Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You know it was a great vacation when...

Freshly back from the beach, I feel refreshed, relaxed, and a little goldeny sunned. Despite my slathering of sunblock, that FL sun is tenacious. But I could have easily stayed five more days.

I used to love the beach vacations when it included 800 other options as well: surfing, sailing, windsurfing, boating, hiking, running, etc. I think my vacations were enough to wear people out and leave them needing more vacation. JohnnyMac is a 100% lover of the beach vacation and his list of vacations wants is narrow: sleeping in, eating great food, lounging by pool or surf, drinking. Repeat.

As much as I am a true Type A, here are ten signs you know it was a great vacation:

1. JohnnyMac asked me one morning where my Blackberry was and I didn't know.

2. I not only didn't wear a watch, I didn't even pack one. (Do you know what a hurdle this is for Type A people???)

3. I could go almost an entire day without shoes on. And when I did put them on, hello fabulous flip flops.  And spent most of everyday in my swimsuit, beach hat, and sunglasses.

4. When the pool boy comes over at 12:30 and inquires if you would like a cocktail, your only answer is, "Of course I would."

5. You spend over 1 entire hour in the exact same spot in the pool because your son is having the best time jumping from the edge into the water and into your arms. You do it not only because of his megawatt smile every time he does it, or his bright-eyed plea "can we do that one more time?" but also because you remember a time when the simple act of jumping in the pool was enough to make your entire day.

6. You stand on the beach at night and just listen to the waves. Listen as in really listen. 

7. You do not get caught "exercising" by your toddler. 

8. You turn your BB on once and see 50+ work emails and don't even read ONE because you are not at WORK. You are on VACATION. I feel like I should get some kind of BB rehab coin.

9. We met very interesting and very fun people from all over the world. And MiniMac made a new friend named Sophia from Chile who looked like a tiny Penelope Cruz.

10.  You are forced to witness a woman totally berate one of the pool staff because she doesn't have a chair OR an umbrella. She yells at this kid loud enough where you can practically see tonsils. She wants to know WHY she can't get an umbrella at 1 pm. 1 pm on the kick off of holiday travel season at a beach resort.  She asks WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? The employee says nothing and JohnnyMac, taking a long sip of his beverage says, "Plan better?"
BUT, that is not the best part. She throws enough of a fit to get the staff to bring her a chair and an umbrella like Queen Ankhesenamon came to Florida. After listening to her rant, I thought my ear canal could use a long cold rinse of vodka, and then curl up and take  a catnap. By had I napped, I would have missed her finally sitting down and spilling an entire bright pink frozen concoction on herself. A bright pink frozen concoction that had it been a person, would have earned a standing ovation from about 50 people at the pool. Even at the beach, Karma is a betch. 
Thank you to all 300+ entries. Who won the fab giveaway from Modern Bird Studios?  Lucky be a lady tonight because the winner is Kiki from Kiki's Thoughts and Escapades. Congratulations. Email me Kiki and I will put you in touch with MBS.


Anonymous said...

1. You made me dislike you because I am jealous of your vacations.

2. Seriously? Again? I didn't win?


pam said...

I'm still stuck didn't know where your Blackberry was. I'm surprised you weren't a shivering mass of goo. Seriously, isn't that what we turn into if we don't check it every 5 minutes. The siren song of the flashing red light.

Intense Guy said...


With the exception of Queen Ankhesenamon tirade (even with Karma) it sounds like you had a marvelous time - its great to see you unplugged... its healthy to do that. I bet the real Queen Ankhesenamon had a ton more class.

Oh, I do hope by #7, you "did exercise" but "didn't get caught". :)

MsDarkstar said...

She spilled her drink and there was a standing ovation? AWESOME!!

Glad you had a nice vacation.

Cara Smith said...

Please tell me she was wearing a white bathingsuit and the pink concoction is never coming out. I cannot stand people like that.

Glad to hear you had a great vacation.

SmartBear said...

Now THAT sounds like the best to me. Totally relaxation plus karma at work? Brilliant. Going unplugged is the way to go. I'm a type A gal myself, but when I vacation, it all goes out the window. We leave for Jamaica in less than 3 weeks. My husband is anxiously awaiting vacation wife...she is so much more fun.
Glad you had a good time!

Simply Suthern said...

Welcome back. Happy to know you had a great vacation. Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Now back to the real world. No, not that one , Blogging.

Kat said...

I'm a type A (A+ if you listen to DH), but when I go to the beach, it all goes out the window. When I cross that causeway to our special island getaway the only rules are no watch, no cell phone, no computer. Books, sand, waves, the song of gulls. Man, I NEED a vacation. Sounds like yours was great. And I'm glad little queenie got her comeuppance! Love the mental picture of the standing O. Kathy

Will Burke said...

Laughed aloud at #10, and the B-BA coin!

leigh hewett said...

Was it an "exercise" free vacation or were you just more sneaky this time?

susan said...

I'm worse. One year after 2 weeks on the beach, I returned home to find out that we had entered the Gulf War--I don't even watch the news. The only way Karma could have done better is if the drink had been RED on a white swim suit :) Good thing I'm not in charge of karma :)

Unknown said...

Love love love #5! Glad you had a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

#7: Ah, you must have taken my advice this time and used the shower. Glad to have helped.

Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

Sounds like a glorious vacation! Unplugging is tough but it's a good thing to attempt from time to time :)

I can just hear/see the ovation in my head--awesome!

Anonymous said...

Karma is so good sometimes! You know, when it isn't kicking ME in the arse...

So glad you had a good time. My pastey white midwest legs hate you though.

One Photo said...

I too used to love those beach vacations that involved sight seeing, snorkelling, horse riding and so much more but the beach vacation that is ALL about the beach with a toddler is every bit as much fun, even if a lot more tiring :-) Glad you had a fun time and did not get caught "exercising"

brainella said...

Beautiful. Karma rocks.

f8hasit said...

NO watch?
NO Blackberry?

My God woman. What a fabu vaca!

Glad you had a great time!

Unknown said...

I am SO jealous that you had a wonderful vacation! makes me want to immediately pack a bag and head for the beach!

Jen said...

You and JohnnyMac sound just like me and my boyfriend. When I plan our vacations, we are go, go, go with activities and meals and slotted pool time. He *claims* he wants exactly what JohnnyMac wants, but during our last vacation, when I didn't plan anything and just figured we would chill on the resort property, he kept asking me what we were going to do that day and wandering off when I replied exactly what we were doing (me: sitting in a lounge chair with a book).

Totally loving the story about chair and umbrella woman! Priceless! I love people-watching on vacation. :-)

Glad to hear you had fun. You're making me even more exciting for my fall cruise vaca... when I will have excursions planned for each and every day!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I always know where my blackberry is so I totally agree. A good vacation is for SURE disconnecting from the damn crackberry :)

Slamdunk said...

Congrats to Kiki and wb from the beach.

I did some kid catching in the pool as well over the holiday. I was surprised to learn that treading water in the deep end and catching little jumpers is quite the workout.

Mrs. M said...

Sounds just heavenly, and I'm so glad your son didn't find you "working out" this time!! :)

Dual Mom said...

Yeah, I have to admit I'd like to stab you just a little bit because I'm so jealous.

Seriously, it sounds absolutely wonderful and I'm so glad you got to experience a "true" vacation!

Jules AF said...

I don't know how you could do the no watch thing. I don't understand that.

Sara said...

Wow! That sounds amazing!!! I just was at the Disney Cruise website, trying to determine if they have activities to keep my two kids occupied while I lounge poolside for 5 days. :O Love your list.

Kristina P. said...

Man, I need to vacation with you!

Ellen said...

Wow, I am super-jealous right now. (Not that I have anything to complain about—I was just in the Hamptons!) Sounds like you had an amaaazing time. That lady sounds seriously looney. Now I'm feeling extra guilt for the *minor* hissy fit I threw in Starbucks yesterday. Eek!

Allyson & Jere said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you had such a good time. I'm sure you were well deserving of the unplugged, quiet, fun fabulous vacation.

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect! Glad you had a great time!

Yankee Girl said...

That sounds like the most glorious vacation of all time. And someone actually gave you some free entertainment as well? That's priceless.

Unknown said...

AHAHA! Karma! Was she wearing a white bathing suit? That would have been even better...

Denise said...

Sweet vacation. And loved the slap-in-the-lap that frozen cocktail delivered. Perfect. Glad you had such a good, grounded vacation (and hearing those waves...pure divinity).

JennyMac said...

Her suit was pale gold..which is the same as white when doused with a bright pink payback concoction. LOL.

Unknown said...

I am totally adding that pink frozen concoction to my Christmas card list.

Do you wonder about some people? Wonder what it is about their personality or their upbringing or their medication that makes them think behaving like a tantrum-throwing sociopath is acceptable?

And how did we miss each other in Florida by mere days? What's THAT all about??

Tiffany said...

I'm so jealous of KIKI!!! Awesome luck for her. o glad you had a fun the Karma story...and can't wait to try that basil lemonade from yesterday!

brokenteepee said...

Glad you had such a wonderful time.

I ADORE instant karma.
It's just the best.

Desiree Lynn said...

I absolutely adore karma and I'm a firm believer in it. I think I need to go help someone to make sure karma's still on my side...

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

Love your vacations!

mo.stoneskin said...

We haven't been caught "exercising" by our toddler yet, but mainly because at 19 months she *could* get out of her cot (translate crib?) but so far hasn't thought of the idea. Presumably you have been caught "exercising" in the past? What did you say? "Mommy's got a bad back, Daddy's just helping her feel better."?

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

#5 is great. Good for you to enjoy being in the moment. #10 is awesome.

mCat said...

Sounds like the absolute perfect vacay!

Caty said...

I'm glad you had a good time. I love Karma as long as I don't make her mad at me :) I'm heading to the beach this weekend; hoping my trip is as fabulous as yours was :) It won't be sunny Fl, but sunny NC works just as well for me. Welcome back!

Mom in High Heels said...

LOL! Yay for the drink. The vacay sounds wonderful. We knew we were having a great vacation when about 5 days into the cruise neither of us knew the day or the date. We knew it was REALLY great when we decided we didn't care.

Babes Mami said...

You are in need of a rehab coin for sure! That's amazing!

Karma is a betch and it's hilarious to watch come around.

I'm jealous of your vacation, we are going to a cabin in the mountains next Friday. Beach isn't until later in the summer!

MommyLisa said...

You and me both...I quit looking at my BB Friday at about 8pm...

our coin should be platinum with a pretty flower on it.

Tracie said...

I love Karma when she's not knocking on my door!

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Ah, sweet vacations...glad you had a great time.

Brian Miller said...

good job not getting caught this sounds like a wonderful vacation!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous vacation!

I'm glad that story about the lady hollering about an umbrella and chair had a happy ending with her spilling her drink. Geez. Some people need to learn manners.

Anonymous said...

I never carry a watch and seldom a cell phone on vacation. But we usually only take a lot of 2-3 day mini-vacations. I guess if we were bale to take longer ones I would carry a cell phone.

Stephen Tremp

Liz Mays said...

I love, and I do mean LOVE, how you walk away from work when it's time. You live your life!!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Check you out girl! Way to go, you're better than me I really do try but always get sucked in somehow to work stuff.

Herding Cats said...

The pool lady feels a little too entitled if you ask me. That's awesome about the drink though. If that isn't karma...

Jen said...

Oh it sounds like you had a fabulous time! I realized what the problem is with our vacations - we had too many kids :) One never gets a break when there are four of them needing something...

And I'm glad to know you didn't read your work emails while at the beach. Now if I could only break my hubby of the habit...

Myya said...

Glad your vaction was so great! HILARIOUS about the lady & her Karma... she SO deserved it! That would have been awesome if people stood & clapped after she spilt her drink!

Jane said...

I'm with ya...when I'm on vacation, I refuse to check my work phone. I only take it in case I run down the batteries too much playing Tetris on my personal phone and need a back-up.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Karma's a b!tch, and apparently she was pissed. ; )

Anna said...

Witnessing karma is amazing. I'm glad you had a great vacation. I usually end my vacations needing another one. said...

I think I would've cheered when she spilled her drink. (Bet someone spit in her drink before she got it too.)

There's nothing like listening to the waves. Sounds like your vacation was great.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the day my husband learns #1. We're going on a cruise in April and I'm going to make him leave the thing in the car (and I'll comply too I suppose.)

Best part of the whole post - #10 Karma is as karma does :)

Cranky Mommy said...

That sounds fabulous!

CountessLaurie said...

Totally jealous! I need a vacation. And apparently I need to practice my Queen Ankhesenamon because the last time I was at a beach resort, there were no chairs at 1pm... If only I had that skill!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I love #10. Instant Karma. Hmmm. Someone should write a song about that....