Friday, March 16, 2012

Your pants are on fire.

Many years ago, pre JohnnyMac, I was driving in town when my cell phone rang. I picked it up, viewed the identity of the caller, and opted not to answer the phone. That night, that caller, a gentleman I was fraternizing with, let me know he had tried to call me earlier that day. I said I was sorry I missed his call but I was in a meeting at the time.

"Or, " he replied, "I was driving in Buckhead, directly behind you and saw you pick up the phone and put it down."

WOW. There is not a readily available list of retorts to that. Oh, except, that is what you get liar, liar, pants on fire.

This story recently came to mind when I saw this hilarious post on Facebook:

I have seen dozens of autocorrect postings but this one made me laugh out loud. That is what you get liar, liar, pants on fire. Sometimes it feels good to laugh at clear and obvious fails. Thankfully, my beforementioned situation can never be captured via video or phone and later posted on Facebook.

Its 80 degrees in Atlanta and we have a fun weekend planned. I hope you do too. Happy St. Pats and don't tell lies to anyone.


Jen Feeny said...

LMAO! That is priceless!

Anonymous said...

So funny! I've missed your posts. I'm so behind in blog world. Trying to get caught up. Have a great St. Patty's day weekend!

Vodka Logic said...

ha ha... he was a jerk for pointing it out to you.

Please send some of the warm weather north.

injaynesworld said...

Okay, that guy was just a wee bit stalkish I'd say.

vanilla said...


Happy weekend.

joanne said...

love it! have a great weekend and send some of the Spring weather back's cold here...that and snowing!

the walking man said...

Yep just tell him...I didn't want to talk to you right then. That'll get you fraternized that night. Partially losing my hearing as I age has turned out fairly good, I don't hear my cell phone when it rings.

janis said...

great title for this post!
Happy St Paddy's to you as well!

K A B L O O E Y said...

Ok, busted. Now move along, stalker boys.

ipenka said...

That would have been funny if he pulled up beside you and waved.

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

You would have been ok if you'd left out the meeting part and just told him you were sorry you missed his call. Although he probably would have pushed the envelope. Lies usually come back to kick you swiftly in the arse.