Friday, May 13, 2011

Rock the Casbah: Let's try that one more time...

It is not fun when I think I am posting my blog update via iPad and it gives me a big fail. This is take two.

Any of you who know me, know I think our son is pretty cool. Oh, I know, 90% of all parents think their kids are cool, but I actually truly think MiniMac is cool. There are many reasons and just one of them is because his heart is Rock and Roll. Many of you have seen the previous videos, but those who don't know the true extent, here is proof:

We took him to see The Eagles last summer and So imagine his reaction when we told him we were leaving for Florida this am. For a week. For sun, fun, the beach, the pool, Disney, AND taking him to see Bon Jovi. Yes, Bon Jovi. Sunday night he will be rocking out to Living on a Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name (and no he does not even know what that means. Yet) and We Got it Going on. And while he may not be Rocknig the Casbah. He WILL be rocking the Amway Center Sunday Night. How do I know? Because of these:


and my favorite:

Yes, he has to wear special noise reduction headphones. No, it doesn't impact his fun at all. And even if you like kids as much as you like shingles, you have to admit, this is pretty cool. We teach him all about the classic rock and roll. And our house will never be struck with Beiber fever.

Oh, he is excited about Mickey. But he is THRILLED about Bon Jovi. In fact, last night, MiniMac "picky eater" decided he would decline the invite to once again try something new I made for dinner. So when he looked at it skeptically, and asked what it was, I replied, "oh, a recipe I got from Jon Bon Jovi's Mommy."
"Really," he inquired.
"Really," I responded.
ANd he ate an entire bowl. Which he NEVER does. My first thought was, "You have got to be KIDDING me."

My second thought, "Damn, you are one powerful woman Jon Bon Jovi's Mom." But it worked. And no, I don't feel bad for lying.

Now, I am in Florida. About to hit the pool. And have my first vacation cocktail. Be back on the 23rd! Have a fantastic weekend and week.


Anonymous said...

Your son is just too adorable!! I love that you're getting him into rock. That's what I want to do with my kids too...the true artists!

Maria said...

Happy Disney! Happy Bon Jovi! We went last spring but declined to take the children, mostly because we wanted to be slightly selfish...But yeah, my kids know U2, Bon Jovi, Zepellin, Floyd, Joel, even the Beatles.

Have a wonderful time at Disney! My older son and I were just there last Friday on a school field trip! The weather was perfect! Hope it stays that way for you all!

webb said...

I didn't even know that you KNEW Bon Jovi's mother. How nice of her to share recipes. I hope you gave her the salty caramel brownies in return...

Herding Cats said...

You are pretty much going to have to beat girls off him with a stick. You know that right?

Mrs. Tuna said...

Just think, you're about to be a mom of a rock star. Enjoy your vacation.

Slamdunk said...

Very cool photos.

The Mrs. was showing me some photos are our youngest who loves guitars--she took them outside and his shadow (holding the guitar) makes for a great image. Ok, sorry for the barely related sentence.

Enjoy your time away and we are all jealous.

Unknown said...

Have a great holiday! xx

Urban Earthworm said...

OhMyGosh. I LOVE MiniMac. That is sooooo awesome. He is definitely one of the coolest kids on the planet. And I am SUPER jealous you get to go to Bon Jovi.

Punky loves Pat Benetar, but she also likes Beiber . . .

Kir said...

I am so jealous....and Mini Mac is too cute. WOW, I love a kid with the "MUSIC"

have a great time on vacation!!!!!

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Rock on you cool mom you! :o) Love it.

SmartBear said...

Our little rockstars need to get together and jam out. Same photos over here at the Casa C. Only he asked Santa for a "real" drum set. So yeah...there is a real drum set hanging out in my living room. Which would be a problem for most moms but we like to jam out! :)
Hope you have a blast.
P.S. Bon Jovi was my first concert on my own!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Those are great pictures! He IS the definition of cool! Good job.

f8hasit said...

Have a FAB holiday! Can't wait to hear about how Mini-Mac loved (notice past tense because it WILL be love) the concert!

Cheers darlin'.
Put the iPad down.