Saturday, September 5, 2009

Take A Bite Of: Momcatt's Pumpkin Bread

One of my favorite baked goods coming out of my Mom's kitchen. And since Fall is being ushered in, this is a perfect treat for this season and the holidays. I also make mini loaves to give away. Perfect alone, slightly more perfect with butter, and if you want a twist, try a little cream cheese. Heaven. And the days I am really missing my Mom, this is a go to item. Filling our kitchen with the same great smell.

Since this is our last day in Seattle, I hope I get some of this to take home. (HINT HINT MOM!)
I need pumpkin bread to soothe us on the l-o-n-g plane ride back to Atlanta.

Buon Appetito!

And Happy Labor Day weekend.

Momcatt's Pumpkin Bread


3 c. sugar
1 c. oil ( I use canola)
4 eggs
1 1/2 t salt
1 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
2 t (rounded) baking soda
2 c. pumpkin (or you can use 1 15oz can of Libby)
2/3 c water

Mix together

Add 3 1/2 c flour. Mix until moistened.

Pour into greased loaf pans. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.

And just try to share some ok?


Tumbleweed said...

NO Joke there!! Hope your visit was ACE!! As you know, I don't like pumpkin anything...and I LURVE Momcatt's pumpkin bread SLATHERED in real butter!!

Travel safe!!


Gauche said...

hmmm. interesting. I might have to bake this up sometime soon.

Kristina P. said...

I love fall so much, especially because pumpkin comes back!

Sultan said...

One of my cats loves Pumpkin. I wonder if I could make this for her?

ladytruth said...

When I was still at varsity my mom would always bake four loaves of banana bread for me and the friends to devour during the week. I gained so much weight in my first year partly due to the fact that I just ate all of the loaves myself because I missed home so much! Have a safe trip back; I'm sure it will be hard to say good bye to the family after a week of fun :(

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh Gosh... I make this bread for my kids and you are not kidding about it being delish. I like to bring it camping and slather it with cream cheese FROSTING for a special breakfast/dessert treat. Yum-olicious.

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Ops! Thanks for the recipe and have a great weekend :-)

Much love: Evi

The Gman said...

cream cheese AND jam for me. rehab is for quiters!

safe travels

Lady Di said...

You hit the spot JennyMac! I am so over summer and eagerly waiting for my favorite season to finally come. I love baking and pumpkin recipes. So thank you for sharing!!

Vodka Logic said...

And gawd knows the microscopic package of nuts you will get on the plane won't be sustaining. Can I have a loaf too. :)


PS I hinted to my mom on FB (yes she is on Facebook) and got a blueberry pie her last visit.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I TOTALLY can bake. So I'm going to be trying this recipe.

Safe travels home!!

And I guess I'm supposed to remind you to pack your undies because the word verification is "undys".

Eve said...

I wish so very very much that the UK sold pumpkin pie mix....So very very much.

Unknown said...

I must make

Thank you and MomCatt !

Safe travels

Peace -Rene

Lee said...

Looks yummy! I was thinking about making some for my blog for Halloween!! Do you mind if I steal this and try it?? I'll of course give you and your mom all the credit!!

brokenteepee said...

Visits go so quickly don't they? Safe travels. Yummy looking recipe.
I am drowning in zucchini so I am making zucchini bread right now - many loaves in the freezer.

Unknown said...

YUM1 I love pumpkin bread!

J.J. in L.A. said...

Have a safe trip home! That pumpkin bread looks delish! Too bad I'm useless in the kitchen...

Rita Templeton said...

Oh man, pumpkin bread. It's getting to be that season, isn't it?!? I'm about to lick my screen!

Farnnay said...

I like pumpkin pie. But never had pumpkin bread. hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, I LOVE pumpkin bread. Definitely making this, once fall decides to hit Texas.

Shop Girl* said...

Umm so that pretty much sounds AMAZING. I'll try'er out and let you know how it is!!

I also am looking for new loaf recipes... any other fab ones you care to share? :)

valentine said...

i love pumpkin bread, pie and cookies. thanks for sharing your recipe.

Theta Mom said...

Thanks for the recipe! BTW, I just gave you an award on my blog. :)

Judy said...

I love pumpkin bread. This looks very similar to my Grandma's recipe which I love.

Claudya Martinez said...

The only problem is if I make this then I'll be expected to make it all the time.

The Savage said...

Old school food porn! Lovin' It....

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Sounds like a great recipe to try. I love that you're so excited by autumn and pumpkin. I got just as big a kick yesterday at our local market to see the first asparagus. Must be spring!

La La La Leah said...

For something fun throw some chocolate chips in the batter! I can't believe I was the first to say that.

la aventurista said...

Check out my latest blog entry :) I gave you a blog award for all your awesome blogging!

debra@dustjacket said...

Has your mom taken the hint ..! Sounds just great JM. So great you have had a fantastic time with family and friend, lovely memories no doubt. Safe trip home.

Ju said...

Wow that looks totally yummy. ;)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I am a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE fan of breads: pumpkin, zucchini, tomato soup, fill in the blank!

Momcatt has it going on!

Mr. Charleston said...

We used to have a Japanese Persimmon tree in our yard (they're the big, fat, juicy kind). I once used them in the same recipe and boy was it delicious.

Mommy Mac said...

Me and pumkin jive because of it's color...that's about it.

Pumpkin pie: you can't make me.
Pumpkin bread: nu-uh.
Pumpkin on my feet: thankyouverymuch.

Although, I sense my taste buds changing. I actually had pumpkin/flax seed french toast the other morning, and I liked it.

So, I'll give Momcatt's recipe a whirl. Cream cheese is a Godsend, no?

.mac :)

Stephanie Faris said...

Yumnmmmm. I'm craving pumpkin bread now.

Anonymous said...

If you have any extra, just mail it to Maryland, k? Thanks = )

Sounds like a great recipe for fall.

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Thanks for stopping by and sharing a cocktail with ShaMoo - she's obviously dwelling on her completely rotten day (almost a year ago!). I don't blame her though, I remember every detail because it was just so awful. heehee.

Your Mom's pumpkin bread... well I can almost smell it already. I will definitely be making some of this very soon!!! I'm so over summer (not that we had much of one this year) and ready to move on to Autumn, wearing cozy sweaters, and having rosy cheeks.

Glad you had a fantastic trip! And thanks for blogging during - we all appreciate it!

S3XinthePantry said...

Yum! We have 2 pumkins here...I'm going to try it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Banana and pumpkin breads are our faves!

Cookie said...

I love pumkin bread. Great way to bring in fall! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Sassy Chica said...

oooh, pumpkin bread sounds fabulously delish!!!

Just may try this recipe today; since its cloudy and unseasonably cool outside..nothing like a little comfort food to perk you right on up!

Sassy Chica

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

That sounds really yummy and I love the concept of foods that remind us of home and loved ones.
Fly safe!
(I have an award for you.)

chelsea said...

thanks for visiting my blog! I MUST try that pumpkin break recipe! and now I want a chocolate donut too!

Senorita said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I added you. You're an attorney ? I just received my paralegal certificate.

PinkBow said...

mmmmm, this looks so good!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Mmmmmm pumpkin. I bake a gazillion pumpkin goodies every Fall. Usually the first real cold snap we get, I make Pumpkin Scones. De-lish!!!

Melissa B. said...

'Tis the season! I'm going out to get the ingredients for this tomorrow morning. You don't happen to have a good banana bread recipe, too, do you? Thanks!

Jessica Nelson said...

Oooh, haven't had that in a while. Actually, I was just making banana bread and I thought about making some pumpkin bread. Thanks for the recipe!!! :-)

Jen said...

Yummy! I love pumpkin bread so much. My last post I included a couple of quick bread recipes also. It must be in the air. Hope your trip back was good.

Muthering Heights said...

That sounds amazing...I think I gained five pounds just from fantasizing about eating it! Yummmmmm...

. said...

Oh cool, I had never heard of Pumpkin bread. Thanks so much for sharing your receipe. :D And thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :D

Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend. :D From SITS

Anonymous said...

I am so making this next week!

Christina Ketchum said...

I love me some pumpkin bread. I just baked some yesterday. I keep it in the freezer for a quick breakfast. My recipe is very similar to this one. Good stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE fall! It is my favorite season, I think I need to make this :)

Char said...

yum - I love pumpkin bread - I must try this

KK said...

I love pumpkin bread!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

OMgosh that looks and sounds delish. I love this time of year for pumpkin, if I could I would eat it all year round but the boys make funny faces if I try to pull that ;).

thanks for a new recipe :)

Midtown Girl said...

Should I send you my addy for my pumpkin loaf shipment?


ps - pumpkin cheesecake rocks too!

Alicia said...

mmmmm i wonder if i could make this gluten free??

Little Ms Blogger said...

That looks yummy!

I love the fall and really great breads and soups/stews.

Thanks for posting.

sheila said...

Oooo, I luv me some pumpkin fixins! This one looks reaaaaally gooood!

Liz Mays said...

Yumma yumma!! I actually was thinking about making pumpkin bread today. No joke! Now I will for sure!

confused homemaker said...

Pumpkin bread and muffins are so good. My MIL makes an amazing pumpkin bread for the holidays & it makes me so sad that my Mamacita is allergic to pumpkins (and a host of other yummy things).

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Oh, heck yeah. I'm all over all things pumpkin. I have consumed my fair share of pumpkin spice lattes this week. Ah ha. That bread is calling my name!

Helen Ginger said...

Oh, man, pumpkin bread. I was resisting until I saw the picture. Good thing I'm heading to the grocery store today. I'll copy the recipe. Warm pumpkin bread with cream cheese for breakfast tomorrow.

Straight From Hel

Melissa G said...

Ohh pumpkin bread! This is one of my favorites too! My recipe is a little different so i'm looking forward to trying your sometime.
Since we're living in Northern Ireland right now we can't get canned pumpkin! So i've been using sweet potato instead and with the spices it tastes almost the same!

Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment! It's nice to meet you! And thank you for your prayers!

Asianmommy said... pumpkin bread!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

I LOVE pumpkin bread!!! I think that will be the first thing I bake when my kitchen is finished. Thanks for stopping by.

Suburban Princess said...

This sounds deeeelish! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I am going to make it in a few weeks :O) said...

Much struck in a good way by your profile pic ... tells me a story i like, and kindles my memories, stories in my mind... ahh, nice.

How are you! Nice blog, nice food, nice everything. Happy baking for some good times.

Peace out,

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

If you carry that pumpkin bread onto the plane, you better bring extra pieces to pass around because everyone’s mouth will be watering for some!

Cynthia said...


Carma Sez said...

I absolutely LOVE pumpkin bread!

Helen McGinn said...

Well, you KNOW how I like my bread and this looks scrumptious. Thank you for sharing and safe trip home! May your pockets be stuffed with bread!

mo.stoneskin said...

Don't mention Fall, or Autumn, it is still Summer. STILL SUMMER!

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I read your profile and am envious that you can dance! I'm all arms and legs!

Wendy said...

Thanks for stopping by and, oh my goodness, time for pumpkin bread already? Yes! That is probably my favorite bread ever! We are so ready for autumn here.

Probably because it means an end to the jungle-like Korean heat and humidity. ;)

Share some of the scrumptious pumpkin bread? Maybe. A teeny bite...

debra@dustjacket said...

Thanks JM for comment, much better thanks darling. xxx

I Love Brownies said...

Yes...I passed the award on to you....I know you've got your hands full but I just had to share it with you because I love your blog!

Cougar Tales said...

Thanks for stopping by my site today! Pumpkin breatd is one of my all time faves!
- Cougar Tales

Ash said...

Oh, yum!! I hope mom delivered. And that you made it back to Atlanta without any hiccups.

I did see this weekend that Starbucks has brought back their pumpkin spice latte - guess where I'm going tomorrow right after dropping the kiddos off at school.

Once upon time... said...

My youngest loves pumpkin bread above all things. Except me, of course. I will have to make up a batch of this as soon as I get back home! Sounds delish!

mCat said...

Why haven't I found you before? I stopped by to thank you for your kind comment, and found myself immersed in your post writings for waaaaaaayyy too long. I'm starting to get the stink eye from Splenda....

You're a fun read, and I'll be back around!

Thanks again

Keith said...

That sounds so delicious. I love pumpkin bread. It's perfect as we come into fall. I hope you had a great holiday weekend. Take care. Cheers!

i am the diva said...

ooooh, that looks yummy!! **Writing down the recipe**

Mark said...

Yum! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I've never had pumpkin bread. Those Libby cans are real specialty items here in the UK. Love the use of the cinnamon and nutmeg. I bet this really tastes of autumn.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I can almost smell it! Sounds delicious! I'll have to try making it on a cold day...or tomorrow!


More Than Words said...

Oh, I love pumpkin anything! I'll have to try this recipe!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

mommakin said...

Oh how I loves me some pumpkin bread!!!

Cocaine Princess said...

Good grief I love Pumpkin Bread with creme cheese! It such a fall/harvest time eating delight. It's not so delightful eating it in the summertime though.

Bert | Brochure Printing said...

It was really nutritious Pumpkin Bread. Good for health and perfect treat for this season and the holidays