Saturday, May 18, 2013

It is the weekend: Go out and be a badass.

I recently read an interview and a quote that particularly resonated with me is this:

Every day I wake up and remember, today you can choose to be an *sshole or a bad ass.

What a simple yet compelling remark. And it is true. The world to me has multiple different types of people. One of my least favorite: The Black Clouds. This group is the constant complainer, the 'life is lemons', the 'woah is me." One of my favorite groups: Those who MSH (make sh*t happen.) This group is the 'yes, I can', the 'I love challenges', the 'we can do this' group. Summation: the badasses.

I love great stories in the news and recently read a story of two teenage girls who lifted a 3,000 tractor off their father and saved his life. Teenagers. Girls. 3000 pound tractor? Welcome to Badassville, young ladies. 

And what do you do if you are 85 years old with five children, fifteen grandchildren and twenty-six great-grandchildren? Well, maybe you join your other widowed friends and do little but watch soap operas on television, complain about aches and pains and seem to grow dottier with every passing day. OR, you get your college degree while landing on the Dean's list, also land the job of your dreams and still have enough sass and verve to put a note on Facebook that you want to hear the important things going on in people's lives, not what they had for dinner." Congratulations Willadene Zedan for reminding me age is never the issue. 85 years old. New college grad. Sparkling personality. Welcome to Badassvile, Grand Dame.

It is the weekend and let's let these examples of human strength and tenacity, represented by a vast spectrum of age, inspire us to tap our inner badass.


Unknown said...

This is the best advice I have seen all week : )
Happy weekend.

Brian Miller said...

nice...i am totally going to be a badass this is really that quote too...