Ahhh....this is one time when crossing the line is very, very good. Thanks to fabulous weather (67 degrees...in JULY...unheard of in Georgia in the summertime), the Peachtree Road Race and all 6.4 miles of it last month was not tear-inducing. Love it. And I just got the race pics back.
This is my photo finish. What am I doing? Your guess is as good as mine.
Not really a "I'm #1" finger raised salute.
Nor a triumphant "V for Victory"...hmmm.
Raising the roof? I don't do that anymore.
Flexing? I certainly hope not.
Pumping up the jam? I will apparently have to settle for that.
Note to self: Create much cooler and more photogenic move for finish line next year.
We saw a gang of boys in mullet wigs and speedos running together. Bless. Your. Hearts. Mullets and speedos? I felt like I was at a pool party with NKOTB.
And we did note a few of you had extra socks. If those weren't extra socks, call my friend LaLa. She's single and will love you for your.... ahem...intelligence.
And to the super nice man on the race way with a tray of DOUGHNUTS...oh, you sly fox. I didn't see any runners going for it but all the spectators around you thought Santa came early.
And to the couple running in wedding attire...love it. If you can get through this together, then at least you knowwhen you get mad at each other in the future, one of you can run away. Far and fast you can get through anything.
And to that man in those itsy bitsy lycra shorts. Ummm, feel free to wear what you like. I think those are bike shorts though but I can't be sure. Why am I unsure? Well, because for a minute there I thought I might be washed away by the sweat splashing off you. Yes, I know its hot, sugar. But, ummm, from the looks of it, you seemed to have been heavily perspiring in the arse crack region. Maybe just a splash of talcum next year? And if you must wear Lycra, maybe just a size or two larger would be more comfy? And after catching a glimpse, I think it hurt me more than it hurt you.
And to the super nice man on the race way with a tray of DOUGHNUTS...oh, you sly fox. I didn't see any runners going for it but all the spectators around you thought Santa came early.
And to the couple running in wedding attire...love it. If you can get through this together, then at least you know
And to that man in those itsy bitsy lycra shorts. Ummm, feel free to wear what you like. I think those are bike shorts though but I can't be sure. Why am I unsure? Well, because for a minute there I thought I might be washed away by the sweat splashing off you. Yes, I know its hot, sugar. But, ummm, from the looks of it, you seemed to have been heavily perspiring in the arse crack region. Maybe just a splash of talcum next year? And if you must wear Lycra, maybe just a size or two larger would be more comfy? And after catching a glimpse, I think it hurt me more than it hurt you.
And finally: Thank you to the thousands and thousand of people that line the streets to watch and cheer us on. It is the BEST 10K to run. Period. And to all of the badass runners who finish in 30 minutes or so and double back on the track to cheer people on, well, you are true sportsmen.
Only 334 days until the next one. And maybe I will get that 1/2 marathon in between now and then. Or, I could just have another cocktail.
Congrats on completing the run! The only time I run is to catch the bus when I've slept in. You have an amazing blog and I can't believe I've only just discovered it. Glad I have though :)
You look pretty exhilarated at the end. What were you thinking. I no doubt would be thinking in this spot. OK, it would be polite to get out of everyone's way and die privately over here in the corner.
Mega congratulations on finishing that run! I never could run and enjoy it. 2 miles, my absolute limit before I think of something else I must tend to RIGHT NOW! 20 years ago, I was a weight lifter. My husband would sweep out the gym for me and he would always, always say, "I coulda been a contender." Yep. Your life is surely more complete now that you've learned that.
Way to pump up the jam! Hahah, congrats sister.
Congratulations and I love the pic...I'm sure that's a thumbs up I saw....
When running a half marathon in Glasgow, I got shoved by a big burly man and fell over. Before I could say "you big eejit", he got dragged away by a host of 'gentlemen' dressed in pink wigs, lipstick and bras whilst I got hauled to my feet by some of them, force fed water and hauled along with them for a mile or so. They had me in the right kind of stitches, laughing my head off.
No-one ever saw the burly man again......it was then I noticed the tattoos....tattoos of a particularly scary branch of the military. Poor guy. ;O)
Holy cow I wouldn't attempt to run around the block let alone your fab effort. Way to go girlfriend! (i just highfived u)
that's sounds like a cool fun day. congratulations on your finish!
Looks, to me, like you were showing off your manicure. lol! And if I could walk (much less run) 10 feet...I'd die from the shock. ; ) Congrats!
Go you!!!! I jog at the gym, but i hate to sweat.
Good for you! I think the pic is great! I mean come on...it could have been of you crawling across the finish line. That would have been bad!
I have exhausted my eyes by reading this. I will now do them a favor and go lie down to give them a good rest :)
"And we did note a few of you had extra socks. If those weren't extra socks, call my friend LaLa. She's single and will love you for your.... ahem...intelligence." --that made me laugh out loud, despite only having been awake for 10 minutes. haha
Congratulations on your race!! I've always wanted to run one...
I love the Peachtree. Wish I'd known you were there and we could have hooked up in all our sweaty attire.
Congrats on your race.
I don't run. Ever. It's not ladylike. Bahahaha! I can use that one for ANYHING down here in the south. "Ooooo, I don't do dishes, that's un-ladylike." They totally buy into that down here! Love it here in the south, he he he. Seriously, NEVER run, ever. Walking? I'll walk all day. I'll walk all over you. I just won't run.
Congratulations on your run! I did my first 10k in May - what an experience. Love all the descriptions of your fellow runners - esp. the NTKB wanna-be's (and the extra socks - lol!)
That is just to kool that you ran a race.Good for you.WOW!!!And I love the comments on all the people,dick heads and all...To funny.XXOO Marie Antionette
I don't understand coffee drinkers, Republicans, or runners. And if you're all three, then slap my ass and send me to Houston.
My husband is training for a 10K in Colorado in October. He's wanted to run a marathon his whole life and is planning on running one in Pittsburgh next May. I've wanted to open for Madonna my whole life. It's good to have dreams.
Good for him and good for you. I'd rather sit in bed and write. The treadmill at the gym's about as much really fast walking as I care to do. Love me my weights, though.;-)
Congrats on finishing the race! I plan on running next year. I actually planning on running this year, but I didn't realize it was the event of the year and I had to register in the first 30 minutes of registration being open! *Duh!*
Congrats on finishing strong. Who knew that running could be so entertaining?
I jog at the gym but hate to sweat - 'cos of all the fabulous fur!!
Congrats on completing the run:)
Congratulations on the run! I think while you're having your cocktails, you should stand in front of the mirror practicing your "end arm pose" for when you cross the line. It probably never even entered your mind what to do, but now you know IT'S a big deal.
And that donut man....I'd have been the one running over to him, stopping, eating a donut, asking for milk......
Congrats on your race! And donuts are why I don't run, I would fall for the Santa man who brought them & end up in a sugar coma.
Congratulations! I used to run in races all the time. I think my favorite thing to do was to watch what everyone else was doing and wearing. There are some funny people out there!
Hey, you raced and now it was time for the gun show!
Fabulous, chica!
But running, on purpose? Wheredeydodatat?
Peace - Rene
Whenever I think about runners, I think about the guys in the 'yellow wang flopper shorts' in Juno. Any of those show up?
I think people that run are great. Insane, but great.
I generally only run for fire or firemen. Oh, and recently because my ass was burnt from the tanning bed and I had to get to a cold shower before it burst into flames...but that's still semi fire related. So, yeah...two things.
Congratulations! Pumping up the jam or not, you finished :) (More than I can say!)
Congrats! I think it would be fun to be a runner, unfortunately my knees don't agree. :-)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Bodily Fluids
And this is all I have to say about that.
"I felt like I was at a pool party with NKOTB." - Oh goodness me, that's funny!
Well done on completing the run. Now, altogether "Pump up the jam, pump it up..."
I vote for another cocktail, but that's just me.
Kudos to you!
Apparently the guy who runs in women's lingerie in the nyc streets didn't make it to your race. That's too bad, his tights and see through teddy are awesome.
(and no, I'm not making this shit up)
Congratulations on the race! :)
I love the photo!! If it had been me, the photo would've been one of my friends dragging an unconscious woman (who had passed out around mile 1) over the finish line! Congrats! And I love people who run in inappropriate clothing - they're the ones who almost cause me to have a car accident because. I. Can't. Quit. Staring.
Congrats to you!
Congratulations! That is so awesome that you can do that. I can barely run to my mailbox. LOL But you make it sound really fun (and funny!). And I feel ya on the "guy needing talc" thing. Living in hotter than hell Alabama, there are a few peeps that could use that advice too.
Well from the looks of it, your best pal or maybe JohnnyMac had some sangria waiting for you just over the finish line. So those arms were just in the process of being a "Y" for YESSSSS, Liquid relief!!! :-) Congrats to you!
Why do you look like you didn't even perspire in this photo? That man's sweaty butcrack would have been nothing compared to my tomato face on mile 3 if I had attempted this.
I'd much rather be a Spartan cheerleader on the sidelines than run it. (U.G.L.Y. you ain't got no alibi.....) But good for you and all of those who did run it!
Congrats! I'd say, after all that running, you definitely deserve another cocktail. So indulge!
Thats awesome! Congrats. I'm impressed that the weather was so good.
My photos are always terrible. Mainly because I look like I'm dieing.
Good for you! Are you running in a skirt? You're so much more fashion forward than I am.
Wow! You've got a LOT more energy than I've got! I think I get winded running down the stairs to get the phone... Well - maybe not THAT bad...
Now that I've picked myself up of the floor and finally stopped laughing, I have to tell you how much fun your race commentary was. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I have now become one of your loyal followers. I know where to go when I need a good laugh. Oh, and you look way too good to have just finished a race. <---I envy this kind of grace and beauty!
Guy with the doughnuts, I'm no runner but I'm thinking that's the last thing in the world I'd want after a race. Cold beer, yes.
Wow, you write a daily blog, you run marathons, you are a mom, your house is probably spotless, and I think you work... We could not be friends in real life. But you write a good blog so I keep coming back... You don't come to my blog so I FAILED. maybe next time.
Sounds like a hilarious race! Mullets, speedos and sweaty butts.. who could ask for more?
Congrats... now go and get yourself a drink! ;-)
Congratulations to you!
Kudos for doing that.
B xxx
Wow. Do you train all year or do you really just kick your butt back into shape a month before the race? How do you fit it in? I'm so amazed. Someday, I always say to myself. Someday.
Congrats for the run and the fun you had along the way!
congrats on the run-WOW-that is awesome!
I was LMAO@all your commentary
Congrats and AWESOME on your accomplishment.
About the guy with the lyrca and butt crack sweat, I hoped you were able to pass him because that would be one long run - I'd never be able to get my eyes off him and his butt crack sweat.
Oh, the sights i have to look forward to when i run my 1/2 marathon in November... can't wait! Why in the world would people wear such douchey things to run in is beyond me...
Congrats on the race!! It sounds like a great one to participate in. I'll have to look in to it. Maybe I can use it as an excuse for a vacation in Georgia... hmmm...
Loved the commentary, too! Hilarious. :) And if I had to choose, a 1/2 or another cocktail? Well, I would opt for the cocktail... :)
Perhaps for next year's finish photo you could have a martini shaker and a vodka bottle held aloft...?
(V for victory? pfft. V for vodka.)
I applaud your completion of the race in general, and I salute your commitment to your readers.... making snarky mental notes to share with us later on.
whoa congrats! I officially feel so lazy - a mile is a big deal to me!I wonder if I could ever do a race?! I think the man in the lycra shorts may have stopped me cold, so great work on finishing! ;)
Congratulations!!! The look says, "I did it", which you did so I say it's fitting - what an accomplishment!
That shover guy - not cool!
Congrats! I have no desire to run a race...
How much fun is this?
You've inspired me to keep going. Since you stopped by my blog, you know that I am working my way up to a 6k in November. Everyone in the race will be wearing a Santa hat and beard, so it'll be a good time.
Is that a running skirt you are wearing? It looks so stylin'. You could be on your way to the mall.
Congrats! Now have a cocktail first to celebrate and then get back to work! =)
OMGosh girl you crack me up, ok I almost peed when I read the Mullets and speedos. Then you add in the NKOTB ... I almost died. Yes my dear DH was so wanting to see them when they came to Tacoma. Even better he works security for events sometimes and yup you guessed it. Freak ....
Hmmmm socks or no socks, the question of the day!
I think for the dick I would have stuck out my leg and did my best Marilyn Monroe impression of oopps!
Maybe a bootcamp reject? LOL I would that reject that signed up go the t-shirt went to one class. Died and thought heck I could do this for real, then went to the marathon and walked, well maybe with my water bottle full of some vodka too. you know to give me a pick me up!
If you were focusing on the run instedduh some guy's sweaty butt crack you probby wooda finished earlier.
I get winded walking down the stairs to get the mail.
Thanks for stopping by my blog,I appreciated your comment.
Congrats on the marathon!
Thats something I am sure I can never do.
I dont even like to walk to the mailbox...lol.
I hate to laugh at your pain,but the story of the guy in the lycra shorts made me giggle.
I would've been the person crawling over the finish line at the very. very. end.
I think you look awesome!
And the runners that looped back and ran again to finish with the others? We need more people like that!
I say you squeeze in another half marathon AND have yourself another cocktail. You've certainlyearned it!
Congrats on finishing the race!
So after the whole mullet + Speedo = a pool party with NKOTB, I realized that I have fallen just a little bit in love with your blog. I have not given it nearly the love it deserves.
You rock sistah! Now, I am on to read Don't mishandle the company wiener!
congratulations... love the write up too:)
Sounds fabulous! This makes me tempted to train for a 10K just so I can make snarky comments with my imaginary running friends.
Damn girl! I only run when there are cute men in the gym so I might impress them with my heavy panting. Nicely done Mrs Mac!
Congratulations!...I think it's called the "happy dance"! My first good belly laugh for the day. Did LaLa get his number yet?
PS--I clicked and I'll be back!
good for you! what an accomplishment:)
btw, the weather has been unseasonably warm in NYC too! hmmm...
Looks like a gun show to me! Congrats!
Congrats! A half marathon is on my to do list also... Way to go!
Well done on getting over the finish line in style. At least you weren't crossing on all fours as I would have been. I guess you can work on the victory salute for next time.
Congratulations on your run! :)
congrats on doing the run. glad you had fun.
Congratulations! Wow, I dont think I could ever do it.
Congrats on your run!!
Sassy Chica
Congrats! That's so awesome. I'm sure you are so thrilled. I know I would be. I'm glad you were able to do this. Take care. Cheers!
Congrats on your finish! So, I think you need to train to run the Las Vegas Half Marathon with me in December. Let's just say you can run through a chapel and get married on the strip, there's wedding cake, bands and freak shows. IT. IS. AWESOME.
It's hard to tell because the photo doesn't enlarge, but are you running in a skirt? If you are, that's awesome. If not, well then, I'm no longer impressed. ;) Loving your wicked commentary and thought you were making some sort of Rocky fist pump at the finish. Yo, Adrian!
Once upon a time I had a dream of running the Rome marathon, but then I remembered I don't run and it would take me eleventy billion years to walk it, so I opted for a cocktail and a viewing of Run, Fat Boy, Run.
The gym on post has a big banner up for the Athens marathon (following the fabled route from Marathon to Athens) this coming November, and I just stare at it thinking how cool it would be to say I had done it. I mean, come on! The "original" marathon? How effing awesome would that be? I'd have to find a way to work that into every conversation. "So, when I was running the Athens marathon..." "I saw the funniest thing while I was running the Athens marathon..." "Why, yes, I do love your new sofa! The pattern reminds me of an awning of a lovely Greek cafe I saw when I ran the Athens marathon."
good for you!! i love the picture, lol, you look victorious!!
I love your take on the married couple running together! ha ha ha ha
Congrats on running the race though. That's a huge accomplishment!
congrats on your run!
I say skip all additional races and just have the cocktail. I figure I only need to run if its to the fridge so maybe I'm not the best to give advice!
I am in AWE of your 6.4 miles.
Running is so exhilarating...and the end of the race feels like such an accomplishment, adrenaline encompassing the entire body.
I'm so glad to have found a fellow blog runner! Even if she is way bette than I!!!
Love your writing style. Great perspective on the race too.
Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest!
Congrats on your 10K! Makes me want to start running again. Then again....probably not.
Sounds like u were quite entertained and that's what those races are all about...having fun! Well, it is for me. =P
LOL @ NKOTB image. If that won't get ya picking up your speed, I don't know WHAT will.
I'm a little behind on the news. Wanted to congratulate you on this accomplishment. I'm fist pumpin' back at ya :D
looks like a great line crossing shot to me. any shot of me crossing a finish line of a race would involve me being carried on a stretcher.
thanks for dropping by my place. sorry it took so long to return the favor, but I was busy beating my 6 year old daughter at races across the pool in Cabo. Are you saying that pushing her out of the way was wrong?
Congratulations on your achievement! Job well done!!
Mullets and speedos?
Oh dear God the horror!!
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