Thursday, December 17, 2009

It goes both ways

Many years ago, PK,  my BFF's husband found a shirt of mine in their laundry. He held it up and asked, "Is this a dinner napkin?"

Oh, smarty. Of course it isn't. A dinner napkin lacks the strings to tie it around your back. And I assure you, at the time in question, tiny shirts were completely vogue.

A perfect demonstration fashion misconception works both ways.

JohnnyMac and I stopped at the dry cleaners to drop off a bundle. The dry cleaner held up my black Prada tube top and seemed puzzled. Puzzled before he turned to me and asked, "Are these your underwear?"

Wow....and no actually. First, these what? What is the plural reference? It is one item of clothing. I don't have clothing that ties together like a tourniquet.

Second, good to know that my tube top looks like underwear. Very chic. 

Finally, a shirt that fits a majority of my torso and could basically be used as a small flag is not my underwear.

But I appreciate the realization that things come full circle.

PS: WHO is taking their underwear to the drycleaner????


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I can't imagine why he would comment at all; really unprofessional. It makes me very suspicious of what he does in the back room. Hope you killed it for him.

Love the photo: Racers start your engines.

Passion Fruit said...

He is probably one of the laundry people that likes to smell other people's clothes. Obviously the information was emotionally extremely important to him since how else could he brag about the catch of the day to the other shift sniffer dude. 'There was this hot mama who brought in her tube top' sounds a lot less braggable than 'there was this hot mama who brought in her underwear'.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd think nothing makes you feel more sophisticated than some confused dude thinking your expensive and well cared for designer wear might be giant panties.

WTF? :)

No Longer 25 said...

I would find it so weird to take my laundry to a cleaners. I would be wondering what they were up to in the back! I hope you gave him a good talking too!

the walking man said...

Wee bits of fabric then are a fashion statement? I for one will need to see pictures of you in them JennyM before I would be able to honestly discern for myself the validity of your fashion sense.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

hilarious. I can't imagine someone thinking a tube top was underwear.

they probably had some policy about not dry cleaning underwear or something.

Slamdunk said...

Not a good marketing ploy to gain or retain business.

Bird Shit said...

OMG! Your dry cleaner guy is totally rolling around in your clothes....Check out the big smile on his face next time you go!

Unknown said...

Underwear to the dry cleaner WOULD be gross, eh?

Laura Trevey said...

too funny!!
and that photo is hilarious!!

thanks for the laugh ~~

The Peach Tart said...

Was he old? Maybe he can't see so well anymore.

KristinFilut said...

Mmmmmmm, Prada....

That's a dirty word inmy home since being laid off last year...

sheila said...

Was the dry cleaner a man?

Nuff said.

Kimi said...

Too funny. Seriously who takes undies to the dry cleaner? And do they ask for extra starch. Ouch.

courtney said...

I can't believe that he said something at all! I am always parnoid the dry cleaner will say something about my I am I going to be even more freaked out about that. Thanks. haha

Brutally Honest said...

I would have been concerned that he thought that something that was obviously um, crotchless, was underwear. What kind of underwear does he usually see?!
And I soooo remember the days of backless shirts. Man, my lavender one got me free drinks all night...

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I can't believe people actually take their underwear to the cleaners! When my washer broke I had to take my clothes to a laundromat for a couple of weeks. The one I went to was connected to a dry cleaner. I would see people bring in CLEAR trash bags with clothes in them. Socks, underwear...ugh. Gross. I would NEVER want that job. Get paid $7 an hour to wash other people's underwear and sweaty socks? HELL no.

Intense Guy said...

I second "the walking man"'s motion and the motion carries!


I would think a dry cleaner wouldn't ask such things - unless there was a cleaning-related reason... like hold the starch with the unnies...

Mrs. Plank said...

I WISH my husband would take his underwear to the dry cleaner.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad you used the term underwear instead of "panties". That word just creeps me OUT! And you are right - when did our undergarments become "plural"? - G

Pres. Kathy said...

This put a smile on my face first thing in the morning. I have to say I am not sure why people would take their underwear to the cleaners.

Scrappy Girl said...

Yeah...I was wondering who dry cleans their underwear...probably Oprah!

Christine Macdonald said...

I love it when internal voices run rampad.

I bet dry cleaners have a story - or two to tell about the items that come through!!!

Badass Geek said...

Hey. Some things just don't come out in the wash at home.

Michele R said...

If a tube top were underwear that would be some major crotchless underwear.
I would have taken it back, afraid of him touching my tube top.

Heather said...

I must be old and poor!
I didn't even know they made tube tops anymore or that people still wear them.

Prada? Dry cleaners?

You are outta my league girl!!

Anonymous said...

I could see my dad doing that. He irons his... It's sad.

- said...

50 points for the use of the word tourniquet, and another 10 points for the fit of laughter resulting from this post. thank you :)

Mama-Face said...

"demonstration fashion misconception"- love it. I am a poster child for that. Though in the opposite direction of tiny shirts and prada underwear.

(In your BFF'S laundry? hmmm. :) )

Anonymous said...

If I took me laundry out to be done, I don't think I'd take my boxers. Maybe I would. I'm uncertain. LOL.

Anonymous said...

What I do is throw out all the underwear once a year and get new panties. It makes me feel really good! Think about it.


The Undomestic Mom said...

Seriously I have heard the craziest things from my laundry guy!

Amanda said...

I can't believe he would hold it up and actually ask. Who cares what the clothing is if you are paying for him to clean it??

And good point about the underwear. I wonder if he does get a lot of it!

Kristina P. said...

I think we need pictures of this hot tube top.

Krëg said...

Hey, some stains only come out with dry cleaning. Or fire.

I've often wondered why underwear is one of the few clothing items (along with jeans, pantyhose, pants, glasses) that are referred to as a 'pair', even thought there is only one item. I'd say it was an "any item below the belt" rule, but glasses buck that trend.

Matty said...

You should feel fortunate that your tube top is small enough to look like undies.

lsnellings said...

Oh that dirty dry cleaner thought you were bringing him some kinky crotchless duds! I hope you found a new dry cleaners!

Winchester Manor said...

You're drycleaner is grossing me out! Even if he honestly had mistaken your designer tube top as underwear (NOT)...who the heck would ask?

Oh sweet friend, my days of itty bitty clothes are long gone...sigh!

Love and hugs,

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a dork. You are so funny...and you run into the weirdest are a 'weird magnet'

Staci Danford said...

That had me giggling right out loud.. Please WORLD I hope no one does take their underwear to the cleaners. SCARY !!

UberGrumpy said...

Nah. I just wear them once and throw them away.

Sometimes they don't last the whole month though

Buckeroomama said...

I wonder if he has an underwear fetish and he's wondering how come he's never come across any like that before...

Unknown said...

There's something a little strange about him handling your garments looking for underwear?

theUngourmet said...

I bet there are some celebrities taking their undies to the cleaners.

brokenteepee said...

erm, ewwww
all those chemicals if nothing else

shortmama said...

ewwwww underoos at the dry cleaners...dry heave!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Do some people drop off their underwear at his shop? I seriously doubt that. That brings me back to his question...WTF?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes! Very funny. My sort of woman. How I would have worshipped you in another life.

Stereos and Souffles said...

I take my undies to the dry cleaner all the time. Extra starch please!

MsDarkstar said...

The only thing I can think of is that people who have silk underthings have them drycleaned. You cannot just throw silk garments in the wash.

Molly said...

I knew someone who ironed his boxer shorts...

The Four Week Vegan said...

Obviously, he doesn't appreciate the finer things - I mean it was Prada - you could wear it however you liked and it would look oh so good.

Laura said...

Uh yeah regardless that he thought they were underwear. Why would he even question that are there others who bring their underwear in to be dry cleaned???

Eric said...

Hmm... Don't women with silk, fur, or acrylic underwear take them to the dry cleaners? Or maybe if they have those little beads sewn on to them? I don't know, I have to just imagine.

Anonymous said...

Yeah asking a customer about underwear is kind of wrong.

I have read your last few posts. I am glad you just dropped that guy off. What a jerk. And the Lil Wayne cake was a bit scary. Love latey Perry, but the dress?

Pretty Zesty said...

I don't dry clean them... but then again due to my skin I only wear cotton so it really doesn't matter...

Anonymous said...

Tee hee, you sound like my sister-in-law. I'm with Maddy in her comment. LOL.

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

I am trying to decide if I would take my underwear to the dry cleaners? I *think* the answer to that is no, but as someone who used to send out her laundry (ahh, those were the days), I cannot be sure ... I will prob ponder this for the next hour ...

Metropolitan Mum said...

The guy must be a relative to my dry cleaner, who asked me what I did to get the whole in between the legs on my jeans. I mean, WTF??!!

Rebecca Knight said...

I agree that we're going to have to see photographic evidence of both pieces of clothing before deciding how hilarious this is :). I'm pretty sure it's going to rank at "totally hilarious," but you know, just to make sure.

ThatsBaloney said...

Is that an option? If so, I'd like to drop of my 6 year old's underwear at the cleaners.

Brigetta Schwaiger said...

I just want to be able to wear something that could be mistaken for underwear or a napkin.

Candice said...

Hmmm, maybe the tube top looked like boy shorts?? That's all I got. said...

Was he serious? Since when do dry cleaner "professionals" ask about an article of clothing? It sounds pretty suspicious to me. I'd say he has the hots for you and is fantasizing. The next time he asks, tell him it's your sling shot. You want all the dried blood stains removed from the last idiot that asked a stupid question.

Sultan said...

Nice post. This made me smile.

Pandorah's Box said...

Hahaha!! This one made me laugh. And I was thinking the EXACT same thing: WHO does bring their underwear to the dry cleaners??

Unknown said...

while my underwear drawer could definitely use some sprucing up, taking it to the cleaners isn't gonna happen.

i envy you in your tiny-ness!~

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I would hate to be the dry cleaner that had launder other people's dirty undies!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Me, but only by mistake! Didn't even know it until I picked up my McDreamy's suit and my pretty little lace panties were packaged in a bag attached to the hanger. Imagine how many shades of red I turned? Especially when the dry cleaner owner (who knows us very well) said, "I found these in his coat pocket and I hope they are yours!" Really, there is no explanation needed there. Just a smile with a confirming yes, and out the door as quick as I could walk.

secret agent woman said...

Maybe he said "these" because he thought they were undies and people always say a "pair" of underpants? (Which is an expression I've never understood unless the thinking is that a pair of legs go into pants. But then again, a pair of arms go into a shirt, so it is all very baffling to me.)

Carma Sez said...

tube tops are simply too darn confusing!!

Marcy said...

I remember the napkin comment. tee hee!

mCat said...

Exactly. Who takes their underwear to the drycleaner?

The pic of those granny big boy briefs have me laughing