A man cycles past a lemur displayed for sale in Jakarta. The lemur is one of Indonesia's rare and endangered species. An illegal trade in primates for laboratory tests is thriving in the country despite local and international regulations designed to control such exports, a British animal welfare group said.
Does this look like a secret underworld set up for such transactions? A body-guarded back room? Or does it look like a multi-lane thoroughfare? And what kind of local and international regulations do you have Jakarta? The regulations are not relevant if you do not enforce them. Stop taking a big nap, city officials.
Oh, and how do I know you are not enforcing them when I live 10,000 miles from you? Because no one who is fearful of penalty would sell an endangered lemur on a stick next to a busy street unless they had moxie the size of, well, Jakarta.
And while this lemur couldn't be cuter, who wants to own this as a pet? The term "lemur" is derived from the Latin word lemures, meaning "anal dwelling butt monkey". And the lemurs as a species, are ruled by their females who by the way, are dominate in order to manage and survive the unusually high reproductive demands from their counterparts. So unless you are either prepared to subdue a hostile female lemur OR have plans for your pet lemur that would make Caligula proud, why not just get a kitty?
I don't know whether to laugh or express extreme outrage at this, so I'll do both:
1) HA!
That's better!
Some weird and not-so-wonderful stuff goes on in Indonesia. They're an interesting country to have as a next-door neighbour. And not being a cat person, I think I'd have to seriously consider taking my chances with the lemur...
Poor little Lemur... maybe they are selling a male and then they don't have to worry about the hostility. :)
HA! what a great way to start a Monday. Funny. I'll be saying "Anal dwelling butt monkey" all day.
I’m sorry, but that’s a common misapprehension: lemur is in fact derived from the Malay word limor, or ‘dinner’.
Ugh...dinner is an even worse idea. I am sticking with Latin...and my best friend who knows everything, Wikipedia. LOL.
Anal dwelling butt monkey???? LMAO
ooh, lemur for sale! how much? with this little critter, one can act like a preying mantis or maybe Anthony Hopkins: Get your jollies, then eat it for dinner.
word verification is flessise. Latin interpretation, please.
re-read. Caligula. Stuff of nightmares. On second thought, no lemur for me.
Lemur is actually the name given to the animals by Linneaus. Lemures means "ghost", which he gave to the animals because of their nocturnal activities.
I definitely don't have a desire to have a pet lemur---but I do love the lemur king in Madagascar!
I have heard a lot about these creatures and then there is a God down here in India who is supposedly a descendant of the Lemur!
Thoughtful post and did you take the picture yourself?
Btw, I have posted a new poem on my blog!, do check!
I guess the Police Officers that are supposed to enforce the law are busy eating donuts all over the world.
For someone that thinks a dog humping someone's leg is too much, I can't imagine what a feces throwing, sex obsessed monkey would be like.
Anal dwelling, eh? Poor guys don't stand a chance. But maybe they'll be very happy if caught here and thrown into an American prison. Maybe instead of female hostility, they'll enjoy some one on one time with Big Roy doing two life sentences. :-)
tee hee.
Because it is a rare and endangered species, all the more some crazy human want it as a pet. I second you that I would rather just have a dog or cat and let the lemur goes back to where it belongs.
Jenny Mac, I swear your blog gets funnier every day. I'm a big fan!
Not that the plight of the poor Lemurs is funny of course. That's terrible. But the "Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey" thing has made my day. Can't decide what's worse... eating a lemur for dinner or having one dwelling in my butt.
B x
I've just been told by my smart arse sister that the Latin translation of Lemur is ghost or spectre... and that the only anal dwelling butt monkey was in Bruce Almighty. Was your translation one of your jokes? I think I've just been totally blonde?!! Duh. Why would the ancient Latin language describe something as an anal dwelling butt monkey!!!!
Shoot me now. Blame it on the swine flu!
B x
Hmm, I'm thinking a lot of angry females and ass-dwelling males might make for the perfect home security system! I'll let you know after I iron out some details... ;)
Hi B: Yes, Anal dwelling butt monkey is a loose tranlation (ummm...gross...those words should never be in same sentence). The literal translation is ghosts or spirits of the night. The sex drive stat is all legit though. haha.
You go! Good job exposing this. No, they don't look too afraid out there in the open to me.
Who the hell cares what the literal/exact/anal (he he) translation is! Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey works for me...and the assholes that are selling them. SO THERE.
I'll keep my kitties that I got at a no kill shelter. I felt bad enough for them trapped in little cages with about 4 or 5 of kitties.
Welcome to SITS!!
I don't understand wanting to test on an endangered species, or the value of it. Who will it help after they are extinct (other than arroganat scientists who want to be the last to interact with the poor creatures). *sigh*
anal dwelling butt monkey?! that's priceless!! is it bad that nothing in indonesia surprises me?
People who mess with animals, especially endangered species, are douchebags.
Anal dwelling butt monkey?
You just described my uncle.
Lemurs are adorable. I'm glad you're looking out for them! :)
you are funny.
I am forever confusing the Lemmings metaphor with Lemurs.
As in, voters are no different than Lemurs.
Anal dwelling butt monkey? Maybe it's still apt, roughly 50% of the time.
And while this lemur couldn't be cuter, who wants to own this as a pet?
Asshats who quickly realize that they don't make good pets and release them into the wild where they decimate native species whilst becoming disease-ridden monsters prone to biting human children and killing pet dogs.
Then they buy pythons. And...
wow, that's pretty crazy. I would definitely just get a cat. But something tells me they won't be cuddling this 'pet'...that's sad.
They don't eat them in Jakarta, do they?!! Is pet better than dinner? Not sure about the quality of life so I'm in a quandary here.
While the idea of a primate on a stick is somewhat intriguing, I think I would pass on a hostile lady lemur. It gets hard enough around here when my teenager and I are both hitting PMS at full throttle. :( No thanks.
Thanks for stopping by the other day. :)
We have lemurs at our zoo. They recently had a baby and have a very nice, natural dwelling. I didn't know about the "butt" thing, very interesting. I have a heavy heart now thinking others are being exploited. I'm allergic to cats, I would prefer a lemur. Have a wonderful day and take care.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are correct about M.M. I think Matt should be topless at all times. His keen intellect and acting prowess can only get him so far...
Take care.
Anal dwelling butt monkey.
hee hee. :)
Okay, sorry, actually this is a wonderfully put post! It amazes me the type of regulations EVERYWHERE but obviously some are lacking more than others.
Obviously with a Lemur on a frickin stick right there on the street.
Eye opening post. And yes, get a damn cat for God's sake.
Lemur? Isn't that the singer to 80s hair group, Kajagoogoo? No wait, that's Limahl. My bad.
You are correct. Laws are only laws if they're enforced otherwise what's the point? People are very lapsed about animal laws. Poor Lemurs.
I still think there ought to be laws against animal testing everywhere on things like cosmetics. You REALLY can't test those on human volunteers? Of course not, you'd have to PAY those, let's go shove shampoo in a rabbit's eye. Idiots.
Lemurs are gorgeous but I wouldn't want one on a stick and my cat agrees. Get a kitty.
I saw a man with a sugar glider the other day. Do you know what one of those is?
Thanks for the comments! Love your site - consider yourself "followed!"
-Misses Wife
I/m with pink teacup, still lol though!
Personally I think the trade in all animals that are not truly domesticated should stop and ALL international trade between countries in species not domestic between the trading partners should stop.
Have you been reading about the Burmese Python problem in Florida?
That said...I am glad you finally gave me the dictionary (albeit loosely translated) definition for my next door neighbors...anal dwelling butt monkey's.
I've never understood anybody wanting to 'own' an animal, no matter what variety it may be...
Never been on my very short list of desired pets. Now I'm sure that I don't want one.
I will never understand why people want strange, non-domesticated, hard to train, uncomfortable being held, random, exotic animals as pets when they can have a perfectly free, standoffish, slightly domesticated, will do whatever it wants, cat in the blink of an eye. And you know what? They sell the food in the grocery store. How easy is that?
People are dumb. Really.
Fess up, you just wanted to use the words "anal dwelling butt monkey" in a public forum. Job well done! The horny lemurs made my day, thanks.
See, I was thinking about adopting one until I got to the "anal dwelling" part. There's just not that much room in there.
Definitely a purchase one should ponder!
It sounds like a lizard would be a more appealing option over a lemur! LOL
p.s. Welcome to the SITS community!
I want to give a Lemur as a gift to my Ex-Wife.......I am looking for one on ebay as I type this.
Me! Me! I want a Lemur! That is all I need to complete my white trash pet collection! LOL
I learned more about Lemurs from your post than on National Geographic. Just kidding, however, I don't think it is very wise to own anything that is not a domesticated animal. There are too many occurrences of people who buy some crazy animal like a...I don't know python for example then can't deal and release them into the wilds out behind some Florida suburb (Uh HELLO, not the python's natural habitat). Not good for the "circle of life" thing for all the other critters when there is no one big enough to take out the new guy in town.
Ha! Perfect solution :)))
You are hysterical! I laughed my "anal dwelling butt monkey" off!!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment Jennymac! Much appreciated. I'm so glad you not only appreciated my little work-in-progress, but were thoughtful enough to let me know as well.
I'm excited to see what you've got going on round here, going out to surf!
Sadley, perhaps they thought they would not be missed, I know I would not miss an "anal dwelling butt monkey".
However, they are adorable. Shame on them for exporting them. What makes it worse is that its for laboratory testing. Even if it were not laboratory testing; I feel there are reasons that certain animals live in certain envoirnments. When you take them out, you could eather kill a species... or worse infest a thriving ecosystem. (Happened in Aussie land with toads.)
Don't you wish people thought about that sort of thing before they uprooted things; thought about their impact that is.
Over here, in our uncivilized neck of the woods, a raccoon traversing about in daylight equals RABID!
Think the lemur might be rabid? Cute but . . . rabid?
I am just going to say no thanks to one of these. Anal dwelling butt monkey? Yikes.
I'm just so curious how you actually knew the Latin word that lemur was derived from. Very impressive... and funny I might add. Thanks for coming by my blog.
Hmm, kitty or "anal dwelling butt monkey"? Are you saying that kitties are not anal dwelling butt monkeys? That conflicts with my highly developed belief system.
Hi there! Thanks so much for popping by with your sweet words! And goodness I LOVE your hair! Can't wait to read more!
Agh! Thanks for stopping by! This is hilarious, and disturbing. I always say, we will never have primates (simmeons sp?) or rodentia of any kind in my house!
Lemurs and kitties? So let's get this straight, the choice is between ass and pussy?
That's a no-contest :P
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