Friday, October 23, 2009

Sign of the times

I am glad to know that I am a nice person, at least initially. Or that my first and instinctual proclivity is toward kindness. Yesterday morning during my commute, I was behind someone who was doing a lot of drive-stop-drive-stop maneuvers that had me concerned for the driver's safety. The roads were dry, the sun was out, not a squirrel or cat to be seen trying to cross the road. I could not instantly confirm what would cause someone to st-st-st-st-stutter drive this way. My initial thought was "Is that driver ok?" A tiny sense of alarm was included.

But then it went on and on.

The constant tapping of the brake pad looked like a red strobe light in a very ugly Discotheque I would NEVER visit. What could be the issue?

And then I saw it.
As the driver turned his head ever so slightly.
The cause.

I mean, the proximate cause since IDIOCY is the primary cause.

So I wanted to give something to this particular driver. And since I'm not the kind of girl who owns a grenade launcher (a blessing...for some) this will have to do:

Feel free to print and pass out as necessary.


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Do you think its a coincidence that when blue tooth became available; texting and driving with no hands became the big thing?

When did it become necessary to communicate with everyone every.single.moment? Are we all high school freshmen?

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Now what happened to the 'Hi friends'?

mommakin said...

Oh, A-F*cking-men.

Chic Mama said...

Great sign....will print and distribute! ;0)

Beth said...

I need that sign! I can't stand it when drivers are so distracted that they forget they are actually driving and holding up traffic just so they can catch up with their friends. Sheesh!

ladytruth said...

I will transform this into a sign with a red background and held outside the car window accompanied by a honk of the horn to let them know: Shut up and drive!

the walking man said...

I am right on board with your plan on this one JennyM. Gahhhhhhh most people can't walk and talk at the same time much less drive, text and cell phone chat while minding the kid and control of the car.

Chick on a cell phone hit me, broke my neck and 5 years later dude on a cell phone hit me and pushed me back three years worth of recovery.

Please put the phone down.

Unknown said...

Don't even get me started on that one!!!

The other day a woman roared past me as I was walking with my child outside his preschool....she swung her Range Rover around the corner, directly into very bright sunlight and I could clearly see she was TEXTING!!! Oh, and she had children in the back seat of said Range Rover.


lsnellings said...

people are idiots!

The Peach Tart said...

This is one of my pet peeves.

Christina Lee said...

ahhh... I thought you were going to say texting-which is SO dangerous! how annoying!

Kat said...

Amen sister! I used to think we should make everyone drive a stick shift, but I'm sure these idiots would just drive with no hands on the wheel at all. As my husband says about texting, "is it possible to have an unexpressed thought?"! Kathy

Slamdunk said...

Yesterday, the 9 year old and I were walking downtown to a volunteer arts deal for his school and he saw his first traffic collision (car into a parked SUV).

I was sure if we looked into the driver's seat, there would be a cell still on lying there.

Badass Geek said...

Geez. Hasn't this guy heard of Bluetooth?

pam said...

Love the sign. Now if we could only get it displayed on the streets about every 15 feet or so should do it.

courtney said...


KristinFilut said...

Lol!! I'm so guilty! I'm sorry!

AmyK said...

I wish I had that sitting on top of my car so I could light it up when necessary. The scary thing is they think they are driving fine.

ThatsBaloney said...

That is the nicest way to say it. Seriously!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that. I'm going to print it out and tape to the back window of my car.

Vodka Logic said...

I agree for the most part but with one button dialing and speaker phone I can talk and not hold the phone. NO different than talking to someone in the car.... but then again some can't do that and be responsible.

Yankee Girl said...

Awesome sign. We also need one for people who text and drive. Really, how did people become so stupid? Isn't intelligent thought what is supposed to separate us from animals? What happened to our intelligent thought?

Anonymous said...


Life Laugh Latte said...

Frustrating I agree! I love that your first response was compassion...way to go JM. Have a great Friday. Holly at

AnnQ said...

People either need to stay off the phone OR learn how to drive while they're talking!

McVal said...

My mom was ultra talented behind the wheel. She could drink hot hot coffee, help someone with their memory work, smack a kid in the backseat for smarting off and put on lipstick. ALL at the same time! I'm just wondering what throwing a cell phone in the mix would have done...
We probably would've hit more mailboxes than we did...

Heather@WHMB said...

Hahaha, I love it. I agree with Pam, let's get that sign put up every 15 feet. Or, I say we make hand helds that we can display as we drive by.

Ju said...

I also hate people on their mobiles while driving. I thought it was illegal there in the US; it is illegal here in the Uk but that doesn't stop them.

Mira is triplet crown said...

The thing I don't understand was your moment of concern for the driver? I just skip straight to road rage. If they're in my way? They're a problem, don't care what's wrong. Get off the road if you have an actual problem. You're way nicer than I.

MommyLisa said...

I have a bluetooth speaker in my car if I need to make a call- like I am lost or stuck in traffic and need to let my hubby know I am not late because I am in a wreck...but, even my three-year old calls out to people with the cell stuck to their ear, "HANG UP YOUR PHONE AND DRIVE!"

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

I am with you 100%. I have serious issues with the idiots on the roads here in SC...BIG issues. I will be making very good use of that sign!

Milltini said...

HAHAHA!!! Atlanta drivers, gotta love them. I certainly don't miss them. Happy friday!

Anonymous said...

Come January 1, in my city, that jackass would find himself on the wrong side of the law. Who knows how effective the new rule will be, but it's a good start. - G

Tracie said...

I don't think people are going to stop even though they need to.

Kristina P. said...

I can't believe all those people who talk on their cell phones while driving! I am so much more conscientious and only put my makeup on while driving.

Nyx said...

I think the grenade launcher would be more effective.

Debbie said...

I'd have to have them printed by the gross. People are crazy.

foxy said...

That irritates me more than ANYTHING. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

You are MUCH nicer than me. My first thought would not have been, "Is that driver okay?" It would have been "Get the f#*@ out of my way #@*hole!" But I'm from New England. said...

...and then when they run into you they think that being on their cell is a good excuse. Assholes!

While you're at it, send one to Maria Shriver.

Laura Trevey said...

Love the sign!!
I linked it in my
"wrap it up" series today :)

Have a super weekend!

Anonymous said...

That sign could come in handy a lot!! THanks.

brokenteepee said...

And of course this person would be the first one in line to protest a no cell phones while driving law....

JenJen said...

Excellent use of blurring the "u."

Well done.

Now, excuse me whle I take this call--


Amo said...

So true, I have been behind many a talkers who were driving as slow as Christmas and I wanted to ram them in the ass back of their car!

S Club Mama said...

Have you seen Seven Pounds with Will Smith? If not, watch it. It's so good.

And I am so annoyed at the texters who drive. I don't have text messaging but you'd best believe I wouldn't do that in my car (well, not while driving). I do talk on my phone but if it's distracting me that badly, I'd hang up. :S

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Some people can barely drive when they're NOT doing anything else.

There should be a law against bad drivers, IMO!!

mCat said...

Love the sign, so I hate to admit I'm more inclined to get the license plate wrap around that says:

"Stop honking, I'M ON THE PHONE!"

let the hate mail begin..... : )

B.o.B. said...

Printing now AND feel free to print these:

I feel that both are excellent windshield fodder. :)

Possum said...

Brilliant Signage!

Perchance, DARE I suggest.. (as I duck out of harms way!!)..Twittering might account for the increase in this texting mania??

Unknown said...

Dontcha hate that? But your sign kicks ass! I may have to steal it. Can I??

I try to avoid talking on my phone in the car. If I have to, I make it very brief. But am probably guilty of the occasional dumb driving you describe.

MommaKiss said...

The sign is so needed. And add TEXTING to it, as well. Or reading the web while driving. People are dumb.

Unknown said...

texting while driving is the worst!

Unknown said...

texting while driving is the worst!

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand being stuck behind brakers. I'm never in a rush, but they're a multiple pileup waiting to happen.

If you think it's bad following cars, try doing so on a bike. Really does redefine the word 'moron' on some days....

Alicia said...

ughhhh seriously! whats so important that you can't wait 5 minutes to talk about it!! or get a friggin bluetooth people!!

Ela said...

It's the worst but seriously, I think it's more of an excuse than the cause...I think they're stinky drivers to begin with...

rocslinger said...

I think todays technology provides a valuble service. If we didn't have cell phone abuse what would we have to complain about?

Hit 40 said...

I have a friend who texts and talks while she drives...

I do not let her drive us anymore. I didn't tell her why. I just said that I like driving....

I didn't add that I also like living!!

ellen abbott said...

that's the way my mother drove...gas, brake, gas, brake...and that was before cell phones. Drove me nuts.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm with Alicia. Blue tooth people! For pete's sake. I'm fairly certain my life is not worthy your crappy phone call or text.

AiringMyLaundry said...

It infuriates me when I see people texting and driving. I always think that they must be selfish because they obviously don't care about the wellbeing of others.. said...

Ohmigah! I thought you were going to say that they were tapping their foot on the brake in rhythm to a song on the car radio.
For some reason, this seems even worse. I hope you gave the driver a good stern look.

sheila said...

Most people shouldn't be allowed to use a phone when driving. i.e. stupid people. People eating a sandwich and those who can't do two things at once. Which, is pretty much everyone on the road. (except you and me of course)

brainella said...

If only...but I use a LOT more cussing. :)

Andi said...

Amen to that! I am going to grab that photo for a post and I will credit this post - I am sooooo tired of people on the phone! In California the ticket is $79 - so no one cares - make it $500 and ENFORCE it and people might start changing their behavior!

Quest said...

Ah, yes, my inner incredible hulk definitely shows his face in these moments. I'd see myself stepping out of my car and roaring my way to his... or hers...

Carma Sez said...

when I'm late for work and get behind one of these idiots- grrrrrr

secret agent woman said...

That drives me right out of my mind.

Claudya Martinez said...

Get off the phone people!

I have a question. How long have you had the address. I ask because my regular email is my name prefaced by dear. I've had the email address since 1997 and I've always claimed that the dear... originated with me. Now I see it quite regularly. I guess I'll never know if I was the first.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOL how about the people that text while driving! Scary huh!

I have to watch for flying toys a sippy cup and constant mom questions. Man talk about needing to concentrate no way add in talking on the phone!

Margo said...

I see this being done shamelessly on a daily basis. I think many must think that it's okay for them and not anyone else. I don't use my phone while driving PERIOD. My kids are watching a learning- this is how they learn from us - not by what we say... oh, and there was that one time I sailed through a red light and almost t-boned someone.

Stacey said...

roflol, people who drive and text should be chained to pedophiles and burned alive! lmfao

Liz Mays said...

It's terrifying how widespread that is nowadays!

Angie said...

I love the sign...awesome awesome awesome!!!

Unknown said...

I hate it when that happens..I do love the sign!Finally someone comes up with one..I'll definitely pass that one on...

Fifi Flowers said...

I LOVE that last sign... I would like to have one ON MY CAR!!!

Meg said...

Living in a state where talking on a cell phone is illegal, I can honestly say it makes BIG difference. I got a bluetooth thingy to use in the car and it's amazing! I actually pay attention while I drive now ;)

And I look retarded, I know, but I only use it in the car. I swear.

Brutally Honest said...

You know, I don't mind if people talk and drive at the same time...provided they can actually talk and drive at the same time. The idiots who can't are the ones that tick me off!

Anonymous said...

Love it. I'm from NJ and have been known to point and yell at various asshole drivers. Love your blog, I even commented on it in my latest post!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Sorry. Not gonna print that. I've got a guy who says he can get me a grenade launcher....
(I'll give ya his number if he comes through.)

(so kidding.)

Ali said...

Ugh, HATE it!

I used to be guilty of that. Until I realized that I was putting other people's lives in jeopardy. Then I felt like a horrible person.

My cell now resides in my glove compartment when car is in motion.

I mean, duh right? Apparently, not so much.

Shop Girl* said...

A ban on cell-phone use in vehicles just began yesterday here in Ontario and I am hoping that it'll do SOMETHING to prevent idiots like this from being on the road.

At least he wasn't texting.

corine @ hidden in france said...

I could easily become one of those women who does citizen's arrest on people. I have to add this pet peeve to my impatience for cyclists who do not stop at stop signs.