Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sometimes you might need to repeat yourself...

My friend Julie went to a birthday party for her friend Lisa last weekend. The big 5-0, so all the more reason to celebrate. Lisa's son ordered a birthday cake for the soiree, and Lisa's husband went to pick it up. He got the cake home and it looked like this:

The problem? Oh, none at all really. It is still delicious cake after all. What did the son order? and I quote "something with a pink CROWN."

At least the bakery got the pink part correct. Sometimes you might need to repeat yourself.

And thankfully he didn't ask for something with a tube on it.


Jinksy said...

Never mind the pink - what's with the green? Wonder what prompted that choice? Grass being greener on the other side of the hill perhaps... Happy Birthday anyway, Lisa!

Unknown said...

THAT right there needs to be on Seriously they have a whole website dedicated to the ahem screw ups on paid for cakes.. One would be surprised at how frequently that occurs..

Unknown said...

LMAO! It could have been worse!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!!! That cake is hysterical!!!!

Maria said...

Well, although unusual, it is a good way to relive your youth?

Simply Suthern said...

"Can you understand the words coming out of my mouth??"

LOL Thats funny. I bet everyone was kinda stunned on that one.

Intense Guy said...

I'm still trying to figure out how they heard "condom" when he said "crown"....


Anonymous said...

You know what though, although a major screw-up, I bet it was a great source of laughter and a good conversation starter at the party! It's usually the things that go wrong that make our fondest memories.

Mrs. M said...

That is so funny!!! At least they didn't mess up the age.

The Robin's Nest said...

That is hilarious. Regardless of what they heard, I just can't figure out how the bakery thought that was an attractive cake.

VEG said...

Bahahahahaha! Cake wrecks would enjoy that.

At least they didn't make a cake with a dental crown on it. That would mean they heard correctly but were stupid. Unlike uh....this. Where they were just stupid. It's lucky they didn't decide she was 5 to go with it. Also, it may just be the photo but I didn't even know they MADE cement coloured cakes. And I'm an expert on cake.

Theta Mom said...

That is so hilarious - and I meant to tell you I read your post about your segment on Fox - you looked AMAZING!! Wish I could have seen the whole segment but so happy for you mama!!


ThatsBaloney said...

I love it!
Then again, I'd like for someone else to order my birthday cake for a change. I'm tired of buying my own. :)

Unknown said...

Coming from Canada, I often have difficulty interpreting some southern accents. Still, pink and camo green have no words. I think the baker/icer was artistically challenged.

In regards to the previous post, I have never heard so many different names for the anatomically correct "Vagina". It was funny.


Kir said...

OMG, that's hilarious..I ALWAYS repeat myself at the bakery ( I have been known to take pics of what I want it to say etc) since my name is Kirsten..and everyone spells it wrong (or tries to "Fix" it for we don't know MY NAME!!!)

that pic made my day!!!! :)

mermaid gallery said...

love the squirt...the green is a little off putting but the big pink takes the cake.....

Gigi said...

You'd think that bakery would have said, "Hm. Crayon? 50 year old? Doesn't jive. Maybe we should call and confirm."

Alexandra said...

What's this about a FOX segment???

Whoa, girl, that is all kinds of cool.

Congrats, and how exciting. I have to go find it. I'm sure you were poised and relaxed.

The cake is inbelievable. Just incredible. Did you show the bakery? B/C you must.

Good to see you! Now I have to catch up and read some back posts...summer has been good that way, busy.

jules said...

I would actually be infuriated! I can't believe they didn't question that. Ugh. It's one thing to mispronounce something, but then to assume other's are mispronouncing too?!?!

Anonymous said...

You totally need to send this to Cakewrecks! I do have to admit that the crayon does look pretty good. Someone obviously worked really hard on it. Considering it could have ended easily ended up being a pink "crane" or a pink "clown", I guess a crayon isn't too bad. LOL! - G

Anonymous said...

I'm going to this bakery and ordering a "Thorn" cake. I wonder if they'll be stick figures or a full anatomically correct display. I won't order it for a kids party though...

foxy said...

That is AWESOME. They need to send that in to CakeWrecks!

Anonymous said...

This is a cake that will never be forgotten!

Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

Definitely a candidate for CakeWrecks!

But, you know, maybe she still likes coloring books? Even if not, this sort of gaffe in my circles would require silly crayon-themed gifts for the next decade, lol.

Charity P. said...

Am I the only one that things it looks more like a penis than a crayon? Maybe the cake decorator mistook "crown" for "shaft"? Just sayin'.

Allyson & Jere said...

That is simply AWESOME! Like really, made me chuckle. Nothing like a giant crayon on your 50th.

Tuesday Taylor said...

Clearly the baker wasn't from the south!

Babes Mami said...

I will make sure to draw pictures for people when having others do a cake!

Pollyanna said...

OMG! That's too funny!

At first I thought it had something to do with that joke about as you get older you revert to babyhood again (needing diapers/depends). So while 50 isn't the age you should be needing such items, I thought someone was saying she's on her way and a crayon represented something older than a baby, but definitely younger than her. I guess I put way too much thought into this before reading . . .

Marcy said...

What is with the little squirt? Have you ever seen a crayon do that??? (and my daughter pronounces crayon as "crown"...drives me crazy)

mCat said...

This should hit the "Cake Wrecks" site. Send it in!

We were just having this convo the other day about how many people (particularly in UT0 pronounce CRAY-ON wrong. Crown. Wha?

Kristina P. said...

Send it to Cake Wrecks!

Herding Cats said...

Too funny! I would have died laughing.

Drew's Mom said...

Please tell me you submitted this story to Cake Wrecks.... this is a must!! =)

Grand Pooba said...

Bahaha! You're kidding me! That is awesome!

Mary Freaking Poppins said...

That's funny! It's that southern accent for you! Happy Birthday anyway, right?

Busy Bee Suz said...

You mean even I could be a cake decorator???
I never thought of this career choice...

Mom in High Heels said...

This is awesome and needs to go to cake wrecks. They would love it over there.

brokenteepee said...

It's all in the accent...

Anonymous said...

I love this cake. He could have ordered a "big cake!" Baaaaaaa!
Happy B. Day to everyone.

Yankee Girl said...

When I saw the cake I thought it was on know, to make her feel like she was a kid again or something!

JennyMac said...

Someone told her to send it to Cakewrecks..and the funny thing is, this happened in southern accents involved. Maybe the woman who took the order had southern ears? HAHA.

Brian Miller said...

obviously a baker from the south...had to get a whole pack of crowns for my son fer skool...

Unknown said...

Thanks. I just spit milk all over my computer. :)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Cute cake. LOL.

One Photo said...

At least it says Crayola and not KY :-)

One Photo said...

At least it says Crayola and not KY :-)

shortmama said...

Oh good gravy! Maybe he should have said tiara?

Tracie said...

LMAO! That is a classic cakewreck.

Leah Rubin said...

Either this happened in Philly, or the person who took the order is from there... That's truly how they pronounce 'crayon'. "Crown". It's crazy-- but what a great story!

Toe said...

It looks a little dirty with the squiggle and pinkness, so yeah, totally appropriate for a 50 year olds birthday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this needs to go to Hilarious!

rach said...

This belongs on there ^

haha at least it looks like a crayon, that could have gone a lot worse really fast!

Unknown said...

That is just too funny!

K A B L O O E Y said...

I'm guessing that's actually tan, not lima bean green. Mocha maybe? Don't know why I'm giving benefit of doubt to cake decorators who created the big pink squirting crayon. (Wait -- I think I dated him in college...)

J.J. in L.A. said...

I still think it's appropriate. I mean, after 50, don't you start regressing into childhood?

Oh, wait...that's men.

Dina's Days said...

Ha ha ha that's so great.

Little Ms J said...


Ed said...

That's why Crayola stopped making condom. They always leaked just like that one.

nmaha said...

Hehee......though I like the colour combination

Sultan said...

Hahahahahaha, nice one

One with many names said...

Hehehe, that is too funny. I bet cake decorators get some funky requests so they didn't even stop to wonder why a 50 year old woman wanted a pink crayon on her cake!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I like it! Still a kid at 50 =)

The Constant Complainer said...

Crayon. Crown. Crayola. Um, yeah. LOL.

Unknown said...

I hope she likes to color :)