JohnnyMac and I have a rather fun escapade on our horizon and I thought it a great opportunity to close my laptop one day next week and invite you to open yours as a Guest Blogger here at Let's have a cocktail.
The topic is your choice. Do what you do best.
If you are interested, leave a comment here before Saturday am. I will pick one of your names from my fabulous magic hat. And then I will roll out the virtual red carpet.
Looking forward to a new twist on this cocktail party.
Wow! Such trust! Again, please don't pick me.
However, You have, once again, been given an award by Yours Savagely. Stop on by and pick it up.
I could use a challenge.. pick me :)
Best get thinking in case I do get the chance.
No pressure there.... none whatsoever.
I am sure you will pick wisely. Can't wait to read the lucky winner.
I would but I can not write with the humor you possess.
So glad you are getting a 'fun' day. I would not/could not have the nerve to fill your shoes.
Can't wait to see your choice!
I think all of you are perfect examples of people who write beautifully and creatively.... and the guest post is all up to the writer. It could be about art, movies, books, poetry, or all of the other things you all do so well.
Wow...you really do trust....way cool.
Clever idea JM - I would love to throw my hat in the ring, but next week I will be flying to Seattle to visit my mom. Count on me to compete next time around.
I too could be a full time blog reader, if only!
Let the music play....enjoy your day off....S
Now that is courage! Can't wait to read your guest blogger. And please, do NOT throw my hat into the ring. The thought of writing for over 700 followers makes my knees turn to jelly. But what a great opportunity for someone. Have a wonderful trip. Kathy
Good for you for taking some time off. Guest posting is fun!
That would be so fun. Sign me up!
I would be so excited and honored to be featured as your guest!!!
Enjoy your day. Can't wait to see who you choose.
oooooo, I would LOVE to be your guest. Hmmmm what to offer, a food post? running post? ghost post? Drinking post? : )
Would love to!
I'd love to be a guest poster too. If you're in the mood for my style just say the word chickie-doodle. OH! And have fun on your escapade!
Picking a name from a hat. Awesome. Throw mine in...
You wanna be a professional blog reader? I wanna be a professional blog writer! Can ya hook me up? I'll start here. Will blog for food...I'm in!
I don't want to be a guest blogger...but I would love to know what you think of my blog..
Oh fun. I doubt I could ever live up to the famous Jenny Mac but I am happy to come back and read whoever gets picked :)
I'd love to be a guest. I have some funny stories about my son with Asperger's Syndrome.
I'm barely a good poster on my own blog.
Have a great vacation -- where are you going?
oooh, a vacation? That sounds exciting. I don't want to be picked, I don't think I am up to the standards. I just started myself but LOVE your blog!
Charisse and I are up for the challenge...we could vlog or blog whichever tickles your fancy. Holly at lifelaughlatte.blogspot.com
Dude, I'd just settle for having this many comments on one of my posts :)
Enjoy your sojourn :)
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Luckily, the rain has stopped and we've had several sunny days.... in a row! :-) Hard to believe!
I'm now following you as well and SO happy I am! I've read through the last 4 or 5 posts and oh my GAWD I'm addicted! You write so well AND are hilarious! :-) I absolutely LOVE your "Red Means Stop" post! Sounds like something I would do. Being from Massachusetts, I learned at a young age how to tick people off when driving... I'm what we call a true Mass Hole. :-)
I humbly throw my hat in the ring, knowing full well I can never reach your level of excellence, but would be thrilled to be your guest blogger.
What an awesome idea!
Please don't put my name in the hat. Though it would be an honor, NaNoWriMo is taking up all of my time this month and I know I wouldn't be able to do your blog justice right now.
If you did this again though I would be in!
Very fun idea! I'd be willing to give it a try!
Not much cross-over in our audiences (yours gigantic...mine small) :) but can't wait to see who you choose! Just not me...I have enough to worry about. :)
Take care my friend & enjoy your day off.
You can throw my name in the hat if your readers like celebrities.
Fun escapade! Jealous over here. Enjoy!
As for guest blogging, two words: Pick Me. Me! Me! Me! MEEEEEE! (Ok, that was more than two words ...)
If it counts for anything, I am also waving my hand frantically in the air and wiggling in my seat.
Hmm...I must say...this would get my creative juices a-stirrin'! I have been a bit blah on my blog lately and it would be fun to kick it up a notch on your blog!
Let's party! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am having fun reading through your posts too. And the title of your blog . . . you are a girl after my own heart!! :)
You are such a cool person! I'm not asking for a spot in the pot though, not yet. Maybe next time but I stopped by to let you know you have an award at my place. Come on by when you get a chance! Cheers to the time off! Have super duper wonderlicious time away!
Enjoy your "escapade."
I'll toss my name in the hat. I have a few of my dumb police officer stories that I could share (not that I ever did anything showing my lack of intelligence).
Name in hat.
Wow! I am loving your blog and now I love it even more. I am too much of a chicken to enter the "contest" "challenge".... But I can't wait to see the great post that will come out of this!
I would totally love the opportunity to guest post on your blog! I'll be home till Thursday the 12th, so if I can do it before then, please throw my hat into the ring!
Have a great vacation! I bet you're going somewhere more exciting than we are (Pittsburgh)!
By the way, I linked over to you today. Not that many people visit me, but I thought they would enjoy your stuff.
(sorry...didn't mean to comment the same on two posts)
I'm always up for a fresh audience, and I get such a kick out of your blog. So if we can use an archived post, sign me up!
I have a great story about the time I tried to renew my driver's license on 9/11. Seriously. It's a classic. It will totally move you to tears (or at least move you to re-think having changed your name on your social security card after you got married...)
(I'm doing the NaNoWriMo challenge this month, so I don't have anything new to post!)
I would love to do it!!!
Sounds fun!
I don't know if I could do your blog justice but I would love to try. Please consider me.
I am not worthy!
Have a great vacation!
Would love to!
Promise no swearing!
Don't think I could handle the pressure with your 700+ readers..eeek.
What a cool idea! How bout... you could guest over at my blog & bring about 600 readers with you? lol.. Can't wait to see who you pick!
Okay, okay, I'll try anything once! ;)
Your shoes are waaaaaaaaaaay too big to fill for me, girlie. So, I'm out.... but I'll happily read whoever you pick.
Wherever are you going??
I would love to be a guest blogger on your site. You might enjoy my most recent post. Or I can always come up with something new.
Yay! Pick me! (Did I say that outloud?)
This goat is not up to this challenge but will look forward to whomever you choose.
I DO NOT want to guest blog- too scary! I was just coming over to say thanks for stopping by my blog...AND, I rushed right over when I saw the name of your blog! GREAT Name! :))
I agree- I want to be a full time blog reader too! That way, I will not feel to guilty for reading while at my real work!
I'd be up for it :-)
I think it's a great idea, would love to do it ... but I'm no writer and I have a sneaking suspicion your readers may not give a toss which photographer/setting I'm mad about that week.
Looks like you have lots of potential bloggers! It'll be fun to see who you choose.
Straight From Hel
Ooooo, sounds like fun! Put me in the hat :)
Throw my name in the hat. But I warn you...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE NONSENSE
Oh how big your shoes would be to fill! I would be extremely exceedingly nervous, but it is only one post right? In for a penny, in for a pound then!
Such a fun fabulous blog! You are my kind of girl!
I would absolutely love the chance to be your guest blogger :)
Um... duh. I'd love to. Obviously. And I JUST got internet in my very own apartment. Woo hoo!! So my blog reading will be back to capacity in no time. My apologies for my absence.
I've got a few ideas ranging from saving Disney's reputation from the blame of my single status to ordering men from a Starbucks menu.
I hope the magic hat picks me!! And it had better not sort me off to Slytherin.
If it feels good I say do it. I'd love to step to the beat and give it a dance! Je suis in.
Heh. The pic of the dell laptop at the top of your post looks EXACTLY like the one I have sitting in front of me to do all my blogging on. As a matter of fact I had it in the room when John was in the hospital and he got on it for a few minutes when a doctor strolled in. The doc nodded to the laptop and said to John, "Is that yours?" We assumed he was wanting to know if it was ours or the hospitals doing some sort of educational program. (You should have seen this hospital.)
John said, "Yes." And the cardiologist said, "Heh... It's pink."
John was a bit flustered and also a bit pink by the time cardio guy left.
I hope you and JohnnyMac have a smashing good time of it, whatever you do!
Just popped in to say hello. Full Time Blogger Reader would make a wonderful job. I'm with you there!
Sounds like a fun twist! Add me to the hat. ;)
I would love to be a full time blog reader..Im sure my hub thinks I already am!! Can't wait to read your guest post and see what fun is ahead for you and your man!!!
Me Me Me!!!!
I want to win!!!
Who do I bribe?
Who do I make out with?
Who should I add to my will??
I'm READY for a challenge -this would be my first time guest blogging. I can't promise I won't totally screw it up and make you lose 700 followers, but accidents happen and I'm sure you could chase them down and woo them back.
Please don't pick me!! I suffer from guest blogger fright but I would love to read your guest posts!!!
As I'm typing this, I'm saying don't do this, don't do this....
You so found your winner, right here! Pick me! It's me! For sure, me!
Oh, I have to agree with blueviolet...I am cringing but typing!!
I am game, but it is a terrible week for me. I am of to my mother's house for a week and may not have internet access... If I knew Friday night, I could make it work
Any other week, I would be thrilled to give it a shot
SOunds like a good thing to try. Count me in.
OHHHHHH....I'm going to eat a cake a day until I find out who you've picked!
Put my name in the hat!
Pick me. I won't even blog about strippers or poop.
Ohhhh Girl I so can make something? Or have one of the boys pee on electric outlet again ... UGH
Ok my yummies wouldn't be as beautiful as the ones you post but hey I could promise a picture of me with flour all over my face? LOL :)
Holly Molly girl you have so many volunteers, you're amazing!
Please stop by. I left you something on my blog.
I'm not a candidate; I'm crocs to your kick-ass stilettos....
but I love the idea and can't wait to see who takes on the challenge!
You have lots of volunteers... I would be swinging from the rafters trying to get your attention, but I just finalized my week at my mother's place. Her internet is dial up, and I am afraid I will just not be able...
But stop by my site today, and follow the links to where I am guest posting somewhere else this week. I love the concept, I have used them a few times on my site and it works great for everyone.
Keep me in mind for next time ... your readers need a hairy knuckled neanderthals' point of view
I think that's great and can't wait to see what people come up with! though I would never feel up to the challange yet to do your blog justice as I so admire your writing (and you!).
Maybe next time! :)
Please put my name in the magic hat.
Ok - I'm gonna sound like a TOTAL dork-a-rama here - but OH PICK ME!
here's the deal....I've been seeing this guy for like 3 months and recently he decided he just wants to be friends. I need advice/wisdom a big fat smack in the face - something, but I can't blog about it on my page, because HE reads my blogs!!!
Let me solicit love advice on YOUR page! LMAO!
oh come on - it would be entertaining.....LOL
And if not - I still look forward to reading whatever you choose :)
Tami G
I would love to fill in!!! Have fun on your escapade...and I am really behind on my blog reading so I'm just now catching up. Did I make the deadline?
If only there were such a position as professional blog reader ... I would be in heaven and have a career I could enjoy!
And it is funny ... my brothers have mocked me for this blogging business for the last year but have begun to actually READ what I've written and see the interactions in the comments and they are now coming around. I give them about 3 months before they start blogging themselves! : )
Would love to do a post some day! Let's have a cocktail girl, ;)
There is NO way I could even come close to your wittyness. I will wait to see your guests knowing I will joy them immensely
uh-huh. Yes. In the words of Rachel Zoe, I die. It would be bah-nah-nahs.
Possible topics? My kittens of the corn...my decorating obsession...my unintentionally funny husband...(the man wants a "gargoyle" sweater for Christmas. I think he means argyle.)...Or perhaps some totally bizarre stories I could tell from being in the radio industry.
Again, it would bah-nah-nahs if you pick me! :)
Susan @ www.peanutpetunia.blogspot.com
Okay, der. I just realized the cut-off date was Saturday. Reading directions was never my thang. :) Love your blog none the less!
Pretty cool vibe we have going here, keep it going =]
Pretty cool vibe we have going here, keep it going =]
Hi :)
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