Friday, March 26, 2010

Just a walk in the park

As we drove home a few days ago, after Atlanta was becoming soggy under so much rain,  our car was filled with late afternoon sunlight. Surprising warm temperatures in the middle of our wet spell prompted a statement from the tiny voice in the backseat, “Maybe we can go to the park again soon.”

A hesitation on my part. The ongoing balance between the litany of things “to do” and the reminder that sometimes an impromptu visit to the park is a perfect addition to the day.  And the realization there will always be a litany of things to do. My response “Today seems like a great day to go” was received with a giant smile.

Sun pours between the trees as tiny feet race to the swings. As he only wants the “big kid” swings now, the set of bucket seats is ignored as he races by them. I remember those racing feet accompanied by racing heart when I was a kid. You know what comes next: Push me, Mommy!

And after several minutes he asks, “Do you want to swing too?”

I feel the pulse of the Blackberry ball and chain in my pocket. Just one more tool to remind me of tasks, emails, chores, upcoming appointments.

But yes, baby. I want to swing too.

Giggles are the primary soundtrack as we race to see who can go higher. Even when you have not sat on a swing in a long time, you never forget how to rise.  And for an unexpected detour, I embrace it.

And as my son laughs with his entire heart, he tries to mimic the moves as I rise higher.

I lift up.
Sunrays splashing through my arc.
I float through perfect air.
I remember how much I used to love this simple act.
And I remember the wonderment of freedom, freedom, freedom.

And yes, sometimes an impromptu walk in the park is a perfect addition to the day.  And I appreciate the reminder from my son that is a good idea for grown-ups to play on the swings once in awhile too. 

Have a great weekend. 


The Girl said...

Swinging is great isn't it?

(Except when you realise your backside no longer fits comfortably in the seat)

Oh to be a wee thing again.

Anonymous said...

Superb post! We all need reminding now and then of the REALLY important things... :)

f8hasit said...

Thanks JennyMac...for reminding me that my list can wait. Some things, especially those that bring giggles, are just more important!

However, I may wait a day or two to head to OUR park. We just got hit with more I'll wait until that hard rubber thaws out just a tad. YOU have a great weekend too!

Anonymous said...

Love love those moments and the walks in the parks. Joy.

Happy Friday to you and happy weekend!

~ Lynn

A Daft Scots Lass said...

have an awesome weekend and thax for a great post.

Shelly - Tropical Mum said...

That's why I love weekends, they are mostly our own, and no study or work get in the way. We can stroll leisurely and explore the woods, have a nice lunch and just enjoy not having to do anything, or even go for a swing if we want to.

This was a lovely reminder of how great that is!


debra@dustjacket said...

Hey great reminder of what is important....beautiful post.

Little Ms Blogger said...

Most times, I find the simple detours in life to be the best surprises.

Will Burke said...

Yay Spring!

Dual Mom said...

Wow JMac..what a wonderful post!

It's so easy to forget to live in the moment.

Joann Mannix said...

Beautiful, simply beautiful. As one who knows, this time, these days where his biggest pleasure is derived from swinging with his Mommy, they will whoosh by you like a Cat 5 hurricane. You are capturing that piece of childhood by ignoring the world and not sitting on the bench and watching, but participating in his world.
Enjoy every splendid moment you have together.

BigSis said...

Great post! My son is always reminding me of what really matters in life.

Unknown said...

This reminds me a bit of my post from the other day when the girls and I played tag. These little moments...reminders....and soon these little people won't be so little. Time just keeps going.

mo.stoneskin said...

I try not to feel the Blackberry ball when I'm supposed to not be thinking about "those things to do". But you're Blackberry ball has a pulse? And a soul?

lsnellings said...

I love swinging! My girls usually just want to be pushed though...

Simply Suthern said...

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I am off work today. My high school senior daughter and I are heading to the coast for a weekend of touring her college to be. No swings but will get to share some time on the beach and a Japanese dinner.

Jen said...

I like to do this often too. Just do for a walk with the kids. I am always surprise and enlightened by something.

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

So sweet, JM - a lovely heartfelt post today :)

It's the simple pleasures in life that make it so worth living. Have a great weekend!

Jules AF said...

Oh man, swinging is so exhausting now that I'm "older." That makes me feel like an old person. But I did it next to my 2-year-old niece the other day. It was wonderful.

One Photo said...

I had a very similar day and thoughts last Friday and wrote a post When Doing Less Means So Much More. I know exactly how you felt yesterday. We are all so busy juggling myriad balls in the air and running from one thing to the next we sometimes risk missing out on this simple yet important and magical moments with our children.

I'm glad you got to the park - I too love to go on the swings.

An absolutely lovely post today. Have a wonderful weekend

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Kids are great for that...making us stop and just forget about the things we have to do for a few minutes. And swinging, well everyone loves to swing! :)

Slamdunk said...

Good for you all and being able to share that special unplanned time.

Pushing two little ones on swings for 30 minutes actually works as a great chest workout--I describe it as multi-tasking.

Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

No matter how much money we have or how busy we are, YES, a swing takes you to a special place :)

Khak said...

I don't know why but this brought me to tears. I am sure your son is as adorable as you. Have a great weekend!

Mama-Face said...

I LOVE to swing. I'm a swinger-I limit myself to the the playground though.

And believe me, an old lady like me on a swing is quite the sight. But oh how my boy loves to compete with me. I always win.

What a great choice for your day. Sometimes it's those 'stop and think a minute' moments that bring us the most bliss.

Ducky said...

I'm stopping by the park on my way home today.

No child in tow...

Just me

and a swing

and some sunshine....

ellen abbott said...

Ah, one of the glories and lessons that our children teach us.

Missy said...

What a great post! As I was reading it I could literally feel the butterflies in my stomach that you get when you go really, really high. Thanks for that reminder, I needed it today.

Michele R said...

I love to swing! You made me realize that it was because of the kids that I was on swings in my 30's. Mine used to like to run in front of me when I was swinging to see if they could avoid getting hit sort of like dodge ball swing.

Ashley Stone said...

beautiful post! I love to swing too, nothing like it!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Just reading this made me feel relaxed and at peace. Swinging, sunshine, and a son - perfect!

JC said...

I remember those days. And, swinging is still fun ...

Cara Smith said...

What a great reminder to take the time to embrace our time with our children and put aside all the "have to do's" in our lives for a moment.

I think we may be taking a trip to the park this weekend.

Bossy Betty said...

Off to swing! Sorry! Can't come into work; I have more important things to do....

Mrs. Mootz said...

I wish more days were like this. With random playtime on the swings...

Taylor-Made Wife said...

Great post. You are such a sweet mommy

Jessica said...

everyone needs a good swing now and again!

Pres. Kathy said...

Nice post - have a nice weekend!

Jen said...

I'm so glad you took the time to go to the park with your son and swing with him! This is a beautiful post. I always loved swinging, and it's something I haven't done in a while... um... in the on a swing sense of the word, not in the adult connotation of the word! LOL... Sounds like a good thing to add to my to-do list!

Enjoy your weekend, JennyMac!

Yankee Girl said...

When Leland and I were dating he thought it was so silly that I would take walks to the park to go swinging.

Now HE suggests it. I love it.

It feels like freedom.

foxy said...

Great story JennyMac... made me smile. Have a great weekend, friend!

SpiritPhoenix said...

What a great story. It and You brought a little sunshine to my day! Thank you!!!!

Brian Miller said...

beautiful...never too old to going to the park with my boys....

Unknown said...

Very important to remember that the litany of things to do will always be there, but MiniMac won't be mini forever....too soon he will be grown up and gone. Enjoy those moments together while you can!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Swinging is such freedom. Love your impromptu trip to the park. Always important.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Well written and rings so true. I use to love to swing & it truly is the freedom. YOU are a good mom. xx

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. We need to take advantage of these opportunities more often.

confused homemaker said...

I couldn't agree more with you on the reminder!! My kids really help me with that too, it's easy to forget that sometimes we "big kids" need to play too :)

Kiera said...

! ahhhh The everyday struggle of a mother! It's so easy to say "no" to the simplest and easiest things, just BECASUE. Beautiful that you said yes, beautiful the memory you created with you little man.

Summer said...

Poignant and beautifully written words and sentiments, Jenny....Made me feel like I was soaring along with you! Keep swinging my friend...keep swinging...

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

So well written! Thanks for the smile!

Emily said...

I need one of those days again soon...I'm tired of this wet weather!
And I hear you about the bb ball and chain. You would think that since I'm a sahm I would have all day to play at the park but for some reason I also seem to have a full to-do list.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I love to swing. I always try to reach the clouds. The older I get, the more I enjoy it. That's saying something. I'm not sure what it's saying, but it's saying something!

Unknown said...

You are a wise woman. And I do love swinging. The good one, not the one where I come home with a different husband...

MommyLisa said...

The park IS awesome. We went Monday night after work for a bit. I can't wait for them to open the potties again so we can stay a bit longer!

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS post are the funniest blogger I know....but you also write so beautifully about the emotional and special stuff too.....I love this one.

I so know what you mean about the park vs. the to-do-list....I'm sure most mothers do.

My son will start full-time school this September and I am trying to rememeber to really make the most of these days, particularly this summer....

I sometimes get on the swings really is fun isn't it :)

Happy Week-end honey :)

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

on all our deathbeds, no one will say they miss their blackberry

Anonymous said...

Awesome post! You are such a great writer...and a great mom!

Have a wonderful weekend with your dear family.

Unknown said...

So sweet and beautiful :)
Have a lovely weekend!

J.J. in L.A. said...

I think the world would be a MUCH better place if adults took the time to swing. What kid doesn't smile while he's pumping away?

Erin said...

Swinging is GREAT, no matter how old you are. And that is what makes it great.

I feel you on the blackberry in the pocket reminding you of things. You can do what I did yesterday-reprogram it, and then not know how to get work email anymore :)

Have a great weekend!

Johana Hill said...

Count on your kid to remind you of life's simple pleasures! And another memory to cherish.

Have a great week-end! ;p

Marcy said...

Were you dreaming of a tire swing and folding the sheets? ha ha. The sun is shining here too. Happy Friday!

drollgirl said...

what a fabulous post! i am so glad you stopped in at the park and enjoyed it.

last year i went with my nephews to a park, and i was DEFINITELY the biggest kid on the swings. and i was the one that lingered there the longest. it is hard to resist the joy a swing can bring, particularly on a sunny day.

hope you have a fab weekend! :)

Karen M. Peterson said...

I have this sudden urge to swing on a swing set.

I'm glad you took advantage of the opportunity. They'll be gone before you know it!

Myya said...

Sounds like a perfect afternoon!

Reins In Seattle said...

This truly made my heart smile. You know the meaning of what is important.

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Not only is this a FANTASTIC idea, you wrote about it so expertly! Thanks! I need to find me a swing, too, and FAST!!

Have a great weekend!!

Mrs. M said...

Another fabulous post!

We just got a huge Costco playset for our backyard, and when my daughter let's me take a break from pushing her (not very often, I assure you) I hop on the other swing and just stare at the sky. :)

brokenteepee said...

I looooove to swing.
It is so absolutely freeing.
Any time I see a swing I must.
My husband knows and just waits patiently.

Unknown said...

Do they make Super Sized swings...? Because nowadays that is the only way I'm swinging.
I do love a visit to a park. We are fortunate to have more than a few parks around here and my kids even now, being 8 and 11, still get pumped when we make the time to go.

secret agent woman said...

I frequently take a few minutes at a park to swing for a bit. So relaxing.

Menopausal New Mom said...

What a beautiful post you have shared with us today and such a special moment. Sometimes it's the simplest things in life that bring the most pleasure.

Have a wonderful weekend!

MrsBlogAlot said...

I just loved this! So glad you grabbed that moment!!

Jaime said...

the blackberry ball and chain... i fought getting one for so long because i knew i'd be compulsive about checking it. and once the clients know you have it, they expect you to actually be available 24/7.

glad you were able to break free of the shackles and enjoy some time with your son.

carissa said...

i need to find a swing! : ) there's just something so graceful and freeing about it.

Sara Plays House said...

I've been neglecting the grocery store for park visits on the sunny days. What? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches make EXCELLENT dinners.

Anonymous said...

mmm. my blackberry is done and i don't have the money to replace it. LoL.. it's kind of releiveing right now

Ms. Salti said...

Beautiful post... glad you guys had so much fun!

the walking man said...

So yoou have taken away the 70's definition and returned the word swinger to its original meaning? Good for you!!! And KiddoM

Miss. Ardeth Blood said...

You must always remember to do something simple every day.

Came from SITS to say hi

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to have a little creature to remind you to take time to smell the roses and have a little fun :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't remember the last time I was on a swing. I think I will have to remind myself one of these days in the very near future.

Also glad that IT didn't take very long. (S)he must've gotten your silent "hop to it" signals, huh?

Alexandra said...

Awesome posts!!! I'm enjoying following you. Don't know how you do it all...your wonderful writing iw wonderful, and I'm glad I found you.

Thank you for the visit and the comment. I do blog as my own easy "Dear Diary," but it's always fun and exciting to know someone else out there enjoys what you have to say,too.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Kitty Deschanel said...

No kids here, but my Sexy Nerd and I try to walk to the elementary school whenever it's a warm Saturday or Sunday to play on the swings. He used to feel silly (probably still does) and doesn't think that any other adults enjoy playing on the swings.
I'll be sure to show him this post :)

Lamb’s Most Recent Post: The Chalkboard Door is for Holiday Decorating!

JenJen said...

Nothing matches that feeling of your stomach hitting your knees while swinging!

Unknown said...

I’ve got a small gift for you on my blog:) go check it out.
Anat said...

Sadly swings now make me nauseous. But a walk in the park is always great!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Great post and a great reminder....Happy Saturday.....Enjoyed your post....
Hope you will stop by my place....Tonight I am drawing for three great giveaways.


Melissa B. said...

Oh, good golly, Ms. Molly..."Swinging" is my middle name!

wendy said...

I am glad you didn't pass up that "serendiputus moment" (and I know I probably spelled that totally wrong)
we should never pass up those little moments that bring us joy, peace, and togetherness
schedules are never that important

sheila said...

Yes, it's a great way to de-stress, relax and take a load off. Plus probably conger up some childhood memories. ;o)

One Savvy Mom! said...

....I love it when my children remind me just through their own wonderment to cherish the little things :-)
Hi :-)
A little late from the Friday Follow! The list is sooo long!
You can follow me at
Have a great day!
P.S. Lot's of Great Giveaways on my blog right now:-)

The Urban Cowboy said...

Great post! Thanks for reminding that the simple things are often the best.

Kate@And Then I Was a Mom said...

So true.

Last week, my daughter offered me one of the two lollipops she had recently received at one store or another. At first I refused, but then I changed my mind. As we sat together in the parking lot, licking contentedly, I thought, She is so right. Something as tiny and inconsequential as enjoying a lollipop is something a person should never overlook.

Anonymous said...

So true...we need to listen to those little voices more often! (As long as they're real voices...if you're hearing little voices in your head...well, see a medical professional! ;) )

Pandorah's Box said...

Awww...I love it. I am glad you didn't allow the business of life to talk over your son's little voice.

You are amazing :)


Intense Guy said...

I agree 100000% with Kato...

...and I would have enjoyed pushing you on the swing (gently of course).

Badass Geek said...

A little late, but I just wanted to say that this was a great post.

Teresa @ Red Velvet Confections said...

What a nice addition to your day. It's often the little things that make all the difference.

Heather Taylor said...

I LOVED reading this, very heartfelt and beautiful. It's the simple things of life that matter, that we remember the most :)

Jennifer said...

Thank you... just thank you.