Tuesday, September 7, 2010

UB40 was on to something...

Red red wine you make me feel so fine. You keep me rocking all of the time.

As I previously shared red wine has long been considered heart-healthy. With its antioxidants, flavonoids, and resveratrol, a glass of red wine a day is believed to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and improve overall cardiovascular health. And of course, I firmly believe red wine can erase the black marks upon your day from traffic, annoying coworkers, or your child shouting DADDDY DAAAAAAAADY like mine does which sometimes sounds (and painfully I  might add) like Whitney Houston.

I also shared according to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who drink red wine get frisky more often than woman who drink other types of alcohol or do not drink at all. The study involved over 800 women and the verdict was women who drink up to two glasses of red wine a day are more likely to unleash their inner vixen. Meow. I have allegedly put this theory to the test. Results are under lock and key.

However, I read several new interesting facts in the news this weekend about this very topic. 

First, I read too much red wine lowers inhibitions. Really? WOW. That is pure genius. Which organization led this research? Oh, the National College Fraternity Council? Or the U.S. Mens' Rugby Association? Well done.  PS: You know who already knows this? Everyone. Especially anyone who has consumed red wine. Especially those who were inflicted with the one glass too many bug and ended up doing the merengue. In a crowded bar. On top of a table. Without any music. 

This is not one of the new facts I learned. 

UB40 was onto something, yes? Penning the praises of red wine. They had no idea. And who has not sang this song a time or two? But hopefully not in a crowded bar. On top of a table. Without any music.

I also learned according to a study by Dutch researchers, wine significantly increases the life expectancy. People who drink a glass of wine a day will live 3.8 years longer than people who do not get used to it.

And wine diminishes memory problems and even risk of Alzheimer’s disease in a proportion of 80%. This is because wine prevents clots and reduce blood vessel inflammation, which favors the loss of memory problems.
And perhaps most compelling was that according to a 13 year study of 20,000 women recently released by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, consuming 1.5 - 3 glasses of red wine every day may also prevent excess weight gain through adulthood. 

HOLD ON: So red wine can help you: Improve your heart health, unleash your inner sex kitten, live longer, AND potentially avoid excess weight gain? So your skinny, sassy, both old enough and healthy enough to enjoy it? Count. me. in.

So pour yourself some cabernet and remember, it is part of your beauty regime!

OH, and red diminishes memory problems? Fantastic. We all knew it was dirty Tequila that causes memory problems anyway but when witnessing the consumption of Tequila, it has been my discovery, people engage in behavior they perhaps are better served not being able to recall. 


The Savage said...

Well, the bar wasn't all THAT crowded...

Brian Miller said...

red red wine you make me feel so fine...

Liz Mays said...

I haven't had a glass of red wine in years. Sounds like it's time to fix that!

C.J. said...

all-righty then, I am going to open my Merlot, and have a drink every night. Frisky? Live longer? Memory better? yep, you talked me into it! Loved your post today, I think you might like my post as well. Come on over and take a look.

Unknown said...

Here's to white wine doing the same things!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I wish I liked red wine or beer had similar results.

Simply Suthern said...

I have never found a red wine I liked. I do however like tequila, a lot. Reckon there is a red wine/tequila combo out there, somewhere?

Hmmmm, what would be a good name for it? Prolly, Bloody Nose.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love your alcohol posts :)

I don't often drink red wine, preferring white generally - red wine never seems to end happily for me!

I once sang karaoke with a New Zealand rugby team in a wine bar in front of my new boss in London's financial district - at around 4pm in the afternoon....it was a very loooooong lunch.

I do believe that was the same night on which I woke up at around 2am in my own bed, under my duvet wearing all my clothes plus my winter coat, boots and handbag. Thankfully I was alone ;)

The other occasions I have almost managed to erase from my memory.

Hope you had a great long week-end JennyMac. If you have 2 mins, I need a small favour over at my blog for my friend Butch....thank you :) xx

mermaid gallery said...

well I sip red wine, but I knock back tequila,.....so I agree that red wine is probably healthier.....but NOT more fun....

Mrs. M said...

Red wine is my drink du jour, for all the right reasons. :)

BigSis said...

All the funny comments made me forget what I was going to say... Or was that the tequila?

Anonymous said...

Oh, goody, now I have the perfect excuse to drink...is 6:30 to early to put a cup of cab on my Rice Krispies?
Happy week,

Caty said...

I think I may have to get my palate to think again about the taste of red wine. any suggestions of a good one?

Unknown said...

I was going to leave a comment, but now I have to go pour myself a glass of red wine!

Jules AF said...

Can I have a glass of grape juice instead?

Tuesday Taylor said...

No way! I just wrote TODAY about the latest, 20 year study about booze (including red, red wine) that says drinkers live longer than the teetotalers!

Ducky said...

Bottoms up!

Unknown said...

Damn. I guess that means I should put my Jack away...
Problem is...I really don't care for wine...

Big Fat Gini said...

All I can think about is my old high school friend who happened to have the last name Redwine. She hated that song. And she hated us because we insisted on playing it everywhere we went. Ah, the 90's.

Sadly, red wine puts me to sleep. No buzz. No lowered inhibitions. I mean, unless you count falling asleep in the middle of a rather important dinner full of politicians.

foxy said...

Makes me DAMN PROUD to be a red wine drinker!!

McKenzie said...

Definitely am thinking about getting some red wine now! Love the facts!

Kristina P. said...

Can you post about the amazing benefits of chocolate?

brokenteepee said...

Thanks for the PSA.
Now where's the wine?

Christine Macdonald said...

This post is fantastic! I am reminded of the UB40 concert I went to with a certain fellow (who is now a pro surfer) and red wine was flowing.... my inhibitions were lowered and then some. Good times.

K A B L O O E Y said...

As a red wine drinker with no memory and a wee little weight problem, imagine how bad off I'd be without the stuff. Cheers to you. BTW: I saw UB40 my freshman year of college. I'm old too!

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Now that song will be in my head all day. And I don't even drink. Thanks for that.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Have corkscrew will travel!
Cheers baby!

Marcy said...

Me love the red wine. I just need to start making it a daily habit, i guess.

Slamdunk said...

Though I don't comsume alcohol, you make a very good argument. I always did want to be a grape stomper in the production process though.

Jen said...

I knew there was a good reason to drink wine.

As if I needed one.

Intense Guy said...

So... red wine lowers your inhibitions and kissing also extends your life (one of your blog posts of yore).

Somes like a winning duo.

shortmama said...

If only I liked wine!

Caleb said...

I no longer drink wine.

My dad entered a phase of voracious boxed-wine drinking and challenged me to join the club. 1 full box and 1 full hour later and I found myself stumbling through an explanation of something newsworthy. Then, in my last moment of clarity, I realized that I was drunk beyond belief and got in my car to race home (5 minutes away) as fast as humanly possible so I wouldn't die.

Seems dangerous, sure. But had I not gotten home I would surely have died from over-drunkenness.

That, and I wasn't a fan of the African tribal drumming group that decided to take up residence in "Cafe Caleb's Skull" the next morning.

Excedrin was not equal to that challenge.

So, I don't drink wine anymore.

I'm all for chicks drinking it though. Sounds win-win for guys!

Maria said...

After the day I have had, a couple of glasses of a good Merlot sound pretty good...If I keep reading your blog, I might end up in a 12 step program. Thanks for the research I can now quote to my husband as I drain a second glass ;)....

Dan Pearce said...

Haha, thank you for the excellent education!

So, pretty much my only claim to fame is that I've ridden a horse across the beach in the backyard of the main UB40 guy. Yeah, I'm awesome.

Single Dad Laughing

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Hmmmmmm. Maybe I should trade in my bubbly for red vino?

J.J. in L.A. said...

A bit of music trivia - Neil Diamond wrote and recorded Red, Red, Wine in 1968. UB40's version was just the most popular.

And I'll take vodka over wine (red, or otherwise) any day of the week!

Herding Cats said...

I need to switch from white to red. Seriously...

wendy said...

slurp, sip, slurp, burb......thankyou

Sultan said...

Sadly there is a flip side.

Anonymous said...

I am printing this off for my wife to read. I think she'll appreciate the free pass on the full glass.

kwpang said...

it look really nice in the photo.

Idea #527 said...

I think I read this same article. It also said that even a beer a night was good for you.

My problem. . . sometimes it's hard to stop after one. :)

secret agent woman said...

Women who drink red wine regularly have more frequent sex? This explains a LOT about my life, then.

Anonymous said...

That song brings back memories from my senior trip. I crack up every time I hear it.

Charity P. said...

This makes me feel like less of an alcoholic. Thanks, Jenny Mac! ;) I love that UB40 song, by the way. I shall make it my theme song, me thinks...as I drink copious amounts of red wine.