Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No Dumping.

Last weekend, MiniMac and I hit the loop around our park for our traditional Saturday morning pre-sweltering fall day in Atlanta run. Because it is slightly cooler than the summer of 100+ degrees, there are many people out this particular morning. At one junction, there were more people on the sidewalk than passable so we had to slow down to a brief walk which was perfect for witnessing the following: A Mom, out walking with two adolescent kids, were heading the same direction we were. The son sees this sign posted down one stretch of the loop very near the river.

Upon seeing the sign, he exclaims, "How stupid is that. Like anyone would go to the river and take a dump."

His Mom, likely accustom to such things, merely said, "Trevor."
His sister, likely accustom to such things said, "Idiot, it means dumping trash or garbage. Not taking a dump." 
Trevor said, "Oh."

I thought: That is hilarious, TREVOR. Maybe you need a dictionary. OR better yet, maybe Daniel Webster can be your new friend on Facebook.
And then I thought: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Adolescent boys! You have to love them!
And then I thought: Oh &$%#@). My toddler will one day be an adolescent boy! Oh no! No time like the present to begin working on his vocab. And noting the difference between bodily functions and littering.

Trevor likely thought: I wonder why that woman is taking out her Blackberry and taking a photo of that stupid sign.
If so, I would then think: All the better to mock you with my dear! 


Michele R said...

I could see my 14 yr old not getting it either. He is in all gifted classes, gets A's on his SAT word practice vocab tests...and then is clueless about lots and uses 2nd grade vocab frequently. It is lonely around here sometimes.....

Brian Miller said...

smiles. well you could get a ticket for that kinda dumping in public as well...

Simply Suthern said...

With all the slang and Teenbonics you will never keep up. When you finally work that cool new word into a phrase with your kids friends it will be "mom!!!, We dont say that anymore".

the walking man said...

JennyM you just think it's funny because a guy would have to squat to dump by the river. You're jealous you can't easily just pee up against a tree with your trousers up. I wonder what the fine for that would be? Half that of a squat?

Marc, Sarah, Luke, and Kate said...

That's a funny story because it completely reminds me of a sign that my brother got a hold of in college once -- of course, it said, "No Dumping" (not sure how he truly got it)...Then, he and his roommate, of course, posted it in their bathroom in their old college apartment. And yes, I too have a son (he's 2, now), and therefore, I'm bracing myself for the "someday."

Unknown said...

yeah as a mom of 3 boys I can easily tell you that they would be all over that like white on rice with the smart alec comments..

Kat said...

I'm just happy he could read the sign. If you saw some of applications we receive from teenage boys, you would cringe. Kat

Joann Mannix said...

I only have girls, so I have been spared the potty humor, but I know it's in boys' DNA. And honestly, from the one grown up boy we have in this house, I'm not sure they ever outgrow it!

Jen said...

Yeah, that will totally be my son too.

jules said...

Ha ha. I love the delayed thought that one day your little one might have an attitude like that. Great story! :-)

Unknown said...

My son wouldn't get it either but that's his Aspergers. He takes things literally. lol Too funny the way his sister put him in his place.

vanilla said...

Enjoy the now. Later will be here soon enough.

TKW said...

That's awesome! And that's the thing about boys--they keep you young with their silly poop and fart stuff (of which they never tire).

Caty said...

I think even if the adolescent boy did get it, he still would have turned it into potty humor. Boys will be boys :)

Jules AF said...

ha. When I read that sign, what he thought slightly came to mind.

ellen abbott said...

working on your vocabulary is always an admirable effort. However it will not have one whit of effect of the humor of adolescent boys. Or grown ones for that matter.

mCat said...

Be prepared. MiniMac WILL say stuff like that. Thy lose all brains cells about the age of 12 and don't get them back until maybe 23 or so. Actually, I'm still kinda waiting.....

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Ah, what a gem of a sign!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Boys will be boys. Even I can't deny that. :-)

Big Fat Gini said...

I have news for you. It's not limited to adolescent boys.

I've literally had to ban "poo talk" at the dinner table, because it's almost inevitable that one of the older boys will fart, then the toddlers will laugh, then Mr. BFG will giggle and make a fart joke. And this will continue for the next 45 minutes while I pray for Jesus to just go ahead and take me home.

Kristina P. said...

Love those teenage boys. I got to hear them talk about how awesome taco Bell is, all night long.

Unknown said...

Anyone who does take a dump by the river should be fined $1000.

Unknown said...

Actually, despite your efforts, most adolescent boys have a vocabulary limited to poop, take a leak, barf, turds, tits, boobs, etc. Fortunately they do outgrow this trait.

shortmama said...

I would have cracked up too!

Christina said...

That was fantastic! That is my life! I live with 3 pret teen boys - I totally get it!

Amalie said...

too funny! thank you for the laugh!

Babes Mami said...

Noooo one day I will have one of those things!!

KittyCat said...

Too freakin funny. Maybe a future comedian on your hands?

THank for the HA HA laugh today.

Jessica Warrick said...

LMAO that is to funny. you have been tagged for a meme over at my blog so hop on over and check it out http://punkrockmomma.com

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Oh, you just wait.

Pollyanna said...

Sad to say, but even at 36, my initial thought at seeing the sign was about people taking a dump and getting a fine.

Apparently, instead of a mature mom, I'm a teenaged boy. . .

Stephanie said...

Yep....you just wait..... :)

Mrs. M said...

All in due time....

Although I do admit to giggling just about every time I see a no dumping sign. ;)

Unknown said...

Please don't. "Work" on his vocabulary, I mean. You are very articulate; I'm sure your husband is the same. Mini Mac will learn the Queen's English just by breathing your air.

And if you de-teen-ify him, not only will you turn him into someone the other kids look at like he's an alien (if he's lucky; they could also look at him like he's a walking tether-ball) you will be denying yourselves some of the most enjoyable conversations in your parenting lives!

For that matter, while this may not be a good example, there are some instances when your kids' "ignorance" gives parents a fresh way of looking at something. Having raised four teenagers, I can't tell you how many times one of them has "misunderstood" something, only to leave me with my jaw on the floor and only able to reply with, "Oh, my word. I've never thought of it like that."

MommyLisa said...

Wait til he is a teenager and starts telling you things that make you cover your ears and say "la la la la la la"

Eric said...

Haha, great sign.
I want one in my office that says 'Slow children at play'.

Leah Rubin said...

No shortage of ignorance, especially among the adolescents among us, right? Your Mini-Mac will have a vocabulary to be proud of, kiddo-- no Trevor-in-training, he!

Myya said...

That is hilarious!

Maria said...

Yes, my dear. It's all fun and games until you realize that you have an invisible clock over your head. It's only a matter of time here. And with three boys, I am quite sure that there will be cheers instead of jeers from the witnessing siblings. Mothering boys: not for the faint of heart.

SmartBear said...

I know just what you mean. I work with kids and whenever I see the boys doing something so.... BOY-Like, I just cringe and think "crap...is tot going to be a BOY?!" To me, he is still my tot. Tonight at dinner he was finding every which way possible to squeeze in the word "penis". I'm frickin doomed.

secret agent woman said...

I'm sorry, but there is not a thing you can do to keep your son from saying things like that as an adolescent. Trust me.

ThatsBaloney said...

I've got news for you.
1. There isn't enough education in the world to keep a boy from saying things like that.
2. You only have a few years before this starts. Adolescent? Think more like 8 or so.

Life Without Pink said...

Oh so this is what I have to look forward to with 2 boys! This is a funny story!

J.J. in L.A. said...

I said, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" out loud too. Not a good idea at 1:30 am. ; )


Reminds me of when a brother said you could get an unlisted number just by asking the operator (this was 30 years ago). I said, "Call her." When I heard him say, "Unh hunh, I see. Ok. Thank you," I said, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.": P

The Savage said...

Kinda makes me feel like river-dancing... (That's my new way of saying I wanted to comment but have nothing)

Matty said...

Having been one of those adolescent boys, I can pretty much assure you that you will have a few AHA moments with him. Keep your camera ready. LOL

When Pigs Fly said...

Teenage boys are strange creatures. I too can see how this whole scenario could play out. At least you've got a lot of years to prepare before your little one gets to that age.

Kir said...


I love my little boys, but I do fear that strange time of "teenage boys" I have a feeling mine will be the product of what we do now....LOL

this made me giggle....and then stare into space wondering what my little fellas will be like. :)

Intense Guy said...

MiniMac is sure to come up with some doozies... I mean, we speak English... its toooooooo easy to go left when you are supposed to go right.

P.s., to bad they ruined the view with the sign - I bet they've never enforced the no dumping thing..

Anonymous said...

My kid will unfortunately be the one turning everything into a pop reference. I have my husband to thank for that.

wendy said...

Yup Yup Yup...after having raised 4 sons, that is TOTALLY what they would have said
hey, that is totally what I would have said.

Unknown said...

When I saw the photo at the top, I had an inkling this is what it would lead to---LOL!

HalfAsstic.com said...

I have to admit, that's one particular aspect of having girls that was SO very appealing to me. However, I think everyone has a little 12 year old boy in them once in a while. ;-)

janna said...

I must say, my three boys will think this is a very funny post! Growing up with only sisters did not prepare me for the humor of boys! Thanks for the laugh!