Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who let the blogs out?

Welcome to Awards Show Sunday.

Shall I reveal my fancy frock? You better believe it. I absolutely love Carolina Herrera. I did a fundraiser with her company last year that was spectacular. So in her honor, from her Spring Collection I selected this gorgeous couture for the party tonight.

and I had to have these oh so pretty treats from Yves St. Laurent......

and, I am excited to debut my new fabulous cuff. Elsa Perretti for Tiffany. YUMM.

and I am wearing this...Badgley Mischka Eau de Parfum. I bought my first bottle years ago and I still love it. It smells like a combination of Old Hollywood Glam and sex appeal to me.
So, dames and gents, please mix yourself a tasty elixir, and let's get down to business.
I am impressed by the award giving from one blogger to another. I think recognition of one another builds a cohesiveness amongst us. And I am completely flattered when you share them with me. Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in what is happening with my blog. It is an awesome community to participate in...

And the envelopes please.....

Thank you so much Lee from at Your Couture Kid for another the dazzling Splash award.
And I really appreciate the Kreativ Blogger from Amanda at Cheap Wine and Cookies.
and from Jamie at Another Joyous Journey. You are awesome.
And a great Zombie Chicken from One Sassy Girl. Sassy and I are great blog pals.
Thank you Dan from Vacant Mind for the Lovely Blog award. So pretty.
The great I Love Your Blog award from Mammy Diaries. Thanks for the love, love!
Jenn at You know...that blog for the Love Ya! award bestowed upon blogs that are exceedingly charming. Love it! Thanks Jenn.
Big hug to Alexis at Running away? I'll help you pack for the hat trick of a Dragon Loyalty Award, Best Blog, and I give good blog. I hope you always think so.

Much appreciation to Baloney and Hyla at GreenEarthJourney for the Who loves you? and Best Blog Award.
And One Sassy Girl also debuted her amazing new award Pass the Sass. LOVE IT!

The gorgeous Your blog is fabulous! award from The Pink Polka Dot and Aly at Living My Story,With this comes 5 obsessions.

Big thanks to Tracie at StirFryAwesomeness, who is awesomeness, gave me another Honest Scrap. With this comes ten things you don't know about me.

The amazing Your Blog is Over the Top from Geez Louise, BuckarooMama, and ObladiOblada. Thank you all. With this comes a long list which requires one word answers only. Over the top? We are merely getting started, friends.

I am going to combine these awards. First, let's take a breath and pause for a quick sip.
Now, here are ten things you don't know about me:

1. One of the best vacations we have taken was to Cap Juluca in Anguilla. JohnnyMac suprised me. Incredible is an understatement.
2. I love Dane Cook. One of my favorite comedians.
3. One of the best books I read this year was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. And it is
probably one of the Top 20 best books I have read of all time.
4. I have removed my manuscript from the dusty placeholder in the garage and have someone who will begin editing it in December.
5. I love breakfast. Favorite meal of day. And I make a crazy good brioche stuffed french toast.
6. I wish people would not use the word retard. I volunteer with disabled kids and I know how AWFUL it is for moms and dads to hear people use that word so flippantly.
7. I got hit by a car riding my bike once. What was merely an accident for me was a parents nightmare when that call was placed to my Mom. I am SO lucky. Only a broken leg.
8. I had a big crush on a Country Singer after I met him. MEOW. I may allegedly still have a tiny residual crush to this day.
9. I was nominated as one of the Top Ten College Seniors at my University.
10. I started playing soccer when I was barely old enough to go to school. I started snow skiing not long after.

Now that we are done getting to know one another a little better, let's refresh and keep moving.
Thank you SO much Lee at Your Couture Kid and Leigh at LeighvsLaundry for the J'adore Tien Award. Tres fabuleux!

Thank you so much to Little Ms. Blogger for the PEEPSHOW (I should have been a stripper) Award. Peeps on hysterical. Alexis at Running away? I'll help you pack for the Blah Blah Blah Your Comments ROCK! And the Savage for the uber hot Your Blog is HOT award. He did the artwork himself.

And the pretty Loyal Friend and Reader Award from Laura at Vodka Logic. She is a great and loyal reader to me too. Thanks Laura!

Whew....let's take another break to sip on our concoctions.

Now. I have some amazing readers, commenters, and overall interested parties. There are SO many blogs deserving of awards. SO: I made a list of everyone who has commented this week. You all have given me some big love.

I love what we can learn about other people from the Honest Scrap so I am passing it to: Lee, Amanda, Baloney, One Sassy, Dan, Mammy, Alexis, Jenn from You Know...that Blog, Pink Polka Dot, Aly, Hyla, Little Ms. Blogger, Savage, Vodka Logic, Geez Louise, Obladi Oblada, Leigh, StirFry, BuckarooMama, and Jamie.

I am also passing on the Pass the Sass Award to some sassy commenters from last week:
Foxy from the Fox Den and ElastaMom and JenJen from Jen's Voices . Sassy thrives here.

And I am bestowing my own award.

The rules for the I give good blog award: No one really likes rules, do they? I shall make mine simple. Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog. There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party.

Or you can just put it on your mantle and watch it sparkle. And if you think it sassy that I created my own Award, just consider it a grown up and virtual version of a friendship bracelet.

I am giving the I Give Good Blog award to those on the list above that have not received it from me yet: Jenn from You Know..., Pink Polka Dot, Geez Louise, BuckarooMama, Hyla, Obladi Oblada, StirFry, Dan, Amanda, and Jamie.

And I am also giving the I give good blog award to some other great bloggers. And again, this is a short list and by no means covers all of the awesome bloggers I have "met".

Get your finery on, and join the party.
THANK YOU. Have a fabulous Sunday Night.


Anonymous said...

Love the dress. The shoes are a bit scary, but then I'm a mere man, so what do I know, eh? :)

Ellie said...

Wow, so many goodies for me to check out! Thanks for the suggestions - I'm a bit new, so this should get me off to a good start?!

Unknown said...

Oooh, I do love a good awards ceremony!! :)

Many congratulations on all your well deserved awards.

I am reading "The Book Thief" right now and agree it is a amazing read.

Happy Sunday!

Little Ms Blogger said...

I learned a lot about you and kudos/congrats on dusting off the manuscript. Plan on telling us the genre of book?

Thank you for the award. :-)

Sarah said...

I love Dane Cook too. LOVE him! Have you seen "Employee of the Month"? The out takes from that movie (bonus features) are some of the funniest scenes I have ever seen!

Liz Mays said...

You deserve every single one of those. Congratulations!

f8hasit said...

I forgot this morning was Sunday! Thus awards day!

Here you are, dressed to the nines and I'm in my flannels pj's...

But now I've a quest to check out all the fabu blogs you've linked! Have a great Sunday Miss JennyMac!

Next week I'll remember to at least brush my teeth before attending the awards ceremony!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. All the best bloggers realise that Sunday is a day for awards!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh wow you do so well at this - big congrat's on the awards and congrat's to the awardees.

Your right, there are just so many great people in blogland. In giving awards I break out in a sweat trying to choose! I'm hopeless.
like your shoe choice JM said...

Talk about bloggy love... you've got it in spades! It's going to be fun checking out all your adoring fans! And thanks for the award... I'll display it with pride as I raise a cocktail in your honor! Now... what to wear?

Unknown said...

Congrats for the awards that you truly deserve..and love the outfit!

Unknown said...

Your brioche sounds amazing...and I am guilty of sometimes using the word "retard" even though I have worked with kids who are. Shame on me and I will work on this.

The Book Thief is my top book ever. I tell everyone I know about it. So incredibly moving,creative and insightful. All from Leisel's perspective, it's really a masterpiece. I'm glad you like it, too!

jennykate77 said...

The dress is kick a**! I love the shoes and the bracelet...I have a thing for cuff bracelets right now. All of the awards are awesome. You deserve each and every one of them. I get a little lost when I come to your page. I never know where to start reading and half the time I leave without making a comment b/c I've spent so much time catching up that I don't leave enough time to comment. I'll try to do better.

Hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday!

Judi said...

I don't usually comment on your blog because, well, you get so many darn comments. But I've been wanting to come by and pretty much GUSH about you and your blog. I'm glad to see that really I don't have to gush because you've been showered with recognition from people who are far more creative with their gushing. But I do really adore your blog and am repeatedly impressed. Today is no exception. This is probably the best blog award(s) acceptance post I've ever seen. I love it. In fact, it's not just a great blog award(s) accpetance post. It's a great post period. (Hey, I said I've been wanting to gush!) Anyway, congratulations on the well-deserved recognition. Confession: the only reason I've never officially tipped my hat your way with a blog award is because you and your blog are so cool, I've been kind of intimidated. OK. Enough with the gushing. Rock on. :)

I'm Jamie said...

Look at you! Stealing the show with all our bling!

Unknown said...

The book would be fabulous!

Jules AF said...

I am so proud of "i give good blog" haha. I always say "I give good face!" So, thank you.

Buckeroomama said...

Congrats on all your awards!

..and thanks for the ones you gave me, especially *your* award. :)

ThatsBaloney said...

Why thank you! But I have nothing to wear...
Is the honest scrap the 10 things you don't know? Just checking.

Lee said...

Thanks and you deserve them all! Don't you LOVE Anguilla!! I have been twice to CuisinArt with my ex. Okay, not great company, but my favorite place in the universe by far!

Vodka Logic said...

Congrats again.. so well deserved.

And thank you for the honest scrap award. As a second time recipient do I need to list 10 more things about myself. I am interesting but not sure I am that interesting lol..

I love Dane Cook as well and was hit by a car riding a bike when I was a kid. ...sistah

Anonymous said...

Congrats on ALL of your awards! You deserve EVERY single one!!!

Chief said...

You have a good list of great blogs in that post my friend!

Farnnay said...

COngrats on the awards!!

I loveeeeeeeee that cuff. at first i was like, wth is that?

but its awesome. :)

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

The Book Thief is on my top ten list. It was amazing!

Summer Athena said...

I love how you did your award post! You're freaking fabulous!

Kristina P. said...

We have a new intern who annoys us to no end. She's pregnant, and all day last week she kept saying how "retarded" she was now that's she's pregnant. And we work in the mental health field!

She also used the word Mulatto to describe one of our biracial clients. Hahaha! Are you kidding? Did I just see Huck Finn float by? We totally called her out on that one.

brokenteepee said...

Congratulations on all of the blog awards.

I tend to eat mine and the publicist yells at me.

Life Laugh Latte said...

First...One of the things I admire most about your blog is how you can say so much with so few words. It would take me two pages of text to create the meaning you have in one paragraph. This is probably the freshest blog I read. Always interesting, always new.
Second...Love the outfit. Hoped you would add a HA HA, so I wouldn't have to be insanely jealous of your life! Thrilled someone is living it though!!
Third...Love having a new list of blogs to take a gander at. Excited to check out all of the great ones you listed.
Fourth...Still amazed that you found us and that you would pass one of your very own awards on to us. Makes me feel all warm inside. Thanks for making my Sunday!

Have a great day!

mandatorybloghere said...

I freaking love those shoes.
I could die after a night out in those shoes and die happy.
I would hope they would bury me in them too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog award!! I love it!

The dress you are wearing is wonderful!! Have a great time!

Dan said...

I feel slightly underdressed in these jeans and t-shirt. Congratulations on all of your awards there Jen. A rather nice collection if I don't say so myself?

I have taken on your challenge and the results are on my blog. It was hard to think of ten, but fun to do.

Thanks matey!

Amo said...

Congratulations on all your fab awards!

ladytruth said...

That is one pretty frock! Congrats on all the awards; it's just proof that your blog is like a good wine :)

Pseudo said...

Congrats on the awards... feeling a little underdressed over here...but it is only 7:30 AM on a Sunday morning over here...

My bookclub is reading The Book Thief next month...

Hyla said...

AWESOME!!! Thank You!

And Great outfit ;)
Love it!

Ill be wearing this

With this ring

and these pumps

Mom in High Heels said...

OMG, those shoes are super fab! Love them!

Anonymous said...

Woop Woop!! Yes that would be me dancing in my Jimmy Choos!! Thank You JennyMac, you are FANTAB!!

Go check out the post!!!

aka: Geez Louise

MJ said...

You looked FABULOUS darling, FABULOUS I say.
Congrats on all the awards! You accepted each one with dignity and grace that only I could hope to have - along with that outfit!
I also wanted to give you some comment love for your award creation. Because of you, I feel like I am making it baby! ;o)
Happy Awards Day!
MJ of Dirty Little Confessions

Lady Di said...

This was a great award show. Much better than MTV's and you didn't get Kanyed either!!!! Of course you ARE JennyMac and he wouldn't DARE interrupt you :)

Lisa Anne said...

Those heels are amazing. lol congrats on all the awards, man that was alot.

JenJen said...

JennyMac, flattery will get you everywhere.

Jack Daniel said...

Oh wow, what a great post. I laughed at # 7: '...only a broken leg'. That must have hurt like hell!!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Next time in ATL, I would love to make a brunch reservation at JennyMac's for your stuffed brioche! Please, oh please!

Senorita said...

I love your taste in fashion !

Kat said...

Love, love, love the dress! And thank you so much for the award! We've had 3 days of grey, rainy, dreary weather and this really brightened up my day! Thanks a million. Kathy

Cougar Tales said...

Wow! Lots of new blogs to go check out. Congrats on all the award winners!
- Cougs

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Holy smokes! Look at the blog bling! You go, gal :)

And I got 2... how honoured am I? Thank you! Will be doing up a post this evening.

Love those shoes - my days of wearing "FM anything" are loooonnnngggg gone though. That ship done sailed! ;)

Cannot wait to hear more about your book. I'll be first in line to buy it! You have to post the first chapter on your blog for us though, ok?!

Thanks again!

AnnQ said...

Congrats on the Awards! SO fun! :-)

strokeofliving said...

I want a I Give Good Blog Award. Something to aspire to one day...

I like your taste in designer couture, although the shoes are a little much for my taste and turned I in my perfume for natural oils. The dress and the cuff are pretty fabu.

Happy Sunday!

Susan Berlien said...

Thank you for finally giving me an opportunity to wear my red party shoes!! And thank you so much for the award...I'd like to thank, my hubby...the academy..and.... oh no KANYE!!! Not again!! This is MY moment!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Even though you've already received it, I have awarded you the "Lovely Blog" award as well. It's new to me, and I've really enjoyed reading it!

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

In the best awards tradition, I am speechless, and can't believe that I'm the lucky recipient of your award! Thanks so much JennyMac! That's about all I can stutter right now! Amanda xx

Mala said...

Wow Jennymac, I feel like such a little person; me in my flats and you in your fabulous, highrise shoes. I'm in awe! Here, you can rest your drink on the top of my head.

And thank you so much for bestowing me with your fab award! SQUEEEEEE!!!!! I just need to sober up and write!

Thanks again *sniff sniff*... so darn sweet.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

you're the second person I know who was hit by a car while riding her bike...

Jen said...

You got all dressed up and here I sit in my jeans and OBX hoodie :) Congratulations on all the awards! I am impressed at your organizational skills to be able to recognize them all, thank everyone and pass them along with such humor - I have a post-it note on my desk with 5 awards I have 'pending' from MAY. I'm a terrible blogger :( But Thank You for thinking of me with your Fabulous award! I am honored :)

Ali said...

You are a superstar!

That is all.

Claudya Martinez said...

Lovely awards show!

Congrats to all the winners.

prerna said...

A-mazing.. Love the outfit.. The awards are mindblowing and congrats to all the winners:-)
Blessings to all!

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Wow, congrats on your awards :) I think I would break my neck on those heels but they are pretty.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited...thank you for my first two blog awards!! WOW!!! I am humbled, really.

I also enjoyed your top ten list especially #3 and #6....The Book Thief is probably in my top 5...I loved the way it was written from Death's point of view. Amazing. Sticks with you. And, as a mother of a daughter with mental retardation, I really wish people would stop being so cavalier with that word!!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome awards show! I had a lot of fun checking out all the blogs!

tiburon said...

Always a bridesmaid...never a bride...

foxy said...

LOVE the dress, dahling! And those awards only hint at your awesomeness... you be the bomb, baby!

Thanks for the Pass the Sass award... I will display that badge with honor and keep the sass coming!!

Unknown said...

You know you are all kinds of awesome when you get so many awards you have to set aside one day a week for them all! And you should be commended for mentioning them all.
Keep up the good work!

Rebecca Knight said...

Congrats JennyMac (LOVE the shoes)!

Also, congrats to all of your fabulous blog pals and commenters! :D I love award season!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I'm back I'm waxed, plucked a little boob take to make sure the twins stay down under the dress and yes even remembered my underoos no Brittany moment here ;)

You rock my dear, check out all those awards! I love stopping by here you always keep me laughing and in need of depends for that uncontrollable laughter and bladder ... Ok I'm baking away graciously :)

Tracie said...

Why thank you, Ms. Jenny Mac! I feel a little under-dressed in my pj's. But you look fabulous darling, as usual.

Congrats on all your awards!

I'm Jamie said...

Hey! I just saw your email, and returned to check out the show! Does this mean I get to add some sparkle to my mantle? I didn't see my name on the list, and I want to make sure I don't ruin an awards ceremony a la Kanye ;)