Monday, July 27, 2009

Scrappy...and getting awarded for it.

Jen the mastermind behind Jen's Voices sent me my first Blog Award. Honest Scrap for honest blogging. I am honored. Let's just say, I was a bit scrappy back in the day so I like the name. If the blog award fits, wear it.

I would like to thank the Academy...
ergh...wrong speech.

But Jen, thank you. So here is the lowdown. The Honest Scrap” award is one you receive and then bestow on others.

First, the recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves in their blog that no one else knows. (Good luck with that...since we are all so secretive and shy.)

Second, the recipient annoints ten other bloggers with this prestigious award and advises them of their famed status.
They in turn give you a proper nod for recognizing their brilliance, and then pass the award along.

To get this party started, here are ten magical things you just couldn't wait to know:

1. I love to bake and the people in my office pine for any and all of my baked goods. Seriously. I get requests from people for their birthdays. But I love it. I will be the first to tell you if something I made needs work or is a-ma-zing.

2. I despise meatloaf. It looks like a slice of meat bread. No further comment needed nor can I think of one redeemable thing about this dish. Perhaps it has nutrients. I wouldn't know. I used to call it nucleur waste and carry on every time my Mom made it. Oh, I could have been your daughter but she was the lotto winner.

3. I was a competitive dancer in my youth.

4. I sang "Heat of the Moment" on stage with Asia in front of 15,000 fans (theirs..not mine). It was fan-f'ing-tastic. Rockstar status if only for one night. No, not back up. Lead mic.

5. I miss my dog, Nixon. Terribly. I saw a boxer at the park last weekend. I was running by and when I saw that familiar back-end shake boxers all seem to do, it made me cry. She passed years ago but it might as well have been last night for how sensitive I still am about her.

6. I used to know all the words the song "Life is Too Short." As in every word verbatim. CLASSY. I know. And I say "used to" in order to make it appear less wretched.

7. I went to a private party at Edinburgh Castle. I pinched myself it was that good. Had picture texts been all the rage then, OH what fun that would have been. Ummm..on second thought, perhaps everything need not be photographed. BUT, I would have been in the bathroom at least once that night for 20 mins sending messages at lightening speed.

8. I was a Rhodes Scholar nominee. Did not reveal # 6.

9. I auditioned for The Apprentice. Did not reveal #6 then either.

10. I still keep a mental "Top Five" list of hot men I would automatically get to enjoy a tryst with given the opportunity and regardless of JohnnyMac's permission merely entertain a pretend rendezvous. A new phenomenon? Oh no, its a recycled idea circa 2001 from your friends Monica and Ross Geller. On my list? Oh...that's not part of the share.

Now, selecting others to win the award is easy, and its hard. Easy because there are so many thought-provoking bloggers who make me laugh, think, and sometimes even cry. And it is hard because you have to pick a narrow list and there are more great bloggers than ten.

And I want to thank SamsMama and Jen's Rantings and B. at La Belle (see above) for giving me MORE awards this past week including this awesome block for my blog. You all rock me like a hurricane.
How to choose? I employed a very scientific method of selection. My variables? I will never tell. With each award you win, you get to give away between 7 - 15 more awards. So, with about 47 to dish out, I am giving both Honest Scrap and the first round of Best Blog Awards today. Winners, do with them what you will.

A diverse selection whom I enjoy visiting thoroughly, and hope you will too. There are more than 10 here but consider it me still talking even though the orchestra started playing. And there is fine print on the awards themselves that I may couple them and distribute as necessary. Oh, there's no fine print? There is now. Lawyers find loopholes.

And the prize(s) go to:

Lisa and Laura Write: sass in sisterhood meets mad writing skills
La Belle Mere UK: hysterical writing meets tales of a StepMom
Dustjacket Attic: style meets art through gorgeous photographs (I think she will do an incredibly interesting take on the 10 things to share.)
Mean Girl Garage: brilliance meets comedy
Mo Mad Dog Stoneskin: razorlike wit meets honest takes on life
Mandy Life After 30: fun meets humor meets the great girl next door
The Walking Man: genuine meets creativity meets poetry
The Triplet Crown: pure heart meets triplets
Mom in High Heels: fab meets more fab
The Bad Ass Geek: smart meets interesting
The Peach Tart: brains meets bold

Shall we celebrate? By all means. Name the place. I will bring the cocktails. And for the remaining awards I get to bequeath? More annointing, on its way.


Southern Champagne Wishes said...

Thanks for visiting my blog again and for your comment! I love your blog and I loved your list, especially the Friends reference (one of my all-time favorites - I think I have every episode memorized)!

hmla2599 said...

I love your scrap. And I have a list too. And it was also self inspired, not Friends inspired. It includes non-famous people that are famous in my mind.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the awards! You deserve them.

Pseudo said...

First, much congrats on the awards.

Second, I like cake, any kind, and since you are the expert I'll leave it up to you. my birthday is in November.

ANd I just have to say...that is some list woman.

Alicia said...

i love it! i feel like i know you so much better now! and i have two amazing boxers and the thought of not having them breaks my heart.... i'm dreading the day!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh I was really enjoying this till I got to the part ..... DJ, then I will be honest here, I said shit! ... what am I going to say (yes we are secretive)! (sorry Jennymac's mum if your reading)

Seriously though, loved finding out more about you .. especially "Heat of the Moment" OMG!!


Anonymous said...

Nice selection of winners - Will take a peek at the ones I have never read ... I am still wishing your #2 answer was about the human version of Meatloaf ;0)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I loved your 'ten', but you know what I loved just as much? Go ahead, guess. I'll wait.......

Give up? You introduced me to some new blogs! Thanks!!

the girl with the pink teacup said...

JennyMac, you are all class.

#6 was good, but oh my, it got even better at #8 and #9 :) I can't help but wonder if admitting to #6 might've helped you get across the line on The Apprentice...

This is one of the funniest takes on the Honest Scrap Award I've ever seen. I take my hat off to you, beautiful lady!

And thank you so very much for the sweet nominations, mine included. I am so happy to see some of my all-time favourite bloggers listed amongst those illustrious names - Mr London Street, The Vegetable Assassin, Mo Stoneskin... All utterly fantastic. Will definitely have to stop off at the other awardees' blogs - if you've recommended them, how could I stay away?

Generally speaking, I'm terrible at memes/awards (blame it on a strong dislike of being told what to do... Not that you're telling me what to do, of course!) but you're interested, you can check out my old Honest Scrap post here. Will be sure to give you a shout-out very, very soon though.

You're so wonderful, and thanks again, scrappy lady!

Suzann said...

Such a cute post. I am just popping in from SITS to wish you a grand good morning and I must thank you for the smile (delirious as it may be at this hour) on my face this morning. Have a great one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners!! And hehe, thanks for letting us know about all those interesting things.

Be sure and stop by & leave a note & follow.


La Belle Mere said...

Oh my! (Swoon)

But I have no speech prepared.. and not a stitch to wear! (I take it there will be a glamorous award ceremony complete with red carpet, paps etc....?)

Thank you so much for the recognition! I'll get my people to call your people and we'll do lunch.

B x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! You are BY FAR one of my favorite blogs to visit every day! Which totally makes sense now that I know you're a Rhodes Scholar nominee (super intelligent), baker (yummy goodness), and can sing (talented)!! But you also know the words to that song - Yikes!

The fact that you picked ME humbles me tremendously! And then you called me BRILLIANCE meets COMEDY!? Boy, I'm Girl Crushing something Big right now!!!!

Thanks for the compliment and congrats on the award!!!

confused homemaker said...

I'm loving #4 & you sound like my daughter with #1. Now I'm off to read some new blogs. Congrats to everyone:)

lisa and laura said...

Sass in sisterhood? And here we used to be known as sister-writers which sounded suspiciously like sister wives. I'm thinking the sass things sounds WAY better.

Not that we have anything against sister wives. I mean, in reality the whole sister wife thing wouldn't be that bad. You could share clothes and you'd always have someone to eat Twizzlers with. But then that bitch would be sleeping with your husband, so that might get a little complicated.

Er...wait, I'm rambling. Sorry, I do that when I'm overly excited.

THANK YOU! You totally made our Monday!

I hate meatloaf too! Is there anything worse than consuming a loaf of meat? Gag.

Mr. Condescending said...

Don't bring bloody mary's or veg ass will assassinate them.

Sorry 'bout nixon, I had two boxers and two dobies that I miss very much too.

Hit 40 said...

Excellent!! You joined me with some housekeeping on Monday!!!

I have an excellent and unique cookie for you to use at work on my blog today.

I just noticed your voter tabs!!! I am on it!!!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

congratulations! You sure deserve it. your blog is awesome.

Hit 40 said...

I have a great cookie recipe for your co workers today on my blog :-)

Congrats on the awards!!!

The Peach Tart said...

Thanks for the award. You are certainly deserving of these awards because you're blog is so awesome. I loved the list and getting to learn new things about you.

B.o.B. said...

Singing with Asia is one of the coolest things I think I have ever heard. Does that make me lame? Nah. It's super cool!

FancyPants said...

You a scrapper back in the day - NO, I could never have imagined. LMAO!

Emily said...

Hilarious. My husband and I each have our own list too...also based on that episode! =)

Genny said...

Congratulations on your awards!

And congratulations also on winning the giveaway at my blog. Pop by and read today's Mom-Monday post when you get a chance. :)

Take care!

p.s. I danced competitively when I was younger too. :)

The Savage said...

I have my own #6.... It's the one job I don't put on my resume. I was a dom for a few months.... making money spanking people doesn't look that good on a resume.... Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Meatloaf either. Bat Out Of Hell was painful enough but then came 'I Would Do Anything For Love' and a whole new world of pain.

On a more serious note..... nice work on the award.

Mira is triplet crown said...

wow, aren't you lovely? And now I'm regretting posting a whiney blog today since you're sending people over to look. Ah well. Timing.

I also have the list like on Friends but my husband does not agree that I'm allowed to. I tried to explain but...

Now I have something to write about tomorrow! Yay me. Thanks for the love and keep on with your funny bad self.

Annie said...

CoNgRaTs on yoru award :)

ummm....I have never eaten meatloaf in my entire like...a 'slice of meat bread.' I couldnt say it better myself. SICK!

Thanks for stopiing by my blog.

Unknown said...

FUN! How cool that you applied for The Apprentice ... you SO would have rocked that!

Intense Guy said...

Excellent list of 10 things...

I'd be like Ross and need like 3 months to come up with a "lame" list like he did. :)

Congrats on the well deserved awards.

Erin said...

Should I be embarrassed to admit that I don't know the song Life is too Short?

Oh, I have a Top Five list too. Although, it seems that my list mostly consists of women and gay men. (Gwyneth and Nate Berkus among them) TMI??

I loved learning more about you!

JenJen said...

Thanks for the shout!! Love your blog....!!

Lee said...

Congrats on your award. You are way cool judging by those 10 things. Love reading your blog.

Stephanie said...

Such a great list...auditioned for the apprentice eh? You are full of surprises!

Ela said...

Congratulations on your awards!!! I love the 10 things you shared - how fun!...And am now craving a baked good! Happy Monday :)

Anonymous said...

Hee, awesome list! As a Scot I have been in/around Edinburgh Castle a lot in my time (I'm really just fascinated by those big, phallic cannons that go off every day) but being a west coaster I refuse to enjoy myself there ON PRINCIPLE. Of course I haven't been back in a while...

Thank you for pimping me out though! I'm all famous or something now. Can I command a fee?

La La La Leah said...

Wow! Now I am even more honored that you found my blog and commented on it and kept reading... I am humbled... I do not need an award because I will not know how to post the little box thing.... hahaha Have a fun day and eat some Chick-fil-a for me.

Lady Di said...

Meatbread huh? Does that go with the ham stillettos? Still got that visual in my head, too funny. Perhaps the meatloaf could be like a clutch to go with the shoes. You may be on to something, creating a whole new look.

Farnnay said...

Shutup, this is your first award!?!?!?! you shouldve gotten like a million by now.

But Congrats nonetheless :)

A French Cloud said...

bravo to you! who were you wearing when you accepted this award?
*it's quite fun finding out the scoop about you- thanks for sharing.

Gorilla Bananas said...

You called your dog Nixon! Hehe!

Anna said...

Congrats! Much deserved :)

ellen abbott said...

Boxers are my fav too. My sweetie has been gone many years now. almost ready for another.

Madame DeFarge said...

Impressed by singing along with Asia. That appeals to my mid 80's heart. Congrats on the award.

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm honoured. Though you may have got the wrong guy. Razorlike wit you say?

The Blonde Duck said...

I also love to bake. Aren't memes fun?

the southern hostess said...

Thanks for sharing! You're hysterical!

Melissa P said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and the comment.

Kat said...

congratulations on your award!

Meg said...

I worked my way through each recommendation and think your choices are well deserving. A couple really changed my day. Congrats on the awards!

The Peach Tart said...

thanks for the award. You have A MAJOR AWARD to pick up on my site

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

really you need to tell more about singing with Asia

Surf Girl said...

Love, love your blog! Thanks for stopping by and visiting mine!
This is our first year in year-round school. I'll have to let you know if I like it after our first 3 weeks out. :)

Anonymous said...

I would Pee myself for 54 comments! ;) Thanks for visiting my blog!

Referring to your boxer, Nixon, I am the same way about my boxer, Riley. I had her before kids and we had her for 9 wonderful years. Everytime I see a boxer (especially doing the butt thing that all boxers do) I am so sad. We think of her every day. I still have her ashes because I don't want to let her go and I can't find a good enough place for them.

Mommy Mac said...

Jenny Mac.

Now I just love your name. Perhaps because my initials are MAC.

Thanks for the great peek-a-boo by the other day on my blog. I enjoyed your comment.

Your writing makes me spit milk out of my mouth whilst drinking; it's that classic, cosmic funny.

You and humor are a great pair.

Definitely adding you to my reading list!

.mac :)

Anonymous said...

Oh lucky you with so many lovely blog awards :)

Now I have a crazy amount of blogs I want to check out

Lee said...

I have to give you an award! Check it out at

AmyK said...

Wow, what a list! I especially like the Edinburgh Castle party. I'll have to share you with my daughter who did a study abroad at St. Andrews and loves Edinburgh.
Thanks too. for stopping by my blog. I'll be back for sure.

Counselormama said...

Thanks for stopping by! Your post was great, I am still laughing as I write this!

the walking man said...

well thank you for the nod...JennyM sincerely appreciated...I am days behind

Badass Geek said...

Why, thank you. "Smart" is not an adjective often applied to me.

Lopez said...

Aaahh...You picked some good people up there to give that award to...

Some of them are my favorite reads!!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I agree on the meatloaf, not a big fan. The boys at home love it, just something about a big meat pile is not appealing to me :).

Wow the apprentince that is very impressive #6 or not ;)

Mandy said...

(sniff, sniff).... "You like me, you really like me??"

I would like to thank the academy for this esteemed award. I'd like to thank my mom who birthed me from the land down under, ;-) I'd like to thank my third grade teacher who first gave me courage to write after she thought my "I Want to Be A Satellite When I Grow Up" essay received an A- (true story!)

Okay seriously, Jenny Mac - I'm deeply honored that you even mentioned me and my blog. Truly, truly honored! I'm just a little nobody who started blogging four months ago. I really appreciate the love!

We're so gonna meet for cocktails in real life some day! I'm located just about two hour or so from you so let's set a date in the fall to make it happen. I've been wanting to take Viva the Diva to the Atlanta aquarium soon anyway.

Hugs and virtual love back at cha!

Magpie said...

You've never had good meatloaf. Come on over. :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Congratulations...Enjoyed your finding new blog friends...Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There is a great giveaway that ends tonight.