I hope you all had a great long weekend whether that meant TurkeyFest or BlackFridayShoppaPalooza. I had a fantastic five days with my family. The menu for Thanksgiving turned out beautifully. Oh, except for the turkey. I did at one point call the turkey an inappropriate name. The turkey wanted more time. The turkey said, " I am not predictable." The turkey wanted to ease into our relationship. I despise that turkey. BUT, everything else was gorgeous and it is just one more reason I don't really like turkey. But the hours of cooking were worth the 30 minutes of eating. Believe it. And again, apologies to my Mom who happened to be in the kitchen when I upbraided the turkey.
And the weekend also marked the kick-off of holiday decorating. Since my family was in town, we spent yesterday afternoon decorating the house and tree, and talking to MiniMac about going to see Santa. We are members at Atlanta Botanical Garden which is also a location of interest because we were married there. Santa was visiting yesterday afternoon so we mentioned it to MiniMac multiple times over the past few weeks. Why the prep? Oh, because our son has NO interest in meeting Santa or engaging in parental paparazzi photo sessions with him either. At one point yesterday he indicated he would say hello to him but did not want to sit on his lap. He already wrote him a letter but I could give it to Santa instead. He would get a photo taken if he sat next to me, and I sat next to Santa. I did not have high hopes of a warm engagement and was fine with simply being outside in a gorgeous venue on a beautiful albeit brisk day.
But the introduction did take place and while my son confirmed my presence was of the utmost importance, the conversation between my son and Santa was one of the best conversations I have heard all year.
As we left, MiniMac shook Santa's hand and said, "It was really nice to meet you. Travel safely..." and my heart bloomed with pride. We highlight the importance of manners and communication in our house and to see our son so readily demonstrate this was awesome. I take my tiny son's hand in mine with a giant smile on my face. We walked away and when we were about 25 feet from Santa, my precious son turned around and yelled back at Santa, "Oh, and NO GIRL TOYS."
Thankfully Santa and his elves laughed uproariously. As did MiniMac's uncle and Grandmother. His Mom still has not a single clue where the "no girl toys" concept derived from but something tells me, this is just the beginning.
Monday, November 29, 2010
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LMBO yep it's a boy thing. Mine did the same thing. Although for the first couple of years Santa was not even an option for them despite my or daddy's presence.
Cooking the turkey always makes me nervous, I'm glad yours turned out! Love the girl toys comment, lol!
Super photo.
Great line by your son--one that would be supported loudly by our 4th grader. Nothing more depressing for the little guys then to go through the McDonald drive-through and be saddled with a Polly Pocket in thier happy meals.
The entire post from the cursed at turkey to the no girl toys thing is so far outside the realm of my consciousness all I can say is you were in Atlanta for goodness sakes do you need that many winter clothes in Atlanta?
Mini Mac did a great job with Santa! When Miss D. was three, she BIT the mall Santa. I wanted to die.
And you're right--those turkeys are so damn unpredictable!
Boys will be boys! I love that Santa.. more of a St. Nick and not the traditional red suit Hallmark type.
One of our funniest pics are of my sister sitting on Santas lap as a kid having a meltdown.
We bring it up often.
Mini Mac sounds like quite the gentleman. Beautiful pic.
That is CLASSIC! This is one of those things that you'll still be talking about when he is an adult.
Santa was either playing in his throwback jersey that day or he's been kicking it at the Playboy Mansion .
Very polite!
I remember the year when I bought my son a red electric guitar, but him he was getting a "pink sparkle Barbie guitar." He wailed, "noooooo!"
What a great Santa you guys saw. I love that he was at the Gardens.
No Girl Toys!!! Hilarious!
No girl toys. That's all I've heard for about two weeks. Dominic won't even look at the pages in the toy catalogs that have pink on them. Dude does not want girl toys. :)
That is priceless and adorable. My 2 littles are finally willing to "brave" sitting on SC's lap this year!
If the boy can display such impressive manners, I'd say he's earned the right to request (or demand) no girl toys:)
MiniMac is a piece of work! I suspect he's got a lot of Jenny Mac in him!
Aww, he is adorable in his polite honesty. And can we blame him? Maybe he thought Santa would show up & forget he was a boy. Gotta double check on these things.
And I agree on the Santa, I love how he looks more like St. Nicholas than the more commercial Santa.
The picture is so adorable!!!
That is like a Father Christmas Santa. Love it! I will take his girl toys.
Classic boy.
SOunds like a great holiday.
Love the photo.
what a gentleman. love the santa too. and how lucky for you to be in the picture. did grandma take it? i am always the one behind the camera...
Man, I used to love bouncing around on Santa's knee as a little kid. Actually, no I did not. I was very wary of Santa with his giant beard and glint in his eye. It's funny though, nowadays, I'd quite like to bounce on his lap. Depending on the Santa of course. And what sort of "present" he had for me.
Oh I'm dirty.
Good job on reminding him about no girls toys. You never know with Santa - he's getting old.
Your turkey story reminded me of the one year ours wouldn't cook. My little sister had recently announced she was a practicing wicca - so I asked her cast a spell or charm or something to make the damn thing hurry up and cook.
She didn't laugh. The rest of us did.
That is one cool looking Father Christmas.
It's in the male DNA. No girl toys until they want to attract girls
Oh this is a keeper. What a great story. I'm sure your pride was seen by all. Love the picture too!
That Santa is LOVELY.
Adorable!! Love the photo. Love how he is standing near (the garden) Santa, protected by your legs as a boundary. My boys would agree on the girl toys. BTW they are 14, 12 and 10 and we will be taking them to Santa as usual. They are not thrilled, but are we supposed to stop just because the older two are too old? :)
Ah, yes. Just the beginning. Cherish each step between "No Girl Toys" and that day he is some girl's Boy Toy.
We had Thanksgiving at my sister's house and I'm not a fan of turkey either. She told me that she thought about buying a ham for me but I'd be the only one eating it (I doubt that) so she didn't. Thanks sis!
And having the brothers, I know ALL about not wanting "girl toys". They even had a problem with it, when we got Trouble one year.
What a little gentleman. And my goodness, that is the coolest Santa I've ever seen. He's like a Lord of the Rings version of Santa- I love it!
That picture is just beautiful! My boys have never really had a conversation with Santa, as they are usually too wiped frm standing in line for far too long for a picture.
It's funny how kids use their manners and then revert to child mode when they feel comfortable. What a cutie!
Sounds like the perfect balance between sweetness & a little spunk.
An old school Santa! If he's truly in character, he can't possibly smell like Jack Daniels. Too modern.
yeah you can hold the girl toys for me too...what a cool old world santa...pulling out all 200 nutcrackers today...ugh.
I love the Father Christmas Santa in that pic. Too cute. Love the fact your son has such great manners too.
what a terrific picture...and what a great little boy you have in MiniMac. I can only try to raise sons like that...
it sounds like Turkey day (sans the turkey) was heavenly, I am so glad.
and the "no girl toys" ..CLASSIC :)
what a hilarious and sweet boy you have. I think I actually said "awe" out loud right before I busted out laughing. I love that Santa was wearing green, too!
That is priceless...and where do they hear this crap anyway! The things my tot says now. Oi!
But really? I can't get over your hat! Ahhhhsome.
Oh, your son is funny! Hey, maybe using an oven bag would help? I always have a great turn-out on a turkey if I use a bag. Cooks either on-time or faster.
love this story. and your blog! one of my favorites. I am not a blogger so I don't normally comment but this pic and story are priceless.
How perfect!!! I love Santa! And I love MiniMac!
That's Santa? You sure Santa wasn't on a pee break? I think that's Gandalf.
What a beautiful Santa! (and Mommy and son too!)
So sweet! And that's the perfect christmas card picture!!!
So beautiful (the kiddo, you, and St. Nick!)
Shut up that's adorable!
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