I love blogging. It has become such an awesome part of my life. This is what happens when you mix one part humor, one part sass, one part memories, one part friendship, and one part hobby quasi part time job. And, oh, I have really enjoyed watching this little baby grow.
It would never be what it is today without you. Never. Thank you for your awesome support and interest.
And here is your invitation to the Sunday Night Awards Show. First, let me get something glorious to wear:
I borrowed this from Simone. Her closet is full of gorgeous frocks.
Oh, and I needed shoes so I bought these:
Now. Get your refreshments, guys and dolls, and let's give credit where credit is due:
Leigh at Leigh vs. Laundry is a doll. She opted to give me my first turn at receiving the I Give Good Blog award. I have a particular affinity for that one, and as she stated, there is no rule someone can't give it to me. Excellent point.
And Matthew in his new digs at AbodeOneThree and JenJen at Jen's Voices, gave my award to me too. Thank you! I will say I was truly touched by what both of you wrote.
Thank you Viv at V Spot for another Superior Scribbler Award! Love it. And thank you for your great comments about my blog as well.
And awesome Lauren at Sanity Sold Separately gave me this bejeweled sparkler:
Angie at Just Shy of a Y sent me an awesome Pay It Forward. In the mail, I received a fab box full of goodies. LOVE THEM. Two of my favorite products were in that box. Thanks Angie!
And Theta Mom for another beautiful SPLASH award. She awarded this to blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you. WOW! Thanks Theta Mom. I am flattered.
Thank you DustJacketAttic for this simply gorgeous award!
And beautiful girl Ju from Double Trouble gave me the Zombie Chicken Award. The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. This is so fantastic Ju! Thank you!
Thank you for the great Circle of Friends Award from Brownies for My Breakfast.And to the wonderful Tamara Hart Heiner at Chasing Dreams, thank you for the Lemonade Award! The Lemonade Award is a feel good award that demonstrates gratitude or a great attitude. Awww...I love that!
Whew....sip break....shall we continue? Indeed. ShopGirl at Iheartmyshoes wrote a post about my blog. SO cool and thanks for the spotlight!
And Jules at Mean Girl Garage tagged me in a Summer Favorites meme. Thanks Jules! I am going to include some of my summer favorites in conjunction with:
Nancy's awesome gift to me...F8hasit gave me another Honest Scrap Award. With this comes ten more things about me you just couldn't wait to know.
Let me once again combine details and here are 10 very relevant things about me...
1. The very first time I sang on stage was at Sloppy Joe's in Key West. I sang Margaritaville. And the lead singer gave me $1.00 so I could rightfully say I had my first paid gig. Apparently off key meant off Key West to me. Off key meant a little something to everyone who had to listen to me that day. Margaritaville in soprano = bad news.
2. My favorite summer cocktail: The Honey Pear Martini
3. My favorite summer song: Mutiple. But Move If You Wanna is one fave. I love a song that makes me want to shake my can-can.
4. I am still blown away sometimes that JohnnyMac and I made a little person. Regardless of how technologically advanced our society becomes, we still bring people into the world the same way they did since the beginning of time. And seeing a little person, a little person you created, can be awe-inspiring and humbling at the same time.
5. I got caught cheating once in college. U-g-l-y. And I had no alibi.
6. I have one tattoo. It is tiny and on the inside of my ankle. Back in the day I wanted the tat on the lower back. Long before it was called "tramp stamp" or "b*tch badge" but I never got it and am not a bit remorseful about that either.
7. I learned the entire Abbey Road album word for word by the time I was seven thanks to my Father. I still remember listening to it with him as a kid. It is amazing now to listen to the Beatles with our two year old and listen to him request songs like Here comes the sun. However, we only let him listen to the "before heavily enjoying hallucinogenics" phase of the Beatles' career.
8. I love to make my own stationary. I love photography and make cards from the pics I take. I could spend a lot of time in Hobby Lobby and Michael's. I made all of my wedding Save the Dates and Programs. I absolutely loved them.
9. Some poetry I wrote got published in college. Pretty exciting for me at that time. I should have kept in great touch with that Publisher because my lonely manuscript lives an unrequited life in the garage.
10. A woman I have tremendous respect for sent me this note on my birthday. It made my day, made me cry, and made me humble all at the same time.
You are a wonderful, generous, inspiring woman and I am so happy to know you. Meeting you was definitely one of my best work experiences, and I will always be grateful for that. You are such a magnificent mom, wife, and human being, and one of the few women I consider a true role model. And super model! =) I am sending you big wishes for your best year yet!
I certainly thanked her for her words, but it is a constant reminder that you can impact people's lives positively, or negatively. It is a choice.
On with more recognition:
So Nancy, Jules, Viv, Matthew, JenJen, Leigh: Thank you for your support. You all have received the I give good blog award already. So, I am giving all of you the Super Comments Award. I won this award before and can whole-heartedly bestow it upon all of you.
PeachTart, One Sassy Girl, and LaLaLa Leah: I am also giving all of you this Super Comments Award as well. And for all these dames: Peach, Sassy, Leah, Nancy, Jules, Viv, JenJen, Leigh (Sorry Matthew) I am also sharing DustJacket's I think your an awesome girl award. You go home tonight double-fisting.
DustJacket, Tamara, Theta Mom, Lauren, Ju, Brownies, Angie, ShopGirl: I am giving all of you the Super Comments Award.
AND the I give good blog award. You go home tonight with two in hand as well.
The rules for the I give good blog award: No one really likes rules, do they? I shall make mine simple. Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog. There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party.PeachTart, One Sassy Girl, and LaLaLa Leah: I am also giving all of you this Super Comments Award as well. And for all these dames: Peach, Sassy, Leah, Nancy, Jules, Viv, JenJen, Leigh (Sorry Matthew) I am also sharing DustJacket's I think your an awesome girl award. You go home tonight double-fisting.
DustJacket, Tamara, Theta Mom, Lauren, Ju, Brownies, Angie, ShopGirl: I am giving all of you the Super Comments Award.
AND the I give good blog award. You go home tonight with two in hand as well.
Or you can just put it on your mantle and watch it sparkle.
And if you think it sassy that I created my own Award, just consider it a grown up and virtual version of a friendship bracelet.
And I am also giving the I give good blog award to some other great bloggers. And again, this is a short list and by no means covers all of the awesome bloggers I have "met".
Get your finery on, and join the party:
Scrappy Girl
Intense Guy
Lee the Hot Flash Queen
Living on the Spit
Carma Sez
Jen at Buried with Children
Smell the Coffee Lisa
Dumbwit Tellher
Char at Ramblins
Jules at Night Notes on Napkins
Alexis AKA Mom at Running Away? I'll help you pack
Sitting on the Mood Swing at the Playground
Kim at One Foot in Front of the Other
Mandy at Life After 30
Shorty at Securityville
McVal at SewNotMyDay
Leah Rubin at Funny is the New Young
and Little Ms Baker at Pink Sugar Desserts for that awesome recipe yesterday.
WOW.....I think the orchestra is about to play. Have a great Sunday. Thanks for joining me for the Awards Show.
Cheers! JennyMac
Hey...congratulations on all awards...write more and more:)
What a creative way to highlight blog awards!!! I am impressed...you must have really been si[[ing on those Honey Pear Martini's when you posted this...I am JOKING people...Gah!
Thank you for my honor you bestowed upon me...I thank you deeply!! Really, it kinda made me blush and feel all gushy inside...wait, that was the Nyquil.
Love you...you really are an awesome read!
I loved awards night, JM! Very entertaining! And the best part? No one thanked their co-stars, parents, God, their first grade teachers....much time was saved; the program moved at a lovely pace!
I may have to do a different version of that next time I give awards...but I will certainly begin by thanking you and your blog for my inspiration!
Oh, btw...to bad nobody likes you or reads your stuff. To where do I mail the Kleenex?
Wow impressive. And well done to all those that received awards as well.
I love the bit about making a person..how true it is. I was always so surprised I could keep them alive. Sound dopey but I have lost a pet or two in my life. The girls are now 15 and 20 and continue to amaze me.
Keep writing Jenny and I will keep reading.
You are SO FABULOUS JennyMac!!! Many congratulations on all your 100's of awards, very well deserved.
And that black dress will look AMAZING on you.....it is gorgeous isn't it....love the Choos too.
Loved reading the 10 things about you - any chance we could persuade you to sing one of your favourite karaoke songs and put it on YouTube just for us....we wouldn't tell anyone else....honest :) Seeing that could only be topped buy seeing the lovely JohnnyMac dancing ;)
Have a great day :)
Because of my father I was and still am a huge Beatles fan. I was listening to the White Album and Sgt Peppers when I was about 7 or 8and still have all of his vinyls today. Considering my friends at the time were listening to the wholesome Osmonds I think I was seen as abit odd LOL! Congratulations on all your awards X
Hahah, what a fun awards show. I didn't have a good dress, but my wedding dress, so I just wore that for it. lol Have a great weekend sister!
Aww, thank you for the mention and the award! You are a fabulous writer and it was my pleasure to spotlight your blog. :)
Thanks for the Comments award JennyMac and the awards show! (You're so good that we can probably regularly schedule this!)
The best thing about these awards is that by you passing them on, turns me on to new blogs! Very cool.
Love the letter given to you. I believe that that would have made me cry as well. Awesome 10 things list. Particularly #4.
Have a great Sunday! The dress is fab.
You really are loved, aren't you?
Congrats, and keep up the good work.
Well deserved, all!
Oh man! I didn't dress up for this at all! Was I supposed to?! I'm just in jeans and a tee...
Thanks for the award! And congratulations on all your awards!
Congrats and you look fabulous in that outfit ;)
I love reading your blog! You deserve each and every one of those awards. I can't wait to head on over the the green room to "meet" all the other fabulous bloggers who won an award tonight. Cheers! - Georgina
So fitting that you highlight your awards and give out your awards on Emmy night! Congrats and keep up the great job!
Stopping by from SITS!
Goodness Girl - You are WELL loved!!! Congrats on your Many Honors! And thanks for the award you bestowed upon me! I'll send it on into the Universe with great energy!
Have a great Sunday!!
Enjoyed the AWARDS show!!
I also LOVE Sloppy Joes in Key West!
... and your very entertaining blog!
Happy Sunday ~~
xo Laura
Thank you Jenny Mac!!! I am so excited about that I Give Good Blog Award! Your blog is so fabulous, so I am really flattered that you passed on some bloggy love to me! You are AWESOME and you made my day! :)
Congrats on all your awards and to all the bloggers awarded!
LBM xxx
Kudos to all! Happy Sunday.
Cougar Tales
I am so going to need a chaser and an aspirin after being double fisted tonite.
Mille Grazie JennyMac.
No YOU so totally rock, squirt! (nemo)
oh andonemorething
Kayne called. He called BULLSH!T. I kicked his tail for ya.
congratulations, well deserved!
awww, shucks m'am...you're pretty sweet.
and you make me laugh - always two of my favorite things.
Good gravy, that's a whole lot of blog lovin'! Congrats to you and all the winners :)
Enjoy your award booty!
Well deserved
Peace - Rene
Well Hot Damn and butter my biscuits!! Thank you again. I thought of you last night when I had a "pomegranate margarita" at a local brewery/eatery.... Not only was it not a margarita not served in a proper glass or even frosty... it was just a bunch of liquor in a glass.... But the kicker .. it was served to me with a cardboard straw... I was like this would not fly if JennyMac was here..... then my straw went limp and we had a good laugh. Thank you for the award I need go pass it out and expand my blog reader........
Congrats to the winners. Now I'm off to check out some of their blogs.
Why, thank you Jenny Mac! I'll be sure to let you know when the awards ceremony will be appearing over at my Blog. Let's get all dressed up again!
You are fantastic darlin'.
Look at you rake in the awards! You are the Award Queen (deservedly so) so I am thrilled to see you now a have a crown to prove it. Any time a woman gets to wear a crown is a good day.
I love Abby Road! "Oh, Darlin" is my favorite.
Congrats to you and I am anxious to go meet some of your winners.
Hey there. Great post. Congrats. I hope you've been having a wonderful weekend. Take care. Cheers!
My oh my, JennyMac a cheater??? I'll never believe it!! That bday note is truly special. You definitely do shed a light on the world that makes it a better place, even if you did cheat once ;)
Thanks for the awards!! Any nod of recognition from you means a lot to me. I really admire what you do here.
My dad totally made me listen to Abbey Road until it was ingrained into my every thought! I love it to this day!
You are one crazy lady. congrats!
Kind of makes me want to create my own Savage award and hand out to people....
I have a poem you might enjoy over at my blog....
Man, you are Pop-u-lar! Congrats on your awards! And your awesome blog.
I enjoyed the Awards Show! Congrats on all these well-deserved awards!!
Congrats on all of your awards. I think this post is so cool. I love those shoes too!!! Keep writing your posts, we all enjoy reading them cause you rock!!
Congratulations on all of your awards. Not been reading for very long but I can see why they were issued. You make a wonderful blogger.
So heres too many more I hope!
Here I am for the party! Thank you for the invite and for the award!
As you suggested, I wore my Crocs. And look, even Brooke Shields came with me and wore hers too ;-) (http://seasonfive.typepad.com/seasonfive/images/2008/05/13/lipstickgirlsexp.jpg)
No worries about having lots of cocktails either. We're drinking and eating everything in the house right now (less to move! ;-)
p.s. - my word verification today is "outchoes" - No joke! That could've been another word for "tramp stamp", LOL - outch hoes! LMAO! :-)
I enjoyed your 10 things list; my husband and I feel the same way about having had a kid - somehow we still don't feel qualified ;-)
and woo-hoo-hoooooooooo I am so stoked about the I Give Good Blog award!!! Thanks :D
Wearing my tribal makeup and hip scarf as I shimmy up to accept it!
wow! Totally awesome. I am so at this awards party! thanks for the awards!!! (I love finding people to bestow these on...)
oh, wow! i am so proud of you, Jen! keep up the good work, because you are truly inspiring!!!
congratulations to you, and to all the winners!!
And I did come up with a new award. Yours waits on my blog.
Congratulations. I'm most impressed with the Zombie Chicken Award...
Congratulations you truly deserve all the awards. Your blog is a part of my daily requirement.
Thanks for the awards. I will post them proudly.
Congrats on all the awards!! You truely deserve all of them. =D
Dear Jenny Mac, thank you so much for the two lovely awards I'm receiving tonight. I'm at home wearing some lame clothes but I feel like a million dollars now.
Congrats on your awards, and not surprising in the least, you have such a boss cool blog. And...you know all those Beatles songs - I KNEW I liked you!
Do you have a separate room in your blog mansion for all of your awards?
heh heh
congratulations. I do enjoy your writing.
Wow, I feel so honored. Thank you!
Your blog is awesome..I am going to follow it..Thanks for the comment...
Congrats on all of our awards. You really made out. Your deserve because your blog is definitely a great one.
Thank you very much for my mention and award. I look forward to checking out some of the recipients as soon as I get a moment.
Dang girl! You have given me a good deal to chew on here! Now I need to get into high gear and investigate a lot of new sites! Congrats on all of your new bling and I am off to look around!
holler!! congrats on all the awards!! and thanks for the awesome party....it gave me a reason to put on my sunday best!
Congratulations on all the great awards...much deserved.
As a writer myself, I'd love to hear more about that manuscript...:)
See! They like you. They really really like you!
Wow check you out. All kinds of awards. Congrats. I stride to be a wonderful blogger like you and get many many awards. I really like the because I'm the queen one. Hint Hint. LOL Congrats again.
Kati from ladybugmamaof2
Congrats on the awards! And yeah, is it time to dig out that manuscript yet? I think so.
Those shoes! Those shoes!! I must have them:)
How fun that you stopped by my blog. I love new visitors. And it was equally fun to come see your blog. You are classy indeed.
I love the "I give good Blog" award (made me giggle at the name)
I wish I had nothing but time to visit all the blogs you mentioned (I will try to do that slowly) and learn from all the neat men and ladies out there who blog.
I love your awards outfit.
Thanks for the awards! You deserve an award for the 5,000 links you had to embed in this post!!
Great post. Awesome dress and I love the two tone color of the shoes and the style.
All well deserved awards.
And the note, beautiful.
Me? lil ole me? I'm well, I'm.....speechless. Is it perhaps because I am sans drink? Hang on, I'll remedy that. Wait right here.... Okay, I'm back. I gave up the firewater years ago, so my diet coke is iced, and bubbling and I can now put together a co-herent thank you speech.
Thank you!
(cue orchestra - me now shouting over the music and clinging to the microphone)
(And now being escorted roughly offstage. I will be on People's worst dressed list. I'm still in church clothes)
You timed it so perfectly with the Emmys being on as I read this!
Congrats on your awards!
Wow, Jenny Mac! Way to Go!
Congrats on a terrific awards show!
I totally wanted a tramp stamp too! I even designed it myself. And put money down. And chickened out.
Wow! That was the best awards show I've ever been too!. Congratulations!
Thank you for the award!!! :o)
and never stop blogging...your loyal fans need your humor, sass, memories...!
Your Sunday night awards show was a fun read!!!
Love you and your blog! Congratulations on all of your well deserved awards.
As for your #6- It's never too late to get your "tramp stamp" or "b*tch badge". I got mine on my 42nd birthday and I love it!
haha fun blog Ill be following hope u will do the same!
Those shoes were to die for and making babies the old-fashioned way is stupefyingly amazing.
I love award season; it's like Christmas came early (which means it'll come again later this year = yay for presents!). The Zombie-Chicken award is too cute; all these bloggers are way so talented; it's great just reading their posts and someday saying: "Oh Bla Di Blah? Yeah, I know her. She gave me a gift once." He he he ;)
Congrats on all these marvellous awards; it's mere proof how much we all love to read what you write. I hope to be like you someday and when I can write a whole post about millions awards given to me, I'll know that I have arrived :)
Your awards show is much better than any on tv. You even beat out the Emmys which may not seem like that big of a deal but this year the had Neil Patrick Harris. So as you can clearly see now, I really love your award show. :)
Lucky I had plastic surgery this weekend to make me feel better, since I missed out on the bloody AWARDS.
My first award! Thank you soo much! Still love reading your blog too!
Thanks again!!!! Made my day!! :-)
I think I missed the orchestra, damn! Thank you from the bottom of my Dr. Scholls for such a fun, creative award. I REALLY am appreciative & boy do I love the support. I'm just feel bad for being late for the party.I worked all weekend & am so far behind. Going back to work has caused me to not be able to sleep @ night & then be comatose during the day. Not a great combo.I adore your blog & look forward to checking out all the other terrific bloggers. JennyMac your the best!
Peels off his orange jumpsuit and steps out wearing a black tuxedo with tails even and smiles at the loverly JennyMac with his biggest beamiest smile...
To get this award from someone I have nothing but the highest repect for - you awe me - really - every thing you touch and do seems to be magic and class rolled into one - and for you to even notice me makes me want to blush and stammer. Thank you. I only can hope to live up to being recognized.
You never know sometimes just how you impact someone - with words you write and photos you take - you've done good, really good and I consider it a highlight of blogging to have encountered you.
Jeenymac you are a blogasaurus and I can't keep up with you!! COngrats on all of the richly deserved awards :)
Yo, others-- I'm o-let you finish in a minute, but MAN! Hey, I've been kind of incommunicado for a couple of days, but this award! I'm overcome! It means so much coming from you, because your blog is truly one of the very best out there, and it never fails or disappoints! So thanks a bazillion, and I shall honor the rules and pass it on!
By the way, you rocked the red carpet!
I loved that list of things about you.
Best awards show I've witnessed in a long time.
So cool! Thanks for the Award JennyMac. I am super sick and was thrilled with the little "pick me up". Thank you, thank you, thank you. And not to be a hag, but my name is Kim, not Karen. But I'll take what you're dishin' anyway I can get it. Always good stuff!
Love your list! Glad you like the goodies and congrats on all the FAB awards.
Well look at you with all the awards. At least no one pulled a Kanye on you. Very nice! And thanks for passing some goodness my way. Tankya tankya!!!!!!
I forget how I came across you but I'm glad I did :)
nice share, good
article, very usefull for me...thank you
hey there I just wanted to comment your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! Keep it up and I’ll be back to read more soon mate
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