Saturday, August 1, 2009

Take A Bite Of: Boston Cream Cupcakes with Godiva Ganache

Oh, sinful goodness that can be yours by this afternoon. The reason for my chocolatey sensation? Its a way of celebrating today.

Why am I celebrating? Because, I am an "Award Winning" blogger.

My gratitude to The Peach Tart for my MAJOR award, and to I Love Brownies for another Honest Scrap award, and to Ms. Lee at I Want to Make That for giving me a Lovely Blog award. And what better way to celebrate awards then with cupcakes? Well, yes, there are other ways but we can get to the cocktails later. Buon Appetito!

Boston Cream Cupcakes with Godiva Ganache

Custard Filling:
1 cup whole milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 large egg yolks, at room temperature
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
6 large egg yolks, at room temperature

Ganache Frosting:
2/3 cup heavy cream
5 bars (1.5 oz each) Godiva® Solid Dark Chocolate, finely chopped

Make Filling: (Prepare at least 2 hours or up to 1 day in advance.)
1. Whisk together 1/4 c. milk with cornstarch until smooth. Add 3 egg yolks and whisk until blended. Set aside.

2. Combine remaining 3/4 cup milk and 1/3 cup sugar in small heavy saucepot and heat to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and whisk half of milk mixture into egg yolk mixture. Return mixture to pan. Heat to a boil. Simmer gently for 1 minute, whisking constantly until slightly thickened.

3. Remove from heat and whisk in butter, vanilla extract and 1/8 tsp salt. Transfer filling to a covered container and refrigerate for several hours until thickened and completely cool.

Make Cupcakes:
1. Position oven rack in center of oven. Heat oven to 350°F. Line muffin cups with paper liners or grease muffin cups and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons flour; tapping out excess.

2. Whisk together flour, baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt in medium bowl; set aside.

3. Place 1 1/4 c. sugar in small bowl. Scrape out vanilla bean seeds into sugar with a small knife. Mix to distribute seeds in sugar; set aside.

4. In medium bowl beat butter and sugar mixture with electric mixer at medium-high speed about 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Add 6 egg yolks, two at time, beating well after each addition. Scrape down sides of bowl. Reduce speed to low and add flour mixture in 3 additions. Beat until smooth, scraping down sides of bowl as necessary.

5. Reserve approx 2 cups of batter. Spoon remaining batter evenly into prepared muffin cups. Make a slight well in center of each filled muffin cup using the back of a teaspoon. Add about 2 T. of custard filling over each filled muffin cup using a pastry bag or small ice cream scoop. Completely cover filling with reserved batter.

6. Bake cupcakes in two batches, for 22 to 24 minutes or until tops are golden brown and set. Cool cupcakes in pans on wire rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pans and cool completely on wire rack.

Make Frosting:
1. In small saucepot, add cream and heat to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Whisk until chocolate is completely melted and set aside.

2. Using small angled spatula spread about 2 T. of frosting in an even layer over top of each cupcake. Refrigerate for at least 40 minutes to set frosting. Serve at room temperature. And be sure to save one for me.


debra@dustjacket said...

Congrat's on the awards!

Mmmm I'll start off with those cupcakes, sounds delish.


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I do believe that these look so good, if we distributed them around the world, we'd be one giant step closer to world peace. Truly! YUMMO!

jen said...

Yummy, yummy , when if figure out how many grams in a cup......
I sometimes forget you guys are foreign, or is it I who am foreign.....all about perspective, eh?

Anonymous said...

These sounds unbelievably good. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Three awards in one hit? Love your work.

I can feel myself putting on weight just by reading that recipe. Thanks for sharing.

The Peach Tart said...

Mr. Peach Tart would love these.

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

Oh, those cup cakes look so darn good. I really should get someone to bake them for me.

I have been following your blog for some time now and you deserve every single award!


Inna said...

Those look amazing!
Congrats on the awards :)

Little Ms Blogger said...

Congrats on the awards!

I wish I liked Boston Creme anything because these look tasty.

Lola said...

Congrats on all your well-deserved awards! And, before I leave, I'll help myself to one of those devine cupcakes if I may...!! Yummy!

Hoping you're having a terrific weekend,


rachaelgking said...


And also, yes please!!!

Mandy said...

Well aren't you a regular Katherine Hepburn with all your awards?! All deserved, all tributes to your glorious talent. I see big things in your future. Your own talk show to give smack, perhaps even taking over for Giada on the food network. The sky is the limit for you. Congrats!

Oh, and thanks for the recipe.

Scrappy Girl said...

Dear Jenny Mac,
What were you thinking posting this great big gob of chocolatey heaven. I was already having a hard enough time keeping her in line.
Scrappy Girl's Diet

mommakin said...

Oh, those look so GOOD! Not easy though... No worries, they look worth the effort. Beats doing housework as a way to pass time...

Anonymous said...

Oh you evil, evil woman. Now I want those. I did make lemon buttercream cupcakes the other day as it's been so damn rainy and gloomy the past few days and really, how better to cheer yourself up than cupcakes? So what if the weather means no cycling for a few days and lots of unhealthy cakes heading straight for my hips? :)

Today it's SUNNY. So far anyway...

MIra is triplet crown said...

Nicely done. You have proven that when you give you receive. Now you have a lot of work to do! Or you can start ignoring the rules like a lot of bloggers do and just post the awards for everyone to see. Have fun!

Unknown said...


Chic Mama said...

Ooooh, they look amazing. Yummy.
Thanks for the recipe. :0)

La La La Leah said...

I have to make these?? I can't go buy them somewhere... i guess I need to go get my cupcake on at our local cupcake bakery.....

Congrats on winning all the awards... I am jealous. =(

Stephanie said...

Oh those sound sinful!
Congrats on the awwards!

Sami said...

Those look absolutely decadent!!

Badass Geek said...


Unknown said...

MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm...yummy!!! Congrats on the awards.

A French Cloud said...

these sound amazing. but only a bite- I want to fit in my dress when I go to your awards ceremony.

BEAN? said...

WOW, I can finally use my mini muffin tin!!

Madame DeFarge said...

Congrats on the awards. These cakes will have to wait until after my holidays, but may be lingering on my mind for some time. Lovely.

Emily said...

Yum! Yes, thank you I would love one...or two! ;)

Kimmy @ kimmythingy said...

OK, they sound positively sinful, and I swear I just added a few inches to my waist just reading the ingredients list.... *droooool*

Donna Gotlib said...

You have just made my mouth water.

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

Congrats on the awards! Oh my, those cupcakes look delicious! Since you've already made them maybe I could just have one of yours...

McVal said...

YUMMO! Can you just ship me some of those?

deb@virginia blue said...

oh my.. heavenly doesn't even begin to describe how those look and sound.

congratulations on your awards!

Carma Sez said...

Thank you for leaving such a kind comment about my SITS video. It means even more coming from an 'award winning' blogger :D

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

oh my goodness do these ever sound amazing!

lisa and laura said...

Dude, your blog should come with calorie content and complete nutrition information. I think just one of those bad boys would totally negate my hour of kickboxing the morning. But I guess that's the whole point of kickboxing, no?

Meg said...

Congrats!! Job well done, Mrs. Mac.
The cupcakes literally stopped me in my tracks. They're on my to-make-and-eat-in-one-sitting list.

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Congratulations on the award!

And this is a great post.....
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I love cupcakes.

Thank you for the recipe!!!

drollgirl said...


good god this sounds amazing!

and congrats on the award!

and hope your weekend is fab. it is 400 degrees here and i feel as if i might perish. :(

Luna said...

congrats on the award. those look so good. i have to try them.

Pink Links said...


I love Dark Chocolate!

Lovely Sunday!

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Congrats on the award! As for the cupcakes, I don't want to make them I just want to eat them. Can you just send me some please? I have a credit card!


Rose said...

i am not sure if my comment posted..but oh well..
p'od I missed your celebration giveaway! :)

~M~ said...


FancyPants said...

Just reading this post added 10 pounds to my arse!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award daaahling! Beautiful recipe. I will be happy to share those cupcakes with you ;)

The Savage said...

But, but.... I'm on the road right now.... I don't have the time or facilities to bake anything....

You're Pretty....

Kat said...

These cupcakes sound divine! If I ever have a day off, I'll have to try them. Thanks for stopping by, so glad that it led me to your blog. I love it. Glad you enjoyed the spin around DC. Kathy

Country Girl said...

Oh, how sinful these look. I love sinful things.
Fun blog, too!! Thanks for stopping by mine.

Anonymous said...

I must stay away from this one. I just realized I've gained 5 pounds!!

sheila said...

Heavenly! But lots of work for something that looks like they'd last about 5 seconds, lol.

Although........I could stash them out of sight I s'pose,

Tessa said...

Deliciously delectable...hmmmmm, just what is needed to make the day whiz a little faster. Thank you for sharing.

It's so nice to 'meet' you ....I came by way of Eternally Distracted. Lovely place you have here. I'm off to explore a little more of your blog.

littletiara said...

hello, thank you for visiting my blog earlier, and yay! Congrats for your awards! Haha, they're like everywhere in the blogsphere, huh? ;) and wow, those recipes sound delicious :d

AsianCajuns said...

Congrats on the award! Those look absolutely wonderful! Must. Bake. Now!

mammydiaries said...

Oh you horrible woman! And me trying to lose the baby weight!!! AAAAGGGHHHH! Congrats on the awards, you deserve them:)

JP said...

Wonderful...will try.

Thanks for your visit to my blog. I'm following your blog now.

Keith said...

Those sound so delicious. I'll have to try them out. Hope you've had a good weekend.

PinkBow said...

mmmmm!!! these really do appeal to my sweet-tooth!

kendahl a. said...

In my eyes, there is no better way to celebrate than with cupcakes. Congrats on the awards, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Banteringblonde said...

congrats on your awards! I think cupcakes are the true definition of yum!

Missy said...

Congrats! And, what a way to celebrate!

cheshire wife said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Congratulations on the awards! Hope that you had something nice to drink with the cupcakes.

Rebecka said...

These look like heaven, but you know I'm not indulging in decadence right now.
If only Blogger could give us a smell-the-chocolate widget...
I'd probably sit here for most of the day taking really, REALLY deep breathes.

Eve said...

Congrats Jenny on the awards and thank you for sharing this recipe! those cup cakes look like they could be my new best friend :)

Liz Mays said...

Darn it, why didn't I see this recipe about 2 days ago?!

It looks divine!

Jenni said...


Make me some? Please?


JenJen said...

Damn you JennyMac!! With your delish stuff I'm going to "fit perfectly" into those jeans. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to come up with a way I can make these AND consume them all myself. YUM!

Congratulations on your awards & thanks for your comment.

Hit 40 said...

This looks absolutely fabulous!! I will have to try it. Anything with yummy filling and chocolate rocks my world!!

Pam said...

Oh!! These look so good! Congrats on the awards! Thanks for stopping by my blog--come by any time.

Muthering Heights said...

Excuse me, but I think I just drooled all over my keyboard...

Char said...

so yummy

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I seriously cannot wait to get my stove in so I can make these! I would be the hit of the back to school get togethers. Assuming, of course, that any would make it the 12 miles riding with me in the car...

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

I really want to make those now, but that would not be good for me. Then I would eat them all. Then I would really have to get on the treadmill. Which I have been telling myself I would do every week for the past 3 months...

Pseudo said...

Well those look amazing. I need to go find my 20 year old daughter and ask her to make them for me.

Anonymous said...

my mouth is watering..YUMMMM :-)

Lopez said...

I have some serious salivation action going on here...!!!

You deserve awards...

your. blog. is. awesome!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Congrats on the award you were given on your post and congrats on the "Nice Blogger Who Virtually Gave Me A Cupcake" award that I have given you in my mind.

MFAMB said...

big steamy piles of hate coming your way for this one!

Cocaine Princess said...

You really deserved this award JennyMac so congratulations.

I'm literally drooling at this recipe. I love, love Godiva and their Ganache truffles, Good Lord!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

I am not a huge chocolate eater but I would still devour these. They look sinfully delicious!

Dina's Days said...

I think I just drooled while reading this.

Shadow said...

sinful! sinful! sinful! but what the hey, gonna try it some time anyway...

congratulations on your award!

MammaDucky said...

I've held fast in my avoidance of all things Boston Cream Pieness. Mostly because I feel I'll be powerless against it's custardy goodness. I may have to relent for these bad boys. My ass thanks you.

Hilary said...

Well, these are so cute and the custard so luxurious-looking that they could make me love cupcakes. Boston Cream is one of my top three doughnuts after all.