Friday Night, we left the spouses behind (they were glad) and when I saw so many old friends, I swear, the longer we were together, the higher and higher the decibels rose. At one point, our screeching was both breaking glass, and luring horny bats.
First and foremost, let's comment on the appearances. People.Looked.FANTASTIC.
I swear. There are girls from my class who still have skin of 18 year olds. It must be in the water. And because so many of us keep in touch, the conversations were substantive. And seeing so many old faces was fun, and engaging. We graduated with over 500 classmates, so there was a lot of catching up to do.
Saturday night was the more formal affair which was laden with hundreds of old photographs. JohnnyMac saw some pretty little photos of me in giant hair and giant dresses. JohnnyMac was in awe. And not the good kind. Too late now to leave me JohnnyMac! Even when he saw my cheerleader pic in which my coiffure was actually bigger than my pompons.
And before I spoke, one of my girlfriends who has also done a lot of public speaking asked me if JohnnyMac loves listening to me speak in public. I laughed and said, Oh yes....because he sure doesn't get enough of me talking at home. Oh, wait, let me dip that last line in sarcasm.
So, perhaps you would like to join me for a bit of the Reunion Rewind?
There are SO many things to recall. Obviously, the mile high hair and bangs was standard operating procedure. Remember how big it was? Don't get near a fire or a big fan with those mops we carried. How did our necks survive? And the tight sausage curl a tube of hair.
Remember the asymmetrical haircuts? Oh, I had one. Very very short on one side, and very very long on the other. Neat. And the Sun-In? NOT WISE BRUNETTE GIRLS! It turns out a rather dull shade of orange. NO ONE BELIEVES THAT IS FROM ACTUAL SUN. Maybe the Kool Aid Man, but absolutely NOT the sun.
And the parachute pants? That came in two sizes? Baggy or extra extra snug. I will take mine snug thank you. And who said you need to bend your knees to walk comfortably.
And what humors me is everything else we wore was incredibly too big. I had giant XL rugby shirts and then stuffed them into my tucked and rolled jeans. This is why we didn't need birth control then...because NO ONE wanted to frolic with a girl with 8 feet of shirt stuffed into her pants. This was a uniform at the Friday Night dance.
I loved to dance but let's face it, we sucked back then. We simply planted our feet, knew nothing about moving our hips, and moved our shoulders up and down to 'cause I've got to have faith, faith, faith... which actually sounded more like 'cause I've got to have FFFFFFFfaithaFFFFFFFFfaithaFFFFFFFFFFFfaith. Pronunciation of the F's = imperative.
And when we could barely do the Moonwalk, we thought we were smokin' hot breakdancers. And The Worm? I know of a few of you have done it too. And by a few I mean almost all of you.
I was doing The Worm once and my older brother walked in and asked me WTF I was doing. OH, DUMB ONE...its the WORM. You know what the Worm actually looks like? NOT PRETTY.
But one of the best elements of the reunion is knowing you have been friends with some of the same people for most of your life.
Two of my girlfriends I have maintained friendships with for 28 and 25 years respectively. Here is a pic of us the summer before we started high school.

And those friendships are still strong today. Through different colleges, different states, marriage, moving, and kiddos, I cherish them to this day. And these are the girls that know the best of you, and the worst of you, and still love you.
It is so humorous to revisit this plethora of old pictures. So innocent. And we were so safe then. Before we could drive, we would leave our houses after school and not return home until absolutely too dark to be outside.
I told my Mom it was such a different world then because people were not stealing children.
She nodded. And then said, "No, its just that no one was going to steal you." I am sure if I was taken, I would have been returned home within one hour.
In addition to that big hair, I owned eyeglasses comparable in size to a windshield for a small aircraft. But as my Father likes to say, at least I could see. Oh, I could certainly see. In fact, I was able to see cloud particles forming with all of the coverage those glasses provided.
And we were SO proud to drink Wine Coolers. I made a joke on Saturday night that how could you not like them? The word COOL was already in the name! And they were from
And we held that Budweiser with pride. Budweiser that we "borrowed" from my Father's basement.

And here is a pic of us now (oh, and I used photoshop (quickly and obviously, poorly) to include a pic of LG from the Friday Night party...because she looks better now then ever). Oh, what a difference in your hair when you don't use tiny curling irons and two cans of AquaNet.
Such innocent lambs...relatively. This was when 10 girls would split a four pack of coolers and STILL get drunk. And no one was dirty. No one booty called, sext'ed, FB, or late night MySpaced you. If anything, boys and girls would talk on the telephone. And before high school, the only thing a boy would call and say is, "Hey, my parents are gone. Do you want to come over and..... ride bikes?
Although I did see a boy there who told me I was his first kiss. I swear I have NEVER seen him before. I spent the next two days being told repeatedly by Taz and Tigger that I was his girlfriend. Hmmmm. Blame it on those California Coolers?
And on Sunday, we did a big family picnic. My son had the BEST time being catered to by all the little girls there. Oh, and playing in the bouncy house. Genius idea to get a bouncy house. We certainly had no bouncy houses when we were kids.
And in that very first picture above, is our friend The Soccer Star. That pic is from my parent's house, the night he met my best friend, Taz. They got married after graduation, and have been together ever since. They now have two wonderful, beautiful girls..also soccer stars. And TSS and JohnnyMac have developed a great friendship over the years. I am sure that made my 20 year reunion 5% more interesting for JohnnyMac since face it, NO ONE wants to go to someone else's high school reunion. Open bar or not.
But it was fantastic for me. All around such a great time, and the DJ did play Push It for me. And believe me, I am a MUCH better dancer now. And I promise you, I didn't even attempt to do The Worm.
500 in your graduating class? That's 200 more than went to my entire HS.
I'm a long, long way from my family, formative stamping ground and schools these days. It never really bothered me but now you've made me want to go back, if only for a reunion.
And to find out if my old classmate Peter Warren still uses Sun-In. Poor Peter..... let's hope not.
JM I really loved this post, even though you admitted to asking for Push It!!
To see the photos and all the fun you guys got up to and to still have maintained those friendships is just great.
Thanks so much for sharing, loved it.
"Get up on this! Ooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby."
My backside can't help but shimmie a tad when I even see this song EVEN typed. Brillance, Salt N Peppa. Sheer brillance.
I totally just spit drink out of my mouth when I read the comment about your glasses being the size of the widnshield of small aiprcraft.
Lest you forget:
~ tight rolling
~ Hypercolor sweatshirts
~ Benetton
~ Swatch Watch WITH the guard
~ Sebagos with the coiled strings
~ tiered multicolored Gitano scrunch socks in alternating fashion to match your shirt
~ And was this just me, a Southern thing, or can I get a hoo-hah one time for some Mad Dog?
Thank heavens for fshion forwardness.
You look divine. Good friends will do that to you.
.mac :)
You didn't do the worm?! So disappointing...
It sounds like you guys had a fantastic time! Reunions are funny to me. Some people change a lot and some don't change much at all (but it is never who you expect).
Awwww. I loved your memory lane!!! And I miss big hair and pegged leg jeans and big shirts!!! I had GREAT big hair!!!
But you're right.... you all look MUCH better now!!
Aww that's the best post ever. Finally we can see how you beautiful people look like. And I can really relate to everything you wrote. Probably the same age bracket.
Great stories about being a teen back then. And the hair styles... All brilliant. :))
You look fierce sister! I loved the old pictures, we've all been there.
That was friggin hilarious. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been trying to figure out what the heck to wear to my own 20th reunion in less than a month! how about those shaker sweaters from The Limited?! With matching cowboy boots (in like turqoise!) And, I couldn't help but laugh way out loud when your mom said noone would want to take YOU or they'd return you in the morning. That is verbatim what I used to hear! Good post.
Looks like you had great fun! And you girls look GREAT!!!
Had to laugh at the fashions of the past. Too funny!
And MommyMac Hoo Ha on the mad dog!! I think it is just a southern thang.
LOL! OMG, brings back soooooo many memories! I graduated in 83, so all this fit to a T.
When you said parachute pants I had to laugh because I'd pushed those out of the recesses of my mind. Thanks for that image, lol!
Johnny Mac IS hawt! My first time seeing him....and you look way cooler now! Ahhhh, the 80's! lol. I remember Fry boots and crimped hair too. Was that the 80's? It's a blur, lol
The first thing that struck me is that Tigger hasn't changed one bit! How is that possible? High Five, Tig!
I was glad MommyMac chimed in because I was reading your post thinking, I'm a good 15 years older than you and I DID THESE THINGS - including the worm, at some very fine establishments!
Thanks, MommyMac!
I grew up three houses from the corner of PineTree Drive and Memory Lane (true). Thanks for a trip back to the latter.
Can you say "Bartles and James"?
*Stuffs XL rugby be shirt into trousers.*
Don't worry, I understand the rugby shirts. Wait a moment, rugby? I didn't think you guys knew what rugby was...
Sounds like your reunion was everything you could want it to be. My Daughter # 1 graduated HS in 92, with big hair and bangs that touched the roof of the car. Her first concert with friends was MC Hammer. The 80's certainly had it's own style that hung over into the early 90s. Glad you had fun. And, you're right, JohnnyMac is a cutie.
so fun to see the before and after shots... you look Fabulous!!!
xo laura
Great post JennyMac, I really enjoying reading it.
What a huge graduating class you had!!
Loved all the memories you brought back....had totally forgotten about SunIn!! Rugby shirts....yep, I used to wear those too....what was I thinking!
You and your friends all look fabulous is a wonderful thing to have friends from that far back, people who really just "get" you.
Yay for Johnny Mac having a good time....and yes, he is a hottie!! You are a gorgeous couple.
Thanks for sharing.....your post was even better than anticipated!
Excellent post girl! You brought me right back to my own childhood...and I think I had those same dorky glasses! LOL Love the photos and your recollections. Awesome!
What great photos and great post. I so remember those lovely fashions and styles.
You look amazing too there momma! Laughing at those snazzy glasses!
Makes me think of the song...Memories of the way were...
Great pics, although you are right w/out the aqua net things just aren't the same:D
that's funny...I'm blogging today about my 10 year reunion.
Yours looks like it was a much greater success. We had a graduating class of 649 and only about 120 people showed. Bummer. I had a blast with those that came, though!
Wine coolers are only awesome until... I dunno, the third one you drink.
I will intentionally avoid my high school reunion, because I don't enjoy having to repeat myself.
"No, really. We went to the same school since 3rd grade. You don't remember me?"
what fun! I have a friend from high school that fills me in on things we did when I draw a blank...which is most of the time.
I love those pictures!!
That's so awesome---and so fun to hear about a reunion that someone enjoyed and looked forward to. In all honesty, I can't imagine caring too much about my upcoming reunions (I'll be at 10 in 3 years) cuz the people I was good friends with I still keep in touch with. Everyone else...well, I'm not sorry if I don't see them. But your report makes me wish that I could look forward to it like that:)
This is way too funny! You pics are awesome and its finally good to see You and JohnnyMacs face!!! Glad you enjoyed yourself!!!!
Geez Louise
It seems that with some people, even if you haven't talked to them since high school, you can just pick up the conversation where you left off at graduation. Others become lifelong friends. I thought reunion was fun, if stressful for certain reasons. Sounds like you had nothing to worry about. You did ok!
I think every generation has it's high hair and parachute pants to look back on. Think about the clothing of the 70s high schoolers. Has to look hideous in retrospect. So will todays muffin top jeans and bra straps hanging out. It's all terrible.
What a great post! My 50th reunion is coming up in 3 years--is that scary or what??
And Johnny Mac is definitely hot! You two are a great pair!
Glad you enjoyed your reunion. There's nothing like old friends.
It sounds like you had such a wonderful time. And you and JohnnyMac look fantastic! :) I'm glad you had so much fun.
wow! I think you look fantastic in your pics :)
JohnnyMac has sort of a Voldemort appearance to him. No, no, not the most nefarious Slytherin to walk the Earth since Salazar himself, but the one that now plays for Minnesota and stars in Wrangler Jeans commercials.
You've now convinced me that I should go to any reunion where they ask me to speak. Or if I've published a book, but since A probably won't happen until after B, then you probably haven't convinced me of anything.
You all look so good now! I wish I was aging as well as you. I'm aging like milk!
what fun and what pretty ladies you all are
Sounds like a great time and having friends from childhood really have grounded me over the years.
Push It is an amazing song!
My friend does the worm. Everywhere we go. On command. It's awesome.
Great pictures and great friends!
Man, I love going down memory lane!! I shopped the hell out of Contempo Casuals... did you have one of those? They sold the chic-est of the Madonna looks.
Big bangs, XL shirts, tuck-n-rolled up pants, the WORM (hey - I even took a breakdancing CLASS - so not kidding), all that stuff we shared!
Glad you had a great time... you may have even convinced me to attend mine in a couple of years! :)
Man, you weren't joking! Everyone looks AMAZING!!!
very fun! you totally should have done the worm. it would have been worth it.
"Don't be fooled by those bangs that you've got....
You're still, you're still Jenny from the block....
Used to have a little....
Now you have a lot....
No matter where you go....
You know where you come from...."
Wonderful trip down memory lane! Thanks for the insight into your fun world. Sounds like a great time with great friends.
After your breakdancin' moves at the reunion, you should have made Johnny Mac carry you off the dance floor in "An Officer and A Gentleman" style fashion. It would've been very fitting, since he bares a resemblance to Richard Gere.
You're like a fine wine, you've gotten better with time! I nearly fell off my chair with the glasses..."comparable in size to a windshield for a small aircraft".
It's such a trip to see people 20 years later. At my 20th all the Jocks were fat slobs and all the Nerds were gorgeous successful men!
Glad you had a wonderful time at your 20th and you looked fabulous!!
My ten year is coming up and I'm sad that I'm not going to be able to make it. Those pics were awesome! It is so cool that you have maintained strong friendships for so many years.
I am glad you had an awesome time..... In May I will not be attending my 10 year class reunion. Just FYI. Those pictures are AWESOME! I had big glass like that too....
Wow, Jenny Mac! You are a serious hot mama with some hot mama friends. Awesomeness. OMG, the big hair! My hs photos are chock full of big hair. Scary!
You had 500 in your graduating class???? Holy moly! My class had 48 and we were a large class compared to previous years (the class of '90 had 21 graduates). Of course I went to an all girl school and the whole school had maybe 200 girls, know.
My 20th is in 2 years (Wait, what? How is that possible? I'm not that old, am I?) and I can't wait. Of course we had a 15, so I saw most of the girls then and keep in touch with them fairly regularly. Still, 20!
You look great and Johnny Mac is smoking hot. You know, in a purely platonic way. ;)
I love the recap! I'm a reunion junkie. I went as my sister's date to hers since her husband didn't want to go. We stayed out til 4a acting like rockstars.
My husband's 10 year was awful but I think I knew as many people as he did at his 20 year. We've lived in his hometown for 10 years now!
I'm thinking of leaving him at home for my reunion next summer - girls weekend maybe?
Absolutely amazing!!!
Your recolation of the "good ol days" brought back some great memories for me too! Those rugby shirts and rolled pants...the big hair with al the hairspray!! LOL Loved it!
Love all those old photos. You gals have turned out all right!
You and your friends look marvelous both then and now -
I'm a bit envious - but glad you had a great time both then and now!
There were 590 folks in my high school class - and I don't think I remember any of them. Yikes - I hated HS LOL.
You make me giggle so hard, oh the pictures to remind us of the hair, the clothes and how I was so socially awkward ... LOL
Love all the before and afters, you all have turned out gorgeous :).
Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the smiles ;)
What a great blast from the past, I giggleed when you talked about the mile high head bangs(since I too am guilty of rocking high hair and becoming the queen of back combing, which I think back then we called it teasing).
Sassy Chica
Aquanet and Sun-In. What the crap were we thinking?
Aquanet still smells like high school sex to me......
You know, I actually liked the look back then because everyone was looking the same way.
You all look great! Loved the walk down memory lane!
looks like you had a blast :D yay!
so, umm... you graduated highschool when i was 2, you say? :D
How great that you keep in touch with your friends! I have failed in that area so bad!
You look great BTW!
You know, the only good thing about growing up in the 80's is that we can legitimately say that we look way hotter now.
Love the pics!
I loved, loved, loved this!
I had glasses just like that, I believe (which is why I am never without my contacts, even though I have a very fab and expensive pair of Tiffany glasses). I just can't get past the trauma!
Johnny Mac is sooo cute! You two make the most gorgeous couple!
You look fabulous! I love the pictures. THere's nothing more fun than a stroll down memory lane!
That's great that you had such a great time at your reunion! I only have a couple people that I even email from high school, I wouldn't even think of going to mine:( But oh, how you just brought back memories.. I remember forehead burns from trying to get the perfect bangs-curl-under thing. And wearing gigantic rugby shirts with my jeans tucked into my layered socks.. wow.
uuuggghhh....memory your step please!
that was really funny to remember all those trends~we thought we were so cool.
I did not make my 20ieth but I did make my 25th ( I am obviously old) and had a blast. I won the award for longest married (to the same man) as I had met my not too long before my 5th reunion.
Now I've past my 30ieth and am marking time towards 35. *sigh*
Was no hot pink dress?
Your class was huge compared to mine! I graduated with 169!
Man, I wish I had a class reunion to go to... ever.
But being that I was HOMESCHOOLED my only class reunions would be at family get-togethers. How boring is that? =0)
Wow, it sounds like you had a fantastic time! And I love the pictures, both old and new.
Oh my! You've made me nostalgic for things one should NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES feel nostalgic for!!!! sigh... I can almost smell the sun in...
Haha--Sun In = the WORST hair experience. Ever!
Ah, finally a proper face shot of JohnnyMac. Color me crushing, he's hot. Like I said, I love a silver fox ;)
Seriously, I envy that you and your high school friends stayed in such good touch. I have friends from all stages of my life, but high school lost a lot. It's a shame. Looks like you all had a great time!
Thanks for the pictures, they are great.
And yes your hubby is uber
Thanks for the pictures. I love them! Great glasses.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your reunion. I have always enjoyed my reunions and even work on the reunion committee -- which actually is as much fun as the reunion. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote for them. No entry fee.
Yeah, the internet thing was a complete accident. Thankfully, my husband went back and said, "I just wanted the TV off. NOT the internet! Turn it back on!" LOL
WOW, look at you guys! How exciting to get together with friends for your 20th!
Ah, the 80's fashion, hair and make-up. I always laugh when I look through hubby's yearbook (he graduated in '84).
But, honestly, mine is just as bad ('93). Everybody but a few of us had the big hair.
Don't ya kind of miss it? LOL
Priceless! Love the 80s...well, everything.
You are so beautiful and in such great shape! You're way younger than I am but I remember a lot of the things you mentioned too!
I still have big hair but I'm trying to quit. It's a hard habit!
W.V. mullext! HA!
Your high school pictures could have been mine, I swear :) Sounds like it was a fantastic time! I'm trying to decide if I want to bother with my 21st (yes, 21st, and the only one that's been planned yet - how lame is that?) It's the day after Thanksgiving - we'll see.
Great photos. They take me back to my high school days!
Wow, we're definitly from the same era because this post brought back a LOT of memories. (Some I would have preferred to have kept blocked out). Glad you had a great time.
PS: Got the Starbucks card the other day! Thanks so much!!
PSS: JohnnyMac IS uber hot!
You looked marvelous, dahlin'! the 80s were the days of big hair and frankly big everything! LOL
Sounds like you had a great time!
Love the 80's! Still do! what's wrong with aquanet??? ;)
What a great and nostalgic post!! You're right - you all look fantastic!
I love all of the old pics. My hair used to be like a giant wave on my head. My 20th is next year.
You know I've actually been wondering how to lure horny bats.
Who woulda guessed it's all in a screech?
oh my word...the pictures just made it...the glasses?? i may have snorted a tad, only because i LOVE them...the trip down memory lane was faaaaabulous!!
Hello there! thanks for coming to my blog!...and liking my less than professional pictures :-)
Your blog is fantastic!! Loved reading the first entries that came up, and had to say that I absolutely love the way you have described your reunion. Recently, I've been meeting up with my school friends as well; not a formal reunion, but huge gatherings nevertheless. When bringing the subject up with other online pals, I was suprised that no one seemed to have any sort of connection with their school friends, nor good memories from those "innocent" years. You do! and you keep in touch with your friends, and I find it very refreshing. Great pictures! If it is OK, I would like to come back often.
I'm coming up on my 10 year highschool reunion and I think it will be really neat. Though I still live in my hometown and am still in touch with a fair amount of people I went to school with I'm interested to see where people ended up and how much they've changed. I know I've changed alot since then. Plus reminiscing is so much fun.
Glad you had a good time JennyMac!
Ok, I didn't know JohnnyMac was such a hottie! And look at you! Are you sure that wasn't your 10 year reunion?
Hot mama!
I thoroughly enjoyed my recent 25th class reunion....with a class of 51:) When you have a class that small, it STILL takes hours to catch up! Unfortunately, there was no AquaNet to be found.
Thanks for stopping by my site for a visit. I hope you'll be back again soon! What a great place you have here!
LOve the glasses...I had a pair just like them. What were we thinking??
I've got news for you Jenni Mac, Johnny Mac is Uber Hot! So cute....your blog entertains me. Your writing style is infectious ( I know that is really not spelled right but you know what I mean)
I have yet to attend a class reunion of mine . . . I grew up in rural IA and I don't know if I am ready to head back to the small town mentality . . . I have only kept in contact with one of my friends . . . perhaps next year as it will be 25th?? But YOu sound like you had an amazing time! Yeah for you!
I went to my reunion back in May without the hubs too. I agree, open bar or not, it's not fun for the spousal units. Anyhoo, it's nice to put the face to the name from your pics!!!!!
fantastic post --
love love LOVE the line about horny bats. brilliant.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am enjoying reading some of your old posts. Haven't been here before.
Looks like you had a great reunion.
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