A month ago my friend SandMan asked me to help him plan his 40th birthday bash. But of course. I loooooove to throw parties. He is a great guy and well loved so I anticipate big fun.
Then he indicated his ex, G, wanted to "help". He put the emphasis on the word help, not me. I said sure. His brother told me (out of earshot) to be prepared. G is difficult. Difficult in what way I asked. You'll see was his response.
Ummm, let's have more facts please? Difficult like parallel parking on a hill in San Fran difficult, or difficult like sliding down a razor blade difficult? He only smiled.
Now I know.
G is a NameDropper.

I'm sorry, not A NameDropper. Perhaps the most skilled NameDropper. Of all time. Iditarod winning NameDropper. Olympic Medal qualifying NameDropper. I can't say I have crossed paths with anyone quite like her and I live in the city of Atlanta where "Facial Rejuvenation" (a/k/a plastic surgery) is as daily as multi-vitamins and Bikram Yoga.
Then he indicated his ex, G, wanted to "help". He put the emphasis on the word help, not me. I said sure. His brother told me (out of earshot) to be prepared. G is difficult. Difficult in what way I asked. You'll see was his response.
Ummm, let's have more facts please? Difficult like parallel parking on a hill in San Fran difficult, or difficult like sliding down a razor blade difficult? He only smiled.
Now I know.
G is a NameDropper.

I'm sorry, not A NameDropper. Perhaps the most skilled NameDropper. Of all time. Iditarod winning NameDropper. Olympic Medal qualifying NameDropper. I can't say I have crossed paths with anyone quite like her and I live in the city of Atlanta where "Facial Rejuvenation" (a/k/a plastic surgery) is as daily as multi-vitamins and Bikram Yoga.
Do you know name droppers? Are they all talk no walk? I have recently been told by G that she is BFF with Elton John (I will spare you how many people in Altanta say this) but also a vast network of other dazzling people from her "dear friend" Candice Bergen to her "dear friend" Anna Wintour. Perfect. I am sure they are both lovely. If so though, can you please stop asking me who to call to acquire certain items for Sandman's bash?
And if you do know everyone, please order me up a little McDreamy for under my tree in December. Oh, and my BFF loves Andy Garcia. And my Hub wants SuperBowl tickets. 50 yard line.
In between the Six Degrees of G's Separation, she also lets me know of her constant business. I know. You are busy. Telling me how busy you are. All of the time. Just SO busy. Wow.
The irony is that G. has all the makings to be fabulous. Great taste, fun, well read, wine savvy. But alas, you can't mention a restaurant, a building, a book, or a beach that she doesn't know the owner, CEO, writer, wine maker, builder, heir, or King. The only name I have not heard her mention is the Baby Jesus.
If nothing else, it is entertaining.
In general, Name Droppers are interesting, yes? What is the point of all of the name dropping? Is it to enlighten? Educate? I don't know. I think if you do indeed know Elton, Candace, Anna...great. And if there is a purpose to your telling, tell away. For example, Who can we call to perform at a concert. Answer: Hey, I know Elton John. See? That is a solid transaction.
But G just talks about everyone she knows. Repeatedly. She lists off her roster faster than Joe Girardi. More Facebook friends than Dane Cook.
But the irony is, she produces zero results from her wide net. Nothing. Nor do I see her photo in the many glossy mags delivered to my office showcasing face after face after face of Atlanta nobility at the many wonderful fetes we attend. Hmmmm. That's alot of yak, and not much to back it up.
So NameDroppers...please dial back. Unless you can really call in those favors like some Celebrity Apprentice, all the yammering, well, its a eensy bit tiresome. I am sure you do know everyone, no need to make it the primary topic of conversation.
And I wouldn't say she is difficult. I would say she is a bit misinformed since the litany of people she knows, well, apparently they don't reciprocate.
The party will still be fabulous, no doubt. And G, well, G's permanent residence is NYC so she won't be with us long. And then I can remove the ice pack from my ear canal.
And, as we say here in the South, bless her heart.
And if you do know everyone, please order me up a little McDreamy for under my tree in December. Oh, and my BFF loves Andy Garcia. And my Hub wants SuperBowl tickets. 50 yard line.
In between the Six Degrees of G's Separation, she also lets me know of her constant business. I know. You are busy. Telling me how busy you are. All of the time. Just SO busy. Wow.
The irony is that G. has all the makings to be fabulous. Great taste, fun, well read, wine savvy. But alas, you can't mention a restaurant, a building, a book, or a beach that she doesn't know the owner, CEO, writer, wine maker, builder, heir, or King. The only name I have not heard her mention is the Baby Jesus.
If nothing else, it is entertaining.
In general, Name Droppers are interesting, yes? What is the point of all of the name dropping? Is it to enlighten? Educate? I don't know. I think if you do indeed know Elton, Candace, Anna...great. And if there is a purpose to your telling, tell away. For example, Who can we call to perform at a concert. Answer: Hey, I know Elton John. See? That is a solid transaction.
But G just talks about everyone she knows. Repeatedly. She lists off her roster faster than Joe Girardi. More Facebook friends than Dane Cook.
But the irony is, she produces zero results from her wide net. Nothing. Nor do I see her photo in the many glossy mags delivered to my office showcasing face after face after face of Atlanta nobility at the many wonderful fetes we attend. Hmmmm. That's alot of yak, and not much to back it up.
So NameDroppers...please dial back. Unless you can really call in those favors like some Celebrity Apprentice, all the yammering, well, its a eensy bit tiresome. I am sure you do know everyone, no need to make it the primary topic of conversation.
And I wouldn't say she is difficult. I would say she is a bit misinformed since the litany of people she knows, well, apparently they don't reciprocate.
The party will still be fabulous, no doubt. And G, well, G's permanent residence is NYC so she won't be with us long. And then I can remove the ice pack from my ear canal.
And, as we say here in the South, bless her heart.
It must be sad for her to live in such a fashion so as to allow her insecurities to rule her so. Hopefully your party will be sublime nonetheless.
I've never really understood people like that. I usually just call them 'one-uppers'.
I hope your ear gets better :)
I've had my moments with some NameDroppers, too. 'Tho I must say that name dropping may just be the beginning - I do know someone who became a habitual liar and is know a persona non grata since he owes so many people, and he took his underaged girlfriend abroad w/o letting her parents nor anyone else know. Well, the girl is back but he is still on the run.
Wow you get up early.
Does G know the Real Housewives of Atlanta...huh, huh... it's ok I prefer the RH of NYC or NJ.. no offense. (funny shows)
I don't know a name dropper but I do know a couple of people that have had every disease worse than "you", or know more about it than the doctors. (and they ain't drs)...
Bless their hearts too.
A brother is like that. He's a waiter/bartender. He brags about where he's been (Don Rickle's house), who he's worked for (Sherry Lansing...who?), and who he's seen (Bo Derek).
Seriously. If you're going to name drop, have some of those folks show up and make this party super hit! I wanna see it in OK magazine!
Haha! Oh my goodness, I'm about dying over here!
Oh my goodness....she sounds quite something....how DID you manage, you must have the patience of a saint.
Gosh would get a touch boring after a while I'd imagine! I guess you just have to grin and bear it, yikes.
Bet she doesn't know Rodney the Mayor of Saratoga street. Yeah that one, the guy that did an eight roll in prison for stabbing some guys trying to mug him. He may have beat that rap but then he got caught up buying some stolen car parts.
He's pretty famous and I am sure he would welcome G into his coterie of friends...she could be a part of his posse.
If nothing else, name droppers can be rather entertaining... if you are not at the constant receiving end of the I-know-so-and-so's, that is.
I wonder if anyone ever called her out on it. Like "You're such a liar".LOL
Hahaha I loooathe namedroppers. The ones I have encountered are the types who have "stalked" (aka just happening to be where they hang out) celebrities, gotten a photo together, and then somehow that turned into them being BFF's. Quite sad, really... I absolutely don't care that 'you' had lunch with Shania Twain. (and by having lunch together I mean in the same restaurant. perhaps not even at the same time. haha)
My mother and my aunt are both one-uppers and I just spent a week with the two of them together. It was - challenging.
My paternal grandmother is guilty of this crime.
I love her.
And I love to use that phrase.
Bless her heart.
.mac :)
I'm just going to say it...I'm a name dropper.
I know my sister. She lives in NJ with 2 cats, works at a wireless company and has seen famous celebrities on the big screen at the movie theatre.
Bet you're now impressed.
Actually, bless your heart for putting up with her! I would have lost my niceness at the first name dropping!
I think everyone knows a massive name dropper. It makes me insane! What even makes me more insane are the name droppers that drop names of people you don't even know.
I have no clue who Mark is, Tina is, Andy is...or any of the other people they speak of. So what's the point of THOSE names?
In my experience the best thing to do with name droppers is to pretend you don't know said dropped names. It drives the droppers nuts.
I have met a few celebs in my life and I honestly can't say that I know any of them.
Well, that was truly amusing! I can't stand name droppers. Its like my dear friend Billy Joel used to say...Oh wait, did I just drop a name? Sorry, I feel more ridiculous than when my buddy Quentin Tarant-Dammit, I did it again. Ok, ok enough silliness. Good post. Kudos for your patience!
We just encountered some name droppers on our snorkeling trip when we were in Key West..and I hadn't even had coffee yet. Annoying.
The best remedy is to just play along. If you start name-dropping with them, they just get more competitive.
Why are you using an ice pack on that ear? Vodka works much better.
Well-told tale. The "six degrees" thing does seem to work, but who cares? I once met a man who knew a guy whose father's girlfriend ...
I have been blessed with the ability to not pay attention to the name droppers. I know a few, but they have some to realize that it doesn't affect me inany way, so SLOWLY they have stopped.
Thank God.
And baby Jesus.
Bless their hearts...
Kind of like nails on a chalkboard. Who the f cares? Sounds like her ego is in need of massaging, bless her heart. Hope your ears feel better soon.;-)
You would think with all those people she knows she would have made a Real Housewives cut or something. It sounds like she knows them but they just don't know her. That's kind of my problem you know...I mean, I'm pretty sure I know Rob Pattinson, he just doesn't know me!
I think name droppers usually no know no one and compensate for their insecurity by adopting the persona of the person they wish they were.
As my southern Grandmother would have said "You're just precious to put up with that." She'll be far away soon, irritating other people. I'm sure your party will be fantastic.
oh man...i can't wait to tell my friend j-lo about this post! we are going to have lots of laughs together...
have a great day....you sure have a talent to write...very entertaining!
I guess there are some drawbacks (or would that be advantages) to living in a cave. I never encounter people like that. Hell, I never encounter people for the most part.
Jules had my exact thought!! When is Elton coming to the party?
Hard to hang out with some one who is FULL OF SHIT!!!
The worst is the classic line .... I am so busy!!! Screw off. We all are.
I have zero tolerance for name droppers. A childhood friend as well as my cousin (who just so happens to live in ATL also..hmmm) are out of control name droppers. I mean, my friend got her hair done in a salon one day sitting next to Condoleeza Rice. Come on now.
I don't know anyone to drop names so that makes it easy, but I have meet people who think they know people & it's very humorous but also so sad for them. Don't they realize that everyone sees through the facade of cool?
Name droppers are sooo annoying!!
I can't stand name droppers. In my mind, they lose all credibility because they almost never show results.
Yah, I may drop a name once in awhile but it really isn't to feel superior. It's more a conversational thing and I don't know that many fantastical people.
I wish I knew a name dropper. The only one coming close to that kind of category would be my aunt who threw her handkerchief at Nelson Mandela's bodyguard when they were in town for political reasons. She says she has the bodyguard's number on speed dial now. She's a celebrity around these parts ;)
yesterday a beaver tale, today you get both San Fransisco AND joe girardi into you post....YUMMY!
Nobody likes a name dropper. They're are as bad as the infamous one-uppers. I worked with one and it drove me insane!
I am not a name dropper in the least. Probably because I'm not much of a socialite, if any part of a socialite at all.
What I want to know is where I can get the Carrie Bradshaw-esque 'I Know Everyone' necklace
I have some questions... why is your friend letting his Ex help with his awesome birthday?? I don't get that. My mind is blown.
Also who is Anna Wintour?? I may have to google thanks.
My friend JD is a name dropper but he has proof... One time he dance with Ellen on her show.. there was a pic.. Then a few days ago he was one of Paula Abdul's twitters... So I am guessing he is a Master of the Photoshop.....
I think name droppers were the people who didn't really have many friends in high school and feel the need to validate themselves now.
LOL man, it's not who you know...but who knows you, right?
I agree with Jules. Invite all the people whose names are dropped to the party.
I always like the name droppers who mention someone and then pause like they're giving you time to drop your jaw or applaud them. Sigh...
ahhh... and you should also know what "that's nice" is code for in genteel southern conversation :) She probably is insecure..bless her heart!
How did your friend put up with her as a girlfriend? And why was she necessary to plan his party? She's an ex. Did she stop dropping names with him once they got intimate? Did he ever expose her as a liar? Did they break up due to her mental illness?
I hate when people are trying too hard to make you like them. This is what name dropping makes me think. They're insecure. They think you wouldn't like them if they didn't know anyone famous. Just think of believing you have nothing to offer of yourself other than who you know.
That's so sad. For her because she obviously has some issues and for you because you have to listen to it.
I admit I don't have any names to drop. That must make G cooler than me.
LOL! I know several name droppers. Makes me crazy. I actually know a few famous people, but I won't name drop them. Who cares? I mean, yeah, THE commanding General of the entire US Army in Europe came to my kids' b-day party, but whatever, right? :)
Really though, at least you are getting some free entertainment. You should totally call her on the fact that you never see photos of her in your glossy mags. Tell her you find it funny that you've never come across her in one.
ugh, that must be so annoying...
You should've responded enthusiastically: "OMG, REALLY?!? Then I'm counting on you to invite some of your famous friends to the party! Seriously, you've just GOT to - I won't take no for an answer! Let me know who's coming ..."
Well, as long as the party turns out fabulous! I've never met a name-dropper like that, but it sounds entertaining.
I hate the name dropper as much as I hate the one upper (I ran a marathon! Oh yeah, well I ran an ultramarathon and then did an Ironman the next day. In the snow!)
I love bless her heart. Say it all the time. It's so awesomely passive agressive. ;)
I just love how "bless her heart" is pretty much the equivalent of "motherchucking bitch" in the south. I need to integrate this into my vocab ASAP.
"I can't believe she had the nerve to tell me my ass looked big in these jeans, bless her heart."
WOW! Maybe she knows some of my famous friends, like Julie Andrews, Carol Burnett, Beyonce, George Clooney and such. Do you think? Heehee!
Maybe that is the only thing that makes her feel like she is worth something, which is just sad!
K. Bless her heart--that's good. But I think name droppers want you to like them.
My husband is a one upper. When it comes to being sick. I said, oh man I'm not feeling so hot. His response? Jen! I've been sick for THREE DAYS! (insert back of hand on forehead.)
Whatevs. :)
I know Chef Ramsey and he'd know exactly what to say to your friend. :) And I don't even need to call him to ask.
Hope you have a great party though!
This story makes me clench my teeth and created a little wrinkle on my forehead. From across the country, G has gotten under my skin. Grr,
Oooooh! This is why I read your blog. I don't know any NameDroppers but, I'd love to meet one IRL, just so I could have a good laugh!
I'm just glad to "know" you via our blogs you're like a ROCK STAR with your 400 followers! You GO girl!!
Hope the party is fabulous! You can always drop my name! ;) LOL!
I admit I'm not a fan of name droppers either. In my opinion, if you're really that close to celebs then you know they don't appreciate being used like that and you'd keep your trap shut so they would keep inviting you around. People who advertise usually are overcompensating. Like men who drive huge trucks! : )
Loved your post!
Well, she is living in another world, obviously.
I know Luke the goat and he is one hunk of caprine studliness. Does this help you? I doubt it and he is mine, mine, all mine!
My old boss used to be like that - drove me up a wall.
I think the only thing worse than a namedropper is one of those "oh, woe is me" sympathy seekers. THOSE are obnoxious.
I drop names all the time. Problem is, no one ever knows who the hell I'm talking about.
Bless her heart, lol. Translation from southern to...not southern: what an idiot.
Hope that party is a blast!
in my exeprience, name droppers are extremely insecure and only think people will find them interesting if they know a lot of interesting people.
i am generally unimpressed by name droppers, unless - as you say - knowing those people actually yields results...
and does "know" mean the same thing as "Saw in a mall from 100' feet away"?
OMG, THANK YOU for saying "Bless her heart!" My Mom is from MS and we use it frequently when we are trying to be polite about someone who is just ridiculous. Hope the swelling in your ear goes down soon. ;)
Ahhh braggers. It gets old after a while, definitely. It's an insecurity that many people have, unfortunately. But I live in Nashville and know that the people who are really "connected" with the industry don't talk about it. You'd never know. Because it's their life and they're just over it all already.
I was annoyed at G just reading this post. Name droppers are insecure. She probably saw an Elton John concert, DVR'ed reruns of Murphy Brown, and reads Vogue.
I work with one of those. If I've heard his stories one time, I've heard them a zillion times! *sigh* After awhile, I just tune him out. I think many-an-insecurities might lie at the heart....
name droppers are insecure people trying to prove that they are better than everyone..i pay them no attention.
Hahaha, love this post. Name droppers are bad in the first place but when they're not reciprocated, they just look stupid. I met someone who swore she was friends with Hugh Grant, but when he failed to turned up at her party, and we asked where he was, well, she just couldn't hide the humiliation.
BTW tanks for stopping by, I always like your comments.
Oh honey, bless her heart. She must be trying! To your nerves.
Yikes. Maybe name dropping makes her feel special. It's nothing special if she can't call on them when she needs something. Who knows if she really knows them at all. Good luck with the party.
I spent time with a woman yesterday who, withing two hours mentioned that she has a friend that is a nurse, a friend that is a surgeon, TWO friends that are professional photographers, a friend who is a scientist, a friend who owns a restuarant and a husband who is "jack of all trades"... REALLY tiring...
you must be going insane listening to her...how awful. I namedropped "Tuscany" where I learned more about wines but made a joke about how if everyone just heard where I was for summer vacation--and that seems to get more giggles than grimaces. Sounds like she needs Social Skills 101.
Hope you have a great party! I will tell Nicholas Sparks all about it since I am now a close personal friend...or at least I drove by his house and went all "papparazzi" on him (or his gates) while I was visiting NC. lol
hmmm...you name drop really really lousy. I meean you say you know G who knows everyone, but come on, G's a little vague! I have some lyrics I'd like Elton to see. My people will get with your pople. ~rick
Good old name-droppers... life would be so dull without them!
P.S. Sandy Bullock says hi.
LOL @ Baby Jesus. You are too funny!! Thanks for the laugh :)
With the exception of a few really wacky couch-jumping drug-fueled crazies, celebrities are just normal people with an unusual job.
My brother drags this kind of stuff out all the time, and it's annoying.
LOL! You had me rolling on the floor laughing with this post.
I just don't understand namedroppers. I worked with a lady who was CONSTANTLY namedropping. She knew this person...and this person...and she had to be late coming back from lunch for she had a luncheon with 'this person'. IT WAS EXHAUSTING listening to her talk. Who gives a flip, right? My opinion is folks that do not know how to conversate without dropping names like this are seriously lacking self-esteem. It's kind of sad, really.
Stopping by from SITS. You have a WONDERFUL blog!
Well, yes. If I have ever seen a more deserving, heart felt, "Well, bless her heart!" I just don't know where. And God love ya for putting up with her!
One wonders why she's his ex. Maybe his name wasn't the right one to drop.
Hey, Jenny Mac - it just took me half an hour to scroll down and leave a comment so I'm guessing your guest list is longer than hers!!!
She's one of those people - if you had three tits, she'd have four.
You should say you know Elvis and where he is currently in hiding. See if she can top that.
LBM xxxx
Ha! Bless her heart indeed! You know these name droppers love to here themself talk. They also need to feel important and what better way to feel important then to let everyone else know exactly HOW important they are! I'd shoot myself if I had to work with G.
Sheesh, good luck!
Haha, very funny! I don't like it when you have a conversation with someone (about nothing particularly interested) and they know someone or something that of course has to relate to your story! Very irritating! is that irrational? I hope not! x
Gosh, I just can't handle people like this. My fiery Italian temper rears its ugly head, and I'm usually left feeling a little embarrassed after asking said people to please stop telling me about their imaginary lives. You must have the most patience out of anyone I've seen to work together with this woman, especially pulling a party together! As always though, love your humor about it. :)
I have an award for you over at my blog :): http://rebeccaknightbooks.blogspot.com/2009/08/award-season-is-upon-us.html.
Thanks for being a must-read and a guilty pleasure all in one! Love your blog!
Oh dear. I know this kind of person. At first sight VERY annoying. But you more you get to know them, the more you feel sorry for them.
hahahahahahhaa. I love this, you're hysterical. I know exactly what you mean, name dropping is so frustrating, especially when it's not helpful in the least!
If she is 40-ish (I'm just guessing), why is she BFFs with all these OLD people? Next, I'm sure she'll tell you she's close to Princess Diana. A friendship to DIE for, oui?
Oh, I hate name droppers. So does my friend JC.
I've known many a name dropper and never known one who actually has the goods to back up the claims.
I am with you. What is the point of name dropping? I find it unimpressive especially those who drop names for no reason in every conversation. Highly annoying.
I always feel sorry for name droppers as their dropping of names is often a sign of low self-confidence...
I dated a guy who was a name dropper. And I had to drop him ASAP!
I would have way too much fun with her. It would become my daily goal to get her to name the wrong owner, CEO, writer, wine maker, builder, heir or King. Eventually, she will mess up.
Name Dropping is so not cool!
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