Friday, April 30, 2010

Bumper Stick It

Is it comical or alarming to see a car in front of me yesterday with a local elementary school car pool lane sticker in the front windshield and yet this bumper sticker on the back fender: 

Keep honking, I am just reloading.  

And is it comical or alarming that my friend Muppet, while in the car pool lane for her son's elementary school yesterday was asked by her son: what does THAT mean after they spotted this bumper sticker on the car in front of her: 

If you are going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair.   

WOW.  So are these bumper stickers honing in on perfect candidates for next year's PTA? OR has someone been drinking too many frothy crassacinos?  

Just one more reason teachers should be paid more.


Unknown said...

OMG, words fail me!

Anonymous said...

Yep. Those are the parents of the kids I teach......

Kat said...

Wow. Just wow. Is there an NRA division of the PTA? Kathy

Brian Miller said...

haha...these are amazing...

Vodka Logic said...

I've had to explain God made the Irish #1 to my kids.. they wanted to know why they weren't #1

I have a Green Day and Jet bumpersticker...

pam said...

You wouldn't believe some of the t-shirst the parents wear into school for parent teacher conferences. Really. It answers so many questions about the behavior of their children.

Lady Fi said...

Be scared.. be very scared!

Buckeroomama said...

Sad fact: People with those bumper stickers are mighty proud of those.

Kalee said...

It is always fascinating what statements people elect to make through car art!

Intense Guy said...

Yep, the Human Race is so "civilized".

What we teach our kids won't take long to haunt us. And of course, we are also leaving them a Federal debt that they will never be able to pay off either.

Liz Mays said...

I wanna know your friend explained that one away!

Will Burke said...

When I was a lad, my folks had to explain "Honk if you're horny" after I yelled it in a neighbor's yard.

Little Ms Blogger said...

I LOATHE bumper stickers.

I don't want to know that you break for animals, or that you're the proud parent of a honor roll student or that you NRA.

And what about the colored ribbon bumper stickers - what the heck do they mean? I've lost track of their meanings. I only remember pink.

About the ass/hair bumper sticker, I'd quickly say the driver likes to ride horses bareback and needs to pull the hair because no reins.

I'll stop. I have more b/c I'm in a mood today.

BigSis said...

There are SO MANY things I hate to be forced to explain to my child. Don't even get me started on what's on TV during prime time.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I think I've met the children of those parents too.

I just keep thinking that at some point, people grow up. or at least project something responsible on the outside.

Juliana said...

OMG! People are nuts!

One Photo said...

I can't understand why parents would put bumper stickers like that on their vehicles. I am definitely not a bumper sticker fan, for some reason those stickers with the family represented by stick people drive me nuts, let alone anything less innocuous!

TKW said...

Funny AND alarming. Who are these people?

I wonder what you're going to see today? "Honk if you're horny," perhaps?

Alexandra said...

As thelma and louise said, "That's disgustin'"

Unknown said...

I'm often amazed at what people will post on their cars. I sometimes cringe!

Anonymous said...

I saw one, "Cop Loving Cougar on Board." Yikes, T.M.I.

courtney said...

wow. just wow. there are some like that in my work parking lot each morning so I know how you feel

Gretchen said...

I didn't know your kid and my kids went to school together! Next time I see you in the pick-up line I'll be sure to honk!


Hey, even people in the NRA have kids. THey gots to get them lerned too.

And, how about those hanger-downers in the shape of testacles that men can put on their trailer hitches. Now THAT screams classy.

Jules AF said...

I saw the riding my ass one on a car parked at an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I was surprised.

SmartBear said...

That's nothin. I work in a title school. The circus is an endless source of amusement. I have dismissal duty, so I always see the craziest things as the cars roll up to pick up their kids...from bumper stickers to thumping loud bass. But the best was the mom who held up traffic to pick up her kid. She had to get out and open her suicide doors. You know, the ones the go up in the air. The bass was thumpin and the rims were spinnin' and she had her too small halter top on. Everyone just froze as the doors flew up. It was unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the hair one! I need to remember that. Happy Friday!!

Herding Cats said...

Is it wrong that I laughed at both of those? I mean they are soooo tacky and really? Parents? Grow up. But also.....kind of funny. (Shame faced)

vanilla said...

--and a couple good reasons why 'freedom of expression' should not be extended to the pasting of messages on autos.

Unknown said...

My personal favorite of any bumper sticker Ihave ever seen...
If God is your copilot move over your doing it wrong...
Oh wait and the eternal question
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers..
I LOVE those

Rita Templeton said...

I've seen those ... and worse. I think that people buy them thinking they're funny and don't realize what a statement they make once they put them on their cars!

Reminds me of an episode of The Golden Girls where slutty Blanche had a bumper sticker that said, "So many men, so little time."

Angie said...

The reloading one is very popular here in Texas...imagine that.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

That second one.. I am shocked! lol

Ed said...

Teachers should DEFINITELY be paid more.

I actually like that last bumper sticker. Just not for my truck. Cause I am a dude, and that would send the WRONG message.

Allyson & Jere said...

Yikes! What disturbs me more is, these idiots are PARENTS. Those poor kids, what do they hear/witness at home?

And A to the MEN, teachers should be paid a HELL of a LOT more, 'cause their jobs SUCK. I did it for 2 years and I was like, no thanks, NOT for me! So much more goes into it than just standing for a few hours and "teaching". But that's a whole other show Oprah.

Cara Smith said...

This is why I'm anti bumber sticker.

However, I in my mis-guided youth, I had some very inappropriate stickers on my motorcycle helmet that I just won't go into here.

Jennifer said...

They walk among us.... I NEVER cease to be amazed at how stupid people are. Really? Any adult (much less one with kids) thinks that it is okay to slap this on their car? Makes me scared for my kids. How do I explain to them that stupid people suck?

Kristina P. said...


McVal said...

Wow!... I'd be careful who I volunteer with at the school carnival...

MommyLisa said...

Good GRAVY. Those are the kinds of bumper stickers you laugh about in the store and DON'T buy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They call themselves parents !!!

Myya said...

I agree... Teachers definitely do not get paid enough especially if they are dealing with parents like that & of course the offspring they create. Geez!!!

brokenteepee said...

It's the Palinization of the country.
Makes me glad I'm a goat.

foxy said...

I'm not a bumper-sticker-kinda girl, but those are fairly comical. How do you explain that last one to a kid though?? Makes me glad that I don't have to... :)

Jane said...

I miss the South. Sigh.

Ashley Stone said...

Wow.. Some people should be fixed at birth.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad my kids can't read yet! Whew! Those are awful, esp. the 2nd one!

Mom in High Heels said...


Anonymous said...

I am just hoping that these people bought the cars used and couldn't get the sticker off!!!

I had one in my life and I taped it into my back window so I could easily remove it. It said:

I'd Rather be Driving a Titleist

(I worked at a golf course) said...

Oh, yes. Having to explain things like that to your youngster is enough to make a person... resentful.
My own dear children learned to read about the same time a... "gentleman's" club we drove by often on a local freeway, ran a huge digital sign that would trail words across it that changed frequently. "A buck a babe." Is one of the first things I remember being read to me that wasn't from a book.
So proud.

Anonymous said...

That is craziness! My ride does have it's own stickers, but non like these. Wow. One, for my little Nicholas and One for my little Davony. Nick's says "Caution! Pirate on Board!" and Davony's is just a Roxy Heart I found at a surf shop at the OBX in NC. I also think that it's pretty sad that I havent commented here in like forever! Still big loves to you Jenny Mac!

Mrs. M said...

I wish people would just say "No" to bumper stickers.

Joann Mannix said...

I saw a woman once in the grocery store with 3 small children with a t-shirt that read, Party Like Your Vagina Is On Fire. I wish I was kidding.

Also living in the Deep South, it is commonplace to see the Confederate Flags plastered on the back of pickup truck windows with the special touch of the steel bull balls hanging from the hitch.

Man, I need to move.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Most families have 2 cars. I suggest they use the safer one (with minimal bumper stickers).

I saw a truck with the sticker: "Get off my ass, you're not my wife." I got a glance at the guy as we passed him and I thought, "Thank God." ; )

Tracie said...

Are you sure you don't live in KY? Did the last one have the golden testicles hanging from the trailer hitch, too?

Anonymous said...

....and now you can prank someone by buying magnetic tags with even sillier sayings:

wendy said...

My 2nd husband is a teacher in high boy, the stories he could tell and THEY DO NOT get paid enough.

bumper stickers, what gives with some of them.
I saw someone driving around in a porche convertible with a license plate cover sign that said, No Kids and Proud of It.
What was that supposed to mean exactly.

Tgoette said...

Wow, what a sad state of affairs when children have to bear witness to their own parent's idiocy.

Anonymous said...

What are they thinking?! And they're surprised their children are weirdos...? Sigh.

Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Kids shouldn't be subjected to bumper stickers full stop. The ones that say 'Child on board' just make me want to bash into them more. I mean, who on earth decided that the standard of my driving was based AT ALL on who's in the car in front?
*Plentymorefishoutofwater - One Man's Dating Diary*

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Follow Friday I'm your newest follower. Thanks for following me as well.

brainella said...


So I shouldn't put the "God bless our troops...Especially our snipers" sticker on our car??

JenJen said...

I'm sorry, but I thought that last one was funny.
I'm 12.

UberGrumpy said...

I want one of those bumper stickers!

When Pigs Fly said...

Thanks for sharing. That did make me laugh.

K A B L O O E Y said...

Well, now you know who to avoid inviting for playdates.

Emily said...

LOL at the comment above mine!
And I've always thought that bumper stickers are funny...but usually not on cars!

strokeofliving said...

I'm all for the next funny bumper sticker as the next person but sometimes people go too far.

secret agent woman said...

The first one is just rednecky. But the second one = good Lord! Why would you put something on a bumper sticker that no child should read?

lisa and laura said...

Ahh role models.

The Naked Writer said...

Both funny!
I love your posts! They are funny and thought provoking and make my day when i read them!
I know you have a lot of readers and probably don't get to read other new blogs but if you have some time, maybe you would like to visit mine?
It's a wacky, funny blog that would make a 4 year old jealous cause of it's know you wanna ( i know, it's shameless self promotion, but how else do you get to know people who are into the same shit as me?)

thanks for making me laugh and for the support

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Wow! Talk about starting a conversation you don't want to start.

Tiffany said...

Whoa. And as a teacher, yes, you are right!!! We don't get paid enough!!

Unknown said...

Wow. Where does one even FIND something like that?

Feel better soon, Miss Jenny Mac! Hugs!

And it took me minute to figure out "reloading". GAH I'm slow today.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they're somewhat comical. Hahaha! But bumper stickers are dumb and inappropriate almost all of the time.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...


Grand Pooba said...


MrsDixon said...

This is too true and funny!

Juliana said...

I hope you feel better honey!!!

Rowe said...

Love a good bumper sticker. It is more than midly annoying when drivers behind you get too dangerously close and personal.

Jingle said...

you rock!

Matty said...

Hmmmm......when someone comes up with this stuff, all they are thinking about is the humor. I guess they forget about the innocent eyes that see it too.

Ashley said...

So funny that you mentioned this b/c just last week I was picking up my nephew from PRESCHOOL and saw a mom in an SUV with the "If you are going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair" sticker. At least he didn't ask me what it said.... Inappropriate much?