Monday, October 19, 2009

Run DMC was right...

Over the last week I have had a minute or two to catch up with some non-critical articles. Unfortunately, I came across something that I found disturbing. Similar to seeing a car wreck, and then pointing it out to a friend, I am going to share this disturbia with you.

While reading last month's Vanity Fair, I read the article by Leslie Bennett about Ryan O'Neal. Including this excerpt from an incident at Farrah's funeral:

"I had just put the casket in the hearse and I was watching it drive away when a beautiful blonde woman comes up and embraces me," Ryan told me. "I said to her, 'You have a drink on you? You have a car?' "

Ummm....if you are attending a funeral and the funeral is for someone with whom you not only shared a lifelong relationship but also a child, perhaps it is in poor taste to even think of hitting on another woman.

And do you have something better in your repetoire than "you have a drink on you?" Sounds similar to what I have been asked by vagabonds while walking on the mean streets of New York at 2 am.

If you DO hit on someone, because Poor Taste is a close friend of yours, then perhaps you should exercise selectivity about the target of your affection.

She said, 'Daddy, it's me--Tatum!' I was just trying to be funny with a strange Swedish woman, and it's my daughter.

In this case, Poor Taste is not merely a friend but a soul mate. Being so intoxicated that you hit on someone at the funeral of the woman you were going to marry AND don't recognize the recipient of your amore is on your own child...well.

And yes, I know he has problems. CLEARLY. But I have been drunk before too (maybe once..maybe twice). Even thoroughly implanted in a Grey Goose haze, guess who never appeared to be a perfect suitor? ANY ONE SHARING MY DNA.

Ryan O'Neal, I think our old friends from Run DMC really pegged a recurring theme.

So maybe you should just give a quarter and your order: small fries, Big Mac.

You be illin.


Hit 40 said...

This is disturbing!!! No wonder Hollywood stuck up the reclusive child molester - Polanski.

Ryan has a thing for his daughter??? Even alluding to it is not appropriate. Young enough to be his daughter and is his daughter!! And... he is asking if she wants to have a little alcohol with him?? How old is this girl?

Anonymous said...

Oh.....they were right about so many things......

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

He sure didn't come across all that well did he? I found myself wondering why on earth Farrah stuck with him. And why oh why would he think this was worth mentioning to Vanity Fair? Gross!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I had seen each of them interviewed separately, after that happened, and even illin-er was the fact that neither thought it was anything more than Ryan 'just being Ryan'.

What planet do they hail from? I mean, what galaxy?

The Savage said...

I find it tricky to rock and rhyme....

Unknown said...

That Vanity Fair is on my coffee table and I haven't had a chance to read through it yet. But today I'm going to make time. I can't believe that shiggedy. But you said it very well & put him in his place--Bravo!

Liz Aguerre said...

Yep, I read this right after it happened and I thought one word: EWWWWWW. Great way to mourn, huh? BTW, since you are so damn cool, thought you might enjoy my current post...celebrities abound!

Liz Mays said...

He is one sick puppy.

Unknown said...

I did hear about this after it happened and yes, I also read that both he and Tatum laughed about it....bizarre!

I do love your writing JennyMac, you are funny, funny, funny!!!

I sort of got the gist of "You be illin" but don't mind admitting that I just googled it to be sure, need to brush up on my Run DMC lyrics obviously ;)

mommakin said...

Illin indeed. This is so sad on so many levels.

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm shocked for two reasons. Not only has your post appeared earlier than usual (or am I mistaken?) but yeah, not the best time to hit on people!

Anonymous said...

Eeeeww, what disgusting man.

Anonymous said...

Eeeeww, what disgusting man.

Laura Trevey said...

wow... very disturbing indeed!

The Peach Tart said...

I read about this too. Deplorable.

Kate said...

Unbelieveable. Wow.

courtney said...

Oh my...that is one messed up family.

PropellerHeadMom said...

Ick...he is such a loser.

Mala said...

Wrong. Just wrong.
And thank goodness Tatum clarified the situation for him. She did, right? Geez.

Vodka Logic said...

obviously where Redmond [what kind of name is that] gets his problems from.

Sad very sad

Yankee Girl said...

I am surprised at how many things still surprise me. I'd think that I would be at least a little desensitized by all the weird people in the world.

KristinFilut said...

I remember reading about that. What a creeper.

Slamdunk said...

Role model material there...

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

What a sick, sick man.

confused homemaker said...

I had seen/read about it right after it happened. Tatum was just like "well, it's my Dad he does that" kind of attitude. That is one really messed up family.

AmyMusings said...

Poor Farrah. She deserved a strong, wise support person.

Unknown said...

Totally bizarre!

La Belle Mere said...

Yuck! What a nause!

Scrappy Girl said...

I am constantly surprised at the wisdom held by Run DMC...

The Four Week Vegan said...

Eeewww...and then to admit it to the world - ick. I need a shower.

AmyK said...

Apparently anyone unfortunae enough to have O'Neal blood is in for a train wreck of a life. He found new ways to reach lows that I thought were impossible. To hit on anyone at your "Soul Mates" funeral would have been bad enough - to have that person be your daughter speaks volumes. I hope never to hear another thing about him. No wonder his children were all a mess.

Lee said...

I don't know if the story is more disturbing or the fact that he admitted he accidentally hit on his own daughter at this lifetime lover's funeral...

Alyson said...

Run DMC were like modern disciples.

AnnQ said...

He's seriously gross and disturbed. Just gross.

Anonymous said...

That's really sad. On so many levels!

Anonymous said...

Did you all leave your sense of humour somewhere? The guy's Irish! When someone close dies they usually have a darned great party for three days, get blind roaring drunk and make inappropriate remarks. Seems like a good plan to me and I hope that's what my friends and loved ones will do when I go.

Barbaloot said...

What a brilliant man---makes me feel just so sorry for him *sarcasm*

MommyLisa said...

Ick. Side note, do you believe Tatum O' Neal is only 46? She looks 56...drugs and alcohol really mess with your looks.

Anonymous said...

I heard that story too...and thought I would puke. Gross.

lisa and laura said...

Wow. That is wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

There is a place and a time. Obviously he lost the memo on hitting on his own daughter is disgusting and at his loves funeral....what?


JenJen said...

You be illin'

That is I think my favorite line of the day and I shall use it whenever possible and appropriate. Or impossible and inappropriate.
Either way.
That gem is M-I-N-E.

f8hasit said...

I read that too.
It was wrong on so many levels I blocked it.

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing about this when it happened. WTH?!

Lisa Anne said...

WOW. Reminds me of the movie Wedding crashers where the guy ends up crashing funerals.

Kristina P. said...

Yeah, Tatum has been talking about this. So creepy.

Nonflammable said...

It seems addiction/illness runs in his famiglia. I know he (Ryan) has been in rehab several times. Tatum was in rehab and lost custody of her kids. Their son Redmond is currently in rehab/jail and only got to see his mom once before she passed.

Yep...he's an unscrupulous mess.

Court said...

Dude. I can hardly handle it! What a bag of crazy that man is! said...

Oh.. my... god! Are you kidding me? Where's the closest rehab?

Mira is triplet crown said...

I doubt the ghost of Farrah is shocked. I believe it's fairly typical for the dude...

Unknown said...

That's just SO wrong on SO many levels.

Mrs Montoya said...

Hall of Fame worthy . . . So sick

brokenteepee said...

Seriously in need of some rehab methinks....

Life Laugh Latte said...

Gosh...there is such a big group of losers like this in Hollywood. A good example that fame and wealth does not bring with it happiness. Happiness is something that just can't be bought. Have a great day. Holly at

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

Wow. Just wow. And ... um? ... wow. (Shakes head and walks off to bleach eyeballs).

obladi oblada said...

Yeah...bad enough he said those things, but then to talk about it to a journalist....craaaazzzy.

Emily said...

LOL...that's just pathetic really.

ladytruth said...

That's about as low on the scale as snake poop. That says something about his character ... eh ... he does have character? Checking, checking and ... nope.

Anonymous said...

so gross. i'm comment 50 something so I'm sure the Polanski jokes have been done...won't bore you with another one.

new follower!

The Sharer said...

I knew sooner or later you'd break into music in your blog...Been watching and expecting. Somehow didn't expect "Run DMC" as the first entry, but hey....Have a great week.


Krëg said...

And seriously, he can't afford a hooker? I mean, he COULDN'T have blown all his Love Story money already. It's only been 40 years.

Eric said...

Wait, so she's not adopted, right? Eww, and I thought the Woody Allen thing was horrible... This is way worse, if that can be imagined. Thanks for sharing, I think.

Amo said...

I read about this somewhere and I remember thinking, "What a creep." I have never liked him much. He always gave me an eerie feeling when I would see him on tv. Anyway, love the Run DMC shout out.

CountessLaurie said...

Seriously... that they are BOTH talking about it. YUCK!

(Thanks for visiting my blog. I will definitely be back to read more!)

mCat said...

Are you serious???? Dude, has some serious issues.

carissajaded said...

This is just awful! I wish I never heard this!

sheila said...

OMG, I heard about the Ryan O Neil story, what a frickin pig. And,,, and asshat for sure! What a jerk!


Grand Pooba said...

I couldn't believe that when I heard it, what a douche!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

WHAT THE...??? That's creepy - what a loser. On the other hand, I just love the way you write!! Hope you're having a good day ~ ♥

Ellie said...

Yaaargh. That's awful. I involuntarily pulled a face reading this.

Ms. Wanda said...

Love this post! I think it's very sad that he can not get sober. I'm sure Farrah dying didn't help his sobriety at all.

Luna said...

wow, that is disturbing.

Meg said...

Bringing that all around to Run DMC is utter brilliance.

Disturbing. I hope my dad is never so drunk that he mistakes me for a Swedish mourner.

Lawyer Mom said...

ICK, ICK, ICK. There just aren't words.

Tracie said...

Usually, I like to say that nothing celebrities do surprises me. I couldn't say that in this case.

Tara said...

Not cool, Ryan O'Neal. Very not cool.

Anonymous said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth. That was just so gross. What kind of creep does that at his wife's funeral? - G

AiringMyLaundry said...

Yeah, Ryan O'Neal seems kind of creepy to me.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Disgusting behavior. So ridiculously sad.

Nyx said...

Dear Ryan O'Neal,

Fail. Ultimate and total fail.

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

I know, disgusting!

Haley said...

Ugh, that sounds aweful! Yes, illin'... =\

Science Teacher Mommy said...

By the by . . . the lead singer of Run DMC became a minister. Life is just weird.

Deborah Godin said...

Icky doesn't even begin to cover this. You'd think he might have hung onto the last vestige of appropriateness (which would be not telling anyone that this even happened!) he could, but apparently not.

Carlito86 said...

Oh gawd....that sounds terrible!!


jenn w/ 2 n's said...

Ugh! Creepy McCreep

2Wired2Tired said...

I had heard about this, but was hoping I hadn't heard the story correctly. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Ugh.

Angie said...

Get way.

That is crazy!

Shop Girl* said...

I had heard about this... and it made me incredibly sad. What a way to honour your love's memory.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I'm finally feeling good enough to catch up on the blogs...

I find it interesting that Farrah left nothing in her will to Ryan. Maybe she knew that he'd hit on other women the 1st chance he got. Although, not recognizing your own child is pretty pathetic.