Saturday, December 10, 2011

Take A Bite Of: MarciaGarcia's Candy Cane Swirl Cookies

Yesterday I was the surprise story teller for MiniMac's class. Instead of reading a book, I told an interactive story that included all of the kids in class on a trip to the North Pole. They were in search of a missing bag that fell off Santa's sleigh.  "Legend has it" the bag contained special Christmas ornaments and if your name was on an ornament, Santa knew you were on the nice list. The bag also contained magical Candy Cane Swirl cookies and if you ate one, you could give a wish to anyone. There is no better audience for this kind of story than a group of 4 - 5 year olds. The beauty was when the kids found this giant red bag full of yes, special Christmas ornaments (each one with a name) and the magical cookies. Listen, at this age, you are a believer. And it was the highlight of my day.

Now, you can have your own magical cookies too. My BFF shared her favorite holiday cookie and they are AMAZING. So thanks for the idea, MG, which started as cookies and turned into what my son defined as "one of my favorite stories!"  We made these the other night and they are soft, delicious, and SUPER easy. From my kitchen (and MarciaGarcia's) to yours, enjoy every bite.

MarciaGarcia's Candy Cane Swirl Cookies

1/2 c shortening
1/2 c buttter
3 c flour
1 c sugar
1 egg
2 T milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp peppermint extract
1/2 tsp red food color

1.  Beat room temp shortening and butter for 30 seconds.
2.  Add 2 cups flour, sugar, egg, milk vanilla baking soda, and salt to beaten mixture.  Beat until thoroughly combined, scraping sides of bowl occasionally.  Then beat in remaining flour.
3.  Divide dough in half.  Set 1/2 aside.  Add peppermint extract & red color to remaining half and beat just until red color is thoroughly mixed.
4.  To shape dough, roll out each portion of dough between 2 sheets of wax paper to form a 12X11 inch rectangle.  (Not sure what size mine was...but shoot for similar size rectangles.  if you get an oval, just rip off extra with fingers and put it where you want it and roll flat.  it doesn't have to be perfect.)
5.  Remove top sheet of waxed paper from each rectangle.  Invert plain dough on top of pink dough.  Peel off top sheet of paper.  From the long side, roll up, jellyroll style, removing bottom sheet of paper as you roll.  Press sides in to make them flat.   Cut roll in half, crosswise.  Wrap and chill the two rolls for 4 to 24 hours.
6.  Cut dough into 1/4 inch slices.  Bake on ungreased cookie sheet (or I used parchment paper) at 375 degrees for 7 minutes.  Cool on wire rack. Give some away or you will end up eating about 10 by yourself.

MiniMac helped me roll out the dough. We went heavier on the pink dough per his request. And he seems to really love the sampling part of the process the best.

Have a fantastic weekend.


Cathy Feaster said...

I'm so making these for my family's Christmas Eve party at my house! thanks...and what a creative and fantastic story for your son's class. That made me smile :) said...

I want to hear the story too!!! The cookies look yummy!

ipenka said...

*Cough* Just an FYI, I'm 27 but would be right there along those kids looking for a giant red bag full of magical cookies.

Amity said...

Wow...looks so yummy...:)))

JennyMac said...

Thanks all...they are amazing. And I made them again last night for MiniMac's Christmas party tomorrow. YUM!

vanilla said...

What a wonderful way to present the cookies: a fascinating story. You are good.