Friday, December 4, 2009

This does not go with the theme

One of the themes of Disney World is "Come and enjoy the Magic". And primarily, it a great place to take little people because you will fully see them observe and embrace the magic. And November is a fantastic time to visit. Weather? Excellent. Lines? Totally manageable. Parking? Praise to the Triple AAA Diamond Lot parking pass you can buy off eBay. Fast Pass? Can you say Hallelujah? I can. And did.

And it is interesting to know that our son, due to age, is as fascinated with a bubble machine as he is with Donald Duck. As a matter of point, he is actually more interested in a bubble machine and not as interested in the characters. Perfect.

However, we did see some highly interesting things in Disney. I will refrain from any further comment on all but two. I mean three since I already shared the tidbit about Grumplestiltskin.

1. As we were in line to enter Epcot one morning, a Mom and Dad were in a terse debate about a family photo. The Mom indicating that Dad needed to fetch the kids so they could have their picture taken. Dad told her the kids didn't want a photograph right then. The Mom insisted. The Dad asked why it was critical at that moment. The Mom in very tense and raised voice, " SO EVERYONE CAN SEE HOW MUCH FUN WE HAD IN DISNEY." If by fun you mean causes to drink, strike people, or use foul language, perfect.

2. And one afternoon, we strolled through Magic Kingdom we ended up walking shortly behind a darling family of young Mom and young Dad with two beautiful kids. And then I noticed his t-shirt. I have seen some c-r-a-z-y tees before but none have seemed more out of context than this:

This is not the guy but this is the EXACT t-shirt. Why do I not have the exact photo? Because I actually attempted to take a photo of it on my Blackberry but then realized the only thing potentially creepier than this shirt spied in the ever jubilant grounds of DisneyWorld was being the girl stalking the guy wearing the t-shirt to take his photo and then potentially write a blog about it.

In case you can't read warbly tshirt fine print it reads: York Erection Specialist.

I don't think that is the kind of "magic" Walt had in mind.


Mom in High Heels said...

Oh, JennyMac. How I loves you. We went to Disneyland Paris for Thanksgiving 08 and I did an entire post on the "fashions" we saw there. Come on over and check it out:

Joshua said...

I don't know. If you believe all the "hidden" things in Disney's animated films, this might be the exact sentiment. See The Lion King Dust Cloud or The Little Mermaid Priest.


Lee said...

I think it would have been hilarious to stalk him for his photo!! I am not going to take my kids to Disney until they learn how not to whine...guess we won't ever go.

Anonymous said...

Maybe - just maybe - they work for a company called York and they are (building) erection specialists and they and their employer haven't realised the implications of the words and...

Aww. Shit! Scrub that! You're right - it's out of place!

The Peach Tart said...

I so would have totally taken the picture.

♥ Braja said...

So a York erection is different? Has this guy worked for Prince Andrew??

Intense Guy said...

One of my parents goofy (thank you Disney) very mature (i.e., Sr. Citizen) lady friends works for a company that puts up cellphone towers - and she goes around saying, "We do erections." I'm not sure she quite understands why people break out laughing when she says this.

Thanks for the grin this morning. :)

mommakin said...

Ah yes - the forced family photo so everyone knows how much fun you had. Love it.

mo.stoneskin said...


She has touched on exactly why we tend to fill up our harddrives with photos we never print or use.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Crazy creepy shirt especially at Disney.

JenJen said...

I love this! Funny how the public at large never ceases to provide blog fuel!

I'm glad it wasn't a female wearing that shirt...heh. Hahahahah. Ahem.

Unknown said...

That shirt shouldn't be worn anywhere...especially Disneyland!!!

Poindexter said...

This is hysterical. I may be sinking to a new low here, but I think I'm going to google this company to see what exactly, it is that they do over there. Oh, and the mom-dad heated exchange about taking family photos? I remember that too. My dad never wanted to take staged family photos. The FEW times that we did, they were pretty darned awful. -Diane

Mandy said...

Maybe the guy with the t-shirt was job hunting.... he was just doing it in a very sick and obvious way.

Glad you and MiniMac had some magical sites to see (and write about) though.

Slamdunk said...

Ha, I think "York Erection Specialists" is a clever maarketing ploy. Why else would anyone want to talk about a scaffolding company?

I am sure his wife was wearing the Stroud's Restaurant t-shirt (it is located in Kansas City) with the memorable slogan: "We choke our own chickens."

courtney said...

Here is a tip for your buddy with the TV shirt...maybe the erection shirts would be better at another vacation spot...say vegas?

Tracie said...

My theory on Disney is that I can stay home and be miserable for free. And be in air-conditioned comfort.

Gregorio Martino said...

I remember a few years ago hearing about a couple who wanted to do it on some of the rides. Aparently they were interested in more than "its a small world".

Pres. Kathy said...

We went to Disney two years ago when my son was just a baby; it was more for my husband who had never gone. We loved it, even though it was expensive. My son liked looking at all the colors; the only thing he hated was the fireworks - still does.

P.S. That shirt was funny@

Heather@WHMB said...

Sweet, cool shirt dude!

Please tell me he was rockin' the trucker mullet and reeked of Drakkar cologne? That would at least give it some justification...

I blame his wife. :)

Sultan said...

Quite amusing. I always thought Disneyworld was a horror show but almost no one seems to agree.

Herding Cats said...

Wow...that shirt is just too funny.

Deanne said...

Great shirt! I have the only 2 kids on the face of the planet who did not like Disney! Not a pleasant experience, and therefore we can fondly remember many occasions when I was yelling that they needed to smile so everyone could see what a great time we had at Disney!

Unknown said...

We have a local company that pumps out septic tanks and rents out port-a-potties. Their slogan is "We're No. 1 in the No. 2 Business!"

Busy Bee Suz said...

People are so weird. I usually demand everyone smiles for their picture OR ELSE. :)
That guy with the t-shirt? Such a bragger. Or dreamer?

Menopausal New Mom said...

I bet there was a long line of women stalking this guy, at least you were just doing it for a photo!

bluzdude said...

Typical, about the posed photos...

Each one of those could be captioned:
Here's where we all had to stop having fun, stand in unnatural ways and put on fake smiles. So you could see how much fun we used to be having.

Unknown said...

Snorting loudly over here. I think when we were building our house we worked with an Erection Company. Good thing I never had to call them for anything!

We haven't yet taken our kids to Disney. I'm very afraid. I think I'd be that mom snapping at everyone to get in a photo. Hee hee!

Kristina P. said...

People watching is the best thing about going to public places.

Raoulysgirl said...

"Dreams come true!"

Mrs Montoya said...

I dunno, maybe Walt would appreciate the Magic . . . something for everyone :) I have a friend that takes photographs of EVERY.Fing.THING so she can scrapbook and post on Facebook to show everyone what a terrific time she's having in life. I'd rather linger over the buffet and enjoy cocktails more than photos!!

Leah Rubin said...

I know, I see and overhear people all the time doing stupid and hateful things in the name of 'family unity'... They don't see the self-contradiction!

And-- I gave you an award this morning-- come see!

Nyx said...

Erection specialist. As in, he specializes in erections. Huh. Wonder if his wife knows he likes to look at erections ;)

Anonymous said...

How tacky that that man wore that!
Its hard to digest that
of all places to wear it
Im so discusted
as or the picture taking that is so funny, I laughed out loud.
Sounds like something you would see on John and Kate plus 8
I can just hear you yelling at him,
"so we can see how much fun we had here!"
We also went there in November about 5 years ago and yes it is a great time to go. May not be anymore, the secret is out. hee hee

Jules AF said...

Haha wouldn't someone think twice before wearing that shirt to a children's theme park?

Aunt Becky said...

I hate to tell you this, but *I* am an erection specialist too!

linlah said...

And with his hand in his pants is he working on a York?

Corrie Howe said...

I did look it up. I didn't find the company, but plenty of sites where this lingo is apparently a way of life.

There are some days when we are at an amusement park when I look over at my husband and asked if we are having fun yet.

Anonymous said...

Well now that's a way to start TGIF.

My sis, her family and my parents are all going to Disneyland day after Christmas (can you guess who NOT going? sulk sulk) I wonder if they will have as many amusing stories?

I would say that the shirt means erection of buildings (cranes, etc.) but still...

Anonymous said...

Um, what is he doing with his hand??? - G

shortmama said...

I so would have been the one taking the actual photo...have done it a few times lol

brokenteepee said...

Do people really read what is on their t-shirts? Do they think they are "funny"?
OK at the bachelor party, not at Disneyland. *sigh*

Not From Lapland said...

great post, baffling t-shirt. hope you have a fab time

Kate said...

Great post and great T-shirt.

I love the HOW MUCH FUN comment


Kate xxxx

Unknown said...

Do you think he's seeing anyone at the moment? Tell him he can use his fast pass over here...

(My goodness, I'm feeling very naughty today. I should probably take my husband to dinner or something.)

Carma Sez said...

We saw plenty a feuding family when we were at Disney, yet it is supposedly the happiest place on earth????

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I am constantly amazed that people actually wear t-shirts like that out in public! Not just because what it says, but how incredibly shapeless and ugly it is! doesn't anyone dress up anymore?

Oscar said...

I have been there too many times. Taking a break. Waiting for the grandkids to go again, although curious about Pirates...

The shirt... hey adults have to smile too!
(Its a small world)

Now have fun dammit!

Julie said...

that t-shirt KILLS me!!!! I can't believe someone would wear it to DISNEYLAND with their CHILDREN...I def. would've been that girl snapping a pic!

Vodka Logic said...

Ah family pictures. I took some Christmas ones myself once for cards (the kids were much younger) and you can see the oldest has been crying... it was fun...not

Mike said...

Maybe he was working on Disney's new Viagra ride! LOL

Anonymous said...

ROFL How crazy! I can't believe he's wear a shirt like that to a kid's amusement park.

ThatsBaloney said...

Makes me wonder why he chose that particular shirt... probably so you could write a blog about it! When he was packing his suitcase he was thinking "this is the perfect shirt for Disney."
I have to defend the mom in the first story because if we had been in Disney that day - that would have been Doc and I. The reason to take the picture THEN is because otherwise it will never get done. Besides, my kids never want to stop and take a picture.

Grand Pooba said...

I just can't think of anything NOT fun about drinking, striking people and swearing!

(Ew to #2 and I have SO been that stalker girl with my camera phone) said...

I think the owner of York Erection probably has a wry sense of humor and saw a very good chance to exercise it. ;-)

lsnellings said...

If you are going to wear a tshirt like that you deserve to be stalked by a girl with a camera phone and a really popular blog!

Matty said...

My wife is an erection specialist.

Unknown said...

HILARIOUS about the Mom wanting the picture : ) Sometimes I feel like I MUST capture a memory when Kaish is doing something and then I realize, if I make him stop for a picture I am really making him stop from his joy and that is just RIDICULOUS on so many levels. So I miss the picture. And sometimes I act like the psycho mom you saw!

T Shirt is CREEPY!

Myya said...

I agree this time of year is the BEST time to go to Disney! I went last year in Florida. My sister lives there & got us Haloween tickets... my girls LOVED everything! It was also really cool that during the time the other kids were trick-or-treating we were riding the rides with pretty much no lines. In about an hour & 1/2 span we rode a good 6 or so rides & 1 twice - almost unbelievable!
Love the shirt! Makes you wonder though if people are really that dumb or if they just need constant attention. HA!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Now that's a job I've never heard of.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Ahhh, but if you TRULY believe, magic knows no, ahem, limits.....
;) said...

Did they sell this t-shirt at the Disney Emporium?

AnnQ said...

Holy crap...gotta love the Erection Specialist shirt!

Jaime said...

what exactly makes one an erection specialist?

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I have a picture of you in my mind chasing him down to get a picture. Wait wait that one was blurry come on can you hold still ... LOL


Yup happy times!

kilax said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Forced family photos are the WORST!!! Did they end up taking it?!

Claudya Martinez said...

Now that's class.

Liz Aguerre said...

Haven't been around in's been down with the plague, as we are now calling it around my house. Catching up on my fave blogs...and oh, 3 hours away, and am taking the whole clan (including grandparents) in exactly 5 weeks. I would SO be that mom insisting the picture is necessary. Will have to remember this post so I don't end up being someone else's blog fodder...

La La La Leah said...

BOOO! sorry to scare you! I don't think that shirt is acceptable for Disney... Bar and sporting events yes.. Disney no! I have never been, but think I would enjoy the Disney cruise even more then some amusement park....

xoxo Leah

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

Just getting caught up on your back posts, I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING. Proof that great minds think alike ... I credit you with the great mind, I will take credit for thinking alike ...

Posted 2 seconds ago about the guy at my gym that wears a Viagra t-shirt. Bright yellow. Same color. I thought his was the creepiest shirt on the entire planet. Nope. Was wrong. All about context.

mCat said...

I'm only surprised that you saw the shirt in the magical kingdom and not in Walmart where it would normally belong.