Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Me love you long time

Cel-e-brate...good times..come on.

Wait. Those are two different songs.

But I am celebrating.
And you are the reason.
Ergo, me love you long time.

Yesterday afternoon, my tiny blog welcomed its 20,000th visitor. And since it is mathematically possible but not probable for all 20,000 of those visits to be my Mom, I think you had something to do with it.

And when I get love, I give love.

So I am doing a 20 for 20K celebratory blog- love giveaway.

In honor of this really special landmark for Let's have a cocktail, I am sending one of my great readers a $20 gift card to Starbucks.

Just leave a comment between now and Friday, and then I will pick a name from my magic hat.

And since I will be sitting in Seattle at that time enjoying big fun with my family and friends, I naturally chose a hometown hero: Starbucks. If you don't have a Starbucks nearby, or in the event you don't like coffee, fear not. I've got you covered.

Thank you to every one of you who makes the time to read my blog. Visitors welcome.

Have an amazing day.


- said...

holy hell... how did you manage 20,000 visitors? i've been doing this thing for two years now, and i'm at about 4 visitors [if i'm lucky] HAHA. congrats!

Unknown said...

Ok...i'm FIRST :)- And since of couse STARBUCKS is originated where i live...i MUST have this card. Is it wrong that there is also a STARBUCKS inside my work cafeteria. It's fate i tell ya!!!
Here's to one fabulous giveaway and hoping i win ♥

No Longer 25 said...

Wow, 20,000 congratulations! Yes I think they can't all me your Mom unless she is a computer genius and has created one of those auto-bot things that create hits on sites?

Starbucks is a good plan, I don't think it's possible to live somewhere there's no starbucks!

Thanks for your continues writting, it brightens up my day and gives me something interesting to read over my morning coffee.

Ju said...

Congratulations JennyMac,on this great achievement.
Your blog is witty and funny and that's the reason we keep coming back. Wouldn't be lovely to see the blog turned into a sitcom?
Now go enjoy Seattle.

Ju ;D

J.J. in L.A. said...

Shwew! Glad to see you've got me covered (since I don't like coffee) but Starbucks has an awesome Chocolate Malt Frap (at least they used to)...

So I'm in! : )

debra@dustjacket said...

Hugh congrat's for that awesome number honey, way to go.

Love to you too.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Congratulations, JennyMac! 20,000! My small town has less than 10,000! Just thinking about numbers that high, my brain is sure to explode! YOWZA!

The Savage said...

While this contest would make many giggle with glee to win, please, whatever you do, if my name gets pulled from from that lovely hat of yours, please put it back and pick someone else. I am no where near a fan of Starbucks. (shudder)

Anonymous said...

1. It's because you're an amazing writer.

2. If you aren't already writing a book, start now.

3. Since I visit EVERY day, I so should win.

4. Coffee is what sent me to the hospital thus letting me learn about my IBS. Again, this lets you know that the Starbucks card and I are meant to be.

5. Hubby has quite an addiction too.

6. I am overly jealous that you'll be in Seattle while I'll be in my classroom with ADHD children. Have fun for me!!!

Shop Girl* said...

Thank YOU for writing!! Congrats on the milestone--I promise it's not all your mom. haha

Anonymous said...

Fantastic achievement indeed. I've always wanted to go to Seattle so I'm very envious.

Megan said...

Congrats! You have a great blog, I'm not surprised at all that you have had that many viewers!

mommakin said...

What an impressive milestone! Congrats!

ok - my word verification is 'uvist' - which is practically 'u visit' which is what we're celebrating here today, no? I think it's a good omen for me...

Mandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lee said...

Cool. For the 20,000 visits and the Starbucks card!

Ms. Wanda said...

STARBUCKS!!!!! WHAT!!! Starbucks loves me long time;) I've been drinking Starbucks from New York to Spain and I love it! Congrat's on having so many people! Wow while typing this I just saw your Vistors number move up to 20,179!!!

Ms. Wanda
p.s. so glad to be in the Hat!

Erin said...

Just found you through Shop Girl - love your blog! Congrats on kitting 2ok :-)

sheila said...

You're welcome, lol.
And the title of this post? Cracked me up right off the bat! What is that a line from because my husband and I used to say that all the time in our best asian voice. But I can't remember what it was from? Dark Angel maybe?

Bex said...

it looks like i started reading your blog in the nick of time! comgrats on your 20,000th!

Christina Lee said...

woo hoo- congrats :):):)

The Savage said...

In my defense, councilor, though I do enjoy an occasional fu-fu coffee and adore hot chai tea, I love regular coffee. Just plain, black, nothing but coffee grounds and water, coffee.
To the shock and awe of the disciples of Starbuck, both clergy and laymen, upon tasting a medium blend, Kenyan roast at the aforementioned Church of the Fu-fu Blend, I dumped the horrid concoction of thinned out axle grease, spent motor oil, month long flat irish stout and turpentine into the proper receptacle.
If they ever get into the practice of using a french press to exude the wonderfulness that is coffee into my favoritus hot beverage, I'll be more than glad to accept your gift card should I win. Until that day give the award to someone else.
I have a new post since you were last at my blog by the way....

MsDarkstar said...

Much congrats on the 20,000 and caffeine is the breakfast (and lunch...and dinner...and occasionally late night snack) of (slightly insomniac workaholic) champions!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Congrats on the 20,000 visitors! That is an awesome achievement! I was stopping by your blog to say hello since you were the name above me at the SITS roll call this morning. Glad I stopped by to say hello, I love Starbucks!

Alyson said...

20,000. Wow. That's a lot of love. ;)

You're awesome. Keep blogging.

Hope you have a great visit with your family.

AmyK said...

Look what you have done in less than a year. I really hope you win your 2009 Blog Awards. You so deserve them. Don't enter me.. I can share the love..Congratulations

Sabrina said...

Congrats on your 20,000 vistors!! You're awesome! :)

the walking man said...

Coffee...Starbucks sells coffee? Hm see this is why I come here, ya never quit teaching me new things. When did Starbucks start selling coffee? Is it a new menu item?

Passion Fruit said...

I think you must be a web marketing genius. Or just a genius in your writing. They do say there's a thin line between genius and.. Ah well, I'll better not push my luck. :D

Brandi said...

Congrats! Really enjoy your blog, and w/3 kids and no sleep coffee is my best friend. :)

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

Congratulations to you! I'm a new reader but I think you've got a terrifice blog.

Looking forward to reading about your 40,000th visitor

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm a newcomer and I have to say I love your blog. I think you are beyond witty.

And just for the record, I'll let that celebrate good times song at the front of the post slide. You do realize that now we'll all be singing it all day? :)

Emily said...

Congrats on 20k!

Mommy Mac said...

A-ha, so h*&ny...

Me love you long time.

Yes, I went there. I completely finished them lyrics out for ya.



.mac :)

Vodka Logic said...

You are my hero, and if my daughter would hurry up I would be at Starbucks already.



megs @ whadusay said...

I love comments as it is, but now I really want to thank you for your comment on my blog so I could find your blog and your Starbucks gift card giveaway!!!!

Pick me, Pick me!

Doula said...

I love reading your blog! It makes my days of customer service that much better!

ellen abbott said...

Congrats. You are a great writer and seem to be quite the magnet. I don't do Starbucks though. I don't do chains at all if I have another choice.

Yankee Girl said...

What an awesome landmark! Congrats!

Pretty Zesty said...

20,000? YAY! Everyone can use a trip to starbucks!

ThatsBaloney said...

I really need that card. I have a 5 year old who wants to stop at Starbucks every day. Tis depleting his college fund.

Anonymous said...


That is a number I'm unfamiliar with. It's just too high!


Liz Mays said...

Woohoo, fun! However, now you've got me singing that song. So thanks. ;)

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

Congrats! Anyone said coffee? Ah, darn small town! No starbucks.

Scrappy Girl said...

Congrats! How cool.

I think it is actually impossible not to live near a Starbucks. LOL

KrisMrsBBradley said...

No offense to Starbucks, but if you are in Seattle's Capitol Hill district, run, don't walk, to Cafe Argento. Seriously.

And congrats on 20,000! WOW!

Heather@WHMB said...

Bring it. I heart coffee and do not function without a Venti. :)

Congrats on your visitors, that's awesome!

La La La Leah said...

That is so exciting! I have actually been to the 1st Starbucks at the Pike Place Market. Seattle is pretty dang cool. Hub's Dad's family is from SE Seattle area Buckley to be exact.. Well have a good time in Seattle I am totally Jealous. JEALOUS I SAY! Oh yeah i would like to win the gift card of DOOM. thanks.

Lucia said...

20,048...I may have counted wrong, definitely worth a starbucks card!

Little Ms J said...

How are you networking? You and LiLa... I have no idea how you girls get around.

Pollyanna said...

Woot! Woot!

Congrats! I'm excited that there are people out there that actually read my drivel. 20,000 visitors is like the impossible dream.

Stereos and Souffles said...

Well I must say, I could use a little caffeine pick me up :-)
And I love Seattle...August and September are so beautiful. Have fun!

Just Add Walter said...

I love STARBUCKS and your blog!!! :)

apparently I am not the only one... that is a ton of visitors!!

foxy said...

It's so completely evident why you have so many visitors. You are a riot!


Rita Templeton said...

Ooooh, congratulations! I want 20,000 visitors!

I think most of mine ARE my mom. Truly. :)

Intense Guy said...

20,244 visitors since January 28, 2009.

Most impressive!

As is having 421 followers - thats 400 more than I have (I only say that so I can put it in perspective for myself) and 4000+ more visits than I have had - even with a two year head start.

But then - when you see the overwhelming quality of this blog, the talent of its writer, and the sincerity of your respect for your readers - it's not hard to understand. It's also hard not to be envious too. :)

I wish you much and continued success.

Shorty said...

How exciting for you, my friend! That many visitors... wow! I must admit, however, that it is really quite easy to visit your blog and to recommend it to others. Your wit and talent are just too good to pass up! You can thank me for visiting, but I want to thank you for entertaining me and helping me to break away from the mundane everyday.

And, I truly appreciate the opportunity to win such a wonderful treat! I love me some Starbucks!

Sotally Tober said...

20,000 visitors. So sick. Clearly you have this blog thing down. Naturally, it helps that you have a wonderfully interesting perspective on things.

Congrats on the achievement.

Kelly said...

That is super awesome! Nice work.

Grand Pooba said...

Seriously? I'm a starbucks addict (just so you know) Congrats on your 20,000 visit! What? 20,000? You totally rock. Think of all those cocktails!

Dana-Lynn said...

Congrats, girl! Way to go!

What a great give-a-way!

I can almost taste the Grande Triple Espresso Truffle no whip...ha!

Rosemary said...

Congrats to you!!!
I think I have a long way to go!!
Thanks for visiting me.

McVal said...

20,000! Wow! Congrats! I bet it's not your mom either.
We don't have a Starbucks around here, but I know some friends who do.

Tay said...

Um, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to take credit for your landmark achievement.

It was me.

Yup, I did it. Now while coffee may not be my thing, Starbucks has some fantastic hot chocolate that will make me nice and fat this winter ... :)

la aventurista said...

Wow, 20,000 visitors! That's amazing! Congrats, although it's no surprise, considering your blog has me laughing hysterically every time I visit! :)

Monroes said...

how fun, I am drinking a starbucks as I read your blog! congrats on the 20 K hit!

A New England Girl said...

Wow- 20,000 visitors?! insane!! But I can understand why people keep coming back. :) Congrats!!! That's so awesome for you. :)

I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for that Starbucks card.. YUM! :)

courtney said...

Congrats!!! 20k...now that is impressive!

Lisa Anne said...

Congrats. 20k is a lot of hits. I'm halfway to 10k. Well almost!! BTW I love your blog and Starbucks and Seattle. Hmmm go figure. lol

Hillary said...

Wow! 20,000??? That's amazing!! I hope I make it that high one day!

Courtney said...

mmm Starbucks! Congrats on the 20gs!

Meg said...

Woohoo!!! I love me some Starbucks. Count me in, dearest, and congrats - you are taking the nation by storm!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

WOW, congrats!! You deserve it! Not surprised, your posts are fantastic.

jen said...

you are an awesome writer! just found you since you stopped in at my blog -- i think i will be having many cocktails at your blog! you are hilarious!!! thanks for the inspiration!

janis said...

20,000? That is amazing! But then again, your blog is fun, creative, and interesting. Bravo to you! I am glad I found your little (or big) corner of Blog World!

Genny said...

Love, love, love Starbucks. :)

MJW said...

Wow that's awesome! And I love Starby's. :)

brokenteepee said...

Congratulations on such a lofty status.

I am a goat. I don't drink coffee. I drink milk.

Unknown said...

That's a pretty impressive milestone.
And if I could get that gift card, you would be contributing to my coffee addiction. But don't let that dissuade you...

Eric said...

20,000?!? I'm not sure I've been to that many web pages in my whole life! Way to go...

strokeofliving said...

Congratulations!! Twenty thousand...wow...I've got to get busy. I'm excited for you.

Nyx said...

So, I just thought I'd leave some love here.

Love. Love. Love.

Like a Sarah Bariellies song.

PS: My word verification word for today was "hoesses."

Likes hoes. but pluralized to the nth degree.

Hm...think that it's trying to tell me something?

Erin said...

Congrats on 20k!! Love to read, love to comment and love to be a part of it all! =)

Enjoy Seattle!

Sassy Chica said...

00H-LA-LA....congrats on an incredible milestone!!!
Sign me up for the blog-love-giveaway...Me and coffee are like peas and carrots (a little exerpt from Forest Gump)...sorry I know cheezy!!

love your blog, oh so fabuloso!!

Sassy Chica

lislynn said...

Congratulations! I love coffee and will take that card with me to Seattle this summer!!


Lyryn said...

Oh my… that is so cool!! 20,000 visitors?!?!? That is so awesome! I want in… Enter my name! BTW – Thanks for the comment!

Rebecca Knight said...

Hey, what a coincidence! We love you, too :).

Seriously, though--congrats on the milestone!!

Kristina P. said...

I love the Banana Chocolate Vivannos!

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

Only 20k? Are you sure? ;)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Congrats. You are much loved lady! And Celebration is my very favorite wedding song ever!

Lisa said...

20,000 visitors...WOW!!! I can see why ~ Your blog is fantastic.

I love coming over!

Kathy B! said...

Holy cow! That's a lot of visitors :)


This is one of my most favorite places to hang out!

B.o.B. said...

Lucky for you, I love Starbucks. Lucky for me, if I win.

Congrats on being so effin' popular. Your blog rocks!

lsnellings said...

Congrats on 20,000! It's funny, when I started blogging I was pretty sure my mom would be my only visitor too!

I love Starbucks almost as much as I love my children! So I probably wouldn't mind winning!

Katie said...

20,000? That is excellent! Congratulations.

Love your blog

ladytruth said...

Amongst all the other tragedies we suffer every day, not having a Star Bucks is certainly one of them on my list. But hey! That's why we import good coffee ourselves, right?!

Jeez, 20,000th visitor? CONGRATS! Although it doesn't surprise me in the least, dear lady, as I'm only one of 20,000 visitors who made this blog one of my regular stops now. So many people love you long time ;)

Anonymous said...

I surprassed 80 followers. That alone made me giddy. Congrats on the page views. I love your blog AND Starbucks.

Dee said...

Damn you baad mutha!

Now I'm not bold like you, you see I don't drink liquor but I love absolutely love coffee. Of course where I come from we make arguably the best. Hmm that's Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee but since I'm headed over to the great U S of A on Friday, I'd love a Starbucks treat.

MakingChanges said...

Happy 20K! I don't know how I missed reading your blog yesterday. Apparently I am a little slow.

Trust me- I'll be back.

Wait, when someone says "trust me" you aren't really supposed to trust them, are you? Okay, so forget that part. Because I really will be back.

Pam said...

Wow! 20,000! Congratulations!
I hope you have a wonderful time in Seattle.

Angie said...

Yay to you for lots a views!! Oh and your Pay it Forward is on its way...should be there on Thursday. Happy 20,000!

Keith said...

Congrats. That's grew news. I'm really happy for you. You've got a wonderful blog here. I really like it. Cheers!

Jen said...

that is really amazing! Congrats.

Couture Carrie said...

Ooooooooh very exciting giveaway ~ thanks!


P.S. Random Q - did you go to Emory for law school?

Anonymous said...

Oooo CONGRATULATIONS. I am only a quarter of the way there, hehe. But I loooove Starbucks, quite frankly, so I would looove you forever if I won. :)

Glamour Girl said...

Congrats on 20K! You deserve it! For those that don't like coffee - try a chai latte at Starbucks. My fave!

Carma Sez said...

Quite a milestone!! I'm afraid most of my visits are still from my mom- except when I post something objectionable and warn her not to read the blog that day. (hmmm...beginning to wonder if she is peeking anyway ;-)

Claudya Martinez said...

Pick me! Pick Me! Pick Me!

And congratulations!

Ela said...

20,000. Am.a.zing! But of course I am not surprised. You give good blog, remember? I always look forward to your posts!

Badass Geek said...

Congrats on the 20k! Sounds like I'm applauding the success of you completing an epic road race, but still... awesome.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! And thanks for stopping by my new digs today.

Hit 40 said...

I love frappichinos from starbucks!!!!!! My kids call them crapachinos. They hate it when I stop for one.

I just got one today to treat myself after holding it together for a full day of work with assholes.

Hit 40 said...

Oh... the other adults. Not the children. They really never piss me off.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Who needs coffee when your words are the perfect pick-me-up!

Unknown said...

impressive! enter me please! you crack me up, I love your clever writing skills!

f8hasit said...

Congrastualtions JennyMac on your milestone!

And wow! I'm #114 in the comment list. I could've TiVo'd a show for the length of time it took me to scroll down the ranks.

Nothing like the offer of free coffee to get people to finally speak up!


Doreen said...

Congrats on all of those Visitors!! Wow!! You're popular! :) Thanks for the chance to win some yummy Starbucks! :)

HalfAsstic.com said...

Oh, how very sweet! And I don't know anyone who can't find something good at Starbucks!
Thank you Jenny Mac.

Lawyer Mom said...

Congratulations! Really! I mean it. I'm not just wrangling for that Starbucks card.

Alicia said...

CONGRATS!! that's amazing!!!! so did i win?

Rose said...

Love your blog.

Unknown said...

helloooo and thanks for dropping by my blog :)

i guess it's just awesome-possum luck that the time i dropped by yours you were having a giveaway <3

Mr. Charleston said...

I looks like a lot of people like coffee!

Sami said...

oh wow, congrats!! that's a lot of people! you are an awesome blog-lady though, so you deserve it :)

Marcy said...

All these comments are right on...you are super talented and witty and it's no surprise to me that you have so many followers and visitors. Your blog is a treat to read!

Now who wouldn't like to win approximately 3.5 coffee drinks...???? :) I hate to admit it, but I'm more of a $1.09 gas station cappuccino kinda girl...

Congrats! Have fun in Seattle!!

darsden said...

one of my favorite sayings.."me love you long time" that is great and great song. Wow that is a lot of visitors YOU Rock!

g-man said...

125...er 126 COMMENTS???


Congratulations for shamelessly pandering yourself all over blogland!!

Thats OK, I can say these things, because as far as I know, I was the biggest blog whore on the planet....WAS!...hahahahaha


Anonymous said...

You are my new here. When my blog grows up, I hope it is just like yours!

Miss E said...

Yay! Congrats on 20K! And what a fun giveaway :)

Samsmama said...

WOW! Just...wow! That's incredible. Go, you!

Queenie Jeannie said...

20,000 is awesome! Congrats!!

vanilla said...

Oh, no. I would not "comment" just to have a chance to win the prize. I really do enjoy your writing. (I'm such a suckup --not.) You hav a really cool blog.

Tara said...

JennyMac, you have a kickass blog. It's no wonder you've had so many visitors!

Char said...

whoa, that's a lot o' visits baby! congrats

Theta Mom said...

Yay girl!!! You are rockin' it at 20,000! Congrats on your success and what a fun giveaway!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Wow- way to go!!!

Enter me to win and I heart Starbucks :)

Brandy said...

Aww I love your blog!!

lisa and laura said...

20,000 rockin' visitors? Now that's a reason to celebrate! Congrats!

Chanda said...

Hello, thanks for visiting, so glad you did, I think I may be your next biggest fan. What a fun witty blog you have here.

Congrats on 20k, please enter me for the awesome prize you have selected. Could use some good coffee to wake me up from my Vicodin/hurt foot vacation!


Carolina (@braziliancakes) said...

That's totally awesome and you deserve it. Your blog is all sorts of AWESOME!!! :)


Jenny said...

20K visitors!! That is awesome!!! Thank you for the sweet comments! Jimmy V's speech is played every year during the weekend and I cry every time!!! I got that blue dress at a great price and it was perfect for evening!! Thank you!

Janet said...

OOh oooh oooh! I love me some Starbucks! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

20,000 wow that's alot of company! you must be quite entertaining! congrats!

testing 1 said...

Howdy! Thanks for visiting my blog! You should totally do a post with your friend's pix from Dubai, because I sat in awe during the episode, but then I realized they were the same photos over and over again, and I want to see different ones!

P.S. I like the visitor giveaway, I think I'll do it when I hit 30,000, plus I can throw a stone from my house and hit 10 Starbucks. :)

bananas. said...

happy 20K!!! that's exciting. i may just have to copy you and do a lil sumthang sumthang if and when that happens. keep up the awesome blogging!

Leah Rubin said...

I am SOME impressed! Congrats on such a terrific milestone! I bow to your glory! Here's a little haiku for you:

Your blog does inspire.
Your readers bask in your glow.
Continued success.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Whoa that is a lot of stalkers and you deserve it lady!


Kellie Collis said...

Congratulations!!!!! Fabulous work! x

NKP said...

Congrats on 20k!
Does the coffee come with a shot (drinker)?

Steph said...

New to your blog...and I'm lovin' it. Glad I found you!

Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge


AKing said...


Cynthia said...

20,000...Woo Hoo! Congrats:)

EmFabulousFunshine said...

mmm...starbucks passion iced tea!!! i always find the best books in there. congrats on your readers and hope you have a good week!

Simply Colette said...

20,000 visitors--congrats!! Just found you last week and love your wit! Cebrate good times :)

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

Congrats on the 20,000 visitors! That is amazing and I can only hope to have a blog that popular one day!

Managed Chaos said...

20,000 vistors...Congrats. Happy to be one of your new followers.

Deborah Godin said...

Hey, word gets around when you have a "good product" like this blog. Though I'm a newby reader, but I've really been enjoying myself!

Elyse said...

i love your blog! you always give me a good chuckle! thanks for that!

Laura said...

That is truly quite impressive...so happy to be one of 20,000!

jennykate77 said...

I'm probably Starbucks' biggest fan...they really should give me a kick-back for all the free publicity I give them on my blog. :P I'm also a new fan of your blog...I think it's fantastic! Congrats on your 20,000th visitor! That's awesome!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I looove Starbucks! Pick me, please! I had a Tall Caramel Macchiato today, and it was handed to me by a very cute guy...so I smiled sweetly and told him to have a nice day...=D

I like you blog! Off to add it to my reader...

Erin said...

I don't drink coffee, but I have heard that Starbucks has brownies to die for. And white chocolate hot chocolate. And the list probably goes on. Yum!

Dreamgirl said...

Oh... I love Starbucks! For some odd reason we do not have them in Norway. But I'll bring my card and travel the world until I find one!

Please, please, please pick me!

Cathi said...

I love Starbucks and your blog - pick me!!! :)

Maureen said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!! Today is my first day here, so I can't be considered one of your first 20K; so I guess I'll settle for being one of your NEXT 20K visitors...

Thanks for popping by my place; 'cause now I have a great new blog to read!!

Jenn@ You know... that Blog? said...

Wow, congrats! (I'm just catching up on my blog reading, sorry I'm late)

That is a lot of people. But then again, I can totally understand the traffic - you've got a great blog here.

Anonymous said...

I am not a regular reader, but You can be sure I am going to make it over here more often now! I also live in Georgia, so we can talk about peaches and sweltering humidity!

Jen said...

Better late than never :) did you know I love coffee??!!

Cocaine Princess said...

Congratulations and may you have 20,000 more visitors! Your blog is one of my faves. Sorry I have been away.