We were out recently and the bartender looked JUST LIKE Seth Greene. Seth Greene is a wee sprite of an actor, and I knew better than to automatically make the connection, out loud, for the bartender. In fact, the bartender was a bit surly, so I kept the whole thing to myself. At one point I even turned to JohnnyMac and told him. He agreed before saying "Don't tell him he looks like Seth Greene."
Ego. Its a fragile little kitten sometimes.
And I have learned very well by now not to tell someone who I think they look like, but rather to ask them instead if anyone has ever told them they look like someone famous.
For example. I once asked a girl who looked JUST like Reese Witherspoon if anyone had told her she looked like someone famous. She said Reese Witherspoon. See...spot on.
Another time, I asked a guy if anyone ever told him he looked like someone famous and he said Patrick Dempsey when I was thinking more along the lines of JohnnyDrama. So, it pays dividends and close calls from uncomfortable conversations when you ask first.
How do I know this? Experience.
During the onset of graduate school , I had very, very short hair. One day, a guy I had a huge crush on told me I looked just like Jamie Lee Curtis, who was on the cover of People Magazine that week. I swooned. Jamie Lee was a rockin' bad ass. He even bought a copy of the magazine and gave it to me. More swooning. I kept it forawhile
for a long time until I moved in with JohnnyMac. I liked the implication that I looked like Jamie Lee quite a bit.
About a year later, still with shortly cropped coiffure, I was at a party when another guy told me I looked just like someone famous. I smiled. Coyly. I had, after all, heard this before right? As I was smiling, all Smurky La Flirty McSmug style, he said, "Yes. You look just like Carol Burnette."
I am sorry. You must be speaking in tongues because Jamie Lee Curtis does not sound (OR LOOK) like Carol Burnette. Carol Burnette is a wonderful and talented woman. But not quite in the same category in my little mind as Jamie Lee.
Awwww....take that sassy.
And years later, when my locks were long long long, I was out on the town. While sipping my cocktail, a man told me I was a dead ringer for Sandra Bullock. What?
If you are trying to get into my fancy pants, thiswill never work is a good start.
Months later, I had my hair straightened. I was feeling all big in my dance shoes when someone called me Alanis. And not 2009 looks like a supermodel Alanis either. This was very early 2000's when Alanis was angry. And salty. And bohemian.
So I cut bangs into my hair. Months later, I went to NYC. And met a charming rogue. Who asked me in his charming roguish way, if I knew who I looked like. "Not a bohemian" was my reply.
He laughed. And said "Sandra Bullock."
What? If you are trying to get into my fancy pants, thiswill never work is a good start.
Oh, let's be honest. I don't look like Sandra Bullock. Oh no, but if someone wants to make that mistake twice, who am I to argue?
So the coup de grace occurs when I go to a party with a friend. The porch is full of people he knows so we start chatting with some of his old friends. And one of his old girlfriends says to me, "Do you know who you look like?"
I hope the answer is more Sandra Bullock than Screech at this point but its a crap shoot so I say, "No. Who?"
She says, "You look just like the girl from Mystic Pizza."
No. Not Julia.
No. Not Annabeth Gish.
The other one. The name of which I don't even fully know. The one in the hat.
The one who sang the crazy song about Joe in Say Anything. And for some reason, at that particular moment, I did not want to look like the nutty songstress in the Tiny Tim hat.
Ego. Its a fragile little kitten sometimes.
And I have learned very well by now not to tell someone who I think they look like, but rather to ask them instead if anyone has ever told them they look like someone famous.
For example. I once asked a girl who looked JUST like Reese Witherspoon if anyone had told her she looked like someone famous. She said Reese Witherspoon. See...spot on.
Another time, I asked a guy if anyone ever told him he looked like someone famous and he said Patrick Dempsey when I was thinking more along the lines of JohnnyDrama. So, it pays dividends and close calls from uncomfortable conversations when you ask first.
How do I know this? Experience.
During the onset of graduate school , I had very, very short hair. One day, a guy I had a huge crush on told me I looked just like Jamie Lee Curtis, who was on the cover of People Magazine that week. I swooned. Jamie Lee was a rockin' bad ass. He even bought a copy of the magazine and gave it to me. More swooning. I kept it for

Awwww....take that sassy.
And years later, when my locks were long long long, I was out on the town. While sipping my cocktail, a man told me I was a dead ringer for Sandra Bullock. What?
If you are trying to get into my fancy pants, this

He laughed. And said "Sandra Bullock."
What? If you are trying to get into my fancy pants, this

So the coup de grace occurs when I go to a party with a friend. The porch is full of people he knows so we start chatting with some of his old friends. And one of his old girlfriends says to me, "Do you know who you look like?"
I hope the answer is more Sandra Bullock than Screech at this point but its a crap shoot so I say, "No. Who?"
She says, "You look just like the girl from Mystic Pizza."
No. Not Julia.
No. Not Annabeth Gish.
The other one. The name of which I don't even fully know. The one in the hat.
The one who sang the crazy song about Joe in Say Anything. And for some reason, at that particular moment, I did not want to look like the nutty songstress in the Tiny Tim hat.
Hehe. I keep getting different ones, too. And it isn't always about different hairstyles - the same picture has received both a Jennifer Aniston and an April Lavigne comment. And a bunch of other comparison which are not really worth a mention.
Fragile kittens indeed, these Egos of ours.
Just stick with Jamie Lee or Sandra Bullock and you can't go wrong! I've been told I looked like Anne Hathaway and Kristen Stewart. I look like neither. Or I get that, "you look familiar..." from some random person. I guess it's better than someone saying I look like Cheech Marin or Chewbacca.
If you think about it, we all "look" like someone - i.e., our parents, relatives, the postman, etc. But not all of those obviously blind folks are witty, insightful writers and bloggers (like you). So tell Seth Green and Alanis-loving boy to take that!
Oh and how was it working with Ryan Reynolds in that recent movie of yours? I just adore him!
Take the nutty songstress while you can. You have no idea what the future holds. ;)
Cool, at least are attractive woman. I have never been told I look like anyone famous and bit afraid to ask.
Are you sure it wasn't Seth Green? Ya never know, he mighta been practising for an upcoming movie or something.
But this is exactly the reason I don't ask people (anymore): "How old do you think I look?" Someone knew I was expecting a low number and said, "50". I was 37.
You had such an advantage, having been the target of comments such as those!
I, on the other hand, do not look like anyone and graduated with a Bachelor's in Receiving Dirty Dishwater Drinks and a Master's in Receiving Spit On Restaurant Spaghetti.
Wow!! What a variety of star names you have been dubbed!! I like your trick of asking who first. Fun to find out the name without giving them a tip first.
You should totally start wearing a tiny Tim hat..... ;)
Everyone tells me that I look just like their sister or their cousin. It's annoying.
Well at least you've had plenty of variety.
I think you are very observant when you are out--first the conversation and now the bartender--I gotta get out more :)Mine was always Olivia Newton John when she and I were both much younger :)Please don't start doing annoying yogurt/regularity commercials like JLC :)
Regardless who you look like...You are a beautiful woman. XXOO Marie Antionette.
The one in the hat? Oh man. lmao
her name is Lili Taylor and she's totally cool :) Me, I think you look like you :)
I get Pierce Brosnan and Carlos Beltran, go figure.
It is better than Annie! LOL
Just as funny as every Jennymac!
I ALWAYS enjoy your posts and this one was no exception...
By the way I look just like JULIA...
Just stopping by from SITS wishing you a fabulous Wednesday!
I've been told more times that I can count that I look like the lead singer of Bare Naked Ladies.
At one stage in my life I wanted to look like Alanis, sing like Alanis, be Alanis, but sadly, my life was never that messed up. And at least you've never been compared to Cher; thank goodness for small mercies, right? ;)
I've put my foot in my mouth a few times telling people they look like someone they didn't want to look like. Your advice is good.
Oh, wow. You look just like three of my favorite actresses and a rock star.
Ego. You gotta love it.
Gee I wish I was Sandra Bullock, pashing Ryan in The Proposal! Some girls have all the luck.
I used to get Jack Nicholson a lot but now it is Walt Whitman...at this stage i may not mind looking like Seth Green.
It is so funny! Anyone above the age of 60 says I look like Julia Roberts. I love the woman, but can't for the life of me see the similarities.
LOL - I used to hear that I look like Leann Rimes all the time - still do actually, but not so much now that she's skinny as a bean pole. Anyhoo - I USED to replay (when I was a youngin) that it was her that looks like me because I was older.......... now I just nod and smile.
I was told I looked like a pudgy Russell Crowe during those gladiator days... He's starting to catch up
And in an attempt to get a good start, if that is you in your header photo, you look like a slightly mature Phoebe Cates
I really think people only look at hair when they tell you you look like someone famous.
I have blonde hair and there was this lady my mom knew who always used to tell me I looked like Uma Thurman...it actually got to be annoying becuase she would call me Uma. I look nothing like Uma Thurman which made it even worse.
Lili Taylor is actually very attractive... I think it was a compliment either way. I do understand that it might seem like a step backwards from JLC or SB, but anyway.
I like your approach of asking the question. It's a good way to avoid offending anyone.
I forget her name too, but she's very pretty, it was a compliment. I don't get the "you look like" thing often which I am quite happy with.
Just read through your previous posts, very amusing. I can't believe some of those university courses and I thought "Gardening" perplexed, that's right, not "Horticulture" but... oh moving on.
I'm usually mistaken for someone from America's Most Wanted....
Love this, and ain't it the truth!
Let's just sy that I've learned the hard way not to "go there" when the you-look-just-like conversations start...
Jamie Lee gets to go home to Christopher Guest every night. I am more jealous of her than I am of any woman on the planet.
Once a student told me I looked like Kathy Najimy. I hadn't quite come to terms, at that time, with the fact that I am a big girl and it totally bummed me out. A few months later I really looked at her and decided she was pretty and it was a compliment (for a big girl). But I will never forget the way the wind was taken out of my sails when that student first said it... I should thank her - it was a big step on the road to self acceptance and she forced me to take it.
It drives me nuts when people tell me I look like a friend of theirs, or an old babysitter. I don't even know these people. Why would I care if I look like them?
People say things like this for their own benefit and don't take into account what the listener might think or feel.
This is something I avoid at all costs as someone once told my husband he looked like someone famous and it happened to be his least favorite actor on the planet, who by the way he looks nothing like, lol
People thought I was that gymnast Mary Lou Retton when I was in high school and waitressing - ah sure if she were 10 inches taller!
Well, no one ever mistakes me for someone famous...I'm that unique! hee hee
However, my husband gets it all the time when we travel, especially to Mexico. apparently he looks like some Mexican TV star only no one can remember his name. He gets...'It's you!' or 'You're that guy!' One time someone would not believe my husband wasn't 'him'. Insisted on getting his autograph. Husband says, sure just tell me what name to write. The guy couldn't remember.
I agree, Jamie Lee Curtis is HOT.
But I'm more of a Sandra Bullock kinda gal, so ya for that!
There actually is a thing online that analyzes your photo and tells you who you look like...My Heritage.com - you can gauge who your child looks more like too.
My dad and brother have at times said I look like Drew Barrymore or Meg Ryan...more Drew, but not really. ;)
I was in NYC, leaving a club with a few friends. We were walking down a sidewalk and this guy across the street yelled out, "Dude!" He began waving and running across to us. I thought he knew one of my friends.
He approached me and started to talk. He hadn't yelled out "Dude." It was "Jude." He thought I was Jude Law.
It happened another time too.
If they were trying to get into my pants . . . it worked!
Favorite line of the day
Ego. It's a fragile little kitten at times.
I got Rene Zelweger once (from the Jerry Maguire days), but he was trying to get into my pants. I'm built like her - itty bitty but that's about it.
So long as you don't tell me I look like someone horrifying I'm okay with pretty much anything.
OK, minus Carol Burnett, you are rockin' it!! I'd take any of those compliments. You must be a hotty!!
In high school I supposedly looked like Molly Ringwald, which, in the 80s, was pretty cool. Since then? Nada. I'd kind of like a comparison so I know where I'm hitting on the look-o-meter, you know? Or at least that people were looking. dammit.
My Hard Working Man gets told he looks like Dale Earnhardt, Junior ALL the time...to the point where we can go to a restaurant or bar and are given free drinks...sometimes it's fun and other times, it is a little harassing...especially when girl's start swooning, making me want to kcik their ass. That's when it's problematic.
I would like to meet this Seth Green look-alike. I have a thing for that actor---so maybe he'd like it coming from me? :)
None of em are TOO awful, hon. And didnt we all want to be Alanis at her furious stage...
That's about as bad as asking a woman when she's due, only to find out that she isn't pregnant. Believe me, I've only made that mistake once.
This is to funny! You are wise to learn from your experience. Ok and I do love Carol but no I don't think I would want to look like her. The others wow good company to be in.
"Smurky La Flirty McSmug style," such and excellent description. I know I've found myself smiling that way before too! I'm glad you saved yourself the punishment of mean drinks that night!
There's a woman in my sewers guild meetings that looks and sounds like some German or Irish older actress that I can't place! I've scoured ALL the James Bond movies and IMDB. I see her in my head, but can't grab her name... So this woman has the exact same look and accent, but she's not famous... a darn good seemstress. If anything she's a bit bitter.. so I'm careful when I talk to her...
Very astute observation! And I'm gonna go with Jamie Lee for you, I think.
I was going to go into the ridiculousness that is people comparing me to celebrities (since I don't actually look like any celebrities), but I don't know that I should ramble quite that long.
I'll leave it at appreciation for your astute observation.
When I got bangs my boyfriends mom could not stop telling me that I looked like Cher. I look NOTHING like Cher. NOt even one feature is the same, except for those bangs that she has in the 70's! haha
I've gotten Ally McBeal (which is NOT a real person, thanks) and Michelle Pfieffer.
Talk about swooning into my fancy pants.
I'm all about the cool rider stage...
You lucky girl! To look like so many beautiful people!
I've never been told I look like anyone famous.
sandra bullock is a good one!!! i used to get kirsten dunst a lot!
oh, and the cupcake/muffin liners are from here:
I get told I look just like Angelina Jolie, all the time. It's the cross I have to bear.
Oh the fragile fragile ego is right. I have gotten some comparisons-along the years-Kyra Sedgewick was one I used to hate...now as I age it becomes a compliment-funny how that works:)
Your blog is fab cool-glad I found you funny girl.
I sometimes get the "you look like so-and-so" comment, but usually I just get the "you look so familiar" comment. Some are so insistent, I will just give in: "Yes, that was me playing the organ at your great-aunt's funeral last week."
We can look like who ever, its all about the hair.
I used to get told I look like Gillian Anderson when The X Files was in it's heyday. I could do worse, right? Except I haven't heard that in a long, long time. Sigh.
Thanks for stopping by hurstburst and commenting. You'll love the soup!
oh jenny mac, we meet at long last. i have seen your name everywhere and now we are meeting in blog-person
thanks for visiting me over at the crib and i have been told i look like STEPHANIE from full house, KATE GOSSELIN, and ELLEN DEGENERES none of which look like the other one except they all have blonde hair - i guess i look like lauren conrad too b/c she has blonde hair sometimes, when she bothers to color it
Sometimes it is just good to be a goat.....
Joe lies....when he cries...Joe lie lie lies....that'll never be me! that'll never be me! that'll never never be me NO! NO!
I always think someone looks like someone famous. I've been told I look like Sandra Bullok from her movie Speed. I was even stopped and told I looked like Laci Peterson (she was murdered by her husband, a huge tv case here in cali) while outside the court house during her husbands trial. lol
come see my halloween spooktacular!!
I understand Sandra Bullock is pretty smart too - could be worse people (or things) to be compared to. I know you are beautiful, sassy, witty, way smart, dance well, can handle a wicked drink, drive a lovely car, and are out and out smart.
Me on the otherhand am like Carrot-Top. :)
When I was in high school or college, I went to see Aliens with a bunch of friends. One guy friend turned to me and said: "You know you look like Sigourney Weaver in this movie".
He said this right after an alien came out of her.
Over the past 6 months, I've been told that I look like Seth Rogan about 50 times. At first, I thought it was a random coincidence that a few people brought it up. But then I started my job at a pub, and people are calling me Seth Rogan faster than they can order another round. I've even been hugged by a customer.
I have thick black glasses frames, but I so don't look like Seth Rogan. And I had my glasses way before he did.
if you've been mistaken twice for Sandra, it definitely counts (and rocks!!!)
I wrote a blog post this week about me having been compared to Barbie - the 1950's brunette version, which is not your typical "hot" Barbie ;-)
this - "all Smurky La Flirty McSmug style" - made me laugh my face off. I think I've used that style a time or two... and regretted it. ha!
this whole post had me LQTM (laughing quietly to myself, its a new cyber-acronym - i promise it will gain popularity).
So where's the current mug shot of you so we can put our 2 cents in as to who you look like? Come on!
I have an extremely long thin horse face and so I've been told that I look like Sarah Jessica Parker.
Really? Really? Horse face?
I just wish I had her body too.
I've had people tell me I look like Ellen Pompeo (win!), Jennifer Garner (eh.), and Taylor Hanson (fml).
You're right... ego is fragile.
I like your advice to ask if they've been told instead of telling them who you think they look like. I once told someone that they looked like someone famous (can't remember the who just the reaction) and the woman got all huffy, mad actually, and said that I don't look anything like her, I look like so and so, another famous person. Well sorrrrrreeeee to mis-identify who you look like. I haven't ever told anyone they look like someone else since then.
Hahaha! I love your "has anyone ever said you look like somone famous?" advice!
When I had short pixyish hair in high school, someone told me I looked exactly like Juliette Lewis. This was during her crazy hillbilly lady Kalifornia days.
Needless to say, it was depressing.
Oh, and like Alanis, Juliette looks WAY hotter these days :). Kudos to those ladies!
It probably was Seth Greene... Good thing you did not say anything.....
You are lucky... People in High School called me Daria... You know that MTV cartoon???
"Smurky La Flirty McSmug" hahaha love that! Great blog!
I've gotten Cheryl Hines a few times, but I think it's more of a personality thing....
Thanks for coming by my brand new blog lifelaughlatte.blogspot.com today! I'm just imagining how on earth it is even possible to have 570 Followers...I'm just bitter I wasn't 5"69". Anyhoo...I didn't just LOL...I actually Laughed Out Loud at this article. I am one of those people that gets these kinds of comments all of the time! It's alarming really. Often I'm appalled at who they think I look like. LOVE the post. Thanks again for visiting:)
Funny post lucky you having (in general) dark smouldering looks!
They are all beautful woman..and so are you!
At least you look like stars and famous people. People always tell me that I look familiar. Not sure that's a good thing!
You're obviously gorgeous!
From the time I was in high school, I was told I look like Jo from Facts of Life. Still get that sometimes, although one person, when I was hugely pregnant, wearing glasses, and trying to order a birthday bagel, told me I looked like that girl from the show "Ugly Betty." That guy did NOT get a tip.
oh man!! sanrda huh!? meeeow! i can honestly say i've never been told i resemble anyone...weird...i'll have to ask the hubs..
I want to go to that bar, I loev seth greene. I'm always told I look like Jennifer Aniston but I don' see it.
I was once told I looked like Judge Reinhold. I've also gotten "that guy from Clockwork Orange" and Crispin Glover.
I think I'd rather just be called a creepy dweeby loser.
ego is definitely a fragile kitten.
Carol Burnett? Really? Was that person blind?
I don't look like anyone famous, but I hear all the time that I look just like someone's sister/girlfriend/cousin/neighbor/babysitter/etc. I have decide that I just have a very generic face that could belong to anyone!
Sandra Bullock is gorgeous and very smart....I think she's listed on Mensa. Ultimate compliment.
I was out with a girlfriend when some guy told her that she looked like Sandy Duncan. I thought I was going to have to call him an ambulance.
Thanks for visiting;;
Sandra Bullock is a nice compliment. Better than Amy Winehouse (me, yes.. boo hoo)
I've gotten Sandra Bullock and Amanda Peet before. I've felt flattered even though it's nowhere near the truth. But I'm laughing out loud about the Mystic Pizza/Joe girl. So funny! "Joe LIES. HE LIES!" hahaha
I used to get Elizabeth Shue. That was fun. Wise advice.
ROTFL! Bet you'd rock that hat.
Hilarious - if a tad unfortunate! Apparently I look like a cross between Halle Berry and Anjelina Jolie - and then I wake up :-(
Oh my gosh love your profile pic and your header, too! Too funny :) Love your blog!
Ha!!! I once got Angelina Jolie. I laughed in the drunk loser's face and told him to stop trying to get in my pants.
If only...
Oh, how I yearn for the days people said I looked like Meg Ryan. Now? I'm mistaken for the comfort food maven, Paula Dean. Grrr.
People have said over the years that I look like, Samantha Micelli (or Alyssa Milano) Natalie Woods, and Liv Tyler. Those made me feel good... One day someone said that I looked like Ricki Lake (pre-weight loss) and that made me feel not so good.
I decided that I just want to look like me.
This line almost made me spew diet coke all over my Mac: Seth Greene is a wee sprite of an actor.
My BFF and I used to play "Spot The Stars" while sitting on a bench at the mall.
I think everyone resembles someone for an obscure reason that nobody else can see. I'm all about "But the angle of her jawline reminds me so much of the oldest sister on 8 Is Enough". Then I get all huffy when my genius is not appreciated.
The only person I ever looked like was Princess Di - and, well, I don't hear that much any more :) After reading your post, I will never blurt out my thoughts straight up, b/c you're right - ego is a fragile thing and Carole Burnett is DEFINITELY not Jamie Lee Curtis!
I totally get the "you look like Molly Ringwald in 16 candles!" I get it all.the.time. and I think, "hell, wasn't she whiny and weird with big fat lips?
I posted some pics on the blog of my wedding day and sure enough, I get the molly ringwald deal again. I don't know what to think. I never tell people who they look like anymore.
BTW...you don't look like Burnett for hell sakes
People usually tell me that I look like someone they know in real life, which is certainly not as exciting as being compared a celebrity- even if it IS Carol Burnett.
Except there was this one time that somebody told me I looked like the chick who sings for Evanescence. But I think that's simply due to the fact that we both have long, black hair.
LOL, don't feel bad...I have been told that I look like Linda Blair...in The Exorcist.
Great post! I was once told I look just like Heather Locklear. I look nothing like Heather Locklear much more like Cher.
I never properly thanked you for your creativity in designing and distributing the major award just recently bestowed upon me by La La La Leah. I came over to your blog the day you posted a comment and then got so wrapped up in lurking that I completely forgot to mention that I got your message. So thank you... and thanks for writing such captivating material that I forget what I'm doing and spend way too much time reading your clever posts!
Uh, so remember ~12 hours ago when I said that people always call me Seth Rogan? Well, I just got it again. This time from someone I know. Oh dear.
Guess what's screening on a movie greats channel right now - your movie - Mystic Pizza. I can only hope you've moved on from all those bad sweaters!
I'm so late to the party here but, have you ever heard of Frances De La Tour? She could be your twin in her younger days.
In '98 or so, I was at a dinner party and a woman from somewhere in S. America started snapping her fingers at me, saying, "you look just like that famous girl..."
"Oh! I know! Monica Lewinsky!"
I had been hoping for something not so sleezy. I hope it was the haircut.
My husband made jokes about that for months.
I have gotten a couple of Sandra Bullock comments too. Perhaps all brunettes look alike in bars....?
That is so funny. I get some off the wall "you look like"'s....ego certainly is fragile :)
This was freaking hysterical. I feel your pain. I have been told I look like Melissa from the Real World, Monica Lewinsky (that hurt), Andie McDowell (huh?), Sara Silverman (huh? again), and the one that topped them all...Jessica Alba. Pretty sure that one involved someone wanting to get into my pants. Ah ha. Thanks for your sweet words about my wedding. : )
Hey I love that girl.
Oh, story well told!!!!!! I get "you like that girl from Saturday Night Live" all the time. Sheri O' Teri. I don't see it at all and while she is funny, I don't think she's really attractive so I am usually less than thrilled.
You have so much more tact than I... haha! If I saw someone that looked like someone famous I know I'd blurt it out and be REALLY excited about it. Besides, with that stupid Facebook Celebrity look-a-like application everyone knows who their celeb double is these days!
I've been told that I look like the lead girl on the show Weeds. I've never seen it though.
Woah. What kind of face do you have to look like those celebrities? You looked like not one, nor two, but... wait... 5 people. Or did they all just say that because you had a similar hairstyle with the celebrity? :D
But it won't hurt to look like Sandra Bullock you know. Or Jamie Lee Curtis. Not bad. Not bad at all...
Hilarious post! I would have loved to see pics of you beside the celebs though. Like you haven't revealed enough eh? (Jeesh!) Really enjoyable reading!
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