I saw a Dad and his little munchkin at the park last weekend. The Dad was about 6'5 but what struck me is watching he and his daughter having a giggle over their juice boxes. Seeing a giant man who could likely palm a basketball holding a tiny juice box as they had a picnic made me smile.
I have seen my own Husband wear silly hats, sing songs he never dreamed of singing (and probably never wanted to sing even when he was 3) like I'm a little teapot, and chase my son around the house like Diego from Ice Age simply because each of those acts makes our son laugh uproariously. I can appreciate that even a grown man can be a kid at heart.
And then I saw this..and thought, umm, wait a minute. Kid at heart? Or a man who needs new backpack? Now, maybe he is simply holding it for his grandchild since it is clearly a giant backpack that is likely to snap a young person's vertebrae.
If not, he definitely needs an update. Bratz Doll backpack? Creepy. Those girls look dirtier than what I imagine the guests in the hot tub at 4 am on Bret Michaels' Rock of Love tour bus might look like.
If not, he definitely needs an update. Bratz Doll backpack? Creepy. Those girls look dirtier than what I imagine the guests in the hot tub at 4 am on Bret Michaels' Rock of Love tour bus might look like.
Or maybe he likes Bratz and considers them highly inappropriate for the age group they target and market and would likely say who cares if you don't like my backpack. But I think even a kid at heart would look better with SpongeBob (and I dont even like SpongeBob.)
I was laughing until I hit your last sentence....I actually threw up a little in the back of my mouth.....
Ummm yes I agree, those Bratz images really appear to live up to their name. Yuk.
Old guys just have no fashion sense!
Maybe it was second hand and all he could afford, or it reminded him of a beloved child... or he's a creeper.
Did you take the picture
Men who finds time for their kid melt my heart!
As for that old man with the Bratz bag: Perv Alert!!!
Those Bratz are banned in my house.
Maybe he's wearing it to attract the ladies?
I hate spongebob as well. My kid has never watched and I am going to try like hell to keep it that way!
Good post and both tender and funny too. I get your point at the end as well, but there could be a dozen explanations like the ones "the walking man" and "Vodka Logic" suggested.
I feel we're all of us a bit too ready to judge others these days and my motto is generally: by all means try to be "street-wise" and stay safe, but not everyone is as bad as they may first appear to aging cynics like me, so I try not to judge until I have evidence otherwise - not always easy, but I do try.
As you said yourself - it may well not even be his backpack at all...
Maybe he accidentally picked up someone else bag and at some point later in the day he got very upset to find that he no longer had his wallet and keys etc. and instead had got some kids pack lunch and gym clothes.
Okay, you have a good heart because the only 2 thoughts that went through my head with this post were:
1. 2nd wife/trophy wife (very popular up here in the burbs of NYC); or
2. Perv - all children stay away from the nice looking old man.
I bet he's holding it for his granddaughter near by, and he really doesn't care what's on it.
If not?... ew.
I love a man with his kids.
Brett Micheals' hot tub. Oh dear.
The old man? Ima give him the benefit of the doubt. Cautiously.
Yesterday I almost peed my pants with glee over finding a tie-dye kite for $10 at Hobby Lobby b/c I can't wait to fly it with Viva the Diva and see her expression! LOL, so NOT what I thought I'd be doing or thinking at my age but still lots of fun! :)
Regarding the old dude, gosh it's hard to say. He is probably seeking attention and may be lonely. Often, the elderly resort back to childlike behaviors, even the most inappropriate ones. Or perhaps he is just a pedafile waiting to pounce on his own little "Bratz" woman. Let's hope it's just the first option or that he's making some kind of strange fashion statement.
What in the hell are Bratz? I think giant dads and their kids are adorable. I imagine that's how my dad looked with me when I was little.
This is hitting a little close to home. That was me yesterday morn on the way to the bus stop with little A. Minus the Bratz
Yes, I'm hoping there is a little girl just outside of that picture. Or perhaps dementia set in a bit early...
Sheesh. I'm not sure what to think about this one. Fortunately my girls aren't into Bratz. But this guy? If he is...I'm a little scared.
maybe he's lost...
if he is playing with his little ones, the backpack just adds to the wonderful pic...if they arent, he needs to be watched carefully...it may be part of his lure...
My guess is he's cheap and got it at Goodwill or a garage sale and doesn't care that he's walking around with mini-hoochies on his back!
It must come with the territory. We saw an old geezer last week wearing a ball cap with some sort of stuffed animal attached to the top.
Are "Bratz" old enough to be retro-chic, like Astro Boy or Smurfs?
Creepy, creepier, creepiest.
Truly freakazoidal-- I hope he didn't snatch it from some little kid on her way to Grannie's house!
And, I'm not afraid to say, I'M afraid of the big, bad wolf.
I have to say, I once saw a grown man making his toddler with down syndrome giggle in a pool. I almost went over and proposed. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
Totally creepy! You don't hold a backpack for someone by wearing it.... it is clearly his and we'll never know why!
Not sure how I landed here... but I like it!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
Creepy McCreeperton, party of one....ewwww.....hehe...(just kidding gramps, roll to your own flow bro!)
I saw a grown man not too long ago (I forget where) with a Dora the Explorer backpack. Yeah, kinda creepy.
Bratz are gross. I'm not super strict and I like to think I'm pretty laid back. But my daughter has not and will not ever own anything Bratz. They look like street walkers.
Oh. Dear. That makes me wonder (in the bad way) what characters might be on his underpants.
That backpack is HOT.
I'll just stick with the, "he's holding it for his grandchild" because all other thoughts are way too creepy for me.
wow. I have this image in my head of my grandpa playing with Bratz dolls. Very creepy.
How did you get that shot of me without being seen? When I sport my Bratz Girls garb, I am usually more careful...
Great post. This line killed me: "Those girls look dirtier than what I imagine the guests in the hot tub at 4 am on Bret Michaels' Rock of Love tour bus might look like."
On a related note, I think when Grown up Dora the Explorer came out, parents were scratching their heads.
I have always thought those Bratz girls were a little creepy myself, but on the back of that old guy...UBER Creepy!! The beginning story was sweet....smile!
I do believe that there is a shortage on Angela Landsbury back packs.
Maybe he just has given up on society and wants to be deemed a pedophile!
Hmm.... that is strange; let's hope he's holding it for a granddaughter.
Um...yeah. That is wierd...I do hope he is just holding it for someone..but if thats the case..why not hold it in his hand? Its like he wants it to be seen...ick. A little creeped out now, thanks. :)
... or maybe he likes to show up at the park and be like "nah nah na na na... look what i have and you dont"... (thats what i'm going to do when I get old)
*kisses* HH
I don't like Sponge Bob either. You are so funny. Great post.
Every person has a story. It's our pleasure to write about it.
Yikes! Maybe he's blind?
Creepy old guy!
Also, I love watching guys be dads. I think there's nothing more precious. I can't wait for my boyfriend to be a dad. I can tell he'll be a good one because he's so good to our kitties! It's so cute.
Seeing that makes me think he's a pedophile(sp?). ewe spongebob!
hahaha!! nice! totally creepy! and it totally just made my day!
That is definitely a little strange...
Oh that picture is too much. Really makes one wonder!
aww poor guy...
how sweet of that giant man being a good dad :)
and your hub!
cute blog btw
Bratz suck. Sissy will NOT have them, I don't care if she asks me a hundred times.
And not sure what to say about old man with back pack. Perhaps, it's really a european shoulder bag that his wicked old wife gave him as a present and he HAS to wear it....
Remaining a kid at heart is important. That's how I rationalize having my bathroom done in a Superman theme.
this makes me think maybe poor old man is just a little crazy- which makes me go "awwww poor crazy old man", but in a slightly creepy way....
Eeek...this takes "kid at heart" too far lol
Eeek...this takes "kid at heart" too far lol
Ha!!! Those gals should definitely be hanging in Bret Michaels tour bus!
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner?
Must turn heads when he heads to the local lodge for a little bingo with the boys!
A little creepy, but? You never know why...
Why? I love Spongebob.
What the hell is this guy thinking? I really want to know. Very disurbing indeed. I will not allow my daughter to have Bratz b/c they look like hookers.
I think his missus handed it to him to hang on to while she was in the store...
Poor guy... totally emasculated.
LMAO! The comment about Brett Michaels and the Brats was hilarious!
Your kids are lucky to have your Hubby. My girls Dad barely visits them, and when he does he sits and watches TV and yells at them to be quiet. That is why he is not here LOL! I love seeing Dads play with their kids.
How odd. He looks like an elderly gentleman as well.
Maybe you could make me feel better by telling me that he's standing outside a pet shop looking in the window. That way I could feel sure his grandchild is inside looking at more wholesome things than the skanks on her backpack.
Yes, those Bratz girls are dirty, dirty who-ores. I let my daughter get the Barbies but I draw the line on those hoochies.
And how can you not like Spongebob?! Next you'll be telling me you hate puppies!
LoL. for some reason, I think the Bratz are whoreish.
Where is freakin' PETA when you need them? They have plenty of time to spray paint people wearing fur. You'd think they could spare a squirt or two for people wearing slutty backpacks.
Hmmm. I like how he simply walks on without a care in the world though- cute!
hmmmm...anybody walking nearby with a young daughter is probably thinking "creepy pedophile" - but I shouldn't stereotype; maybe he is low on cash and that was all that was available on clearance. Yeah, that's his excuse..
Pretty cute about the juice box and JohnnyMac chasing MiniMac around the house :)
Not so cute about the backpack. Bratz Dolls freak me out.
I love the first part of your post, there is nothing more precious than seeing a big tough burly man acting like a goofy little kid in order to make their child smile. Reminds me of the commercial with the two VERY large men having the tea party, boas, hats and all. Love it. As far as the gentlemen with the questionable taste in backpacks, who knows. Maybe he just doesn't give a rat's behind. I hope I'm that way when I'm his age, but with better taste :). As for the Bratz, they just creep me out. As my 8 year old nephew says, they look like "hootchie mamas". I'm still trying to figure out where he heard that expression, I'm afraid to ask! Kathy
Maybe the poor guy couldn't afford a backpack, found one and has all his worldly possessions in it.
Either that, or he's never had a girlfriend and that was the best he could do.
Oh man, it makes me so happy that you got a picture of that! I thought I was the only one taking random pictures in public!
That was definitely picture worthy.
Personally, I think it's his very own backpack.
I don't wanna know what's inside that thing!
I love watching dad interacting with their little ones, but the old dude needs some serious backpack makeover
I think I'll buy you a Bratz backpack.
If there was a continuum that measured extremely ironic to extremely creepy, this guy would be so far to one of the extremes that I'd bet he couldn't even see the midpoint.
I should think if it was his grandchild's, he'd be holding it by the loop handle. I'm just not feeling good about the dude.
The older I get the more I think there's few things sexier than a man interacting with his kids. Oh and Bratz are just another reason I am thankful I only have boys. (Except, of course when they bring home the real-life kind.)
my husband is 6'7'' and I LOVE watching him play with our kids! :)
Great post very funny until the Bratz part. i don't get the appeal of dolls that look like hookers.... clearly I am now old.
Kate xx
Haha. Wierd looking back pack. Someboy should give that man's grand child a call!
We (Hubs and I) have called the Bratz "The Gonorrhea Girls" since we first saw them on the market.
Yeah. Spongebob isn't funny. Everyone knows that Patrick is the funny one.
I'm going with just plain WEIRD.
How does that even happen LOL
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Bret Michaels! SO incredibly funny.
Love your blog. SO much fun to read.
but the backpack is awful.
He's an old school chic magnet.
I want some BRATS sheets.
OMGosh poor guy that is to freaking funny! Poor guy probably got talked into holding onto his granddaughter backpack and had the brillant idea to put it all the way on!!! LOL
I wonder if old people think that my Golden Girls backpack is creepy...
I can't even begin to imagine what led that dude to put that on his back!
Apparently he missed the memo that those trampy Bratz were sooooo five years ago!
If he's not homeless and got that from the shelter, then we've got serious problems!
I know my work has altered the way I view the world, but when I see that photo I immediately think "possible pedophile - watch out!"
He's on a mission.
I so hope he's holding that for a grandkid. That is creepy. Unless of course the bratz are his grandkids then that's....still not OK.
Great pic. And why shouldn't an OAP rock a Bratz backpack if he likes? When I'm a senior citizen, I intend to confuse people on a daily basis. By then, you've earned the right.
Love the blog, first time here!
This is so funny! I amjust glad you had a camera ready to capture this!
Bratz are banned in our house too. But it amazes me at how many of my daughter's friends collect that crap (and they're five years old).
I think this dude needed a fanny pack or something too.
Can not stop laughing.
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