Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Liquor to go

Is it a good sign when my little brother and I pop into a liquor store one afternoon to pick up wine for a dinner party and we see this:

The man in front of us buys a bottle of gin. Does he leave it in the brown bag? No. He walks over to a large cooler of ice, picks up a cup from below a large sign reading "TO GO CUPS" and pours himself a four finger draw. Does he wait until he is outside to have a little sip? No. He takes a big swig, then walks outside, and gets into the driver seat of his vehicle. 

Hey Liquor Store: WOW. Apparently you aren't aware there are laws regarding public consumption. Oh, you are not encouraging public consumption? Right. I am sure by "TO GO" your sign merely means "TO GO on your coffee table full of liquor only after you are safely at home".

Apparently you aren't aware there are also laws  regarding drinking and driving. Oh, you are not drinking or driving? Of course you are not because you are a liquor store. Worry about the liability? Oh, you don't know what that word means?

Hey Atlanta Police: It is awesome that you can use all your cunning skills to catch me going FIVE MILES over the speed limit yet the liquor store that prominently displays TO GO CUPS might as well be weapons of mass destruction: another thing that is never going to be discovered.  

Maybe I need to post a sign on top of my car reading: I LIKE TO EXCEED THE SPEED LIMIT because then I am assured no one will spot me.


kilax said...

That's just scary. I bet that happens a lot though. The cops can only catch so many drunk drivers :(

Lee said... that's just all kinds of wrong! Remind me not to get on the roads if I ever get to atlanta. Hoofing it will have to work!

Chez Zizi said...

Unbelievable! It truly amazes me.


Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Wow, I'm speechless! How very, very sad!

Maria @BOREDmommy said...

wow. That is insane.

Stopping by from SITS. Have a great day!

Slamdunk said...

We actually have drunk Amish buggy drivers here.

Urban Earthworm said...

Holy cow! Who does that? I could almost see it if it was in the middle of a city - not really drive up place. But that situation sounds just effing ridiculous.

And what was bugging me the whole time I read that? It was probably a non-biodegradeable cup, too.

lsnellings said...

Wow...that is just mind boggling!

S Club Mama said...

hmmm....I can't say I'm surprised.

Molly said...

yikes. I thought this post was going to be about how your liquor store delivers your purchase...I still miss that from my days living in NY!

Simply Suthern said...

Sounds more Frat house than Store. Amazing. I have driven in Atlanta several times recently and now I understand why I get run over. LOL By the way, The Cops, They are all sitting at the SC state line, waiting.

Kat said...

Unbelievable. Almost as bad as the drive through daiquiri places. Kathy

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Ooh, bitter and sarcastic this morning! I love it!! :D

Did the cop at least recognize you as the celebrity that you are, and let you off the hook? Hope so!

Wow, did you get the guy's plate info? I totally would have called that in, and even taken pictures will my cell.

Unless there's a coffee and donut joint beside the liquor store, chances are they don't get staked out too much. Sad but true!

the walking man said...

Kind of made you and your brother want to buy to bottles of wine didn't it? One to go and one to go home with.

JennyM I have a question for you...when you get stopped by the cops do you put your lawyer look on?

Hint: Reach up turn the overhead light on, keep your hands on the wheel until the cop is by your car, only then put the window down so he can see where your hands is as it moves...then cry. hahahahahaah

My cop friends told me that was what made them give warnings instead of tickets. They get all protective and shit once they KNOW their life is not in danger,

Anonymous said...

Sorry gorgeous... for once I disagree with you, but then you're a lawyer so we'll never agree about the law.

Yes, the action of the man, drunk, idiot, asshole, or whatever else you want to call him is awful and, of course, illegal.

However, he is an ADULT! Adults are supposed to be sufficiently grown up to make logical and respobsible decisions about their actions. If this guy (and from your tone I assume lots of others) cannot behave responsibly, then in my opinion not only should he be locked up forever, but it is the EDUCATION system that produced such a pathetic individual that is at fault, not the store owner.

We will never stop any of the rot in society until we can most of us just do something because it is RIGHT, not because we're told to.

Of course, that would make a lot less work for lawyers... so, sorry about that too :)

Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Ah, chill out man - have a gin ;-)
*Read about my dating disasters at plentymorefishoutofwater*

BigSis said...

Only in the South! In VA even passengers can't have open containers, so I liked being able to drink in GA as a passenger. The driver though, that's scary.

The Four Week Vegan said...

No words, just shaking my head. If I lived near that liquor store, I would be shaking in my boots.

Little Ms Blogger said...

Colleen's comment about the cup cracked me up.

Wait. You're a lawyer. Can't you talk you're way out of tickets? I have and, trust me, I'm not model like looking.

Jen said...

Wow. There are not words.

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right in what you say.

It is discouraging that a person could not wait a few minutes to drink that gin, he has problems obviously.

But there ought to be some enforcement of the liquor laws, most places would not allow open bottles or consumption on the premises.


Veronica Lee said...

Wow! That was unbelievable!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! That is unbelievable!

Ed said...

Surly youuuuu don't mean to to to deny a dran a lil mink. *hiccup*

Insides, he's a gooder druver drink. *hiccup*

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It amazes me more people aren't killed by drivers like this. I have not seen 'to go cups' in a liquor store...I live here in the Atlanta area so I'm always careful driving but still, scary!

mermaid gallery said...

Not in Canada..oh no...Here you can only buy booze in a few authorized outlets. I'm always amazed at how widely available booze is in the U.S. The "to go cup" is really over the top though. "Mothers Against Drunk Drivers" or "MADD" would make their life hell here in Canada.

MommyLovesStilettos said...

That's scary. Unfortunately I've seen similar things happen at gas stations around where I live.

Aunt Becky said...

Holy shit. Seriously? I mean, that's kind of akin to drive through liquor stores in it's brilliance, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Ahh but technically they could not get him for drunk driving unless his levels were over the limit. So if that was his first drink he wouldn't have been.HOWEVER the store needs some serious rethinking on their policies concerning consumption .. ummm yeah

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Hahaha, funny. Don't feel bad. I once told a cop to his face that he needed to stop harassing law abiding citizens like me and get out there and do his real job! Do I have to say that really didn't end well for me?

The "to go" cup thing? With our tight ABC laws in Mississippi there is no way that would evah fly in this part of The South.

Will Burke said...

My town has a lot of 30+ males on bikes who don't look like "fitness" types. I guess our police are on top of the DUI situation.

Leiah said...

Two words baby ~ Dram Shop

Christine Macdonald said...

These are the same people who text and drive. Wait. I've done that. Shit. Never mind.

Karma will get those drinkin' drivers. I promise.

Until then, smile at the cops and be done with it. What is the alternative? :)

Anonymous said...

That is unbelievable! Reminds me of the drive-thru liquor stores when I was in grad school in Ann Arbor. Just about every time I would drive through, I'd see a guy in front of me pop open whatever he was buying to take a swig....nice!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

what a world.. at least he doesn't have a drive through window.

courtney said...

Yikes! That is crazy! Although, I don't think that the store should have cups labeled "to go" in the store. People are pretty stupid and I'm sure that happens a lot.

Janet said...

Wow, that's pretty gutsy to just pour a cold one and take it out to the car! I can't imagine it's legal for the shop to promote this sort of behavior. Insane.

Busy Bee Suz said...

It is so frightening to me the amount of people who drink and drive. It seems illogical that a liquor store would have To-Go cups...amazing.
In Florida, there is a "no open container law." And with good reason I think.

Also amazing, the crazy comments this has brought on by some of your readers. crazy I tell ya'

MommyLisa said...

That is the craziest thing I ever heard!

McVal said...

Wow! I'd probably pull a Barney Fife... Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest!

VandyJ said...

The to-go cup was a bit much but here in Wyoming we have drive up liquir stores. Yep you can drive right up to the little window and buy what ever you want. But you can't get beer at the gas station.

extreme personal measures said...

Scary... You have me crying at work....

vanilla said...

Life's highway is just littered with little ironies. [growl]

Shell said...

That's insane!

Kelly Marie said...

Man, that is frightening on so many levels.

Angelia said...

We have drive though liquor stores in MO to. Drive though.

mCat said...

Seriously?!? A to go cup at the liquor store? A first for me......

In UT, you have to stand on one foot, just through a blazing ring of fire and pay some ridiculous fee to even buy a drink. Or so I've heard.....

Taylor-Made Wife said...


Aunt Juicebox said...

Oooh wow! I have been in a lot of liquor stores. Ahem. And have never seen them passing out "to go" cups. I mean, why did the guy even need a cup? Just crack open the bottle and take a slug, like a TRUE drunk would do.

Matty said...

I don't know much about liquor laws, but wouldn't the LCB have control over the stuff inside the store?

Jules AF said...

That's so sad.

Leah Rubin said...

Crazy, bizarre, absurd. Might I add 'criminal'?

I hope someone puts a stop to this, but I suspect that even if the cups were gone, these guys would just swig it out of the bottle...

I totally can't believe this is going on!

Kristina P. said...

I think I've only been in a liquor store once in my life. Not sure why I was even there!

Unknown said...

oh my Lanta! "To Go" cups?! Really...
You Southerners just live by a different code, do ya?
Seriously, that ain't right.

injaynesworld said...

I think you should turn this into a letter-to-the-editor of your local newspaper and name the liquor store. Seriously...

Although, you may just bring them more business.

Anonymous said...

Here in Tucson they have drive through windows at the liquor stores!

Myya said...

That is just WRONG! I highly doubt that this guy isn't over the legal limit... because seriously what normal non alcoholic person can't just wait till they get home!

brokenteepee said...

When we moved to Montana 3 years ago it was still legal to drive with an open container.
It took something like 5 tries to get the law passed and then it passed only because they were going to lose Federal money.
Can you imagine?
Montana has the highest per capita rate of drunk driving deaths in the nation and they thought that passing this law was taking away the person's RIGHT to drink and drive.
erm, what about the other drivers' right to survive....?

Rebecca Knight said...

My husband used to live in Florida, so I have heard of the infamous "to go" liquor store cups and ice.


I have no idea how this is even remotely a good plan :P.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Totally scary.

Brittany said...

That just blows my mind! What kind of people are working at that store? I would have had to contact the police or something. I would have felt obligated because what if he caused an accident or something? That guy has serious issues.

Ashley Stone said...

Oh my goodness! That is crazy!! They are going to get so busted one of these days... hopefully someone doesn't have to get killed by a drunk driver before it happens!

Emily said...

Don't even get me started on the Atlanta police who pulled me over heading to the hospital to give birth and ticketed me going 4 miles above the limit. Not that I'm bitter about that or anything.
I wonder why that guy used a cup...if you're in that much need, just drink straight from the bottle! :)

Life Laugh Latte said...

Yeah...that's wrong! Holly:)

Liz Aguerre said...

IN Key West there is a drive-thru liquor store. That always amazed me, but this takes the prize.

Ela said...

I've never heard of this, that is nutty! How DO they get away with this?

Ouch, did you get a ticket recently?

Oh and I USED to have an iPod, I guess I should've mentioned that. Way back when they first came out I worked for Toronto Dominion Bank and they gave one to every single employee. I gave it to my husband who either lost it or broke it. He loves gadgets but he's like a toddler. Actually, some toddlers take better care of their toys than he does.

Happy mid-week, doll!

carissajaded said...

Seriously??? That is NOT cool. How in the world do they get away with having to go cups at a liquor store?

Heather Taylor said...

Now that's classy lol. Seriously though, that's just about the worst idea ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow...Although, I must admit that my husband and I asked if we could get our spiked milkshakes to go the other night. Of course we knew the answer, but thought we'd enjoy them on the couch so much more seeing as how the baby was ready to go to bed. Next time, we'll just order a straight shake and spike it ourselves when we get home! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hells to the no!! That is sad and scary all at the same time. Wow.

Luna said...

just amazing. i see it all the time too. cops will stop people for stupid things that dont mean anything but always seem to not care about the serious problems. its simple though, catching people doing the little meaningless stuff is easier for cops to do, takes less time to deal with, and brings in more money (tickets) than the serious stuff does.

Jen said...

If I hadn't known you were in Atlanta, this would have been a sure sign you live in the south. Nowhere up north will you find a Brew-thru or drive-up Daiquiri shops! Up north we like to have our spirits well controlled :)

Unknown said...

that's SCARY! Wonder if you can report them to the local ABC or police?

Anonymous said...


Bird Shit said...

Atlanta: HERE I COME!

Mrs. M said...

No go on the to go!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That stuff makes me so angry. When will people learn to follow the law. He would be the first person to sue some drunk who kills his kid on the road! Don't get me started.

Seattle Kim D said...

Wow, that is unreal!

JenJen said...

*shaking my head*

J.J. in L.A. said...

I have a simple solution: put the TO GO CUPS behind the counter so the customer has to ask for them when they pay for their items. If they just bought alcohol, no cup.

Then again, if they're determined they'd supply their own.

Never mind.

Cathi said...

That is crazy that a liquor store would do that! Truly disgusting...I lost my grandparents due to selfish drunk drivers like that man...!!

MommaKiss said...

It's like the time I saw the man drinking a beer while driving down the pike. Insanity.

That said - I'd totally hire a driver to take me to this here place w/ the to go cups. Are you sharing the address?

Arielle said...

Maybe it's because the cops are all drunk because they stopped at that liquor store?

Tracie said...

Seriously?? And I thought the drive through liquor stores around here were bad.

jules said...

I discovered they have to go cup in all Savannah bars...but that's def different. I don't think most people are driving away from those bars. WTH? How is that legal?

Richard said...

Not only that, but straight gin is really nasty! :)

Hissyfits & Halos said...

What was my husband doing at the same liquor store as you? I told him to go get some WINE....not GIN!

We have drive through liquor stores here, too! Ironic that we can get stopped for that licence plate bulb being out....

becca said...

That really is unbelievable. I would think it would be a good way for the cops to meet their quota... sit outside the liquor store, spot those getting in their "weapons" with their to go cups and pull them immediately over. That just freaks me out.

Found you through Liz at But Then I Had Kids. I'll be back!

Herding Cats said...

That's just ridiculous and so disrespectful.

Unknown said...

That is so scary and wrong!

jackie fo said...

hahahaaaaaa. you are so right.

JB's Cookinglady said...

This was just too funny but so true

Pink Haired Momma said...

And he will be in total shock as to how it could Happen when he wrecks his car!! rworse hurst someone, because he will walk away without a scratch!

Kate@And Then I Was a Mom said...

Unbelievably awful. You should take a picture and send it to failblog. Seriously. Get that store all the bad publicity you can. (This post is a good start.)

shortmama said...

Yikes thats really encouraging!

Kim said...


Nuk nuk nuk!! :)

The Urban Cowboy said...

Imagine that, liquor to go. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

I'm a damn good drunk but that even surprises me! To Go cups at the liquor store! Jesus!

glee said...

haha, i'm loving this post :)

tattytiara said...

You sound like me every time I see a small car pulled over for going ten over the speed limit while dangerously loaded semi after dangerously loaded semi - all with completely obscured license plates - barrel past an inch off the bumper of the poor soul ahead of them.

secret agent woman said...

Wow - to go cups!? That's insane.

Sultan said...

When I first moved to Florida long ago to go to College I was surprised to discover that they had drive through liquor stores. At the time I thought this was one of the greatest innovations but like Yeats I have experienced the coming of wisdom with time and now wish their were drive through fruit stands.

The Urban Cowboy said...

Hey now...the less the merrier I always say!

Pandorah's Box said...

I do believe the man that runs that store is not only the president, but also an avid user of the TO GO cup.

What a strange story! And once again, you never fail to make me laugh!! Weapons of mass destruction, ha! said...

That truly is bizarre. John and I were in a liquor store just to buy a beer when it was so hot a few summers ago and I just plain and simply lost my head and wasn't thinking when I just popped the top on my can, not even intending to drink it. We were standing at the counter and John was paying. I got a VERY dirty look from the proprietor and a lecture about how he could lose his license just because my container was opened. Boy did I feel foolish. said...

That truly is bizarre. John and I were in a liquor store just to buy a beer when it was so hot a few summers ago and I just plain and simply lost my head and wasn't thinking when I just popped the top on my can, not even intending to drink it. We were standing at the counter and John was paying. I got a VERY dirty look from the proprietor and a lecture about how he could lose his license just because my container was opened. Boy did I feel foolish.

Corrie Howe said...

I think I'd be inclined to make a phone call or two to some property authorities. But that's just the way that I am.

Ms. Salti said...

Holy shit! That is unbelieveable!

Claudya Martinez said...

This makes me want to have a drink. Thankfully I am already home.

Anonymous said...

I once got a to go cup for my rum and coke... urmm.. i mean water... when I left fridays.

Vodka Logic said...

Our town won't sell "nips" of liquor but will sell a single cold beer wtf is with that??