Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Boomerang of Goodness

My good friend Kristy received a package last week from an unknown address. Inside the package were two items. One item was this note:

The other item, of course, her wallet with all of her ID, credit cards, and remaining  cash. 

This is awesome for a number of reasons:

People are good.
Good people attract good people.
You have just been provided a reason to do something awesome for someone else today. It doesn't even have to be a stranger.

The fact is, we are provided opportunity to help others countless times throughout the week. It is our choice whether we recognize or ignore these opportunities. And we don't have to commit these selfless acts so we can tell others. Simply knowing you did it is all the acknowledgement you need.

Get out there and spread the goodness. Its like a boomerang and you never know how it will come back and help you.


Ed said...

$15 to overnight?!?!


Vodka Logic said...

That is awesome..by the writing I wonder how educated the person was? Could they have needed more of the money and chose not to take it?
Regardless the person is aces in my book.
Great story

webb said...

Paying it forward - we need to all do it every day. What a great experience.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I think $15 was very reasonable for his time and effort.

SmartBear said...

I freaking LOVE this...and I believe in the boomerang, both good and bad. Send it out...it comes right back atcha.
P.S. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Madness on Mass street!

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

$15 is cheap to overnight something, I know firsthand! And lucky girl she is. I lost my wallet a while back with things that cannot be replaced and never got anything from it back. I had about $100 in cash in it. I would have been happy to get everything BUT the cash in it.

Anita said...

Pretty cool person. I think I would have done the same; maybe would have tried to get her phone number somehow though. Maybe your friend did. Either way, good for her (or him)!

Anita said...

Oops, didn't mean to say "your friend."

Unknown said...

That is so true!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That's a wonderful story of how great people can be.

JennyMac said...

Always the jokester!

ipenka said...

That is awesome. Without a return address is a lot harder than you think when trying to do some "good".

Kudos to the sender. Very inspiring!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I adored this story...

the walking man said...

Most people are taught at an early age the right thing to do. The wrong thing is always a learned behavior that comes when as we grow we have crossroads where we have to choose to mute the early lessons.

$15 doesn't sound outrageous for overnight costs. If the person wanted any more reward than doing the right thing they would have got the purse back to the owner in a different way.

Yay proof that goodness still is thriving in the world.

The Constant Complainer said...

That is a really awesome story. And yes, pay it forward.

They always say that the karma will get you. I'd like that to be in a good way. LOL.

So. Cal. Gal said...

Last week, I was behind an elderly man with a walker as we approached the door of a medical building. I (in a wheelchair) asked if he wanted me to open the door. He said, "I should open it for you." I proceeded to open the door (with my footrests) and he said, "That's amazing! Thank you." Not only did I make him feel good for wanting to help him but he made ME feel good by complimenting my 'talent'. lol!