Breaking up is hard to doooooo....
Breaking up is hard to do, right? That's why the lead word is an action verb which can mean annul but can also mean to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments. Yes, breaking up is tough. That's why its called breaking up and not called Tickle Party. And a tricky category of break ups of which I was unaware until I was an adult was the platonic break up. Remember when you were kids you simply liked/didn't like/loved/hated friends sometimes on a cyclical spin.
My best friends stayed fairly consistent but
don't think we were without our moments of:
I hate you
Well I hate YOU
NOT POSSIBLE. All hate in the WORLD flows from me to YOU.
Oh, did our parents endure us? Because the next minute, day, or week all was glossed over. But as adults? It is a bit more difficult. Well let me rephrase. Breaking up with friends is difficult for women.
I think men break up with friends like this:
Hey Joe, don't be a d-bag.
F you.
They run into each other days or weeks later and have a beer because they would never remember something like that in the first place. If they do remember, its more like this:
Hey Joe, remember that night you were a d-bag?
F you.
Time for more beer consumption.
I had my first and only break up with a female friend about five or six years ago.
She was beautiful, brilliant, and successful. But unfortunately, also highly vain and terribly spoiled. Beneath her tough exterior though was the potential for a great person. But, like the Russians, how long are you going to hunt for Red October? I knew somewhere in the darkness was a gem, but it reached a point of futility. It was something I actually struggled with though. But in the end, it had to be done.
For example: A man hit on her one night we were out. She told him she wouldn't be "last in line" and he should just go back to the blond he had been working for an hour. He said, "That was actually my sister. And you need Anger Management."
Do you know people that need Anger Management? Here is how you find out, tell them they need Anger Management and watch what happens.
And then JohnnyMac and I had to break up with a couple. What started as easy reverie with this pair turned into playing hopscotch in a mine field. Every minute held explosive potential. My wish was can't you tell me you are like this one day one? Please don't bait and switch me. They were over for dinner one night for his birthday and she called him a dick as in "if my husband wasn't such a dick..."
In front of him. It was so uncomfortable. And then I realized when I would spend time with her, uh oh, this isn't all that atypical. There was something wrong with everyone. You all know someone bitter like this, no one deserves success, or accolades, or acknowledgement. It was a pissy fest when something good happened to any other person. Bitter people like this abound, don't they?
And listen, I know marriage is not always Giggle and Kisses Night but I don't think you call your husband a dick. Especially in front of him. And if you absolutely can not curb the rage and are so incensed that calling him a dick is the only toll you will accept, can you whisper? Better yet, wait until the next day. You don't call someone a dick on their birthday. Besides the obvious reasons, for the next thirty years it will be: oh yeah, I remember that birthday, the one when you called me a dick. Choose words and timing wisely.
And this is why some people believe a Marriage License should have a footer: Requires Alcohol.
And when it became too much, we began to dodge them. Every invite was graciously swept aside with excuses of family commitments, baby activities, or time to scrub the baseboards. Does it take Greg Behrendt to tell you we're just not that into you? And they have a baby now. I ran into her recently and asked how things were going. Her response started with "if my husband weren't so _______ clueless....". Uh huh. Breaking up was wise to do.
Breaking up is hard to do, right? That's why the lead word is an action verb which can mean annul but can also mean to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments. Yes, breaking up is tough. That's why its called breaking up and not called Tickle Party. And a tricky category of break ups of which I was unaware until I was an adult was the platonic break up. Remember when you were kids you simply liked/didn't like/loved/hated friends sometimes on a cyclical spin.
My best friends stayed fairly consistent but

I hate you
Well I hate YOU
NOT POSSIBLE. All hate in the WORLD flows from me to YOU.
Oh, did our parents endure us? Because the next minute, day, or week all was glossed over. But as adults? It is a bit more difficult. Well let me rephrase. Breaking up with friends is difficult for women.
I think men break up with friends like this:
Hey Joe, don't be a d-bag.
F you.
They run into each other days or weeks later and have a beer because they would never remember something like that in the first place. If they do remember, its more like this:
Hey Joe, remember that night you were a d-bag?
F you.
Time for more beer consumption.
I had my first and only break up with a female friend about five or six years ago.
She was beautiful, brilliant, and successful. But unfortunately, also highly vain and terribly spoiled. Beneath her tough exterior though was the potential for a great person. But, like the Russians, how long are you going to hunt for Red October? I knew somewhere in the darkness was a gem, but it reached a point of futility. It was something I actually struggled with though. But in the end, it had to be done.
For example: A man hit on her one night we were out. She told him she wouldn't be "last in line" and he should just go back to the blond he had been working for an hour. He said, "That was actually my sister. And you need Anger Management."
Do you know people that need Anger Management? Here is how you find out, tell them they need Anger Management and watch what happens.
And then JohnnyMac and I had to break up with a couple. What started as easy reverie with this pair turned into playing hopscotch in a mine field. Every minute held explosive potential. My wish was can't you tell me you are like this one day one? Please don't bait and switch me. They were over for dinner one night for his birthday and she called him a dick as in "if my husband wasn't such a dick..."
In front of him. It was so uncomfortable. And then I realized when I would spend time with her, uh oh, this isn't all that atypical. There was something wrong with everyone. You all know someone bitter like this, no one deserves success, or accolades, or acknowledgement. It was a pissy fest when something good happened to any other person. Bitter people like this abound, don't they?
And listen, I know marriage is not always Giggle and Kisses Night but I don't think you call your husband a dick. Especially in front of him. And if you absolutely can not curb the rage and are so incensed that calling him a dick is the only toll you will accept, can you whisper? Better yet, wait until the next day. You don't call someone a dick on their birthday. Besides the obvious reasons, for the next thirty years it will be: oh yeah, I remember that birthday, the one when you called me a dick. Choose words and timing wisely.
And this is why some people believe a Marriage License should have a footer: Requires Alcohol.
And when it became too much, we began to dodge them. Every invite was graciously swept aside with excuses of family commitments, baby activities, or time to scrub the baseboards. Does it take Greg Behrendt to tell you we're just not that into you? And they have a baby now. I ran into her recently and asked how things were going. Her response started with "if my husband weren't so _______ clueless....". Uh huh. Breaking up was wise to do.
I can't believe they're still together. What is the point? You made the right decision.
Hard to even find time for friends with kids, working, cleaning, cooking,.... Blogging is great to squeeze in some conversation when you have a random moment. Hard to get our random free moments to line up to go out. Plus, some woman are unwilling to leave their kids alone with their husband like they can not handle it!!! Just leave the kids!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!
I have broken up with several girlfriends in the past few years. Same reasons - bitter, negative, energy suckers. My life is so much better without them.
Yeah. Great post. I know exactly what you mean and it's women like that give women as a whole a bad name (of course, I'm sure there are plenty of men like that too, but you know what I mean).
I mean, maybe the guy IS a dick and ******* useless, but he didn't suddenly get that way, did he? So why did she marry him? Did she have some weird idea that she could/should change him into an entirely different person? Was he just the best meal ticket available at the time when she was short of cash? Was she just scoring points over a rival and then woke up one day married?
Jeez! Some people, eh?
I've had my go at breaking up with friends, always my fault for not believing who they were the first time they showed me. As I've gotten older, I find I'd rather spend time with those friends who've made it a quarter century or more...the tried and true.
That said, I use the words d bag (think it's funny) and dick (think it's silly) but I use them sparingly and on both women and men. Here's an example of my favorite dick comment: "Hey Dick, When you see Tom would you tell him we miss him?" And yes, it always gets a laugh from the target because it's a bit tempered and quite unexpected. I never said I was nice all the time. ;)
In situations like breaking up with friends, I find that make-up sex is sooooooooo not required....
I broke up with a friend a few years ago. We were friends for 30 years. I just couldn't take one more minute. I always knew that she was a succubus, but when I needed her and she continued to suck, that was enough for me.
No commitments beyond the moment means never having to break up in the future.
Breaking up is tough - whether it's with a husband who is a ... or a good friend.
Thank goodness it doesn't happen too often!
GREAT topic!! You're right about the difference b/w men and women-haha!
Break-ups with "friends" are terrible. I remember ending a friendship with a girl in the beginning of the girl. She seemed lovely and driven at first, but her priorities did not include friends unless she needed something. I ended it as nicely as possible, but she threw everything right back at me and told me that it was "not possible to end a friendship as we'll meet again anyways."
I was stumped and left it at that.
Good post. Sneer at me if you will, but that woman's a d-bag. As for why they are still together, maybe they have the "Requires Alcohol" in BIG, BOLD LETTERS on their Marriage License, and matching tattoos on their arms, and a framed cross-stitch on the wall next to their bed. Damn.
Hope she doesn't start talking like that about him in front of their kid someday. Yikes. Sounds like they needed to break up a long time ago, BEFORE kids.
Good post. Why they are still together I have no clue. I tend to favour the phasing out approach with girlfriends....
Kate x
Oh, breaking up with friends is indeed hard, but SO necessary. I've got one that's got to go now. Dramatic and false. Hurts my feelings constantly. I am currently trying to just dodge her. It sucks.
Breaking up is tough, but sometimes oh so necessary for one's sanity.
I have had to break up with a "friend" at least 3 times in the past 6 years.
Either I attract desperados, or i'm just really really intolerant.
probably a bit of both. :)
Breaking up with friends as an adult is SO much more difficult. Been there, done that. Hope I never have to do it again!
And I bet she thought the baby would fix her marriage. Sad for that ENTIRE family!
What a nightmare! Sheesh!
I've run into people like this. I was once friends with someone like this. She moved into a new house and knew she was going to move again in 5 months or so and her theory on meeting the neighbors? Why bother, it's not like i'm goingt o like them before I move anyway.
Okay then. She moved and that was thankfully the last I heard from her.
BTW - snagged your nifty button for my site.
Agreed. I actually went through a bad up and down relationship with constant breakups and reunions. So unhealthy. I'm so much happier now that I've broken away. It reminds me of the Rascall Flatts song, "God Bless the Broken Road."
I've said this before: Just because you've always been friends with someone, doesn't necessarily mean you should continue to.
I broke up with a girlfriend I've known since third grade about 7 years ago.
I can't be with someone who sucks the life out of me with her husband, friends, looks, weight, you -name-it drama.
Life is so short to worry about those folks... Don't miss em and don't think about em...
But, don't knock anger management. Through an odd set of circumstances, my wife was asked (forced) to take a two day course through work. It actually did wonders for us (not so much for her attitude about her co-workers).
It definitely is difficult. I think in some cases more difficult than breaking up with males. I think you did the right thing. HOw long can you allow someone to sap the good out of you.
Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a really entertaining one here.
My long time childhood bf and I finally had to call it quits. We ended up putting our friendship before our relationships, disaterous for both of us. That was harder than a divorce.
My current bf and her hubby call each other names like that, but they have been together for 18 years. She says it is better than talking about him behind his back.
My first husband told me he thought we should get a divorce on my birthday. thing was, he didn't want to break up, he just thought all our problems started after we got married and if we were divorced things would be good again. I was dumbstruck at first (and just a little hurt) and then I decided that that was exactly what we should do but for real. Thing was, he didn't realize that our troubles started when I realized what a lazy cheating drug addled ass he was.
Couple chemistry is so hard to find. Especially when the other couple um, hates each other. I get annoyed with people really easily which is why I have very few friends aside from my sisters. I'm such a nerd.
It is way harder to break up when you are an adult. As kids it was super easy. A few months back I made the split with a friend. She was a drain. Her life was always the worst thing on earth. Awful job, boyfriend, parents, etc. You couldn't say anything to her without getting a negative reply.
And two days ago she texts me and I'm trying not to get sucked back in, but dang...guilt...
smashing post. no pun intended. ;-)
Wonderful post. You are so correct in how men fight. I had a chuckle because it's true.
The tip to see if a person needs anger managment--perfect!
Breaking up IS hard to do...but after the drama it feels so good to be rid of some people...
You have the man fights down perfectly.
My wife and I were friends with a couple (who are no longer a couple) who used to take jabs at each other the whole time, like a full blown fight was about to break out at any moment.
I bailed out of that friendship fast, my wife chose to linger, and it upset her so much.
I think couple friends are difficult,too. To find a match where you like both him and her and your hubs does,too, is rare.
I have four close female friends that I Have had for years; only one of them had a spouse Hubs and I both liked. Three of them are now widows. The only one who isn't a widow, remearried a few years ago, and neither Hubs or I care for her new man. Fortunately she moved a couple of hours away, so we have an excuse to not get together very often.
You do have to wonder if a person has no respect for their husband then can they possibly have respect for anyone?
ugh, friend break ups are the worst.
I have zero tolerance for people who are persistently negative. They probably have a lot to be thankful for. Maybe they need a life changing event (like a visit from 3 ghosts) to realize how fleeting is life.
People who need anger management will probably reach exponential proportions.
Your ex-friends lost out.
Understanding is the key in a relationship. I do believe that with constant communication and not bickering when there is something wrong will make a relationship work.
Still there are some relationships without good foundation and can be easily broken..
Hope, I made sense!
I keep it easy. I don't have friends.
It's nice when you're still single and you need to "break up" you can just start hanging out with different people. I'm an expert as phasing people out.
Excellent post! Like you, I recently had a breakup with a friend, and I think it was my first real "friendship-breakup." She was one of those who felt she was doing good by telling people exactly what she htought of them. And since she was perfect and had no flaws of her own, she felt the need to tell people time and time again, "oh, you could have handled that better." I am much better off without her in my life.
I try to keep the people in my life to a minimum. I don't have time for the drama. lol
Ahh, I can totally relate. I had a really good friend for a long time who had the potential to be awesome and was just...mean and certainly "terribly spoiled" too! It's also so uncomfortable for everyone when a husband or wife belittles the other in front of them to other people. It's just unnecessary!
I tend to just phase friends out too. I do have a friend that I feel very close too. She keeps saying we need to do lunch, but we never seem to. Her schedule is unpredictable and she's kind of a spaz. But she will call out of the blue to ask if I'll look up a phone number in my book for her. Then we'll laugh about kids for a while, then I won't hear from her for ages, even if I leave her a message. I'm just keeping her on the back burner of friends... I'll be there when she needs me I guess but I don't depend on her.
I'm not a confrontational type of person.
Makes me sound like a wimp, doesn't it?
I've had to break up with a girlfriend recently and, frankly, it sucks. She's been the only one in my adult life and it couldn't be any more awkward.
I always break up with friends when they stop fulfilling the need I have for them. I don't need crappy friends; I have crappy family.
Oh better that you bailed when you did. Yall probably would have been caught up in that somehow, and it just would have been worse. I am also quite good at phasing people out. I like to have a lot of friends, but only keep a few close enough to hurt me.
It's no fun breaking up with friends.. but sometimes it is so neccessary! I had to with a friend, OVER A BOY! It was such drama... But I have no regrets now.
Life goes on....
I don't know why it takes us women so much longer to break up with people than guys. I found out during my wedding that my supposed best friend since Middle School (who was a bridesmaid) had no desire to be there and was letting everyone know it. Then she wondered why I was so upset afterwards with all the other crap she pulled....
Glad you cut that couple off when you did, major downers!
What bothers me most about breaking up with friends is that the person doing the breaking is the one who becomes the bad guy. Instead of a friend thinking about why I had to end the relationship, they pass it off like I am the one with the weird issues. Even adults can't take responsibility for their actions.
And I have never had success with phasing people out. It seems when i try to do that those people become my psuedo stalkers and will not leave me alone. I actually have to have the break up conversation. That is not fun.
some people should not reproduce.
This was quite enlightening. A female friend and I were having a similar discussion last night (in the bar, actually; speaking of requisite alcohol). I couldn't understand why some friends drift apart or actually break up. They're friends, I said, faults or no. You have to stick by your friend. My friend said that she'd tried, but some of these girlfriends of hers were just so immature and negative and haughty (and had been so for so many years) that she'd finally had enough trying to dig for the diamond in the rough. As you said, there comes a time when you must stop the hunt for the Red October. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I have had a couple friends I have had to break up with. It was sad, but necessary for my sanity.
My daughter calls it "phasing."
That was her advice for acouple of friends of mine that became crazy after they had children. Always critical of other people's parenting and giving me unasked for advice. But their own kids could do no wrong.
"Phase her mom." And I did.
I broke up with a friend of 8 years, about a year ago. It sucked. But she was lying to me, and she was in this weird competition with me that I wasn't aware of.
I realized we had to break up when I discovered that I was working harder at my relationship with her, than my own marriage.
The joy of having Alzheimer's disease is making new friends every day...
Great post, so timely this week as many of us writing on this topic!!!
You obviously made the right call in both departments, so well done, and bet yuo are happier without the dramzzzzz!
your way of writing is so funny and ironic, even if you are writing about serious things! you are such a talented blogger!
have a great weekend,
I feel sometimes as adults we hold on to friends longer than necessary just because you've been friends for so long. I have one that is just drama filled and I'm trying to break -up now. I think she's mad about it...
My husband and I had a couple that we had to also break up with, for the very same reason, they constantly talked ugly of other people, I quickly realized that we would also be the "other" people when they were not with us. I ran into the wife not long after that at a social gathering at which she announced to everyone we were no longer close because she said my husband and I never wanted to do anything, apparently she missed the point about us not wanting to "do" anything with THEM. To her dismay, she didn't realize everyone else was all the wiser as we had been doing things with the rest of them. Some people are just toxic.
"this is why some people believe a Marriage License should have a footer: Requires Alcohol" Nicely done! The type of break-up I found to be the worst is actually when you (female you) have to dump your best friend. That could be a drawn-out, exhausting process. I don't think one recovers fully from that since it is NOT that easy/simple to find another best friend.
Is it too late to add that footer to my marriage license? Can I put others on there, as well?
I'm afraid that I'm the friend who got dumped. sigh
I've been friends with this person, a very dear friend, for many years. I moved about ten years ago and we've kept in touch sporadically. We're not that distant from each other, but it's a hassle to get together. I've tried to contact her a couple of times this past month and get no response.
I don't feel bitter or sad, and I hope that she doesn't either. I think at some point we'll get in touch again and pick up like we'd never been apart. Friends come and go with the phases of your life. For whatever reason, she just doesn't need me right now. I'm good with that.
Well said! Couple chemisty is so hard to find. I agree on the negative people point, too. Exhausting to be around and just not worth it!
I've had several friend break-ups. I don't have time for the drama.
OMG! We know them!!! Actually, we know a couple where the man and woman BOTH do that to each other. It's a real downer for everyone else around. If it weren't so damned sad, it would be kind of funny...but it's just...not. It's just sad...terribly, terribly sad.
I have had a few messy friendship break ups in the past couple of years...for the same reasons you describe so eloquently.
Love your writing style!
Kitty x
Friend breakups can be worse than partner breakups sometimes. I had one who portrayed herself as SUCH a good friend. Insisted on coming to the hospital when my baby was born,etc. She then completely betrayed me. I made a clean break and never looked back. Life is too short for frenimies!
Oh yes, the nightmare couple! We have had to run from a fair share of those- too many in this big world! It is amazing isn't it?!?!
OOOOOOOOOOOOH, i am so glad you broke up with this couple. UGH. life is too short to hang out with DICKS. ahah haaha!!!
i have broken up with many a friend. whatever. sometimes it just isn't worth it.
i might possibly need anger management. but i am pretty sure i would laugh if someone told me that i did. :)
Funny. I have a friend who I have set some good boundaries with for exactly this reason. Whiner, pisser and I think her husband couldn't do a thing right for her EVER.
So we sit down to chat and catch up, and within 2 minutes, I am totally reminded of why I stopped calling her.........wish our boys weren't friends.
Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog; I'm flattered. And you are hilarious! Life would actually be a lot easier if we all just broke up like men. Damn estrogen...
that poor child!
I don't think I've ever had a friend break-up. Maybe a mild phase-out or two, but I generally love my girlfriends.
Breaking up with men is more my specialty. Sometimes I think its too bad I'm not a lesbian bc then I'd have a successful relationship.
I haven't so much broken up with a friend as I have avoided her for near two years now. Yay for cowardice!
Yeah. We "have" a couple like that. Only the woman in our situation talks about her husband's and her sex life, or lack thereof. VERY awkward!
Do you think it's possible that she just acts like this so much that they both have come to accept it think it's witty or expected? It is horribly embarrassing for not only the husband, but the others in the room.
I'm a I just don't say anything...avoid...don't call back...ignore. I've only had a couple of breakups. Wish I was better at this. The gals at
Amusing post.
Scary that that couple had a baby! What is it with people?
Two years ago my closest friend, the one who told me I was a "once-in-a-lifetime" friend, wrote me a hideous letter telling me we couldn't be friends any more because we had both changed too much. She told me not to contact her ever again. Believe me, I didn't. But it really hurt because we had been so close for so long. Later other people told me how unstable they always thought she was... When I think of all the things I did for her, I feel kind of like a chump. She did a lot for me in terms of listening and counseling (as friends do), but it's pretty clear I was giving a lot more than I was getting. Yikes, didn't mean to spill so much here. Sooooorrrrry!
I recently had to break up with an entire INSTITUTION.
I'm telling you, it took me DAYS to update my Christmas card list.
But, and I say this with as much Christian charity as I'm allotted on Thursdays, the people involved were insane. Every. Single. One.
So it was worth it. Totally.
I thought breaking up with friends stopped when I was in high school... sadly, adult female friendships often have more drama than the ones we have when we're younger.
Love your writing!
That zippy "last in line" guy is someone I'd like to meet. I bet he's a comedy writer.
As for the "my husband is a @%#*" friend? The remark itself is bad. Repeating the remark to the husband is horrendous. But making the remark, TO the husband, in front of third parties is . . . reprehensible.
Good riddance, I say.
I've never had a "friend break-up". That's not to say that I am still friends with everyone I was friends with in high school and college. If we don't talk now, it's just because our lives went in different directions and we just lost touch. I can't even imagine how awkward that would be...
And I have been known to call my husband a dick, in front of others. But it was in humor and in front of very close friends and family who were in on the joke...I can't even fathom doing it in the midst of an argument...and never on his birthday!
uuuuugh, you did the right thing here!
As much as i hate to admit it, I think the guy fight that you narrated is so true!
Thanks for your comment!!! Im following your blog now, and looking forward to read more!
We just think all other adults are evil and avoid them--maybe that is why I can only intelligently discuss Disney Channel televison programs.
Good article ----wouldn't it be great to be a guy and just "put it out there" and then forget about it and move on. F you --no F you ---Ok'all's good.
No, women are so dang complicated.
Life is to short to spend with people that aren't -----well, worth being with.
what coctail are you serving up tonight
I have wanted to break up with friends but since we have moved a lot over the years, that has pretty much taken care of it for me.
I totally do the phase out friendship thing. pleasantries and beating around the bush. It's the safest, most passive aggressive way to deal with it. ALthough I like the d-bag line too
Especially not on their birthday, because that would be the one and ONLY thing they would ever remember. You know like they can't remember to pick up Milk but darn it you calling them a name would be a lasting impression.
Now in now way I'm a saying that was proper etiquette I always save that for home, but still not on a memorable day. No ammo needed please.
man i just went through this recently and i've been wondering if i made the right choice....thanks for this point, you made me realize i did the right thing...
Breaking up can be hard if you never saw it coming and the person you thought was really a great friend wasn't at all.
I had what I thought was that type of friendship and she cheapened our friendship by saying that she just couldn't be the kind of friend that I needed....that it was all her...she just wasn't good friend material. Sucks to be her, I guess. She should have a warning to everyone that attempts to befriend her that she has no intention of being a good friend.
I broke up with a friend once. At some point after she'd strangled her roommate's girlfriend I decided it was just time.
Oh yeah, can relate to this big time. Went through the same thing with a couple and a woman friend, oh my Lord....someone just slap me if I am that dumb again about reading people at the get-go.
Sheesh. Some people need to look in a mirror.
And you were so right on about men breaking up. Every time Auburn looses a game, my hubby and his brofriend have a major disagreement about why said game was lost and then three days later and all about each other again.
"a Marriage License should have a footer: Requires Alcohol."
Once again, JennyMac, you owe me a new keyboard. I am forever spewing my coffee on it because of you.
We broke up with a couple similar to them as well. The woman would constantly make fun of her man and order him around in front of us. I knew it wouldn't be long when my husband whispered to him later on, "Hey man, grow a pair, will ya? Why do you let her order you around like that?" And then like the wimp he is, he told on my husband and then she spent the next girls night out with me defending her personality. Sooo bad and awkward! I wonder if she's got him tied up in the basement of their home now.... Hmmmm..... don't know..... no longer care!
Oh my god we had to break up with a couple very similar to your break up couple. They were so negative to each other and in front of everyone, and bad! It was just awkward and uncomfortable. Then they started lying to us about the stupidest stuff. They took their dog to the kennel because they wanted to get rid of him but they told us he got ran over by a car. Just idiotic shit like that. We flat out told them not to call us anymore and we wanted nothing to do with them.
Jeez. They sound like *they* were a whole lot of fun. ;)
Oh, well. At least they provided you with some great stories to tell.
*sigh* Breaking up with friends is SO hard to do... especially if they are long-time friendships. I don't know why people have this expectation that just because you've known each other forever that you have to stay "besties"... people change, and grow apart. It's natural.
I just hate the awkward run-ins after you decide to break up with someone / a couple... eeek. haha
she doesn't seems like she was that great of a friend to begin with?
I had to lose a friend a couple of years ago - she became this person that I didn't know anymore. Drinking her brains out, kissing girls and boys and going home with who ever - I didn't want any part of that hot mess. She seems to have turned the page though.
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