This morning marks a banner day for me. Why?
Because of you.
You, the blog reader.
My blog reader.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you.
I have been writing in some capacity for twenty years. The genre runs the gamut from arguments on Kafka to legal referendum, thesis to love letter, full scale novel to emails from my dog.
But the newest art form to me is that of this blog. My blog just turned 97 days old. And I am thrilled to share that yesterday, I had my 1000th visitor to my site. Including readers from as far away as France, China, Germany, Oman, Australia, and the Netherlands. Not bad odds for a tiny unknown, and I could not do it without you.
My little blog. My electronic avocation.
You are giving it traction, friends. Thank you for the fantastic emails, and the posts on FB. And you DP who asked me why in the world anyone would follow a blog. Thanks for reading.
So tonight I will pop a cork and pour you a sip. You know JohnnyMac needs one. After all, he has been updated for the past 97 days straight as to how many people have visited, especially at the beginning when I was thrilled that three people went to my site in a day. And special thanks to the Social Butterfly for the blogroll inclusion in a major media platform. You are awesome.
And since it is Cinco de Mayo, its already a built in celebratory day.
Cheers to you for you support. And here's to keeping our liquidy fete always entertaining or informative. Let's have a cocktail? But of course!
A big CONGRATS!!! Here's to the next 1000!
This blog rocks. Keep 'em coming!
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