Friday, November 15, 2013

Why dogs are the superior animals

A cold morning here in Atlanta, tucked in the house reading the news online when I came across this and loved every word of it. This is why dogs are the superior animals. No, not because I believe they can actually text. But if they DID, this is what they would say. Our boxer, Nixon, was a sassy spitfire of a dog so I found these a much better read this morning than how Joe Biden screwed up traffic in Atlanta last night for hours.  If you are a dog lover AND you love to laugh, enjoy this as you kick off your Friday. From Sad and Useless.


The Impatient Home Builder said...

My wife and are laughing so hard we've got tears in our eyes. Beautiful!

joanne said...

you got me! LOL~

debra@dustjacket said...

Yes, own a Ridgeback and totally relate! So funny.

I'm great, thanks so much for note. D

vanilla said...

Yep; it's a dog.

the walking man said...

That last one GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The moose shifts gears for me with her tail.

Little Ms J said...

OMG, the blueberry muffin and handbrake are cracking me the hell up.