Monday, December 6, 2010

Apparently, not everyone is in the holiday spirit....

In Long Island, officials are citing people with elaborate holiday decor. REALLY LONG ISLAND? Bright colorful lights are the primary issues you are facing? A resident received a citation for "unlicensed electrical wiring" because she used extension cords to light the display. The display she and her family have built for years. The display they receive donations for which they then give to charity. You will keep Buttafuoco but forbid the gingerbread men, Long Island officials? NICE. 

Now listen, I love holiday decor.  I love nice and festive holiday decor. Not Branson, Missouri style but still nice and festive. At least at my own home. However, I love Disney during the holidays because I do not have to live at the Mouse House so of course I can love it.  And I am lucky I don't have neighbors who go Guerrilla Griswold. The type of neighbors who settle in on holiday lights like it is the Super Bowl. 

As kids, we had a house about 1/2 a mile from us that were those people. You know, the people who kept lights up all year long. And this was back when there was one style of lights. Giant multi-colored lights. Not twinkling dreamy lights resembling icicles. Not delayed-timer lights flittering like angel wings. Just giant lights in either red, green, or blue.

But  when I was a teenage girl, there was a house in our town that did the most elaborate and amazing display. Their son had special needs and has passed away and the parents continued the tradition in his memory. They also hosted a Santa every year and families could take their photos as the homeowners passed out hot chocolate.

But I know some people aren't down with the festive light brigade. And in some cases, the holiday lights are so intense, even the animals get restless. The Mayor of Braintree, Massachusetts had the town holiday lighting party derailed when they discovered squirrels have eaten through wires of many of the strings. The Mayor said the lights were left on the trees since last year to save money. Apparently, a mistake he won't make again. However, perhaps it was just the rodent like varmints way of sending a message.


Hope your holidays are shaping up brightly.


Unknown said...

Oh honey I would so be a Griswold if the electric rates here were not so high. I love Christmas and love all the lights. We pile up in the car and go look at all the lights and displays as a family outing.

the walking man said...

We barely light the inside of the house with more than one or two lights on at a time and I am going to wrap the abode in lights...that's about as likely as me or the old lady turning the furnace up above 62 degrees.ha ha ha ha ha ha I just love the weirdness of the month when mass medications should be "presented" to most of the people.

Shorty said...

I wonder if the authorities would make a concession if the new style LED lights were used. You know, the going green way to go Griswold!

brainella said...

Baintree, MA? That's where John Adams lived -- I wonder if his ghost is corralling the squirrels to harass the mayor. Would serve him right. Take down the lights, buddy.

Simply Suthern said...

We have a whole town nearby that lights up at Christmas. It is beautiful.

I have to agree, the squirrels have a right to chew up anything left strung up after New Years.

Ed said...

We have a single strand of the giant multicolored lights that trims the rain gutter across the front of the house.

It says we're tacky, but in a conservative way.

Kat said...

Gheez - if people don't like the lights, get some black out curtains. What a bunch of scrooges. I personally keep our decorations to a minimum, mainly because I'm lazy like that. But if someone wants to go all Clark Griswold and can afford the electric bill, I say more power to them (ugh, pun NOT intended) We love to drive around and look at all the lights, tacky and otherwise! Kat

Jenn @ Youknow...that Blog? said...

No kidding! I can't stand it when people leave their lights up all year. How lazy can you get?

The squirrels have the right idea - and more power to 'em!

There are a number of homes in town who do Griswaldesque displays, which you either love or loathe. The rubbernecking traffic down their otherwise quiet streets at night is mind boggling and dangerous though.

I prefer tasteful elegance. Enough to say "Oh wow, that's so pretty", but not enough to cause anyone to slam on their brakes or swerve into a neighbor's mailbox.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I love Christmas lights. We brought the LED to save a little energy.

Audreya said...

My neighbors compete - not an "official" competition, but if one has 4 inflatables, another house goes out and gets some more so they have 6. I wish I were kidding. This year, one guy built an archway over his driveway. If you have to build structures to support your lights, it's probably time to stop. And black-out drapes don't help when you can't see to drive down the street. I'm glad LED lights are earth-friendly, but WOW they are bright! However, given my proximity to Branson, MO, this all makes sense. :-)

Liza said...

I live very close to Braintree and missed this news tidbit. Squirrels had a go at the plastic apples on our wreath one year it makes sense. Lesson learned. Cutting corners? Never a good idea.

Bird Shit said...

I live in an apartment complex and we have a unspoken decorating contest every year with one of our neighbors. LOL

Emily said...

I don't mind anyone who goes all Griswold on their long as they them them down when the holidays are over. And I mean the Christmas holidays...not the 4th of July!

VandyJ said...

My husbands father does the big light display every year. Last year he made the paper with the lights he has up. He lives for the holiday. Personally, I'm happy to go look at the light, rather than have them up at our house. With the snow and such, putting up lights and taking them down is a pain.

Kristina P. said...

There is a family near us that has his own radio station you listen to when you drive up to his house!! It's awesome.

BigSis said...

Where I grew up you could buy tickets every year for the "Tacky Tour." I always loved it, but felt bad for the neighbors of those bright houses when their kids were trying to sleep...

Unknown said...

we drive to a neighbourhood near ours every year to see the decorations. Every house is done up to the nines, and the whole street is like a magical wonderland. I am lucky to get a single strand of lights up on one bush at my place!!

Drew said...

I live on LI and had no idea this happened! However, that being said... NY in general is just an odd state. It's like someone with multiple personalities between the Island people, the Manhattan people, and the upstate people.

I'll be glad when hubs finishes residency here so we can move somewhere with less weirdos.

BB said...

That is the most ridiculous and un-festive (new word?) thing I've ever heard. For gods sake, let people have some enjoyment at the holidays. Go catch rapists, drug dealers, and murderers and leave productive citizens alone.

VEG said...

I love when people put up Christmas lights in their yards and they're colourful and festive and lovely, but there's no denying that some people go a little overboard. Which, you know, I really think is up to the individual and I support their right to be as festive lightey as they wish and to enjoy the ensuing power bills. Within reason.

However, I don't much want to have to fall asleep to what looks like a nuclear blast every evening, or have to invest in curtains made of kevlar and military grade canvas just to get some sleep either so you know...moderation is key people. Key to my psychological well being and key to YOU staying alive.

A few colourful festive lights are nice, too many is tacky and annoying. I have spoken.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Personally, I'm lucky if I get a tree up and decorated. I don't put lights up outside. But I do enjoy taking a ride around town to see what otherrs have done.

Intense Guy said...

There is no end to what people will "inflcit" on each other...

One inflicts lights - the other inflicts a BS citation (hello? what happened? did you run out of donuts to eat and/or get tired of making up terrorist to chase down?)

I'm still trying to figure out the folks that chop down a live tree and drag it into the house thing....

shortmama said...

Maybe Chip and Dale just didnt want the Mayor leaving their trees all redneck style with the year round lights?

secret agent woman said...

On the one hand, I love looking at Christmas lights. On the other hand they are a huge energy drain (as well as a fire hazard) and the environmentalist in me recoils. said...

I think it's beautiful! If it helps to provide charity in some way, I'm even more for it.

K A B L O O E Y said...

Hey, Drew; that's "fewer" weirdos. Less insanity; fewer weirdos. Good luck in your quest. Jenny Mac? I didn't live on LI then, but I do now, so feel compelled to add that I think we got rid of Joey B. (We kept Amy Fisher, though, so it's not like I'm bragging.) And if that lady had the whole shebang rigged up with dinky household extension cords all plugged in a row, she was courting disaster. signed, scrooge mckablooey

Slamdunk said...

As much taxes as Long Island residents have to pay, I am thinking they should be cut plenty of slack with lights and such...

Nitmos said...

Amen. I love looking at other people's lights but don't have nearly enough energy or desire to put up my own display. Incidentally, I just posted this same Griswold picture but I did so before visiting here. Honest.

Caty said...

Haha love those varmints...I am more of a simple and classy style, myself :)