Thursday, February 11, 2010

Swaddled in blankets and movie watching

So, the bug has set up residence in our house and made a sore throat look like a trip to SeaWorld. I stayed in bed until noon yesterday simply because I failed to surmise the energy to do anything else. I watched Friday Night Lights starting at 7 am because I simply wouldn't get up to retrieve the remote. But you know you are sick and totally puny when you watch every Netflix you have in the house including one starring someone named Xzibit. 

And then when you expire that bounty, you don't even want to walk downstairs to get your Sex and the City DVD which you have seen numerous times already, and will clearly see numerous more times in the future. 

So I opted for a selection from On Demand. Is it a good sign when at the beginning of the movie they run a promo telling you to make sure you check out Seventeen Magazine for their co-branding giveaway. Seventeen Magazine? Are they still publishing that? I wouldn't know since not only am I not seventeen, I am older than seventeen plus seventeen. Did I turn it the movie? Absolutely not. Sickness gives you alibis and it is not like I was watching Miley Cyrus.

And in between movies while I submerged myself in large blankets, hot tea, and magazines, I did score the perfect gift idea for JohnnyMac for Valentines Day. Do you know by now that we love holidays in this family? And by we I mean all the women. 

I am sure the air riddled with coughing puts Valentines Day center on JohnnyMac's radar. That or "how can I rinse this entire house in Clorox." Nothing says hot wife and perfect Valentine better than being swaddled in blankets and chugging Alka-Seltzer cold and flu like its Derby Day at University of Kentucky. But I was reminded, that sometimes staying in bed until noon and watching movies all day is not a bad way to spend the day. If only I had an appetite and could eat my new Vosges candy bar. Chocolate can wait. Sickness can not.

But I have a very special bag o' chocolate for someone. Are you curious who will be donning a Jimmy Choo bag on her arm this Valentines Day? Thank you to everyone who entered. The fabulous bag goes to this fabulous woman: Kathy at EmptyNester. Congratulations!


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

So sorry you're sickly!

Congrats to Kathy!

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Sorry you feel sucky, JM! Hope it passes quickly.

Congrats to Kathy! I'm totally jealous :)

Sincerely, Jenni said...

Sorry you're so sick, but Oh how I envy you being able to lie in bed and watch movies. My dream come true.

Without the sick, of course!

Congrats to Kathy!

Molly said...

might that vosges bar have some bacon in it? I tried some Newman's organic choc yesterday and it was kill-er.

feel better, and congrats to Kathy!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hope you feel better soon. Hate being sick but love watching movies in bed!

S Club Mama said...

Hope you're better before Valentine's Day. What a rotten day to spend a romantic holiday.

Liz Mays said...

I hope you feel better soon!!! I love snuggling with blankets and watching tv but when you're sick, it's not even that fun!

BigSis said...

Get well soon! Even though being sick stinks, I do like an excuse to read and watch TV and movies.

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Congrats to Kathy!!!

Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom said...

A day in bed sounds pretty good. Too bad you were sick and couldn't really appreciate it! Hope you get better soon!

Anonymous said...

You must be sick if you couldn't even get the remote!! Hope you feel better.

Corrie Howe said...

Sorry to hear are still under the weather. But sleeping in, wrapped in blankets and drinking tea is a good way to spend a day.

kilax said...

I hope you feel better soon :)

Anonymous said...

Feel better! We've got the sore throat/seal bark cough going around our house.

The JC winner must post pics of her new bag :) It should be part of the rules.

Little Ms Blogger said...

I'm sorry you're so sick. I'm hoping you're able to sleep a lot and shake this off SOON.

Yankee Girl said...

Didn't you hear me yesterday? I said feel better soon! Now do it, damnit!

Unknown said...

This sickness is in the's hit my house as well. The kiddos have got it bad and are on the 4th day out of school :(
May you soon feel better and be eating lots of chocolate. Nothing beats staying in bed and watching movies. {even if it is starting at 7am} Lol

Congrats to the winner!!! Lucky girl.

JenJen said...

oh Honey get better soon!!!

La La La Leah said...

crazy I am sick too.... stop copying me!!! I love netflix... I watch them on my computer, it is pretty awesome. I guess I will still be your friend even though I did not win the bag....

Mrs. Dawkter said...

Resting up is the best way to battle an illness. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Leah Rubin said...

Poor baby! Hope that cough is gone soon-- sucks to be sick, especially with Valentine's Day almost here!

I totally agree about how low our tv standards will go when you're sick. A few weeks ago when I was recovering from surgery I would watch anything. Almost anything. Sometimes all you can do is vege out... Don't worry, when you're back on your feet you'll raise the bar again!

The Undomestic Mom said...

Hope you feel better asap Jennymac! Is it bad that I watch those teen movies on demand when Im not sick?!

Janet said...

Sorry you're not feeling well. I think a movie sponsored by Seventeen Magazine sounds like a perfect way to spend a sick day! I'm sure that says something about my mentality.

Bossy Betty said...

Dr. Betty Sez: I totally endorse and prescribe Slug-like behavior for the next 48-72 hours.

I'll send the bill for this advice later.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You poor thing.
I had it last week, all in the past now and hopefully yours will be as well.
I love valentines day as well, such a 'girl' holiday!!

Cathi said...

Feel better soon, Jenny Mac....the bug has been thru our home a few times in the last few months....:(

Congrats to Kathy on that fabulous giveaway!!! :)

Kristina P. said...

I'm pretty sure I hate Kathy now.

jessalyn said...

sooo jealous of the winner! but congrats to her.

i hope you feel better!!

Ed said...

I hope for Kathy sake, that you sanitize that bag first.

MommyLisa said...

Alka Seltzer cold is the only thing that works.

Feel better.

bluzdude said...

Best way to beat it is to give in to it for a few days. Lay about, bundle up, rock the NyQuil and give the sickness its due. Trying to rush back will prolong the misery.

Bonus: The NyQuil hallucinations make for entertaining blog posts!

Hope you feel better soon, dear.

Anonymous said...

i think the aforementioned Xzibit hosts a show called 'pimp my ride.' i'm pretty sure that means whatever movie he was in that you saw is of the HIGHEST quality.

Mom in High Heels said...

You gave my bag to Kathy???? I'm wounded. Seriously.
I just got over the evil bug (which made my fever so high I was insane, as evidenced by my most recent Random Thoughts Tuesday post)and spent 3 days wrapped in a blanket drinking hot tea. We do not have On Demand or even TiVo (WHY GERMANY? WHY???) so if I wanted to watch something (which mostly I didn't) I had to actually get up and put in a DVD. Quelle horror! Can you imagine?

Unknown said...

I too spent yesterday on the couch coughing like I've got emphysema.
I managed to watch 5 movies before hubby got home from work. I don't even know how thats possible!! I did manage to slip in a few kids flicks for the little one, so I felt better about myself.
P.S. Im super jealous of Kathy for winning that purse!

Unknown said...

sorry you're sick; chocolate? did I read chocolate? where?

Bird Shit said...

Hope you feel better!

shortmama said...

Apparently I felt so sorry for you that I decided to join you...Im sick today too and just got sicker when I saw that I wasnt the winner of the purse!

Jules AF said...

I agree with Kristina. Hatred. I might have to go out and buy a purse to make myself feel better.

mCat said...

So sorry you are sick, but I am laughing because I am picture Monica sick as a dog trying to get Chandler to get it on with her.

Okay, no more laughing, I really do hope you feel better!

koopermom said...

Awwwhhhh..... Congratulations Kathy!! I hope you enjoy the bag as much as I would have!! :)

foxy said...

I'm too jealous to wish congrats to Kathy. Sorry. But I do hope you feel better quick.... being sick sucks.

Matty said...

I sure do hope you get better soon, although it doesn't seem to affect your writing skills. We watched movies yesterday from Netflix during the snowstorm.

And why couldn't you pull some strings and get me that chocolate win?

CountessLaurie said...

Oh yuck, I hope you are feeling better soon!

And what would I have done with a Jimmy Choo anyway?

Feel better!!!!

Carma Sez said...

Sounds like absolute misery :-( rest up and feel better soon

Myya said...

Feel better!!! I totally agree about the alibis you can have while you are sick : )

Congrats to the Jimmy Choo winner... bummer it wasn't me but Yippeee for them!!! :)

Rebecca Knight said...

Oh no! I hope you're feeling better!

This was me this week, too. I was lucky (insert sarcasm here) enough to get food poisoning on Sunday night, and spent every day until now wrapped in blankets and praying for death's sweet release.

Valentine's Day? Is it that time already? :)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

wooohoo kathy!
feel better soon JM!

Lopez said...

Shamefully, I am a fan of teeny-bopper movies...but I attribute that to wanting to hold onto youth with every last thread...!

This is the third time Xzibit has come up in my life this week! We watched Derailed on Monday and he was in it...and he was helping with the Extreme Home Makeover event that they are doing here in OKC that my BIL was a part of...and now this. Funny!

So...I'm not exactly sure how to link my email to my blog...but I'm going to look into that now...!

Laura Trevey said...

Hope you feel better soon!!
Watch some good movies ~~ Couple Retreat just came out on Demand.

Humor yourself with my newest post on BBB as well :)


Uptown Girl said...

congrats to Kathy!

Hope you feel better soon JennyMac... other than the sick part, days like that are my fave!

Herding Cats said...

It sounds like you are battling an awful flu. Feel better soon! (You know it's bad when you can't physically get up off the couch)...

The Four Week Vegan said...

I sure hope you are starting to feel better.

Existential Waitress said...

Xzibit, huh? Dare I ask?

Hope you feel better soon! The sickies stink!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You know what, Seventeen is still a pretty good magazine. Wow, I am exactly 4 x 17 ! Hope you feel better. On Demand is fun when you need a pick me up.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

Congratulations Kathy!

And I am sorry that Jenny you have been attacked by the bug. {{{hugs}}}

Kate said...

Oh - I can sympathise. I have tonsilitis and it's horrible. I'm trying to rest with magazines and hot tea but I keep getting disturbed by my kids. My neck looks like a body-builder's. Very attractive. I always mean to comment on your posts but always think you'll never get around to reading mine cos you get so many!

Grand Pooba said...

Damn that Kathy!!!

Okay sorry Kathy, I just had to get that out.

Now Dear JennyMac. You totally need to take advantage of this sickness. Milk it girl.

(But I do want you to get feeling better too. Of course.)

Kat said...

Holy crap!!!! Are you kidding me??? I usually check your posts before I leave for work (ok, sometimes at work - our little secret) but today I had to go in early and never got a chance. Just got home and found this!!! It's probably best that I didn't see this at work, the screams would have scared our clients to death. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance. Now I have to find a really good hiding place so Princess Cait doesn't "borrow" my bag! And to Ed, I don't care if this baby comes with plague bugs on it!!! Wow, wow, wow. Maybe I'd better go buy a lottery ticket. Thank you JennyMac, I just can't believe this. YIPPEE!! Kathy

secret agent woman said...

I absolutely hate being that sick. Hope you are on the mend soon!

Kat said...

Good grief, I totally lost my manners while I was losing my mind. I hope you feel better soon, and if you're really lucky, Mean Girls will be on. I just love that silly movie. I know I'm supposed to say that my favorite movie is something with Italian or German subtitles, but I'm just a goofball at heart. Hugs, Kathy

J.J. in L.A. said...

I know all about laying in bed and watching tv all day...that's why I bought the Netbook! lol! We're postponing V-day til the 22nd.

Hope you're feeling great SOON!

obladi oblada said...

Hope you are better soon. Hope you can find something good to watch too, it always helps to have something good to watch when you get tired of sleeping.

Kat said...

And you want to know what's even better than winning this bag? Having JennyMac say I'm a fabulous woman! WOO HOO! Kathy

Brian Miller said...

hope you feel got 2 days to get better for valentines. smiles.

Unknown said...

Awww!Do get better JM. Congrats to Kathy.

Tracie said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Congrats to Kathy!

Nonflammable said...

Get well, soon. I had something in Oct. It wiped me out for 5 days and I didn't feel 100% until a week later.

Drink lots of water.

Yay Kathy!

Fragrant Liar said...

When you're sick, TV is good medicine. Let's you sort of vedge out and be entertained at the same time. It's soothing. Unless you're watching Kill Bill.

Feel better.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I really hope you feel better soon.

Congrats to Kathy!

Andrea McKay said...

Oh, man. Sickness SUCKS. It's so much better to stay home wrapped and swaddled and movie watching when you are perfectly well. Get better!

And do tell . . . just what kind of Vosges are you holding onto there? Sigh. You have some serious willpower, girl -- even sickness couldn't stop me from busting into that.

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Salt said...

I hope you feel better soon, JennyMac!!!

And big 'grats to Kathy! What an awesome pre-Valentines gift!

Jen said...

Aw man, I was really hoping to have a little Choo in my Valentine's Day! Congrats Kathy! Lucky lady!

Hope you feel better soon! Until then, enjoy being swaddled in bed watching movies.

Pandorah's Box said...

Poor, sick JennyMac. I hope you feel better in time for Valentine's Day!

And isn't sad that we only allow ourselves to melt into the sofa and watch bad movies when we are sick? Not fair. I think it's necessary to do it often, without it making you too lazy.

And congrats to the winner! I am happy for her and jealous at the same time!

Feel better my dear :)

Honey Mommy said...

Get better soon! My youngest has been sick this week, and it is miserable! said...

Feel better soon.

Ashley Stone said...

hope you feel better!

Ela said...

Oh you poor thing. Being swaddled in front of a TV is definitely the way to go, works better than any medication in my books.

I used to love Seventeen...and thought how grown up it was. And the Vogue and the like were for *old ladies*. Um yeah.

Congrats to the winner!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you feel much better soon. I did just read the post above so I suppose you are feeling better! Phew! : )

Have a wonderful Valentines weekend filled with lots of love and happiness!

Ms. Salti said...

Oh, I hope you feel better soon. There's a bad bug going around here and I think I'm getting it! Yuck! Happy VDay!

Tanja said...

I hate being sick! But I love watching movies. It's a shame that the two can only be done together. I hope you get better soon! said...

So, how desperate can you get?
Xzibit. ;-)
Bless your heart. What did you end up giving Johnnymac?