Literally. Butch Bakery is now doing a rotation of manly confections like The Rum & Coke, The Jackhammer and The Beer Run. And each is topped with a chocolately ensemble of manly colors.
Including ingredients like bacon and beer, Butch Bakery is simply responding to what they think are too dolled up desserts.
Because if you thought gender labels were only for kids toys, wrong again.
“I found myself asking why cupcakes are always pink with sprinkles, with cutesy names like Happiness and Sugar Smiles. And why, if you want a masculine cupcake, it has to be Bob the Builder or a golf tee or a football design," says David Arrick, the bakery's founder. "There's got to be a happy medium."
Butch Bakery, an internet-only shop, is clearly not feeling a recession. Sales have grown a reported 600 per cent in the last two months. And maybe they will open a storefront to display their manly fare. Another mancake master, Genevieve Griffin, said, "It has been a great way of getting guys interested in cupcakes."
Butch Bakery, an internet-only shop, is clearly not feeling a recession. Sales have grown a reported 600 per cent in the last two months. And maybe they will open a storefront to display their manly fare. Another mancake master, Genevieve Griffin, said, "It has been a great way of getting guys interested in cupcakes."

But if that measure is too extreme, maybe he can simply drink a beer or a Rum & Coke to satisfy the need for the flavor of beer or Rum & Coke. And if you wanted something that tasted like bacon, could you just cook some bacon?
If that seems too easy, please give the mancakes a try. Maybe they are delicious even without the pink sprinkles. And the next time I am in NYC, we might pop by to see if they also have beefcakes on the menu. I kid. I really dig the chocolate with sprinkles as well as Happiness and Sugar Smiles.
Love it when someone spies a gap in the market! This might suit my rugby-playing husband...
I never thought about it before, but I guess cupcakes are slightly feminine in nature. But honestly...this?
I truly believe if you disrobed and held any food item out in your hand, most men would take a keen interest!
Having said that, I know these would be right up my son's alley, especially the bacon one.
I recently did a cupcake post too. It tickles me that they've become so popular.
most definitley sounds like a place to try. pretty cool actually...
I am thinking guys should just carry bacon bits in their pockets. It should be as essential as a wallet.
I'm with Slamdunk.
Also I can't for the life of me think any man is worried about the female appearance of cupcakes...?
Ha! I think most men would prefer your method of generating cupcake interest!
There are so many creative thinkers in this world! What a great idea for a little something different.
The Source is still not going to eat cupcakes though....
Mancakes? Bacon and beer? I think I just threw up a little.
Thankfully my hubs is secure enough in his masculinity that he doesn't mind, say, a VANILLA cupcake with white icing. Who ever decided white was feminine? I think it's quite funny that there's even a market for this.
Seriously boys. Grow a pair and eat your dang cupcakes in their current glory.
I like beer in deserts. Or in mains. Or in a glass, can or bottle. But bacon? I'm not sure if I can stomach bacon ice-cream.
HA,love it-- very creative!
As far as 'tragedy' is concerned, a man's dis-interest in foo-foo deserts is really, really low on the scale!
--"if you wanted something that tasted like bacon--"
People will say of an exotic or unusual food, "Tastes like chicken." The correct response is, "So why don't you just eat chicken?"
I am a man. I like vanilla white-iced cupcakes. With or without sprinkles. Beer or bacon? Not in my cupcakes.
I have never even thought of the cupcake being unmanly. I guess some folk do. I am not into finished cakes. The wife likes to bake. Just give me the top layer she slices off to make the cake flat. You can have the rest with the icing.
As for the cupcake in the palm. Forget the cupcake. Just add a bit of icing. No, not in the palm.
Have a nice day, Cupcake.
Everybody's gotta have a gimmick but bacon cup cakes? Seriously?
Geez, guys, get over yourselves.
I wonder if they have newspaper and baseball favor. Husband would be there, for sure.
Actually quite the niffty idea.
Those beefcakes sound delish! But I'd still pick a cupcake over a mancake! ;p
Bacon and beer-flavored cupcakes? I feel like we've taken a few steps back. Last time I checked my husbands knuckles were off the floor.
Wow! That is fascinating and a touch disturbing all at the same time. Good for them for seeing a "niche" market, but eww on some of those flavors. I checked out the website, seems like a LOT of alcohol. What if said man does't drink? That said, there were a couple of flavors that sounded really good, as long as bacon was NOT involved. Because really? Bacon and cake? Not so much.
Oh, thanks so much for your e-mail. I went and fixed mine, so now you should be able to e-mail back from my name.
Nothing ruins a slightly warm can of beer more than a pink cupcake...
Belch... ahh... *goes and scratches his ------ while continuing to watch 'the game' on TV*
Mancakes – very cool and unique concept!!
I have to admit that I'm completely unconcerned about the Doc liking cupcakes. I'll skip the sprinkles and will just take the frosting thanks.
Those are pretty manly, though.
~Mrs. Priss/Baloney
I've heard chocolate covered bacon tastes great, but I've never been one to mix my sweet and savory flavors. Not sure I'd care too much for a bacon OR a beer flavored cupcake. I do have a recipe for Guinness cheesecake though. Been working up the nerve to make it.
Forget the dudes! Those cupcakes sound good to me! I'd love to try that Jackhammer...which I can only hope they named the way they did because it's made with Jack Daniels. Oh yeah.
Forget the dudes! Those cupcakes sound good to me! I'd love to try that Jackhammer...which I can only hope they named the way they did because it's made with Jack Daniels. Oh yeah.
On the flip side, why are THESE cupcakes considered manly? I like bacon and booze - so can't these cupcakes appeal to me too? And I'm pretty sure my bf would eat a pink sprinkled cupcake without thinking twice.....I mean, it's food!
What a very cool idea! Good for them. Me I will eat a cupcake any ole way!
That sounds and looks awesome.
I am gonna have to check that place out.
Maybe after I get off this healthfood kick though.
My husband gets pedicures. He'll eat a girly one in a heartbeat.
Well, they look scrumptious. But bacon... in a cupcake? Eww
Oh man...again another great idea that I DID NOT think if only someone could get to work on edible crayons, my life would be a dream!!!
I don't know if you have a 'Sprinkles' cupcake place around where you are, but I suspect they put some sort of mind altering delicious ingredient in thier vanilla ones which makes me want to buy more and more. It doesn't even have to be shaped like a football.
That is a wild idea...I kind of want to try one just to see.
Anything that has cupcakes involved, has my seal of approval.
The male person around here prefers the batter to the cooked anything....
My hubs has no problem whatsoever partaking in pink confections. I kinda dig the camo one myself, though...
My mancake has a first's Hubby. ;)
Funny because I never noticed my cupcakes having vaginas so I never thought of them as a feminine food.
"Mancakes"? That sounds like a bar with the male:female ratio set at 1:0.
Hmmm. Father's Day???
Cupcakes are still relatively unknown in England - over there we have little iced sponge cakes known as "fairy cakes" - which I doubt many men would be willing to ask for in a bakery!! :-)
cupcakes for guys? hmmm...I do love me the pork fat, but in my confection...not sure.
bacon, the new cocaine.
Ok, they LOOK good, but why do they have to add all the odd ingredients? Why can't it just taste like a cupcake??
The sugar monsters at my house dont care what shape it is...if its cake its gone!
I once dated a guy my husband refers to as Beefcake. Or just Beefy, if he is acting especially snarky.
I think he's jealous. Beefy, in his post-STM days, became an Olympian. Discus. Yeah, Beefy all right.
I am always amazed with what people come up with. I'm a little jealous too. Why can't I think of something new that sells?
Who would have thought cupcakes geared toward men would be a money maker?
Get the camouflage ones and then hide them around the house and make the man find them! :)
I honestly hadn't given it much thought but when I asked my husband just now about it, he said that yeah cupcakes seem more of a feminine type food.
I asked him if he'd turn down a cupcake in that situation you proposed (naked with one in hand) and he said, the cupcake could be rainbow colored with little sprinkle hearts on it, wouldn't matter. It's something he wouldn't turn down!
I once knew a gentleman that referred to having sex as "waxing cakes"---hell I'd wax multiple cakes if I knew there was bacon in the batter :)
Is it wrong that I lol'ed at the bakery's name???
I didn’t realize I was gender biased when it comes to cupcakes, but I don’t want the smell or flavor of bacon coming anywhere near a cupcake I plan to eat.
I think your idea, “…disrobe and place a cupcake in your outstretched palm,” is the most practical and easiest way to make a man appreciate a cupcake.
I guess a cupcake is sort of discriminating. It's petite and sugary sweet and it's always fancy filled with pink and flowers and swirly things.
Let's have the girls keep the cupcakes. We'll give the men brats. Since they're so obsessed with anything that looks like a penis, they can have their meat and eat it, too.
I wouldn't bother with making the cupcakes look manly. Just serve it to the dudes by someone with large breasts and with a side of bacon. They'll wolf it down. Pink be damned.
Learn something new with every new post...Manly cupcakes...what next??
Oh for God's sake. Ar their really men who are so fearful about their masculinity that they need bacon and beer flavored cupcakes?
One of my male students is interested in cooking, and he occasionally does columns for the school newspaper that include recipes, including chocolate chip cookies with BACON. Perhaps he should get in touch with these folks?
I like the idea of cupcakes in a birthday suit wearing gals outstretched arms.
I swear it is genius what some people come up with!!! Darn that I never have a lucrative idea ;-)
Those butch cakes are probably much tastier than the dessert I just botched - fer sure :D
i'm sure that beer could make a nice ingredient in some cupcakes... but BACON? most things are better with a little slice of bacon - but BACON CUPCAKES????
I think you nekked version would work much better.
Hold on...
"Hon, I've a great idea, why don't you disrobe and place a cupcake in your outstretched palm?"
Ingenious...altho I have to say I like your idea of creating a bit of cupcake interest. Love Simply Suthern's idea too ;)
What a great idea! Although my Man is definitely manly enough to enjoy a pink one with sprinkles!
The very word "cupcake" has effeminate connotations. You can not testoteronize a cupcake anymore than you could Butch up Tinkerbell. Silliness.
But I'm a new Bacon-Combo Believer. The culinary world is flat no longer....
Mmmmmm...mancakes. That just has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Years ago on Aprils 1st, I put cotton balls inside some cupcakes I made -- and it looked like marsmallow cream or cool whip. April Fools !!! Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.
Um... a Rum & Coke cupcake??? YES PLEASE!!!!
It looks so good. yummy!
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