very healing indeed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...so I will refer the hubby to this post when I drop an f=bomb, which might happen a bit too often. I'm just doing it to make myself feel better:)