Friday, December 18, 2009

Postcard: Barcelona

An unexpected summer shower glossed the streets. She attempted to keep her sandaled feet balanced on the slick cobblestones as she and her companions darted through a narrow courtyard. The hum of the music a magnet guiding their way. Once inside, skin held the dewy sheen as long hair shook out rivulets of water.

Drinking cool glasses of Rias Baixas, the women turn from the bar and watch the crowd move in hazy waves.

An hour passed easily as the sway and heat mixed in the dusky club. He came straight on without warning. Removing the glass from her hand, he set it on the bar. A hand slid down her arm and pulled her onto a dance floor already crowded with bodies. No talking needed, she didn't feel the least compelled to ask a name. Neither did he.

Multiple songs laced with Spanish guitar wrapped around them. And after dancing in a very deliberate way, he kissed her. The kind of kiss that makes a girl want to acquiesce all of her morals immediately. Lips surrounded by an unshaven face against her pale mouth.

They never spoke but as time lazily sauntered by, the percussion in the room sent morse code to both of them. And as day was beginning to yawn awake, he said, "Come home with me."

She considered. Two hour's worth of filthy thoughts condensed into a five second vignette. She held that look and only said, "I can't." But words unsaid burned in her throat.

He paused, if not for consideration of his campaign, then to determine her commitment to this decline. His departure following a final brush of mouth across the inside of her hand.

Not regretting, but certainly supplying savage thoughts throughout the day. And possibly other days as well.

For him, perhaps a distant and infrequently recurring Dior-scented daydream. Permanency not intended, but rather an increasingly opaque memory and a now tattered postcard of Barcelona.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh la la!! All sexy like today!!

Anonymous said...

Where did THAT come from? What a beautifully descriptive piece! It creates such deliciously illicit images and fantasies in the mind. Now that's what I call sexy!

PS: Can you please let me have the address to send the postcard? ;)

vanilla said...

The Short Short Story. Another triumph for the genre!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh. Where did that come from??? encounter with a non-douche.
I am all sorts of happy now.
Happy Friday JM!

The Four Week Vegan said...

That was hot! What an awesome memory to carry with you and you even kept your morals intact :)

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

I just booked a flight to Spain, leaving in one hour ( :

UberGrumpy said...

A little glimpse of romantic Barca sunshine to melt some of this Hampshire snow.

Thank you

Herding Cats said...

Now I want to go to Spain the most...

(last week it was Italy)

(this changes frequently)

Unknown said...

Hot, hot, ;)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Uh, next time you go can you take me {wink} {wink} !

Kate said...

I want to go!

Kate x

bluzdude said...

Dios mio! Estas muy caliente hoy!

Unknown said...

Oh, so nice! I would not have been that strong! lol

Poindexter said...

oh my goodness - Barcelona sounds like a travel destination not to be missed. mmmm hmmm.

Summer said...

Ummmm....I think I need a cigarette now....

And, I don't even SMOKE! :)

Tom Bailey said...

The following was a great line. I thought only men through like that in 5 seconds... Thanks for sharing.

"She considered. Two hour's worth of filthy thoughts condensed into a five second vignette. She held that look and only said, "I can't." But words unsaid burned in her throat."

Rebecca Knight said...

I love the descriptions of the rain on the streets and beading on the skin. Fantastic scene setting!

Also, HOT! ;)

Unknown said...

I LOVED this, Great writing girl!
Very descriptive and HOT, HOT, HOT.

Pandorah's Box said...

Awesome writing! So descriptive. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if she would accept his offer.

Loved it!

Nonflammable said...

sizzlin' recount.

I love all of Spain, but Barcelona is my favorite.

Unknown said...

such a nice daydream for this unshowered skank of a stay-at-home-mommy!

wonderful writing as usual, Jenny Mac!

foxy said...

Talk about sexy! Yowza! I'd love the be the one that has that memory...

VandyJ said...

Regrets are for the things we didn't want to do but did, not for the lovely memories of the could have beens.

Thank you for share a could have been.

JenJen said...

So I thought MY porn was Lite (fewer calories) but this is is ULTRA LITE and I love it.
Jens are taking over!!


shortmama said...

Felt like I was reading a book! Nicely done!

ThatsBaloney said...


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

What a great memory!

Ed & Jeanne said...

I missed a Spain/Portugal/Morocco trip just over a year ago and this doesn't help! I'll get there eventually...I'm slowly finishing visiting all of Europe...

J.J. in L.A. said...

What do you know? A guy who actually understands that "no means no". lol!

Great story!

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

I want to read more! How about Chapter 2?

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I've got myself a whopping dose of 'the vapors'.

I had to change my, ahem, clothes.

Mike said...

I want to come........on your next trip to Spain! hahaha! said...

Vivid and enchanting. And if the answer has been, "yes"????

the walking man said...

I could I suppose make a banal comment on the Spaniard but then at one time they did conquer most of the new world. Not all of it though.

Claudya Martinez said...

You can write!...but I already knew that...lovely postcard.

secret agent woman said...

I'd have had a hard time saying no.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, poignant post - I can feel the heat and the loss too.

Corrie Howe said...

It sounds like how I wrote a scene in a story I write just to entertain myself.

A daydream never fulfilled.

Miss E said...

LOVED THIS POST. If not for the creative, dreamy writing then for the passionate story and scene. So well written!

Intense Guy said...

Beautiful writing! tell me... was this you?


And when does your series of romance novels come out? I think maybe you could work Cappy and Chester into one of them...

Elyse said...

LOVE IT!!! I wish I was as morally strong as you. I would have gone with him in a hot second ;-)

mCat said...

Whoa, I thought I stumbled on Romantic writers dot com

Well done Jenny Mac.