Friday, August 7, 2009

Red wine under $20.00: One for every day of the week

Typically, as the temperature increases here in Atlanta, my interest in drinking red wine decreases. However, with weekend visits to the mountains and the fact JohnnyMac would love to keep our house an ice-boxish 65 degrees, I find myself drinking red wine deeper into summer than usual.

Mind you, summer may officially begin June 21 but in the South, summer unofficially begins around March and ends around October.

For your drinking pleasure, might I suggest a bottle or two? It is a medley of reds, and some of them surprisingly young. You know we love the red wine, and finding something great under $20.00 is surely something to note.

And note, none of these come with a promise that you will sound smarter, be hotter, be a better dancer, or be a better singer but we all know red wine certainly does help with those things.

Here are some of my personal recs, one for every day of the week:

Innocent Bystander 2006 Shiraz Viognier (Australia): $16

Del Rio 2005 Sirah (Oregon): $15

Yalumba "Barossa" 2005 Shiraz Viognier (Australia) : $14

Chateau Ste Michelle 2005 Indian Wells Cabernet (Washington) : $14

Hahn Estates 2006 Cabernet (California): $12

Hawk Crest 2006 Cabernet (Stags Leap Wineries, Napa): $15

Twenty Bench 2006 Cabernet (Nine North Winery, Napa): $19

Cheers and have a FAB weekend.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i dont drink but thats some pretty cool deals.

Lola said...

Well, with your words of encouragement that we can thus sound smarter, be hotter, be better dancers & singers, what are we all waiting for?!

btw Summer in the UK begins July 1 and ends July 31! That's official!

debra@dustjacket said...

You have a great one too.

Pleased to see you have included a couple of Aus wines, we do produce some really good wines, if I do say so myself (I actually live in the middle of one of the great wine producing areas)

Mr London Street said...

I was going to comment on this post saying "what, no French reds? French red wine is the best". Then I looked at your earlier post about red wine and I basically said that there (back in the day - to think I was the only commenter on that one. How things change). Oh well.

It's still true though.

Hit 40 said...

Very kind of you to keep us stocked with some quality choices!! Thanks for the tips

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

JM, Do you live near a Costco? If not, many large liquor stores carry a brand called Yellow Tail. It's Australian, you can get the larger bottles for less than $20 and it's quite good, either Cab or Merlot. It's dry.

Anonymous said...

Cheers! Great post, just in time for the weekend! May just have to try a bottle or 6...

Ha! Happy Friday.

the walking man said...

wine for you whiskey for me...ambient temperature makes no difference.

Anonymous said...

We drink a lot of red wine here at the Mean Girl Garage too, but the only one on you're list we've had is the Chateau Ste Michelle. I'll be picking up some of the others to check out!

Mommy Mac said...

Little Penguin Pinot Noir is my favorite right now. It's around $15.

Red wine is all the time at this mama's house.

In the words of Dionne Warwick, I think,

"Winter, spring, summer, or fall. All you have to do is call. Cause you've got a friend."

My friend is red wine.

I think I'm cuter with it, but hey, that's just me.

.mac :)

AmyK said...

I'm a red wine drinker too. Thanks for the suggestions, otherwise I stand in front of the shelf in a daze about what to try next.

The certificates arrived. Thanks again. =)

Jenny @ Words on Wendhurst said...

I'll have to file away this list for reference. I do love me a good bottle of wine.


Stephanie Faris said...

I've never liked wine much. I'll drink it but only because everyone else is drinking it and I feel like I have to. I'd rather just have a pina colada!

Sabrina said...

I go in phases... right now it's White Wine... I'm sure this winter it will be Red Wine. Thanks for the recs! :)

Saskia said...

I'm only interested in the white wine, prosecco & champagne at the moment... so much so that there's only red left in the house!

Thanks for the recommendations.

Have a great weekend x

Debbie said...

I am amused every year when summer finally starts yet I've been in it for months!
Sadly, red wine gives me the dreaded headache. Happily, white does not!

lisa and laura said...

Yum! Will definitely be adding these to my list once things cool down a bit. For now I'll be sticking to my box o'white wine from Target. Oops, did I just admit that I occasionally drink from a box of wine in a public forum? Yeah, that's going to come back to haunt me.

Mandy said...

Thanks for the suggestions but alas, I'm very unpatriotic to my country when it comes to red wines. I pretty much only drink these:

1) Bordeaux (who cares what year and what maker - it's from France? It's the best! I don't care much for French people but they have the best wine, hands down)

2) Chianti (once again, it's Italian. It will be good at any age and from any region).

Have a fab weekend yourself!

A New England Girl said...

Oh, I just adore red wine! I am definitely taking note of these suggestions and will hopefully track down a bottle or two off of your list. Thank you for sharing! I'm always looking for a new, somewhat cheap favorite to help my habit. :)

Have a fantastic weekend!

ladytruth said...

I really have respect for people who can polish a bottle of red wine in no time; whenever I just smell the wine, my inhibitions fly out the door with my clothes not far behind. That's why I rather stick to JD or the Goose when I need to act like the proper lady I am :)

Enjoy your weekend! I'll be having a white Russian on you this evening!

Alyson said...

The only thing I like about red wine is the song they made about it.

Cheers with my white!

Have a great weekend!

McVal said...

Hmmm... I might have to branch out past Bartels and James Fuzzy Navels...

Shorty said...

Hubby & I LOVE Stags Leap, however it is certainly a wine we keep for special occasions. Your recommendation of Hawk Crest from Stags Leap is greatly appreciated! At $15 a bottle we can splurge a bit more often! Thank you for the tips!

Life of a Stepmama said...

Same thing in Texas about red wine, the hotter it gets the less I drink it. However I have been drinking it more this year then usual...wonder why? I love pinot noir; Barefoot offers a cab sauvignon that’s cheap and delicious!!
It makes me feel skinnier and funny!!

sheila said...

Zinfandel, one of my favs helps with all those things too, lol. I sing like Madonna when I drink it. (in my mind of course). lol

B.o.B. said...

mmmmm, thanks for the list. i love red, red wine. you might say it goes to my head. hardy. har. har.

Lopez said...

Despite the fact that your blog does not promise these things, I know for a fact that all wine makes people "sound smarter [and] be hotter". This is why I am on a mission to start drinking and appreciating the stuff.

Bev said...

Thanks for the recs! 95% of the wine I drink (which is an embarrassing quantity on its own) is red, so I'll have to take this little listy-poo with me next time I shop. Which is today. And everyday.

Mira is triplet crown said...

Our summer is September and October in SF. I have lots of time to drink wine. Only I don't want to be arrested for child neglect. Too bad.

PictureGirl said...

I drink wine, red and white and blush and.......Okay, I drink all wine, it's good for me, right?

I think some smart person said that it will make you, 'healthy, wealthy and wise'

Thanks for the wine suggestions.

Have a great weekend.

Leah said...

Woohoo, love the list! (As does my grad school budget and my husband who foots the bills.) =) You and JohnnyMac do have impeccable taste, so please continue to share whatever fab new libations you discover.

Metropolitan Mum said...

Now I am thirsty :-)
Unfortunately, I am allergic to red wine. I get big, red blotchy spots all over. And sometimes I became bloated. Not very pretty.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Thank you for the suggestions!

Mom in High Heels said...

You really need to come visit me. Paying 12 Euros (about $15) for a good bottle is outrageous. You can usually get a really nice bottle around $8-9. I'm not a red fan (to dry for me), but our close friends are HUGE red drinkers (a bottle a night-2 or 3 if my dh is there) and for the husbands b-day I bought him a bottle of nice Umbrian red for about $12. He said it was fantastic. I prefer whites and blushes and usually pay no more than $5 a bottle for good bottle. You can get a cheap, yet still good, bottle of Riesling or Gewurstraminer, for about $2.50 (depending on the exchange rate). Plus, you can drive about 15 minutes in any direction and find a decent winery where you can take a tour and sample wines until your heart is content. Seriously, Germany is the place to live, baby!

Live.Love.Eat said...

We love red wine around my house too. Hubs drinks a glass each night. I like to cut mine with some club soda. These are great recommendations. Love the 1st one's name! Have a great weekend.

Kristina P. said...

I realize how sad my life is. I don't drink alcohol at all, since I'm a perfect little Mormon girl, but I also just quit soda and haven't had a Diet Coke in 4 days!!! What am I doing?!?1

Eric said...

Will check out the Hawk Crest because of the fondness of the Stag's Leap stuff.
I guess you can't get Franciscan 2003 cab for $20 anymore. :(

Unknown said...

I am a red wine lover...

And I do love the Hawk Crest 2006 cab!

Thank you for the recommendations

Peace - Rene

Susan R. Mills said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm not a wine drinker. I prefer beer, believe it or not. But I love the look of your blog.

Anonymous said...

I am going to need to hit up my local store and grab one of these bottles of wine! Right now I am into a Spanish red wine that is CHEAP in price but not flavor. It tastes like a red sangria.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I've been wanting to explore the world of Cabernet for a while so this weekend I will do just that!

Givinya De Elba said...

Ooh, it's great to see an Aussie wine in your list - with our current over-supply of wine, the prices will only get better too!

The Blonde Duck said...

I just went to a vineyard today to do a story for work, and all they make is dry red.

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Thanks, I'll take one of each! My husband and I took a wine class from some "master" of wine or something (because we're basically clueless) and found out that wine with screw tops and in boxes stays fresher than wine with corks and that probably more wines will be going in that direction. Who'da thought??? Not me anyway!! :) I really need a glass of wine right now - perfect timing to read this post. Have a great night, girl ~

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Hope your weekend is full of wine and wonderful weather to enjoy it. Please have some for me too!!


Pseudo said...

Yum. Might I add, The Show Cabernet Sauvignon. We had that last night and it was yummy.

Claudya Martinez said...

Cheers to you!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

You mean to tell me you are not imbibing in muscadine wine? Georgia's finest!

Seriously, your list is grand! Especially the one from Stag Leap's vineyard, you can't go wrong!

Jen said...

thanks for this. I am going to look into trying some of these.

Anonymous said...

Great recommendations!

Try Folie a Deux Menage a Trois Red (California)... the price out here (CA) Ranges from $8-16. I'm not sure what the mark-up is in other states. But it's worth a shot.


Bex said...

mmm.... red wine. why have i not been to your blog before?

my current favorite: BV coastal estates cab. i first tried it at a restaurant for a mere $30 for the bottle, then found it at target for 8.99.

also, enjoying Pillar Box Red. its a blend and easy to drink on its own but is a little fruitier than a selection i would normally pair with food.

don't let that scare you off, it is not FRUITY. its just not as dry as, lets say, cabs. (yum)

ok, i'm off to have a glass of wine and go to bed!

PinkBow said...

oh i love a nice glass of wine, suffering today from too much wine last night though :(

LadyFi said...

Thanks for the wine recommendations... I like South African reds!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I'm on the red wine further into summer than I would have thought, too. Believe it or not, I found a Petite Syrah at my local Sprouts that is a great everyday wine ('cuz I do drink it every day) and it is $2.75 a bottle. Go figure. When I am splurging, I splurge on Rombauer. sigh.

Ashley said...

Definitely going to try these. I love a good shiraz, and it is great to find a good bottle under $20!

Cocaine Princess said...

"I find myself drinking red wine deeper into summer than usual."

I've been having a different cocktail every night.

Sorry I have been away. I'm playing catch up now on your posts.

Anonymous said...

My Sister Paulina Loves her Red wine and this weekend we she was craving a glass and found this pretty amazing brand, The Mad Housewife, it was delish and the best part it was only 9 bucks! Winn-Dixie! Here's to loving cheap deals with Amazing Taste!!